The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 19, 1921, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Ttufus Jones Tosses
Bouquet in Direction
. of W. Thompson
The following bouquet, from the;
Minalare Free Press, will show that aj
rnnn may l honored both in his home
rity ami elsewhere at one ami the same
time. Discussing the recent election1
f S. W. Thompson as one of the
city'n five councilmen, the Free Press
wtys: I
Almost everybody in - Minatarej
knows S. W. Thompson, alias "Si."
He is a molest traveling man, or j
1. 1 1 a t ' uu K u'milil most
probably refer to himself if you asked
him what he does lor a living.
Si Thompson is one of the best
known and bet liked traveling men
on the road. If there is anybody who
loesn't like him, nobody knows who
that man is.
Si Thompson gets to Minatare every
week or two. railing on the grocery
merchants. The next time you nee
him, remember that his own town of
Alliance has singly honored him in a
- political way.
In Alliance they have been selecting
five city comissioners under the new
commissioner-city manager plan iney
have adopted for running municipal
affairs. In the primary there were
riore candidates th in Carter had oats.
Si Thompson's friends made him run
and he polled the second latest vote.
Then the ten men who had received
the highest votes ran again t,o see
which five of them would be commis
sioners. And this time Si Thompson led the
the whole ticket. He not only carried
his own ward by a big plurality, but
be accomplished a similar feat in ev
ery ward in the city.
That's what Alliance thinks of Si
Thompson. He won't tell you about
it the next time he sees you in Mina-
f ,11(-he isn't built that wav but
youll know it anyhow, now.
(let vour supply of sassafras
hnrknt Thiele's. 41
Wash Drosses and Rompers
for the Tiny Tads.
Highland-Holloway Co.
The traveling salesman, who drive
one or mose ponuiar nine cars,
couldn't understand why he wasn't
making a hit. He finally asked his
partner for the why she gazed
at him so coldly. "Why," she asked,
"you drive a Ford, don't you?" He
admitted it with averted eyes. "Hut
vou don't keep it In the Ford garage,
do you?" "Do they have a garage
just for Fords in this city?" he asked.
"Certainly they do," he was told. "And
don't they keep anything there but
Henrys?" "Of course not," was the
response. "Oh, it's all right then,"
said the salesman, in a relieved tone,
"mine's a Lizzie. It wouldn't be proper
to leave her alone all night with all
those men."
It's surprising, how much influence
we have. To date and it has been
less than n month we can count two
others in the building who have fol
lowed our example. I here are still a
couple of likely prospects, and each
morning we wear a pleasant, cneer-up
sort of a grin, while we are waiting
to be confided in again.
About twenty young people gathered
at the home of Mrs. John Weaver
Saturday evening and surprised Miss
Mamie Main, who is leaving soon for
her homestead near Snow's Ranch, in
Morrill county. Light refreshments
were served during the evening and
games and music enjoyed till a lale
hour. Those present were the Misses
I.eah Weaver, Ma,rie Frazier, Carrie
Hahn, Glenna and Valentine Lawrence,
Billy Svenson, Orpha Hall, Tilly Bel
gum, Messrs. Robert and Arthur Law
rence. hMdie Hopkins, Dewey Huston,
Jay Frazier, Stanley Weaver, Joe Als
paugh, Charles Lai kin. Miss Main
was presented with a handsome set of
toilet articles as a parting gift from
her friends.
birthday. They were Bob Laing, Paul
Thompson, Wm. Kberly, Win Robbins,
Weston Roberts, Wm. Fuller and Chas.
All Rugs
educed In Price
The Manufacturers of Kiiffs and Carpets
have just announced reduced prices of 15
to 25 below the reduced prices of last De
cember and wc have immediately reduced our
prices to you in accordance.
We are advised that the lowest prices
on rugs have been now reached for
many months to come, for it is gener
ally known that if the new Tariff Bill,
which places a tax on carpet wools, is
passed, the cost of rugs and carpets
' will be increased. Therefore we recom
mend that you buy now while prices
are at the bottom, and while our stock
is unbroken. mAJjf
As usual, we are the first in Alliance to
advise you of the reduced prices, so
come to the store where you always get
the benefits of low prices.
