FOUR THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 SOCIETY 1IEMINGFORD Fay Miller Fpcnt Tuenday at the C. F. Kstes home. Mrs. Masnrk'n mother is visiting her for a few days. Mrs. Crone of Man-land is vi.itinr Mr. Ida HetH will entertain the teacher of Central school and a few other this evening at her home at 120 Missouri, in honor of the sixteen th birthday of her sister, Miss Theo- wr uenson, oi Lucnnp,.., ano i. y-ihei. .laughter, Mrs. Hilleker Misses Kva Crocker, Ida Clark, deal Mr. Jones of Crawford visaed Miss Ratie, Vera Spencer, Madre C.rahnm, ; Margaret Dixon over .Sunday. Esther Nation, Ruby l-.loe, Lulu Hon- lima Wrijrht spent Tuesday night Kn, Opal Russell, Blanche Wilson, at the home of Lola Whelan. Maude Wilcox, Avis North, Anna Father Manning was a caller In the Uooth, Kmma Jane Davis Johnstone, Canton nPjphzot'hood Tuesilay. Thelma Wesley, Meslames J. T . Winfi.n is nendinir this .... ... Emerick, Opal Moore, Lillian Coyncr fid Verity Kehder. Miss Alta Young will hold a piano tecital at her home Saturday after noon. I'upils who will take part are Marguerite Briggs, Celetine Briggs, Opal Zank, Mattie Miller, Royal Irwin, jewel Price, Velma Arline Dobry, Esther Bacon and Ethel Fuller. Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Kpler enter tained the ministers and their wives at a 6 o'clock dinner Tuesday evening. Those present were: Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Kcarns, Rev. and Mrs. Mearle C. Smith, and Rev. and Mrs. B. J. Mi-Bort, Forest West of Dierks Lumber and week at th4 Pete Annon home. AT THE CHURCHES BAPTISTrm RCH. After the prayer meeting Wednes day the church decided to observe the silver unniversary of the church the fore part of April in a fitting man ner. This event will run from one Sunday to the next, with thejt Sun day as the Home coming The purpose of this home coming day will be to draw as many former members here from the different part of the ftate and adjoining states als possible. A sort or family reunion. J We will also have fomf of our Mate officers among them is our new aof vi a fir U'h s tra u Knrn a sl i J n A number of the young folks chira- J jew miIes from Alliance. Sunday school next Sunday will he out of the ordinary as we will seek to bring nil mothers and fathers to school at which hour Brother Chus. frivilege that is granted to all of the .ord's children. We have been very happy in preaching to large and ap preciative audiences. Make next Sun day a record breaker and come to the church with a message and a welcome. STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister. varied Mr. and Mrs. Bergman at the Wm. Carey home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Black of Marsland was in town Wednesday between trains. Goldie Ringer F-pont Tuesday night at the home of Miss Ruth Muirhead. Miss Bessie Baldwin has been spend ing this week at the home of Misses Faye anil Ruth Muirhead. P. V. Knight of Chadron transacted business in town Wednesday, return ing home Thursday. Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potmesil were Alliance chop pers Friday bctwen trains. Mr. and Mrs. Hob Harvey visiter in rorest w est oi town Tuesday. They went on to Chad- Cold company w as married at Scotts- w.,lne, nv. Muff to Miss Marie Morris of Broken Bow, Monday, February 2H. Miss Morris Is a teacher in the Scottxbluff Schools. Mrs. E. J. Raskin will entertain about sixen quests at a one-o'clock lOBcheon Tuesday afternoon, in honor ot her mother, Mrs. Moniwetr, of tienver. Mrs. Bob Reddish is entertaining at a one-thirty luncheon today in honor f her mother, Mrs. Tippets of Hast ings, Neb., who is viisting her. See the window of New Spring Millinery at $4.9:. 28 Highland-Hoiloway Co. Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Co. 103-tf Stock hogs wanted by the Ne braska Land Company. 103-tf Fascinatinz Spring Hats at Satisfactory Prices. See theui in the window. 