THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, VJ21 FIVE E. G. fs Column "Modern (lot hps For Men" 308 Box Butte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Robinson Wins Verdict in County Court After an Ail-Day Session Herbert Robinson, rancher livinff fif teen miles routhwest of Alliance, de fendant in a suit brought against him by Arthur anl Ralph Roach, not only came out victor after a session that occupied the attention of countv court ll.. 1 1 .1 nr. i i t" . Whpn on of fh nrnfon,-. f,n, V, I" " ".v ennesemy, om was r,;,. :.. : . . awardeti damages of after Judge University of Michigan, who is a great Tash had done a lot of figuring of off chemiet, came down to Lincoln and sets and counter claims. The case has explained all about his new discovery, long been hanging fire in county court, a universal solvent and will dissolve "nl was of interest to a considerable anything. Now, this new solvent is a number of ranchers, who, with the wit wonderful discovery, named selenium ; nfsses' fiI'ed the court room comfort- oxychloride, and has been needed ia,;v; ,. ... ., , xinre the wod.l .uv L According to the evidence adduced, " ul CZ.' ii V": ' Kotnnson last July entered into r. vit.'wi , uim iic uiuuxiii some 01 11 The University of Nebraska was treated to a fine lecture the other day , along and displayed it while he lec tured. The papers say he made a f-reat hit, but Dr. Tyler wants to know what he carried it in. Now, we have a new discovery also. It is a new collar, and its name i; The Marcy, It Is an Arrow Collar, the newest product of the Cluett-Pei-body Shops. The picture just belo v t-hows what it looks like, but you can not appreciate it till you see it in tha jplass around your own neck. The pi ice is twenty-five cents. And be sides, we have the nicest cases that written contract with the tworRoaches, by the terms of which the latter were to cut and stack all the hay on his ranch, estimated at 300 tons. Robin son agreed to furnish miirhinprv nnrl the Messrs. Roach to do the work in I " on and workmanlike manner, and were to receive $3..r0 per ton for the hay so handled, the amount to be .puieu oy me Hampton rule. Pay ments were to be made as the work progressed. After some seventy tons had been cut and stacked, Robinson looked over the ground and complained they were not complying with the agreement. Considerable hay was scattered on the pround, he charged, are made to keep it in, along with the RZtll I ana announced r ,,' . ' ,. that he wouldn t pay for such work. (The Roaches declared the ground was rest of the newest collars that Cluett- Peabody make. I.UJ!lMlJlIilLilllllH!IlilIIllLimilll.lLijllUi!!:U!!'-Hl!Lj;iJIii ScottsblufTs I'plifting Cry. Bring the good old bugle, boys, We'll sing another song. Anything the people like -Is wrong! wrong!! wrong!! Even the Pennsylvania Grip wrote them up during the last couple weeks in bad condition and they were doing it as well as they could under the cir cumstances. One thing followed an other, and Arthur and Ralph Roach unhitched their horses from the mow ers and left the field, with some 2o0 tons of hay uncut, and fifty-five tons in swath and windrow. They then brought suit for payment for 78 tons of hay cut and stacked, and put in some additional items, such as f 1! for hauling a mower out to the ranch. The total amount claimed was $275. Mr. Robinson filed a setoff and counter claim, admitting the contract, but alleging that the hay measured not 7x tons, but that by the breach of contract he was compelled to hire men and teams to put up the balance of the hay, and that in consequence th cost to him was $1 a ton instead of $3.50, the contract price. 1I also claimed damage of $25 per ton for the iwij inb-ui 'v.f winnow, wnicn nai been rotted by the rain, and $2 a ton xor the hay left in the swath, which had not been ruined. He included other items, until according to his fig- HAN DOM SHOTS There is one woman in Alliance who firmly believes that her husband is the Master Mind. He spent one evening teaching her the game of so'o, and his knowledge of the run of the card was nothing more than marvelous. What she doesn't know is that Mac spent three hours at the club the same afternoon marking a deck of cards. Carey will probablv have some op portunities when he visits Washing ton. There must be a pretty power ful brand of wh.te mule in the capital city, for a man who is there held a long distance telephone conversation with an Alliance young lady Tuesday evening. See the secretary early. At the rate it costs us to talk to Aurora, a call from Washington to Alliance probably set the brother back about $'7. Futurist Stuff from the American Legion Weekly: A veil of wispy green, dulling the glow of the fading horizon. A mys tery of grays. The blue-silk vault of infinite space. Whispering waves, hungry, phosphorescent, conspiring. The silhouette of a ghost ship, slipping westward. A world of sky and water, silent, calm, omnipotent. Suddenly a ringing voice, distinct, commanding in tone: : "Hey, you blankety-blank, dod-rot-led, blinking blank-blanks! I been up in this blatted crow's nest five hours. Where the limpin' hell's my relief?" We had it all planned to write a stirring editorial urging that the mud be cleaned off the pavement before spring, else the average visitor wouldn't realize we had paving. How ever, they beat us to it and we're cheated out of a glorious opportunity to claim the credit. Despite several hints, no one in authority has intimated that thm-e is the slitlnrt chance for us to be ap pointed morals inspector for the h-Rh school stairs. That one is fairly easy to compre hend, but hanged if we can understand Three traveling men were stopped on'"'es ine "oacnes owe(. nim szuz aoove , . , . , , . i the amount of their claim, the street last week and asked how To Jud Taph fe tJl tflsV of old they were and it was only half judicating the claims, after listening past eight, at that hardly good and dark. Well, the "blue laws" are well named. For the Country Club, and all out door sports, you