The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 08, 1921, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Want to buy something? Hun-
,of PrP,p those Want
Ad columns looking for what vou
or others have to offer. Get ciiiick
results by advertising in The
Herald Want Ad department.
.aI'KS Two rrnif. per nurd in
ertiru. rowii nioie than other
fWHp.-Mii. hut Kuiirsnfer thM
feu r'uih several ' hiKirired more
!-.! uu. 'Mrd'aiin noi hoi air.
CO.. Thud ami Cheyenne.
FOR RENT W.-11 hc:ted room in
Modern home. Trice $2.00 per week.
Thone 347. 20tf
WANTED 1.000 to 2,000 white faced
steers, yearling. or two year olds.
Will buy in bunches of 50 or more.
Will pay rash. Delivery in spring.
Write or niht w:ro full p'n ticulars 1o
F. K. SIMMONS, Kaycee, Wyo. 20-23
WANTED Stock hogs.
Land Co.
101 tf
GET BUSY. Keep busy. Is your job
unsafe? Is it permanent? You
want a lifelong business. You can
get into such a business se'ling more
than 137 Watkins Products direct to
farmers if you own auto or team or
can get one; if you can give bond with
personal sureties. We back you with
big selling helps. 52 years in business.
20,000,000 users of our products. Write
for information where you can get ter
ritory. J. R. Watkins Co., Department
C, Winona, Minn. 21; 23p
7 A XTTTT oi r l : I
anteed tires. Guaranteed salary
with extra commissions. Cowan Tire
& Rubber Co., Chicago, 111. Box 784.
IP YOU WANT to know how to keep
hogs from having cholera or other i
diseases, also how to make hens lay
and keep poultry from having roup
and other ailments, rend me stamped
envelope at once. Everman Stock &
Poultry Farm, Gallatin, Mo.
P. O. Box 1102 Denver, Colo.
. Capacity over 10,00 Chicks Weekly
We can supply you with any quantity
of Daby Chicks 15 varieties. Live
delivery guaranteed. Parcel post pre
paid. Write for prices and full par
ticulars. 19tf
Real estate transfers filed for rec
ord for the week ending February 5,
James E. Barge and wife to Jes
Bie D. Barge, N half 24-25-50, NW
quarter 19-25-49, NW quarter 2S-25-48,
and NE quarter 1-24-51, $1.00.
W. B. Minor, sincre, to W. C. Fos
ter, SE quarter 4-25-47, $5,000.00.
Allie J. Simonson and wife, et al,
to D. E. Vanderlas, lot D subdiv. lot
2, County addition, $1.00.
John A. Gregorv, single, to William
Green, E half SE quarter 30-25-50,
Blanche M. Finkbine, widow, to
James W. Gaddis, S half N quarter
4-2fi-51, $4,000.00.
Blanche M. Finkbine, widow, to
James W. Gaddis, SE quarter 29-2G-61.
F. M. Broome and wife to the City
of Alliance, lot 6, block 22, Alliance,
Frank A. Clark and wife, et al, to
Alice A. Anderson, et al, lot 13, block
21, Alliance, $125.00.
Nellie M. Mackey, single, to C. II.
Raymond, lots 14 and 15, block 5,
Hitchcock, Hills & Snedeker's addi
tion. $1.00.
Mrs. Sadie Lankford and husband
to C. H. Raymond, lots 13, 14 and. 15,
block 5, Hitchcock, Hills & Snedeker's
addition. $5.00.
Almira Whalen and husband, et al,
to C. H. Raymond, lots 13, 14 and 15,
block 5, Hitchcock, Hills and fcned
eker's addition, $20.00.
Edgar Hilton and wife et al, to Lil
lie May Anderson, NW quarter J3-25
19. Sfi.400.00.
Callowav H. Underwood and wife to
County of Box Butte, part E half SE
quarter 31-24-49, $ lUU.UU.
For auick sale will give big cut In
nriee. This is one of our best pianos
left on our hands in public storehouse
in Alliance, Examine it Easy pay
ments to responsible party. Write to
dav for full information to The Den
ver Music comDanv. Denver. Colorado.
An echo of the recent landslide,
when the democrats were snowed un
der after they had been taken Into
the enemy s camp, was heard m Ain
im last week when Bill (William R.)
ITni-nop received a beautifully twe-
orrit-fon lottor frnm th secretary of
President-elect Harding, thanking him
for sending in mi congratulations in
tv,o mnmpnt nf wild exultation when
t KottfA wa won. Either Bill's tele
gram was overlooked in the rush, or
else ro. ttaraing receivea a Beau vi
In old-fashioned legalized whisky
v.m r fist flhts. but in illicit
hooch there seems to be the poten
tiality of murder in every arm.
