The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 20, 1921, Page FIVE, Image 5

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By ReT. B. J. Minnrt. Pnctnr nf
the First Baptist Church, Alliance)
move it, and not blowod the horn of
pessimism and built an imaginary
mountain as ne did,
Meliorism irt the form of mothers
and fathers is trying: to discover the
scandal monger ana woe unto h;m
when he is finally revealed.
There is a word in the English
language that has practically passed
cut of existence, or certainly out of
use the word meliorist ameliorate.
The study of this word ought to be of
interest in this day and ape. Its
jneanincr is wonderful, and its loecnn
rery badly needed in this day of mix-!1 bocome more rational by becom
ture of pessimism and Irrational op- a meliorist.
timism. Meliorism is neither pessim
ism or optimism, it includes the cle-
Meliorism is absolutely unbending
in us etiort to eradicate the evils but
as faithful to replace them with the
good. Meliorism is the supreme need
in the commercial, political, social and
religious world. The confirmed pessim
ist cannot be a meliorist;,the optimist
jnent of both.
Meliorism is that which believes
that the world is neither fo bad that
it cannot be made better nor so good
that it needs no improvement. Melior
ism believes that the world can be
made better; that it needs t be made
letter. Meliorism is that which recog
nizes a need and proceeds to meet that
need. Meliorism does not believe the
-world beyond recovery, nor that the
millennium has been achieved. It for
gets the blunders of the past and pro
ceeds to make conditions better with
out blowing a horn. Meliorism in
'business learns by the mistakes of the
past and silently proceeds to improve
them without bragging.
Meliorism is neither pessimism or
optimism, but it includes in a measure
both of these. Fessimism can see noth
Meliorism will make this world sing
with praises and ring with gladness.
l ou may not be tble to join the dilfer-
ent lodges because of the want of
money; you may not feel fit to mix
with certain society folks, but one
thing you can do you can become a
meliorist you can join this boosters
oana in whatever walk of life you live.
Meliorism seeks the improvement of
the community and loses no time to
listen to the knockers. Meliorism has
no use for the hammer save to' con
struct; it has no use for the horn save
to.arouse people to action. It will in
spire all to co-operation, and whole
hearted action. It will pass by ihe do
nothing and puts its shoulders to the
wheel of progress and push.
Meliorism will not remind a person
he is sick without proceeding to re
lieve him if possible. It believes it is
ing but destruction ahead, optimism wicked to call attention to in iil
thinks everything perfect; neither of rnent or defect without also providing
these is right. Meliorism recognizes the remedy or seeking to brin? itbout
the faults of this world but does not Better condition,
dwell upon them any longer than it is
necessary to study them so as to fit
itself for their removal, and then
proceeds to remove the faults.
Meliorism sums up- the good points
of this world and then proceeds to
make things so that these will be
multiplied. Meliorism is that spirit
that conserves the good and destroys
the bad. Whether known or not, it is
the spirit of meliorism that has
brought about progress in the history
of mankind. Meliorism knows no
knocking or wild visions. It follows no
fanastic mirage, neither will it wor
ship at the shrine of failure.. It sees
the good and removes the bad.
Meliorism is death to the slanderer
and backbiter. Meliorism would not
cover up the one that slandered our
high school but would publish his name
that the public may know who to
hun. Meliorism would not magnify
n ant hill into a mountain as he did.
Meliorism, had it found the ant hill,
"would have quietly proceeded to re-
Let us all get into the band wagon
of meliorism and soon we will have a
better town, a happier, people, a
brighter future and a more attractive
world. Will you join? Cost noUvng.
Just stop your knocking; begin your
boosting. Use thw hammer only to
construct and not for destruction. Hit
evil only if you are willing to replace
it with good. Give us lot3 of con
structive criticism, but never destruc
tive. Be a meliorist.
Lost Package Drive
Brings Kcsults on
i Burlington System
Tackages which, because . of im
proper laleling, misrouting or any one
of many other reasons, fail to reach
their proper destinations are a source
of great annoyance and expense to
shippers and carriers alike. The total
payments made by all roads for lost
packages, last year, aggregated an
enormous sum, exclusive of payments
made for known robbery cases.
