The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 06, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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A. J. May was an Alliance caller
thin week.
Mm. Sulilith was on the pick lint
l.t -k.
W. I Clark was a caller in Alii
fcc Monday.
Mrn. Enyeart of Marsland was In
town Tuesday.
Mrs. Loer ami Mrs. Thompson are
tn the Kick list.
Mrs. Lackey of Marsland cpent the
reek end in town. .
Loyta Whelan spent Tuesday night
milh Irma Wright.
Lle Wynkoop was nursing the
rheumatism tact week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harney were call
T In town Wednesday.
ITattie Oliver "pent the week end
ith Miss Margaret Wilcox.
Wayne Wilt spent the week end at
the home of Newton Haynes.
Gail Price of Alliance was in town
Saturday transacting business.
Mr. .Spray was a business caller in
town Thursday between trains.
Lona Baldwin has resigned her po
tation at the First State bank. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ford and little
con were Alliance callers Sunday.
The Women's club met at the E. C
Kemlrick home Saturday afternoon.
Margaret Keister was a caller at the
Sam Graham home Saturday evening.
Charles Sharp and family are spend
ing a few days in Alliance this week.
' George Carrel I and George Jones
were business caller9 in Alliance Tues
day. Bessie Baldwin ppent Tuesday night
mith Margaret Keister and Helen An
drew. Earl Anderson and O. W. Andrew
were business calleus in Alliance this
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and family
were callers at the Joe Carter home
Mr. and Mrs. Will Keister and. son
Were callers at the Harve Keister home
The M. E. aid met at the church
Wednesday afternoon, where sewing
was done.
Mrs. A. P. Haynes who has been on
th .nick list does not show much im
provement. , Loer Osborn and Mike Stevenson at
tended the show at Alliance Satur
day evening.
The Congregational aid served lunch
"Thursday at the store recently vacated
by Mr. Warn.
Loriene Kline and Bertha Carter
Fpent Tuesday night with Blenne and
ISeulah Kohrbaugh.
Foster May departed Friday night
for Belle Fouche, S. D., where he will
ri oil v a e Y -t f i iv A
Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead who spent e
few days in Omaha last week, returned
home Friday morning.
Miss Violet Shanks of Alliance
closed a six months' term of school at
district No. 60. It was by mistake re
potted that there was one pupil who
was neither tardy nor absent a day,
but it is corrected by saying that this
pupil was absent a few days.
Mrs. Embree demonstrated pies to
the domestic science class of the high
school Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wright and
daughter Irma, were callers at the
Will Manion home Sunday.
Fo4er May entertained a few of his
friends at a birthday party at his home
Thursday evening of last week.
Mrs. Stiles was a passenger to Alli
ance Tuesday. She will remain there
a few days, having some dental work
Mrs. William Cory and Blanche
Wiltsey departed for Edgemont, Fri
day, where they will take treatment
for rheumatism.
r Josephine and Elizabeth Miller were
callers in town Thursday. Miss Eliza
beth went on to Wyoming where she
intends to work.
Miss Veva Miller was very pleasant
ly surprised Thursday evening when a
number of her friends gathered to
spend the evening with her.
The Misses Blenne Kohrbaugh, Mar
garet Keister, Irma Wright and Helen
Andrew were callers at the Robert
Embree home Monday evening.
Helen Hung who has been visiting
home folks for the past two weeks at
Marsland, returned Monday to take i
up, her work at the Walker millinery.1
The Wayulaha hiking club of the
Camp fire girls hiked out to the Gra
ham grove Wednesday morning where
they cooked breakfast, returning in
time for Rchool.
The Epworth League of Heming
ford will serve lunch at the Wm. Cory
store Saturday from 11 a. m. until
late in the evening. They will also
have carnations for sale.
Miss Mirrine Forsstrom entertained
a few of her friends at a party at the
Julia Forsstrom home Tuesday eve
ning. The evening was spent in play
ing various games and at a late hour
a dainty lunch was served after which
they departed and declared that Mir
rine and Julia were most excellent
hostesses. Those present were: Floy
nnd Elva Bunce, Vera Friend, Francis
Rosenberger, Blanche Oliver, Lovola
Whelan, Irma Wright, Margaret Keis
ter, Ingo Forsstrom, Helen Andrew
and Bessie Baldwin.
Cops Kept Busy
Keeping Hoboes
Moving Onward
The Alliance police force and the
Burlington special agents are being
kept on the jump these days, keeping
the annual spring influx of hoboes on
the move. It's possible, of course, to
curb the invasion by throwing every
vag into Jail, and if there were plenty
of street work, this might be profit
able. Under present circumstances,
however, the city would simply have
to set up a boarding house.
The number of hoboes riding the
rods is said to be larger this year
than ever before. Every freight tra'n
is .infested with them and even. the
passenger coaches are 'not immune.
Chief JefTers estimates that as many
as eighty have come in on trains in a
single night, and the police authorities
have been content to keep them leav
ing as rapidly as they arrive. Every
time a freight Is about to leave, the
officers make a roundup and encour
age the sons of rest to take a little
trip onward and elsewhere.
As yet, there has Wen no increase
in crime in the city, due to this addi
tional population, although the number
of back door handouts requested !as
been large. There has been but tne
robbery, that of the Golden Rule,
which is not attributed to the hoboes,
and one reported holdup, which the
cons say they are satisfied was a fake.