In the District Court of Box Butte
'uni, Nebraska.
m re Application for Dissolution of
wliunce Packing Company, a Cuipum-
Notice t. hereb) given that the
i:n.- f'Hrkinir iniany . a rorinir
on, organized under the tuws of the
te of Nebraska, has filed in the
i.'rct Court of Box Butte Count v.
hiiivka, a petition praying for a de
f d:s.-oiv,ng and declaring dissolved
it id corporation, for the puymer.t of
ie to ts and ;dl e.spenses of this ae
on and incidental thereto, and foi
udi other and further r-lief as naj
" .ut and equitable, and that Satur
.ay, 'he 12th day of February, 1921,
i the opening of court on tht;t day, or
is sotfn thereafter as counsel cun be
.urd, has boen appointed as the time,
.ml the distnct court room in the
ourt hou.-o. al Alliance, lo. Butte
..ountj, Nel'ia.-ka, at the place at
.vh ch .sit.d application is to be heard.
Its Attorneys.
Mitchell & Ganl7, Attorneys.
In the matter of the estate of Au
gust F. Forsstrom, Deceased.
In the County Court of Bo Butte
County, Nebraska,
State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun
ty, ss.:
lo All Persons Interested in the Es
tate of August F. Forsstrom, De
ceased, both Creditors and Heirs:
On January 21st. 1921, Karl M.
Forsstrom filed his petition and affi
davit in the County Court of Box
Butte counkv, Nebraska, setting forth
iliat on May 12th, 1910, he filed in
I he office of the County Court of Box
Butte county, Nebraska, a petition to
determine the heirs of August F.
Forsstrom, deceased, who died on or
about June 22nd, 1911; that in said
petition it was alleged and represented
that the legal heirs and sole and only
heirs of the said August F. Forsstrom.
leceased, were tie petitioner. Karl M.
Forsstrom, a son, and Julie Mi Fors
strom, a daughter; that said August
F. Forsstrom, deceased, was a resident
and inhabitant of Box Butte county,
Nebraska, at the time of his death,
and was the owner of the following
described real estate, to-wit: East
Half of the Northwest Quarter and
South Half of Section 20; Southwest
Quarter and South Half of the south
east Quarter of Section 21, all in
iownshin 28. Ranire 49. Box Butte
county, Neoiaska. Said petition also
set forth that more than two years
had elapsed since the death of the said
August F.' Forsstrom, and no applica
tion had been made for administration
of his estate, and that there were no
debts against his estate; that no last
will of the decedent had been discov
ered, and petitioner believed that the
said August F. Forsstrom died in
testate. That upon the filing of said
petition the county court of said coun
ty set and fixed the 20th day of June.
1916. as the time and place for hear
ing said petition, and ordered that a
copy of said notice be published for
thirty days prior to said hearine; that
through a mistake the said notice was
only published 22 days, and objection
has now been made to the title to said
real estate on account of same. Said
petition contained the following pray
er: lour petitioner therefore pravs
that an order may be made fixing a
time and place for hearing said peti
tion, and that notice thereof be given
in the manner provided by law, and
that upon said hear in ir a decree mav
be entered dispensing with adminis
tration of said estate, and determining
who the heirs of the said August F.
rorsstrom were. Said Karl M. Fors
strom now prays that he be allowed
to re-file his said petition in this mat
ter, and that the order, notice and de
cree heretofore rendered by the coun
ty court of said county, to-wit: On
July 31st, 1916, le cancelled and set
aside, and that the court issue a new
notice in said matter, on the petition
aforesaid, to all persons interested in
said estate, both creditors and heirs,
setting forth the filing of said peti
tion, the date of death of said August
v. rorsstrom, his place of residence,
a description of the real estate of
which he died seized, the interest in
said real estate of the petitioner, and
the prayer of the petition, fixing a
time and place for hearing said peti
tion, and that upon the date set for
said hearing the court will enter a
decree dispensing with administration
of said estate, and finding and de
termining who are the heirs of said
August F. Forsstrom, deceased, and
right of descent of said real estate, in
accordance with the laws of Nebras
ka pmviding for the determination of
heirship when the intestate has been
dead for more than two years.
