The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 15, 1921, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Fill DAY, APRIL 15
Junior Class Play
Patty Makes
Things Hum
"From Now On"
SATURDAY, 7 f rrUmm MAlNlU
The Screen Version of the World-Known Indian Classic
"The Last of the
IVlOlllCSnS James Fenimore. Coopers
Fourth Episode- "Tfi pnn nf Tnr7nn"
"The Shiek's Revenge" 1 OUil Ul ldiZdll
From the Book
Wm. Faversham
"The Man Who
Lost Himself"
Continuous From
3:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M.
. SHOWS-3, 5, 7, 9
"TlL BIB IPO All? A M A TPIThM" Any schoo
Special'From 4 to 6 p. m.
School Child under
dd and W. T.
Reg. Adm.: 20 & 40c w.t.
For Hill Harper's information, we
will explain that the trombone player
doesn't really swallow his instrument,
lie only seems to do so.
The Smallest Newskid was convers
ing: with the Lady Bookkeeper. "Say,
did you know iny dadly Umght a
.restaurant yesterday?'' lie pski-d her.
The Lads- Bookkeeper professed in
terest. "Well, he did," the S ma lie.
Newskid went on, "and 1 laid awake
Almost two hours last night wondering
where he got the monoy to do it."
the young men who are leing ruined
by the movie today are sons of men
wio are "ruined" by rending "Diamond
l.)ick" novels twenty-five years ago.
confessions as on every Lord's Day.
The Bible school service invites you
to help by adding your talents to m.ike ,
for efficiency. The Endeavor prayer j
meetings afford a place for the young
and others who wish to attend, to iret
into the spirit of worship. j
The convention, of the fifth d'strict :
will be held at Sidney, April 27 anil 2S. I
The miil-week meeting on Wednes- I
dav eveninir is ahvavs interesting find I
be pies
The Minnesota game protective
league is urging a tax on cats. logs
lire the favorite masculine pet, but
eats have been dear to feminine hearts
ince Eve was at home in the Garden.
The Minneapolis News says that since
women have the vote, they cannot con
sistently ask for special consideration
in matters of taxation.
Today's Best Story.
A woman from the woolly east was
in Alliance la; t week, visiting a friend.
She brought along with her a small
son, and in the course of her stay
here dropped in at Bert Lning's and
got some: stulF for the kid. She was I helpful. Get the habit and
in a tremendous hurrv and as she i ent at all' Services.
H headed for the door dropped a parcel. I Come to the church with
She was in such haste that she ihdn t and a welcome
notice it, and Bert sprang to the
rescue. He retrived the parcel and
rushed after her. '.Tardon me, madam,
here is a package you dropped." The
lady thanked him pleasantly, and Bert
said, in Parting, "Call again, please."
"Thank you, I will," said the cus
tomer, with real feeling. "You bring
your folks and come over to see us
real soon." '
again occipy their special platform
and assist in the music. More definite
Announcements will be made at the
Sunday morning service.
doing to rain? We have rain
coat and umbrellas.
Highlartd-Hclloway Co.
Boilerplate Wit: A prominent min
ister says that to the lawless all laws
are blue. Which is tjuite true, as far
as it goes, but covers the imestion
bout as well as the proverb. To the
pure all things are pure," effectually
sterilizes dubious drinking water.
a message
STEPHEN' J. EPLER, Minister.
It is evident that Grover Benr loll '
doesn't take any stock in the view that j
Germany plans another war. Marian
Wanted to buy both your fit
and stock hogs. O'Bannon and
Neuswanger. Phone 71. 18tf
Choice of any Blouse in the
window for $6.9.").
Highland-Holloway Co.
At the last Lions club dinner, John
Cftthrlft Ug up this communication to
raUond company from one who had
not only unVil, but knew how to
rT'ess" t on the omr that be:
Tr? it uttsolutely neeemary in the
of hia Uutv dav and niirht.
that the engtaecr ?f Vur yarl at the whIchK0
tipper terminal brldVr, notiM rnuKe to rast;r
The church is closed for repairs and
interior decorating. There will be no
services of any kind at the church
next Sunday. All Sunday school pa
pers will be held and distributed the
following Sunday.
The annual congregational meeting
was held Tuesday evening of this
week. All reports revealed the church
and organizations in good condition,
having carried on very .successfully
during the year. The church and mjs
s'onury organisation both pa'd trfeir
fu'l apportionments for benevolences
jgether with individual gifts
the Ptr!ne din end ilnriir find TiSZ nr" of hpnevolcnt sifts over J700.00: then.
T-uit and flttiiK1 und banc and baft irttl ! I inn lud'es' nuxiliarv been verv
hiss and yell and wail and pant am surr.SKM. Wtnir receipts foV the!
Mrs. M. C. Smith will lead the Ep
worth Leag-ue Sunday night at (:.".(.
Subject: "How can We Improve Our
Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock, an
opportunity will be given for parents
to have their small children dedicated
to God in holy baptism. After the
baptismal service, the pastor will
preach on "The Religion of Child
hood." Sunday evening the junior choir will
Simple glycerine, buckthorn birk,
I etc., as mixed in Ail'er-i-ka, removes
I all foul, accumulated poisonous matter
from BOTH upper end lower bowel
and' prevents appendicitis. Relieves
ANY CASE gas on stomach er consti
pation. The INSTANT pleasant action
of Aiber-i-ka surprises both doctors
and patients. A business man reports
great benefit in a long standing case
of indigestion and sour stomach. Harry
Thiele, druggist.
