The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 12, 1921, Page SIX, Image 6

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As Good As the Best and Better than the Rest
Telephone 133 KEEP- U- NEAT We Call and Deliver
Meplusto Speaks
(Dy An Anonymous Writer)
(t'Mitorial Note: With this issue we
jur-rnt the first of it series of weekly
articles by an Alliance wiiter h pre
fers to preserve his or her anony
mity. Julrini' from the initial in
stallment, Mephi.sto will say iuite
plainly the things iie thinks should he
said. There are no strings ticil to him
this rolumn is his own unl he is the
boss of it. Probably we shall not agree
with him all the time, hut we have ar,
idea that no matter what he writes, i
will le interiMin. He promises u
that he will attempt to base his oh
servations on things that he finds ir
Alliance and he thinks there will lx
enough to keep him busy. I'U'iu.e ilon'i
ask us to pive his name. If you can
Ifiiess it. that's all rijrht with us. Rut
Somehow, we doubt whether you will.)
you sat down and talked to that
daughter of jours about the preat
facts of life, and warned her of the
jrreat pitfalls that nwait the gills of
alliance 7
Father how about that boy? Have
you eplain"d to him how to protect
himself, and avoid indulgence in the
vices thut await the hoys of this town?
You say parents ouirht not to talk to
hildren about those things. Listen,
f you don't do so the fiends of hell
will. What riHit have you to force
hat boy or pirl to po to the libertine
or harlot for the information that you
alone have the rinht to impart? Think
t over.
There are n'ine things we cannot
understand, and among them is why
an editor would want to net married.
Ry the way, speaking of marriage
reminds us of that fine sermon of Dean
Dixon, printed in a local paper. Say,
boy ,be does say some real timely
things, among which is: "We are wit
nessing in our day an open violation
of our marriage covenant, that most
sacred of human relationships." Then
he goes on to say: "The sin strikes
at the very foundation of our nation."
UiRht you are, dean. And the way
the violation is extant in some parts
of this town .among children as well
as among adults, there will be no need
of marriage. Why should there be?
The violation in some cases is not only
among children, but often outstanding
jieoplc of the community.
The preacher mentioned above also
says: "Lots of mothers and fathers
are downing the picture shows, etc..
when thev themselves are to blame b.
petting the example which their chil
dren follow.
Mephisto thinks that the children of
Alliance are doing well considering
the parents they have.
A father was heard to say recently
that if he ever knew of a man violat.
ing the virtue of his daughter he
would not hesitate to shoot him on
sight. Mephisto saw that same man,
rot very early in the evening, in the
company of well, not his wife. Isn't
it strange how sensitive we are about
our own girls, and how lightly wc re
gard the other mans (laughter?
viviani. the great I renenman, now
our guest at Washington, says he can
read the early downfall of France, be
cause of her abandonment in licen
tioinness, into which she seems to
have thrown herself since the war,
You perhaps will say: "That fellow
must be a preacher or a reformer.
"So, dear, he is an avowed infidel and
sipnostic, but he roads the history of
present nations in the light of the
past, which, by the way,. is a safe
means to ascertain the result of any
Licentiousness has become so com
mon in our day that we only laugh
where we ought to weep; we joke of
he things we hear about our boys and
girls when we ought to want to fight
the hell hoonds who bring about their
Again let Mephisto say that he
thinks the Alliance boys and girls are
doing nicely, considering the teaching
and example the parents set iietore
(Signed) ML'PHISTO.
Home Cook Shop will open
Wednesday morning. CofTee and
waffles served from 7 to i a. m.
A general delicatessen. 11 West
Fourth St. Mrs. A. II. Kobuins.
College Specialists Say
The Wise Farmer Will
Stick by Stock-Raising
Specialists at the Nebraska college
of agriculture believe the wise farmer
will stay by stock-raising. There is
now a surplus of low-priced grain and
hay and a material decrease in the
amount of stock in the country. It is
estimated that there were on January
1, 1H21, nearly ten million fewer head
of stock in the United States tiian on
January 1, 1920. Barring widespread
crop failures, this year vill add ma
terially to the surplus of corn, wheat
and other cereals and feed.;. Farmers
who have livestock to feel miry find
this a good wav to market their
grain and hay. Ry increasing his
livestock operations the farmer is able
to get along with less expense for
hired help and at the same time es
cape some of the hard work connected
with grain farming. Many farmers
are planning to increase their meadow
and pasture acreages, especially these
of alfalfa and sweet clover. Many of
them have taken advantage of the
low price of purebred stock and lmve
laid the foundation for fine herds of
cattle, hogs and sheep. Dairy farming
is growing in favor in several Nebras
ka counties and good cows are being
shipped in from other states. Main
taining soil fertility is another rea
son why some are leaning toward more
Another sentence from the dean's
Feimon: "Too often the mistakes of
childhood are attributed to the church,
school or movies, when the truth is
thoy are often the only too apt pupils
of the examples set before them by
the parents and their associates."
Mephisto thinks the averaee boy and
girl in Alliance is doing well consid
ering the parents they have.
The mother who is a church mem
tor who plays card for a vase or
other prize need not be surprised if
her bov plavs for pennies and later
for dollars. ' Why should she? The
father that slToots craps need not be
surprised if his son does so. The
mother who attends any doubtful
pleasure certainly should rot be sad if
her daughter wants to go to the same
place. Why shouldn't she? That the
churches do not have much influence
i.ver the children that attend the serv
ices is nothing against them, as often
the parents of the children are acting
:igaint the very things the children
are taught to stand for. What is the
use of sending children to church if
you are go'.ng to set an example be
fore your children that is in direct
contrast to that which they learn
We have a slightly used piano in
Alliance that we were compelled to
re-possess and reliable party can pur
chase same on small monthly pay
ments. We ea:i sell this at a rire bar
gain, if you are interested wnti us
and our representative will call upon
Young Men to Be
Given Outing Free
By the Government
Citizen's military training camp?
are to be conducted by the war de
partment during the coming summer
for the training of young men who
have passed their sixteenth birthday
and who are not over thirty-five yrars
of age. These training camps will he
opened not earlier than July 13 nor
later than August 10 and will con
tinue for one month. They will be
modeled and fashioned after the
Plattsburg ard similar officers' train
ing camps that were run by the war
department during the world war to j
train officers Tor the expanded army.