will not be able to find anything better suited to your needs than our new "Diamond Ex moor" Cloth Hat. You should see them to appreciate them. Our window right now is full of them, and we have others inside. We certainly hope that we shall have the pleasure of showing them to you. They have a well rolled brim and a low appearing crown, which is due to special "Diamond" to testimony all morning and a good share of the afternoon. The testi mony was not particularly at variance, save as to the measurement of the hay. It developed that the hay had not been measured until some three months, when, according to the usual custom, this should have been done in from fifteen to thirty days after cutting. The judge split the difference between the two estimates, and figured it at seventy tons. He also cut the claim for hauling the mower down one-half, it developing that both Roach and Robinson had sent cars to Alliance for the machine. When he had placed what he considered fair values on the various claims and counter claims, he figured up the totals and awarded the treatment. This is an exclusive fea ture of "Diamond" Hats and insures defen(lant $7.65 damages. the crown maintaining its snape -under , H. E. Gantz represented Mr. Robin all kinds of service without buckling SOn, and P. E. Romig appeared for in at the front or rear. Made of Arthur and Ralph Roach. Scotch Braemar fabrics, which are light in weight and the most ideal material lor Spring. Reasonable in price, too. We wish that we had a pair of silk Ftockinged legs to put in this column to show how nice looking these new ! stockings are that came in today, fw of late it has been the fashion to ad vertise a barrel of kraut or a ke f frhingle nails for sale by using a pair of silk-clad shins to show otf now good they are. Now, these hose are vork ho-se, and if for any reason chis t-tocking is not satisfactory, return it to us and we will give you a new pair in exchange. It is a work hose called "Regimental," a medium weight hose, made strongest where the wear is hardest. Reinforced heel and toe, elastic ribbed top, made in the U. S. A. and the price is only twenty-five cents. It's the hst vock we have had for that price for three years. Fascinating Spring Hats at Satisfactory Prices. See them in the window. 28 Highland-Holloway Co. YOUR BIRTHDAY ' MONTH March "Birth Month of the Strong and Crave has the Bloodtsone as its symbol. A mysterious, bluish green, decked with glowing crimson, the Bloodstone is strangely beautiful and legend has it that it'ear ries courage and wisdom to its owner. Yet the Bloodstone is not expensixe and comes beautifully mounted r. in various prices. RINGS $2.00 to $12.00 4CwelrV-Uai tches-iiuOa BiunswickHionoSfaphs Watch InspectorSMQ Johnny Williams and Ed Reardon Lave sent their soldier uniforms to the cleaners to have them ready for next Monday, when the invasion of Ger many starts. They both wish that they were there, and Ed says he would sure get himself a few this time. We hope those Germans wake up before Monday, come to their senses, and htart taking care of that indemnity. A husband and an automobile are just alike they are both good for the first year. But you should see our Automobile Caps they are good for more than the first year. And Auto Coats, too, rainproof. That reminds us it might rain this summer. It hasn't rained since they were working on the pave ment, but every man should have a good raincoat, for when he wants a raincoat he wants it at once. We have them and the price is right Come in and see them. Yours Very Truly, HAVE YOU TRIED'THE PALACE FOR Corn Fed Quality PRODUCTS BEEF Beef Boil, per pound Pot Roast, per pound Rolled Rib Roast, per pound ..8c 16c 20c PORK Shoulder Roast, per pound Ham Roast, per pound Side Pork, per pound 18c 22k ..17c VEAL "Modern Clothes For Men." Veal Roast, per pound-. Veal Stew, per pound-. 17c 12k Cudahy Sugar Cured Thin Bacon, y 71 per pound ll 2C Pure Home Rendered Lard, on per pound ZUC Pearl White Soap, nr 4 bars for. jC GROCERIES Say! Try these 33c per dozen Oranges They Are Fine. Head Lettuce Green Peppers Head Lettuce Radishes Green Onions Cauliflower Fresh Tomatoes Pascal Celery California Celery Palace Market Remember We Deliver GUV SMITH Phone 131 Lucky Stiiioki cigarette 'where Al Gavin nets his knowledge of window displays. There are now three variations of it. The first kops this way: "Alan works from sun to sun, but woman's work is necr done." The second one was told at the Lions club bnnjrt: "Man works from moon to moon, but wom an's work is done at noon." The third, nd iuite the be!., gvs this way: "Man's wo'k is from sun to sun; but woman's vork she hires it. done." Fascinating Spring Hat at S itisfactory Prices. See them in the window. 2S Highland-Holloway Co. riANO FOR SALE We have a slightly used piano in Alliance that we were compelled to re-possess and reliable party can pur chase same on small monthly pny ments. We ra. sell this at a nre gain, if you tre interested writ ufl and our repre.-cnmtive will call upon you. LARSON'S MUSIC STORE SIDNEY, NEBR. 27tf See the window of New Spring Millinery at $1.95. 28 Highland-Holloway Co. Its toasted Come Get Yours Just Received Big Shipment of VICTOR KKCORDS and Q. It. S. PLAYER ROLLS ALL THE LATEST MUSIC WIKER MUSIC HOUSE "Everything in Music" Srive Money by Raising Your Own Eggs and Chickens BY THE AID OF THE Old Trusry Incubator and Brooder ll 1 ifi Good Hatchers are assured, as the "Old Trusty" will hatch every fertile egg with larger and stronger chicks. ORDER YOUR MACHINE TODAY AND START EARNING AND SAVING MONEY THE UNIVERSAL CAR - To the businew man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commis sion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that serves satisfactorily and lasts in service If these statements were not truer the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. We will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures the constant service of the Truck. Dut don't wait too long. Get your order in promptly. Coursey & Miller ft