W. R Pate has gone
Neb., on a business trip,
to return Saturday.
to Gordon,
He expects
New Victor Records
Clever new numbers characterize
April Selections in Victor Records. ,
"Everything in Music"
V : J
- ' 7 ; ; ; a
j Home Comfort I
. ." . . ul tr:riiJi na i
anl and yowl and grate and grind and nfta,.iv StiOO. Other organiza
puff and bump and click und clang and .,, navp uc(,uited themselves with
chug and moan and hoot and toot uhd
crash ami jar and Jerk ftiV! ar."
ingle and twang and clack and rum
ue and tangle and ring and clatu
and yelp and croak and howl and hu.
Anil snarl and puif und growl ami
thump and boom and crash and jolt
ami jostle and shake and screech and
snort and slam and throb and crink
and ijuiver and rumble and roar and
?'ell and smoke and smell and shriek
ike h II!"
With the possible exception of Rabe
lais, we do not now recall any writer
with a greater gift for fluent expres
sion. The wife of an Alliance business
tnan was asked; "What is your hus
band's average income?" Her reply'
was: "About midnight."
Tramp: "Any rags, paper, old iron
to ll?"
Head of House (irately): "No, go
away my wife's away for the sum
mer." Tramp (smilingly): "Any bottles?"
Ain't It Ihe Truth?
A ceitain newspaper editor pub
lished one successful issue of his news
paper. Everything that happened in
the community was taken to the party
concerned, who promptly had the news
suppressed, and the final outcome was
that each subscriber received a blank
Kheet on publication day. The editor
Is said to have spent an enjoyable
flight- -dreaming happily that he had
offended no one. Empeco News.
What would the humorous para
irraphem do if it weren't for prohibi
tion? Another one: "In the old days
it was the barkeeper's custom to throw
in a cijrur with each sale of a bottle
of laughing water. Now the pur
chaser is lucky if the bartender doesn't
thrown in a piece of crepe."
Friend Husband "The man was in
a tantrum and the lady was in a
reverie, and they collided."
Friend Wife "1 suppose both cars
were badly damaged."
Picture Show Jays.
Of all the jays you'll ever find
In any sort of crowd.
Is he who at the picture show
Reads all the iIoda aloud.
Hasting Ttribue.
W- '"""v another sort of jay
lie fills our soul with heat
Wno parks his stick chewing gum
On the adjoining seat.
Nebraska City Press.
Another jay'a the thoughtless yap
As senseless as a bat
Who throws a lighted seegar butt
Upon our Stetson hat.
A Nebraska City man Is such a
"nice girl" that J. Hyde Sweet ac
of iilavinsr left needle oa
the knitting team.
" veCC'.YCl -
the rnemhershtp of the church and six
were restored. Twelve letters were
given and one member died during the
year. About ninety church services
neia anu lour communion un
ices. Over $1,000 worth of beautifully
colored slides instructive of the work
ot the chuvch as earned on by tne
home and foreign board have been
shown as well a? the Red Cross lec
tures and the Boy Scout pictures. The
vear has witnessed a marked interest
n all the work of the church. The
Lord hath crowned the year with His
Roodness. for which we give our heart
ier thanks. At the c'ose of the con
gregation meet'ng, F. A. Bald was
elected to the board of trustees.
t A. J. KEARNS, Pastor.
Even in dollars and ce,nts a person
who regularly attends church is better
off than he otherwise would be, for
worship quickens those great business
virtues industry, honesty and thrift.
Church attendance promotes good
health and lengthens life, for it is not
work but worry that kills, and the
vielil;nnr of the mind and heart to the
Most High drives out worry and brings
This is what you get and will do if
you Intend the following services at
our church, if you are not connected
with other churches. Come, you are
u-elcome. Subjects as follows:, i
Morninir. "A Plea for Exemption.
Vvonino- "The Man uo a Tree." Were
you ever up a tree? And the limb
breaking and you were afraid to jump
down ? Come ana near mis sermon
well as the other.
AH evening services a half hour
later from now on. Afternoon sen-ices
at 2:30. The coming cnurcn me m
this hour, uduits welcome aio.
Next Sundav 400 years have elapsed
iinn 1 mVipr aoDeared before the Diet
at Worms, and so courageously de
fended the truth or the uime wnicn
for oenturies had been throttled. In
memory of Luther's faithful stand,
which gave to us the open Bible, we
shall have a special service. The
service will be in the afternoon at
2:30 o'clock in the German language.
F. DROtlitMltLLLK, raioi.
Is Within
of the
11H frJ ' 'i
It Takes Careful Planning and Buying
Wicker FttTnittire
"Sinvote doctrines of the church of
Oiiist." is the subject for the morn-,
in service. The evening subject is.
"The Conversion of the Ethiopian.
These will be sermons on first-pnnci-pals
.and as always the evangelistic
note will be emphasiied. We are ex
pecting another great audience and
Choice of any Blouse in th
window for $6.95.
Highland-Hollow ay Co. '
Have you ever stepped into a sun parlor or living
room completely furnished in wicker furniture?
There is always an atmosphere or restful ease, of
"Home Comfort" present. If you would get great
satisfaction from the home please your daughter
or the head of the house investigate the subject of
Wicker Furniture.
' Let us show you what we have in wide selection
of pieces. Remember our prices are always in in
stant accord with any lowering in wholesale prices.
Let us Help You Select a Beautiful Suite
Rockers, Tables, Sewing Chairs, Sewing Baskets, Library Tables, Gate Leaf Tables,
Lamps, Writing Desks, etc
All ith Tapestry and Cretonne Upholstery, in Fine Frosted Rrown, Ivory and Oak Finish.
leii Miller
An exchange remarks that most of