The "no lost package" drive idea
was enthusiastically received bv the
army of employes of the Burlington
route. Circulars of information were
distributed, cartoons "burlesqueing"
the wrong way of doing things were
scattered broadcast The sentimental
side of the freight handlers found ex
pression in poetic efforts which also
were given wide distribution. Manv
shippers, appreciating the efforts be
ing put forth to insure safe transpor
tation, came forward in a spirit of co
operation, with a "perfect package
weeK. ,. .
At the close of the drive, the records
showed the astonishing decrease of 70
per cent in the number of lost pack
ages, compared with the same period
last year.
Two weeks later. GO per cent of the
"shorts" reported had been located, the
goods forwarded to destination and
delivered. From present indications,
an unbelievably small , number of
claims, as the result of lost or strayed
business, will result from business
moved during the period of the drive.
of China as a back number, but there
is a permanent air mail service be
tween Peking and Tientsin, and the
Chinese national muic is of the jazz
The Taris opera house is falling
back on movies to keep going. And
the "highbrows" are convinced civil
(ration is crashing.
Herald Want Ads 14 n word.
An Englishman who heard Trofessot
Einstein lecture in Vienna says that i
Is actually possible to undeiV.ajd hia
exposition of the theory of relativity
If this is true, the theory will soon,
iwujvo gu e.
Regular teachers' examination will
be held at the courthouse, May 27th
and 23th.
EO-1-2 County Superintendent
Census figures show population den
sity has increased nearly five to the
square mile in ten years, and at that
some of our densest people live in the
most sparsely settled areas.
Indeed would want to wear a
last year's garment before
having it thoroughly cleaned
and pressed?
Remember those disease germs that
live in clothes they live right through
the winter.
Phone 133 207 Box Butte
"Ordinarily women endure the pains
of common afflictions with more pa
tience than men, but men endure the
supreme agonies with greater forti
tude," says a medical writer. Fustian,
guff and piffle! What man could en
dure the agony and martyrdom of the
fashionable feminine shoe like women
Foresight vs Hindsight
While it is not possible for all of us to have the
foresight with which Thomas Jefferson was gifted
when he made the purchase of that vast tract of
land known as the Louisiana Purchase, neverthe
. less we can in our own way look into the future
with much greater confidence if we are prepared
to meet whatever conditions may arise.
And one of the best ways to prepare is to lay aside regularly a certain
amount of your income, and then when opportunity does come you will
thank your foresight for making it possible for you to take advantage of it.
We assist you in saving by paying
5 interest on Time Deposits.
The First National Bank
ECONOMY Is the Keynote of Every Sale at The Bogue Store
One cannot take the shortest possible tour through our store without being impressed with the values we are giving to our customers at
' the regular price and we are giving you an assortment of merchandise of the very best quality with prices you can afford to pay for them.
Special Prices for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday
Hand made Under Garments, beautiful design of a su
perior quality now
You will have to see them to appreciate the value
White and pink Warners and Nemos all sizes, at
White and pink all sizes $1.25 and $1.00 value
. ' 69 Each
In the cotton, looseand tight knee. Buy now for they
are going fast at. this price
69 a Suit .
km b
We have 14 Suits, values
up to $59.50, that we are
offering you at a special '
price of $19.75. Serge, Ve
lour, Tweed-O-Wool and
other materials. Well Tail
ored and of the latest styles.
A Real Bargain at..
Ladies' Shoes
Tie Pumps in patent, brown
and black kid of the very
best grade of kid leather
end originally sold for $15;
and the oxfords are black
kid sold at $12.50, your
$15.75 WOOL DRESSES $15.75
We have 12 dresses in Serge, Tweed-O-Wool and other
materials value up to $59.50. All sizes of the latest
styles will go at
72-inches Table Linen-of a superior quality. You will
have to see these goods to appreciate the values $2 50
values ,
A Yard $1.00
86-inch Percale in light and
dark colors, a good quality
25c value a yard
Pretty patterns and of good
quality 50c value special
20 a Yard
27-inch Gingham in plaids
and stripes, 23c value now
18 a Yard
27-inches wide 18c value
all patterns and a superior
quality only
One Third Off on Coats, Wraps, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Hats, . Petticoats
Merchandise Bought Here Represents the Best Quality Obtainable