It is hereby ordered that said peti
tion be re-filed as of January 21st,
lvti, and that a hearine be had on
said petition in the county court room
in said county, at Alliance. Nebraska.
on the 23rd day of February, 1921, at
the hour of ten o clock A.- M., and that
notice of the time and place fixed for
said hearing be given to all persons
interested in said estate by publication
of this order three successive weeks
in The Alliance Herald, a newspapei
printed, published and circulating in
said countv.
hereunto set my hand pnd official seal
this 21st day of January, 1921.
County Judge.
Attorneys. Jan21-Febll
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Clerk. Alliance.
Nebraska, until 8 o'clock P. M., moun
tain time, February 8th, 1921, for the
construction of sanitary sewers in
Sewer Districts Nos. 11 and 12.
The estimated quantities of work
are aa follows:
Sanitary Sewer District No. 11.
1790 linear feet 8-Inch sewer includ
ing 2 6x8 Y'a.
4 manho'e. 82 vertical feet.
1 flushtank. vertical feet.
ICO linear feet -inch extra strong
lead water service.
Knir noeis et 'mate of oost, $2,935,00.
:anitar .Sewer District No. 12.
m;u i. near feet ?-inch sewer includ
2 manho'es, 16 vertical feet
1 (lu?htanK, 15 vertical feet
0 linear feet 4-inch extra stronp
lead water service.
Engineers" estimate vi cost, $1,930.00
Each proposal must be accompanied
i v a certified chek for five per cent
I the amount bid, made payable to
the City lieasurer. Alliance, Nebras
ka, as a guarantee of good faith.
and specifications may be seen
and proposal b' inks obtained at the
i) rc of the City Clerk, or at the
o;T'e of the engineers, Grant, Fulton
!i Let on, i'0" Bankers' Life BIdg.,
L'no,n, .Nebraska.
Bidders desiring plans and specifica
tions for their own use may obtain the
same from the eng'neers upon pay
ment Oi $2.50, no part of which will be
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any or all bills.
Bv oidn'r of the Citv Council this
11th dav of Jnnuarv, 1921.
Jan25-Fetw City Clerk.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land OlTice at Alliance, Nebr..
January 20, 1921.
No ice is hereby given that Joe D.
Bignell, of Alliance, Nebraska, who, on
Febr. 12, 191S, made Homestead entry,
No. OIS43C, for S'SW'i of Sec. 13;
S'fcSE'i of See. 14; NE'i; NSE'i
,f Sec. 23; W'2NW4, NE'.4NW4 and
NWUSWU of Section 24", Township
23, North, Range 4S, West of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Alliance,
Nebraska, on the 20th day of Febru
ary, 1921.
Claimant names nt witnesses: Frank
Cantwell, Robert Graham, Julius Bir
kle and Norman Newberry, all of Alli
ance, Nebraska.
T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
In the matter of the estate of Eva .
D Treat Deceased
'in the' County Court of Box Butte
Count v Nebraska
county, iseorasKa.
State of Nebraska, Box Butte
County, ss.
To all Persons interested in the es
tate of Eva D. Treat Deceased.
Whereas. Grace Treat Miller of Box
Butte County, Nebraska, has filed In
my office an instrument purporting to
be the last will and testament of Eva
D. Treat, deceased, late of said county,
and said Grace Treat Miller has filed
her petition herein praying to have
said instrument admitted to probate
and that letters of administration,
with the will annexed may be issued
to her the said Grace Treat Miller, as
executor of said will, which will re
lates to both real and personal prop
I 'have therefore appointed the 21st
day of February. 1921. at ten o'clock
in the forenoon, at the county court
room in the court house in said county,
as the time and place for hearing said
will, and which time and place you
and each of you and all other persons
concerned may appear for the purpose
of contesting allowing of the same.
It is further ordered that the peti
tioner herein give notice to all persons
interested in said estate of the pen
dency of this petition and the time and
CI ace set for the hearing of the same,
y causing a copy of this order to be
published in The Alliance Herald, a
newspaper printed, published and of
general circulation in said county, for
three weeks successively previous to
the day set for the hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and official seal this 27th
day of January, A. D., 1921.
(SeaD County Judge.
F. A. BALD, Attorney.
In the matter of the estate of Oscar
O'Bannon, deceased.
In the County Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
To all Persons interested in the es
tate of Oscar O'Bannon, deceased, late
of said county:
You are hereby notified that on the
27th day of January, 1921, Emma
O'Bannon filed her petition in the
county court of said county for her
appointment as administratrix of the
estate of Oscar O'Bannon, deceased,
late of said county, and that same will
be heard at the county court room
in the City of Alliance, Box Butte
county, Nebraska, on the 21st day of
February, 1921, at the hour of ten
o'clock A. M.