Motto for today:
shine "
"Let your light so
Some pnragraphers seems to think it
peculiar that a dentist gives a patient
aughing gas to put ner 10 sieep, wnue
in t'niiadeipnia a vicum 01 sieepmn
sickness has been kept awake by tick
ling her feet.
Swats at the Cops.
Marouette Tribue: A local youth was
recently. fined $25 and costs for imper
sonating an officer. It wou'd appear
that they punish a man now-a-days
for doing nothing.
Sing Sing Bulletin: Judge Did the
prisoner oiler any resistance?
Copper: Only a dollar, yer honor
and I wouldn t take it.
The extreme punisjiment for bigamy
in Nebraska is two mothers-in-law
according to an exchange. ,
Geo. D.
115-117 West Third Street
Alliance, Nebraska
I have purchased the interest of S. P.
i; Jackson and am now sole owner of the
Alliance Billiard Parlor
I wish to thank former patrons ft- their business
and will do my best to merit their further trade.
At all times you will receive prompt attention to
your wants, Cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, soft drinks,
7 "
4. i '
Our regular meals being served at
for 40c
Includes meat, potatoes, tegetables, coffee and pie.
Chris Vallas
The Woman's club will hold its reg
ular meeting Friday, April 22, with
Mcsdames rrel reagins, J. H. Stan-
lard ami J., r. Dickinson, hostesses.
The following program has been. ar
ranged: subject, "Fruit." Holl call:
"Preparation of My Favorite Fruits."
i'apers: "Dietetics for school Chil
dren," Miss Anna Steckelberg. Paper:
Vitam-nes, Mrs. Robbins. General
discussion on "Fruits. Fresh and
Canned," "Frut Salad, 'and "The
Place of Fruit in. the Diet." Discus
sion of plans for next year's work.
The East S'He Progressive club was
enterta'ned last Wednesday by Mrs.
Odell, southeast of town. About fifty I
were present, and a most enjoyable
program composed of old-time ongs
and readings, was given. A delicious
lunch of home-made ice cream and
cake was served. The next meeting
will be on May 4 with Mrs. Virgil
Putman. The ladies of the club ex
pect to entertain their husbands Satur
day evening at an oyster supper.
Weather permitting, an inter-class
field meet will be held next Friday at
the high school. This is the first meet
of the season and representatives for
the meets to be held at Chadron,
Mitchell and possibly Boulder, Colo.,
will be chosen.
The kensington of the Christian
church wi'l meet with Mrs. D. E. Van
derlas, 1020 Laramie, Wednesday af
ternoon. Those having birthdays in
April are especially invited to be
A meeting of the Business G'rl's
club will he held st the Hemhlv room
at the court house Thursday night aC
7:30. Please brine dues.
Herald Want Ads It a word-
House Dresses and Aprons.
Highland-Holloway Co.
In New York City alone from kid
tiey trouble last year. Don't allow
yourself to become a victim
by neglecting pains and aches.
Guard against trouble by akin.
Tha world's standard rsmsdy for kidntf
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland's national remedy sines 1696.
AH druggists, thres sizes. Guaranteed.
Look tor tho nama Cold Mdal OB
boa and accapt bo Imitation
Bill Maupin: "Sunday 'movies were
defeated in Hastings. A lot of people
who 'have automobiles and member
ship cards in p.olf club are awfully
anxious that other people be deprived
of an opportunity to enjoy their bun
days to suit themselves."
We're reasonably excited about le
game, but hanged if we ever expect
to tOav srolf f we have to wear snow-
shoes to do it.
Houston Chronicle: The editor of
the Alkali Eye dropped into our green
and-gold sanctum to tell us that he
had started to bring us a ciuart of
homebrew, but that it had eaten the
bottom out of the bottle. If his breath
had not raised a lilister on our neck
we might have believed him.