28 Highland-Hoiloway Co. Fuller will give us a desrr trip through Engand. Le of Sunday school children! Ix-t us exceed the two last Sunday. The pastor after the school, his sei that has made a hit ever been given, especially "Uncrowned Queens." H ture mothers cannot canr: miss. r.venine services s WHEN THE DOCTOR TELLS YOU Get the prescription refilled Just call us on the Phone, tell us the number on the box or bottle, and 'we will hurry it out to you by our mes sengerthat is, of course, if you had us fill the prescrip tion in the first place. Your doctor can phone what he wants from your house and the same quick delivery gets it to you. Phone 12 Thiele's ron Wednesday. Mr. Shrodder of Silver City, was an incoming passenger Monday morning to look after some busines smatters. Mrs. Estes who is visiting Mrs. Wilt, ! spent a few days in Marsland the first of the week. Iola Langston had the misfortune to cut her hand Sunday evening on a piece of glass. Mr. Amtrew returned nome Wednes day after spending a few days at his farm, north of town. Mrs. Bird who has been on the sick list for the past week does not show much improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Danasky enter tuined their friends and neighbors at a dance Saturday evening. Gail Price has moved down near Alliance on a farm where he expects to farm the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Surface who have leen visiting at Therman, Iowa, returned home the first of the week. Mrs. Chas. Baldwin returned home Wednesday, after spending a few weks visiting at dilTeient points in Idaho. Misses Bessie and Ieona Baldwin and Maragaret Dixon were shopping in Alliance Thursday, returning home Friday morning. Mrs. Matousek departed with her little daughter for Scottsbluff Monday morning, where she will have her daughter under the doctor's care. Ernest Moll, while playing at school Monday, had the misfortune of having his eye hurt by one of his playmates throwing a staple and hitting his eye. The vicinity was shocked to hear of Ralph Hopkins' house burning to the ground Monday noon. Very little of the household goods was saved. It is thought the fire started in the attic. Man is Sincere, Does It y tter What he Believes 7 Special s these services. Come eai good seat otherwise you many last Sunday. Welcome to the churcH poor man is a special gue B. J. See the window of New Spring Millinery at $J.9.". 28 Highland-Hoiloway Co. Mr. and Mis. C. E. Wills arrived Saturday from Seattle, Wash., after a month's visit at coast cities. Smart Spring Hats. See them in the window at $4.9". 28 Highland-Hoiloway Co. DR. BOWMAN office in First National Bank Building. 8tf Smart Spring Hats. See them in the window at $4.95. 28 Highland-Hoiloway Co. Why are the Air-Cooled Spark Plugs in a class by themselves? See ad in this issue. 26-27-28 NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY. Owner of Hudson Six Touring car in garage at 704 Toluca. Plence call ami remove at once. 28-29 FOR RENT Two downstairs rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Electric lights, city water and bath. Phone 10."8 or call at 220 Big Horn 28-2Jp Do You Dance Well? How many times within the past year have you wished you could learn to dance or, if you already dance would you like to LEARN SOMETHING "NEW One becomes tired of dancing the same old steps over and over again. If you want to get out of the old rut and put some pep into your dancing, we invite you to inquired about the ALLIANCE SCHOOL OF DANCING at the Alliance Hotel Fern Garden We are prepared to give instruction in beginners and advanced classes, as well as special classes for children. PRIVATE OR CLASS LESSONS MISS RUBY BLACKTON, An accomplished instructor, will assist the director in giving lessons. FRANK H. KING, Director Ask at the Hotel for particulars. CHURCH OF CH God's work renuiies h excuses are made to shiel and indifference. Many i ition of hi ll parents ,te there. ndred of Ml preach n lecture ere it has I mother, I is a lec- afford to non, "ii a At 2:30 in the afternoon, the Luth eran church, coiner Yellowstone and Seventh streets, has German service. Sunday school will be after the serv ice on Sunday. Fascinating Spring Hats at Satisfactory Prices. See them in the window. 28 Highland-Hoiloway Co. WANTED An experienced road salesman. Permanent job to right man. References required. A. H. Jones Co., Alliance. 28 Stock hogs wanted by the Ne Hraka Land Company. 