It is further ordered that notice of
said hearing be given all parties in
terested in said estate by the publica
tion of this notico three successive
weeks in The Alliance Herald, a news
paper printed, published and circulat
ing in said county.
Dated this 2th day of January,
(Seal) County Judge.
MITCHELL & GANTZ. Attorneys.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
by the clerk of the district court of
Box Butte County, Nebraska, upon -a
decree rendered by said court in favor
of Charles Brit tan, plaintiff, and
against Amos J. Abley, defendant, I
will, on the 2nd day of March, 1921
at 10 o'clock A. M., on said date, at
the west front door of the court house
at Alliance, Box Butte county, Ne
braska, sell the following described
real estate, to-wit: The Northwest
Quarter of Section Eleven (11), Town
ship Twenty-six (26), North of Range
Fifty (50) West of the eth Principal
Meridian, Box Butte county, Nebraska,
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash, to satisfy said order of sale,
in the sum of $3,766.35, with interest
thereon at 8 per cent per annum, from
December 18th, 1920, co-ds and ac
ruing costs. .
Sheriff of Box Butte County
Nt biHhka.
MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys.
notice to c reditors
and heirs
In the County Couit of Box Butte
Count , Nebraska.
In the matter of the e.-ti.te of Mat
tie M. B irnes, deceased.
State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun
ty, .-s.:
Io all persons Interested in the es
tate of M.ittie M. Barnes, derc.i o.l.
both creli'ors and heirs, take notVe,
tnat on the ith dav of February. 1021.
. v.nii .-M-nisironir men nis tip it.nn
r ... vi' . ... . .. ' ,
iiiv. VIUCIIY V UU I II I it nip
v ouiu.v. rrnrasKa. se tmir oith th it
Mattie M. Raines, deceased, denar'ed
this life it,te:tate on the 24th dav ,f
November. 19( 0, nt her residence near
Prngle in Custer Courdv, Str.'e of
outh Dakota, and In'ing immediately
preceding her death a res dent and in-
bitant of Custer Countv. State of
South Dakota; and was possessed in
fee simple at the time of her death
of the following described real estate,
to-w t: the Mwthwest quarter (SW'i)
of section four (4), in township twenty-seven
(27), north of ranire fortv-
eight, west of the sixth principal me
ridian, in llox Uutte County, Ne
braska, and that sa'd lands were all of
the real cs'ate in the State of Nebras
ka, owned bv the deceased at the t;me
of her ileiith; that the petitioner i:;
the owner in fee simple of said land
and derive his title to the same
through the said Mattie M. Barnes,
The petitioner further states that
more than two years have elapsed
since the death of the said Mattie M.
Barnes and that no application has
ever been made for an administrator
of her estate, in the State of Nebras
ka, either by her heirs or by persons
claiming to be creditors of her estate,
and at the time of her death she left
surviving her, as her sole and only
heirs at law, the following named per-
ons. to-wit: Albert (t. Barnes, her
husband, of Custer, South Dakota; and
their children', Mattie M. Barnes, a
daughter, now Mattie M. Sutherland,
of Pringle, South Dakota, and Merle
Barnes, a son, of Custer, South Da-
. padl of wh0 "0fwn VT,?t n
twenty-one years of age, and that said
'an' 7n ?Va';! PrfTn"-in
death of the said Mattie M. Barnes in
r in.i;,.;,iari
V . V 1 v'r
third interest in fee simple as tenants
in common, to each of said persons as
his distributive share in and to said
The object and prayer of said peti
tion is that the court appoint a time
and place for a hearing upon said pe
tition and that notice may be given
and issued to all persons interested in
said estate, both creditors and heirs,
to the end that the regular administra
tion be dispensed with and that the
estate of the said Mattie M. Barnes,
deceased, be fully adminjstered in ac
cordance with the laws of the State
of Nebraska, providing for the deter
mination of heirs- and the right of sue
cession to real estate when a period o'
more than two years has elapsed since
the death of the intestate, and for
such other and further proceedings a?
may be proper for the full administra
tion of said estate. That the court
will find, determine and decree th.-t
the said Mattie M. Barnes, deceased,
died intestate on the 24th day of No
vember, 1900, at her residence near
Pringle, in Cii-rer County, South Da
kota, being at the time of her death
a resident and inhabitant of Custer
County, South Dakota, and that more
than two years Iwe now elapsed
since her death: t.iat the sa'd Mattie
M. B'irnes. at the time of her death,
was the owner in fee simple of the
southwest quarter (SWU) of section
four (4). in township twenty-seven
(271, north of range forty-eight (IS),
wet of the sixth principal meriiban
in Box Butte County, Nebraska, and
that the petitioner is now the owner
of said lands; that no application has
ever been made in the Mate or IS,e
bra.-ka for the appointment of an ad
ministrator for, her estate; that the
sole and onlv heirs at law of the said
Mattie M. Barnes at the time of her
death were her hu band, Alfred G.