It is perhaps well that the author
of this villainous parody chose to re
main anonymous:
Sure, a little bit ofheaven fell from
out the sky one day
And landed in the ocean, not so far
from Dublin bay,
And when the angels saw it, sure,
'twas then they praised the Lord,
And gave a medal to the one that
tossed it over board;
Then they took some spikes and rivets,
a hammer and a tack.
And they nailed it to the bottom, for
they feared it might come back.
And when they hail it fastened down
and everything was grand,
Why, they sprinkled it with pepper
and they called it Ireland.
These golf bugs do sure get that
way, mister. Our pet waitress tells,
us that Bert Laing was explaining how
he made the sixth hole in three the
other day at dinner, and he was" so
interested in making a plausible story
that he drew back his arm and knocked
a glass of milk all over the wall.
Have you seen Doctor Jimmie's
grove of trees out at the Country Club
grounds. Over a hundred of them are
planted in a little grove right near
the water's edge.
Annarentlv the idea is that when
thev mow ud. it won't be necessary
to build bath houses.
Rill Hurner sava that rrV tlio time
they get large enough to be of any
use, Jimmie will have lost all interest
in golf.
Today's Best Story.
A man got in a cab at a Southern
railway station and said, "Drive me to
a haberdasher's."
"Yaas. sub," said the driver, whipped
up his horse and 'drove a block; then
he leaned over to address his passen
ger: " 'Souse me boss; what d'you say
vou wanter go?"
"To a haberdasher's."
"Yaas, sun; yaas, sub." After an
other block there was the same per
" 'Scuse me boss .but whar d'you
say you wanter go ; 1
"To a haberdasher's," was the some
what impatient reply.
Then came the final appeal: "Now
look-a-here, boss, I be'n drivin' in dis
town twenty year-' anil I ain't neber
give nobody away yit. Now, yo' jes
tell dis niggar what- t is vou wanter
The ladies' aid society of the Meth
odist church will meet sit 2:30 o'clock
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C.
A. Dow, K04 Platte avenue, with Mrs.
F. W. Hicks and Mrs. Gibson aft assist
ant hostesses. This will be the April
birthday kensington, and a literary
program is planned for the afternoon.
All members and friends are cordially
Harold Biennaman and Evangeline
Bradley, both of Alliance, were uietly
married Saturday evening at eight
o'clock at the Presbyterian parsonage.
The young couple left Sunday for
Wyonrng. where they will live on a
homestead, about twenty-five miles
from Newcastle.
Verne Laing entertained seven of
his boy friends at dinner yesterday, I
the occasion being his fourteenth
House Dresses and Aprons.
Highland-Holloway Co.
Your Watch
"D EQUIRES expert attention in order to
keep it dependable and to extend its
life. This can be had at Thiele's.
Men's watches should be lubricated
every 12 to 15 months and small bracelet
watches every 6 to 8 months.
You can depend on your watch getting
the expert service and attention it should
have at Thiele's.
Let us examine it, it will save you
money and trouble. Examinations free of
charge at
Thiele 's
The Store With a Guarantee Without ReJ Tape
There's room for a few more-
pupils in .Mr. Mann's boys' band.
A big crowd (22) has already
Commenced, and you should ap
ply before Thursday if you plan
to come, lhis is your oppor
tunity. Mann Music & Ai t Co.
117 Hox Hutte Cvenue.
Wash Dresses and Itompers
for the Tiny Tads.
Highland-Holloway Co.
w r t m v mm a m .mmz
LaV- Y ' ' ' . -'-- i n i. I ST II 1 111 I I
il rmmtJmW. -ASK 1- aa -. V V II 11 f I IV MM I If J
7 , 1 lr-
Just received a big shipment of
Fur Chockers and Scarfs
in Mink and Stone Marten, Squirrel and Fitch, in the hew
shades of Silver, Brown, Taupe and Harding Blue.
The Horace Bogue Store
laaeaaaaaaaa a a a a a a i