103-tf GOOD PIANO FOR RENT IN ALLIANCE with privilege of buying at special prices and having all rent paid appijr on purchase price. Must he willing to rent at least six months. Give fulf reference.? in first letter. THE KNIGHT-CAMPBELL MUSIC COMPANY, Denver, Colorado. 19-28 QHHtM,inHMH nnim i nniiimiiii iiunii a niMiimiMiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimnHHiiiiiniMiii immiiiininiiiiiminn inimiiiQ 1 i i I ;ing at all v to get a kill be like where the JINORT. RIST te. Many worldliness fnay be de ceived for a season, but G"' knows and sees all of our actions. e are being watched every day. Our hildren are apt to follow in the foot-(eps of the parents. What a different world this would be if every parents would say: "As for me and my we will serve the Lord." The sermon subjects for next Lord's day are: "The 'Go Ye' " Und "God s Letter of RecommendatiorK' As you enter God's house, come iila spirit of reverence and devotion, iu are wel come at the Bible school Jind prayer meeting services as well asiat the com munion and preaching. I The Lords hupper is observed on the first day of the week.' This is a We Wiim Our recent advertising explaining our policy giving honest advice about probable lower prices on any article we sell has already born fruit. Our customers are showing by buying their requirements when needed that they believe our motto: 99 m "Confidence Brings Prosperity and we are trying to do our share in dealing squarely and justify your continued confidence and patronage. If you have not talked over your spring requiriments with us, we are both losers. Prompt and Courteous Service Rhein Hardware Co. p lttMMMIIlmillllIIIMIIIIIIItllllHltlMIMMItMlllllIIMIIMIIlllllltllllllHIMnillMIMIMMIMM llllllf llltll lltlltlltlttttlllttlltltlllltMllllltllltHtMllltMIMMIItllf llltHIIIIMMlIIIIUtlllMlia 1 nim-iuii.iii.jjL. m,m mnmmrn m nu n - in .im i iiwiup.m m ... 1. 1 11 ii.u,uiwwi NG" at the STALOS GROCERY . Since the, money situation has tightened we have been carrying several accounts that have been costing us money. And this expense is the same old item that enters into every business that is conducted on the credit basis. Therefore we have decided that STARTING AT ONCE We Will Go on a Strictly Cash Basis Perhaps you have heard the arguments before for the cash basis idea, but we will repeat them here for the benefit of those who have never figured it out for them selves. The grocer figures profits on the percent age basis. He takes into account such items as rent, heat, light, taxes, insur ance, freight and express charges, clerk and delivery hire. He knows what these are and must fix his selling price in ac cordance with the total expenses. There is one more expense he has if he is on a credit basis and that is Dad Accounts. If a merchant knows his business he must figure so much loss each year from this source. SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY THE GROCER FOR HIS LOSS The grocer must receive this lost money from some one, so he is forced to charge a higher per cent of profit to care for bad accounts. It is therefore easy to see why IT COSTS LESS TO PAY CASH DO YOU GET THE POINT? You are not paying for someone else's groceries. You pay only for those you consume.. And there is some satisfaction in knowing that your expenditures are for your family alone. THERE ARE MANY OTHER ADVANTAGES TO CASH Aside from the money-saving idea above explained there are other features to commend the cash basis to you. For instance, you will buy more carefully if you pay cash It is too easy to purchase supplies if you "can charge them." You will cut down your cost of living to an extent you can notice. You will also feel better to realize you owe no one for groceries. WE CAN SAVE YOU INCONVENIENCE AND A GREATER PERCENTAGE IF YOU BUY OUR COUPON BOOK They are handy to make payments at the home where ready change is not always available. Just call us on - - . ; ! ?al the phone and when me delivery uoy Diings me groceries, you can pay mm wun coupons. We Allow you a Saving on These Books that will Further Reduce the Cost of Living to Yi ou. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN LOWERING THE COST OF GROCERIES, SEE US ABOUT THE PLAN TODAY TOM STALOS 119 Dox Butte GROCERIES AND MEATS Phone 753