Barnes, of Custer, South Dakota, ami
their children, Mattie M. Barnes, a
daughter, now Mattie M. Sutherland,
of Pringle, South Dakota, and Merle
Barnes, a son, of Custer. South Da
kota, and each of said persons is now
of lawful age and are the persons to
whom said lands descended at the
time of the death of the said deceased.
It is hereby ordered that a bearing
be had on said petition in the County
Court Room in the City of Alliance,
Box Butte Countv, Nebraska, on the
10th day of March. 1921, at the hour
of ten o'clock A. M., and that notice
thereof be given all persons interested
in said estate, both creditors and
heirs, of the time and place fixed for
said hearing, by the publication of this
notice for three successive weeks prior
to said hearing, in the Alliance Her
ald, a newspaper, published, printed
and circulated in said County.
In witness whereof, I have hereun
to set my hand and the official seal of
said County Court, this 7th day of
February, 1921.
(Seal) County Judge.
LEE BASYE, Attorney.
Feb. 8 March 4, incl.
Stock hogs wanted by the Ne
braska Land Company. 103-tf
Box Butte County Farms and Ranches
Alliance City Property
J. G McCORKLE, Manager
Office Grovnd Floor First National BaxSc
(Funv'hcd by the United States
Bureau of Markets)
Live Stork and Meals
A sharp decline in theep and l.mb
prices feutured the Chicago live stock
market the past week. Fat lavibs
broke 0c-J1.2"; feeding lambs 75c
$1..'i0. Yearl nes lot $1.25-$ 1.50; fat
ewes weak to 50c lower. Cattle de
cline ranged 2'c-50c per 100 lbs. with
some choice steers $1 lower. Hog1
runted 15c lower to 10c higher. Feb
ruary 4th Chicaeo prices: hogs, l ulk
of sales, $9.20-$ 10; medium nnd good
beef steers $7.2."-?S.?5; butcher cows
and heifers $4.2"-$: feeder steers, $0-
$S; light and medium we gbt veal
ni,.n. iir..i e,o.
fat lambs s..2b-
fcoiFnir lambs $7.25-$s.f.O;
yearlings $(; $7..r.0; fat ewes $3.50 $5.
Prices of practically all classes and
grades of me:it d-'cl ned on eastern
wholesale market". Beef down $1.50
?2; veal, lamb, nut' ton and pork loins
$l-?.1. February Hh price., good grade
meats: beef $13-$14.50; veal ?20-$22;
lamb $17 $20; mutton $10 $12; I ght
pork loins $19-022; heavy Io ns $15
$19. Dairy Products.
Butter markets have been weak r-nd
unsettled. No trading interest and
market generally lacks support. Af
New York foreign butter has been an
important factor producing this con
d tion as buyers nave shown prefer
ence for high quality foreign butter at
favorable prices. Reduced consumptive
demand apparent in some sections.
Prices 92 score, domestic fresh: New
York 4'V; Chicago 45'c; Philadelphia
40'ic; Boston 47c.
Hay and Feed.
Cincinnati reports that heavy re
ceipts poor quality Timothy are de
pressing market factor. Alfalfa slight
ly steadier in Cincinnati; fair country
demand noted in Chicago. Arrivals
light in Chicago; few advices of coun
try loadings; demand sufficient to ab
sorb offerings particularly of light two
wire bales. Chicago market reports a
few buyers need small number cars
good southwestern prairie for which
$18-$20 could be realized. Kansas
City arrivals heavier but demand is
better and prices practically un
changed. Idaho alfalfa arriving freely
in Kansas City; indications point to
heavy movement in near future. Load
ing in Kansas light account bad road'
and weather." Quoted: No. 1 Timothv
$25, Chicago; $25 Cincinnati; $29
Memphis; No. 2 timothy $22 Chicago;
$22.50 Cincinnati; $27 Memphis. No.
1 clover mixed $22.50 Cincinnati, No.