The objects of these citizens'
training camps are to bring together
young men of all types, both native
and foreign born; to develop closer
national and racial unity; to stimu
late the interest of the youths of this
country in the importance of military
training as a benefit to the individual
taking such training and as an asset
vital for the problems of national de
fense. No Obligation Incurred
The camps will show the public by
actual example that camp instruction
of the kind contemplated will develop
the young men physically, mentally
and morally and will teach American
ism in its true sense through patriot
ism and self-discipline, resulting in
greater national strength, both civil
tnd military.
There will he no obligation rest
ing on the men who attend these
training camps other than that they
shall properly conduct themselves dur
ing the period of the camp and re
ceive the instruction given. At the
close of the camps, the young men
will return to their homes without
being tied up with any contract or
agreement of service. This is simply
a plan to give the young men all the
benefits of a few weeks' training with
out enlisting them in any of the mili
tary forces of the United States.
Applicants for these camps must
have average general intelligence
and be of good moral character. No
educational qualifications are pre
scribed or required. Each candidate,
before admission, will file a certificate
fVom a qualified physician stating
that his health and strength are ade
quate for the course of training; such
certificate to be on official blanks to
be furnished to the applicants; also
a certificate from a schoolmaster,
clergyman, priest or rabbi, to the ef
fect that the candidate is of good
moral character and average general
Transportation Paid
It is the desire of the war depart
ment to train the maximum number
possible in the appropriations made
by congress. Transportation charges
of applicants will be paid to and from
camps. Subsistence will be furnished
without charge to all men attending
camps, but they will not receive pay.
In .the Seventh corps area, which
embraces the states of North and
South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska,
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkan
sas, two camps will be conducted
one at Fort Snelling, Minn., which is
situated on the edge of Minneapolis,
and the other at Camp Pike, Ark.,
which is adjacent to Little Rock,
Ark. Applications to attend the citi
zens' military training camps should
be sent to the commanding general,
j Seventh corps area, Fort Crook, Neb.,
attention Major Lemmon.
A husband has applied for a divorce As a mystery that passes all under-
because his wife did not take a bath in standing consider the state of mind of
twenty years and we have to admit a slender girl who thinks she looks
that it really did begin to look ns if well in a pair of those loose topped
she did not intend to take one. galoshes.
Maybe the noise of riveting in our
.ship-yards makes it impossible for Ja
pan to hear the talk at Geneva about
disarmament. Little Rock Arkansas
The thief wha recently stole a statue
from a park in Berlin ought to be com
pelled to keep it. Kansas City Star.
Wanted to buy both your fat
and stock hogs. O'Bannon and
Neuswanger. Phone 71. 18tf
People are often so busy preaching
niivitv that thev have no time to prae
tice it. The downfall of mi): t boys and
irirls can be traced, as a rule, to the
training or lack of training in the
Mother, how long has it been since
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
tladder and uric acid troubles
Tb N-ttionl Remedy of Holland ft
cmturieM and endorsed by Quaen
Wilhelmina. Al! druggists, thiee us.
Leelr for the n.m Cold Medal oo rr
toi k&d accept B9 uuilU
Apparently the antitobacco crusad
ers are bent on preventing America
from becoming a land of smoking would like to can t,
rums. Norfolk V liginian-l iU . Rosa Republican.
An ncress says she can't live on
$ij0,000 a year. A lot of people who
either. banta
She Can't Miss
a Directory
Those advertisements at the tcp or bottom of
the telephone directory page hit you in the eye
every time you open the book.
They stand right out on the directory page and
proclaim the advertiser's name and business in BIG
To the small merchant or the big; advertiser,
we recommend marginal advertisements in the
TELEPHONE DIRECTORY as business builders.
"Be Proud Your Kitchen
giving more
thought to their
kitchens these
days, than ever
before. They
have learned the
comfort and con
venience that
modern equip
ment affords
and that as a
matter of pride
and real econ
omy, too, such equipment should be of the best obtainable quality.
"Sanitary" Kitchen Sink,
White Enameled Kitchen
Table, Herrick "Dry Air" Re
frigerator, Universal Alumi
num Cooking Utensils that
are clean, bright 'and silver
like; Universal Bread Maker;
the Step-saving Wonderfully
Convenient Sellers' Cabinet;
a Cover-tight Garbage Pail; a
Compact, Smoothly Operating
Universal Food Chopper, a
Sterling Slicer, will slice any
fruit or vegetable; a Westing
house Electrical Range with
the automatic feature and
other . kitchen necessities that
take the hard work out of
Kitchen Hours.
e Lap Of F
EN FRANKLIN said: "To be thrown on one's own
resources is to be cast in the very lap of fortune."
Ben was a pretty wise old chap and in the above para
graph, in the language of the street, he "said a mouth
ful." In other words a case of sink or swim teaches one
to SWIM. In financial affairs, it means work and save
in order to succeed. The dollars you earn are the ones
you value and will keep. Are you struggling along on
your own resources? Then you are the very, party we
are anxious to help. We admire your pluck. Open an
account with our Bank. We will stand by you.