The hoboes seem, as a rule, anxious to
get on. They don't know where they're
trointr. but they're on their way. One
night last week twenty men applied
for a place to sleep and were allowed
to park their carcasses on the cement
floor at the city hall. The cops prefer
to have them sleeping where an eye
can be kept on them rather than to
permit them to roam the streets. On
f)leasant nights, dozens of them are to
e seen dozing about the railroad com
pany's property. The hobo movement
started about six weeks ago, and the
number of those who have been rid
ing the rods is steadily increasing.
Lot's Ro fishin'. Get your fish
ing tackle and rods at Thiele's.
Maybe some men like to go to prize
fights because at a prize fight is one
instance, , at least, of where men's
rights are still on exhibition.
It to be the consensus among
the allies that this proposed disarma
ment ought to begin with Germany.
Slightly Used Pianos
These pianos have been taken in on trades and represent an
exceptional opportunity to get a good piano at a low price.
$12.00 AND UP
'Everything in Music"
Indeed would want to vear a
last year's garment before
having it thoroughly cleaned
and pressed?
Remember those disease germs that
live in clothes they live right through
the winter.
Phone 133' 207 Box Butte
Two Frencji doctors have found an
other sure cure for. hydrophobia and
an English doctor is using a serum
that brings the' dead to life, if the
reader s credulity holds out.
Buy your tickets for the May fes
tival of the pupils and avoid standing
in the long line at the Imperial ticket
office, Wednesday, May 1 L 46
The "siuirtless" grapefruit is prom
isd soon for our breakfast tables. But
what we most need is protection
against the pithy ones that come along
about this time.
The American dye industry might
establish itself firmly by inventing a
washable complexion.
Backache is usually kidney-ache and
makes you dull, nervous and tired. Use
Doan s Kidney rills for weak kidneys
-the remedy recommended by your
friends and neighbors. Ask your
Mrs. E. E. Bates, 114 Flatt Ave.,
Alliance, says: "I have great con
fidence in Doan's Kidney Fills. They
have saved me many doctor bills in the
past twenty years. I have occasional
attacks of kidney complaint and if I
neglect it I suffer a great deal with
my back. I get lame across the small
of my back and I can hardly get
arouml to do my work. 4 f I stoop over
I get dizzy and can hardly see. I get
Doan's Kidney Fills at Thiele's Drug
Store and take them just as directed.
They always cure me of the attack."
Frice 60c, at all dealers. Don t
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan s Kidney rills the same that
Mrs. Bates had. Foster-Milburn Co.
Mfrs., Buffalo, N Y.
Home Cook Shop serves coffee
and waffles from 7 to 9 a ro.
A general delicatessen. 11.8 West
Fourth Si. Mrs. A. H. Robbins.
Old Demon Rum continues to pose
as first friend to those who figure in
sensational tragedies.
Trobably the world will not ask for
"supermen" again until there is an
other war.
1 mmm . m mmt,m n.. Tr-rrr-inTwi m I 111 n.ami -iib.iimm
A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.!
Seven days out of evcrv week vou'll p&t real smnlci
joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up
to a jimmy pipe I Buy one and know that for yourself I
Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a
pipe's the greatest treat, the haooiest and most
tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out!
You can chum it with a pipe and you will once
you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and
parch I (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!)
Why every puff of P. A. makes you want two more;
every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the
last! You can't resist such delight!
And, you'll get the smokesurprise of your life when
you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic
ing flavor you never did know ! And, P. A. stays put be
cause it's crimp cut and it's a cinch to roll! You try it!
Frintt Albtrt It
aaM in tuppy r
baa, tidy rid tin,
kandiama ptmmj
mud hall pmmnd tin
kumidurt mttdinthm
pmnd tryttul f (oaa
kmmidtr with
" matifnw
The Chicago public library displays
a sign reading: "Please do not sneeze
in the books." Still, there are some
that deserve to be sneeze at.
It's getting so nowadays that if a
fellow isn't held up hi? thinks it's a
reflection upon his financial condition.
Polltlor r r!ntrfi- ?r those !io
arc trained! Stiidca's my woik fir
board. Tu t en low. Ak tar catalog C.
Omaha, Nsbraa'ia.
(1 I
- .nMltWarraiaiaMt.ltijyr,.
fZL5LTF jyfy)
fcUiMiKaajmii,w..J mmi mini wwaWwi mini iwnmiuoa, mM
Decoration Day
Hundreds of the Best Monuments in the
Alliance Cemetery were bought from us
at lowest prices. Ask Al Wiker, Phone
256, or Write Us for Catalogue.
Granite Company
Better Goodyear TiresThan You
Have Ever Known
Goodyear Tires for passenger cars are
better today than they have ever been.
You need only to compare them with
others to see their manifest superior
ity. We have given them a thicker
tread, a more powerful body, an im
proved construction throughout
making them larger, stronger, heavier,
and even more durable than before.
If you seek the utmost in economical
and satisfactory tire equipment, ask
your nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for Goodyear Tires.
Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company
of California
Try Our Free 'Drive-In Service'
t .- ....
Recharging and
Rebuilding Batteries
Schafer Auto Supply
"BUD" SCHAFER, Proprietor
Vulcanizing and
Electrical Work
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Rumer Motor Company
. Capjrrtgbt 121
my R. J. RyalU
v VlMiH-Stlia,
the national joy smoke