1 Alfalfa $24 Cincinnat; $29 Memphis.
No. 2 alfalfa, $22.50 Memphis.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Potatoes declined 10-20c per 100 lbs
f. o. b. northern shipping stations,
reaching 75-85c sackeL Chicago car
lot market lost 5-10c at $1-$1.15.
Round Whites down 10c f. o. b. New
York shipping points, closing $1-$1.08.
New York market down 15c, reaching
$1.50-$1.C5 bulk.
Car-lot shipments week ended Feb
ruary 3: Potatoes 2,865 cars; boxed
apples 418; barreled apples 1,071; cab
bage 380; celery 402; lettuce 584; on
ions 390; sweet potatoes 35..
Shipments week ended January 27
Potatoes 2,871 cars; boxed apples 413
barreled apples 907; cabbaee 447
celery 349; lettuce 479; on'ons 408;
sweet potatoes 343.
says iowa mm
Tisher Says Tanlac Ended
Troubles and Built Her
I'p Wonderfully
"S;nce Tanlac has restored my
health and built me up I just' can't
say enough for it," said Mrs. C. B.
Tisber, of 2707 Avenue A, Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
"For more than a year before tak
ing Tanlac my stomach was so dis
ordered I couldn't eat a thing but
what it would hurt me. I was subject
to blinding spells of dizziness and bad
almost un!earable pains in the small
of my back. I was nervous and rest
less and a good night's sleep seemed
out of the question. My appet'te left
me anl I got so weak and run-down
mv housework was just a drag.
"But the first bottle of Tanlac I
took made a wonderful improvement
in my condition. I have now finished
my third bottle and am sound and
well, without an ache or a pain of any
kind. I have a fine appetite and never
have a touch of indigestion. That
tired feeling has left me and it's no
trouble for me to do my housework.
I fact I feel good all the time. Tanlac
is certainly one grand medicine."
Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E.
Holsten; in Hemingford by the Hem
ingford Mercantile Co., and in Hoff
land by the Mallery Grocery Co.
George Venell was transacting busi
ness in Alliance Thursday.
Eddie Roach Is hauling corn to the
Dove ranch at Lynn at present
Mrs. Abbie Stoner was a guest of
Mrs. Mary Sherlock last week.
Miss Gladys Fletcher was a guest
of Mrs. W. N. Thompson Saturday.
Mrs. R. T. Ely and Miss Leota Hen
derson were shopping in Alliance
Bom. to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fur
man, February 3, a boy. Mrs. VinnJa
Johnmn is acting as nure.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kelly returned
from Omaha the first of the week
where they hnve been visltinw with
The Misses 11a nnd Eunice Boodry
spent Saturday ami Sunday with home
folks, returning to their schools Sun
day afternoon.
Mrs. .foe MorWU and little son re
turned to Bridgeport Tuesday after
spending a few days with her mother,
iir . ii- r Sherlock.
The people of Angora and vicinity
are enjoying a traveling library which
is furnished by the Mate. Georga
Vc":l has eh.;rge of the books.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell autoed
to Bridgeport Saturday. They re
ported the roads in bad condition and
hail considerable trouble reaching;
Miss Legg, of the state demonstra
tion depnitment, gave a very inter
esting millinery demonstration at the
home o1' Mrs. W. N. Thompson last
week. The next meeting of the com
munity club will also be with Mrs.
Thompson on Wednesday, February 9.
Office 101 Phone Residence 101
Carpenter Work of all Kinds
Phone 970 or Red 413
General Surgeon
Rumer BIdg., Alliance, Neb.
Office Phone 187 Res. Phone, Blk, 121
When in Antioch
Take Your Meals at
The Liberty Cafe
Meals at All Hours
Let Me Cry Your Sales
Auctioneer 1232 Missouri
We Have Our Own Help
Contractors and Builders 1
P. O. Box 750 Alliance, Nebr.
Drake & Drake
Doctors of Optometry -
Glasses Accurately Fitted
Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy
Palmer School
Telephone bf5
Wilson Building
Real Estate, Loans and
Reddish Block tf
Phone Alliance
Harry P. Coursey
Live Stock and General Farm Salea
J. 1). EMERICK "i
Bonded Abstractor 1
I have the only set of Abstract '
Books in Box Butte County
First National Bank BIdg.
Transfer and
Succeaaori to Wallace Trans,
fer and Storage Company
Howard & Allen
"We Try Hard to Please"
Have it
Wltk tie
Cylinder Blocks, Franea aad
Transmission Cases a Spadaity
Geo. H. Breckcer
New LaeaU 111 V4 U Ct.