THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1921 DOT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT DANCES. FINE MUSIC GOOD CROWD. LOWRY & HENRY. GARDEN HEMINGFORD Mrs. Ftcvrnson who has en ppend tng a few days in ('rawfonl, rcturnel Lome Th George JonoH fcnt Thumlay and Fri'l:iy in Alliance. Mrs. Mncklor was chopping in Alii Kva IJunre lia born on the sick 1it. 1 1 t it-- ii 1 1 . i i i ?i iir. anti nirs. yipx win enirnrtinru Mary Coil, Lydia (Jasselinff, Ott6 Miff ami Tony Kuhn at a card puny Sat urday evening. A party was hold at the Myron l Hunce home Friday niRht, January 7. ilame.; were the diversion of the evc- nce Wclne.tday. Ininff, arier which a dainty lunch or Miss Hallensworlh of Scottshluff -andw'ches, pie, fruit palad, cake and Vas in town Thursday. coffee was served. Tnose present were Mr. Whitsoll was a lustiness caller Mr. and Mrs. William Frippcl, Mr. and In Alliance Thursday. I Mrs. John Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. R. urn rnir vrnno ncn rive iliho OF TROUBLE END: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hennings an kiounce the arrival of a baliy boy. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton who have born Visiting in the east, returned home Wednesday. Louis Walters was shopping in Alli ance Thursday. Mrs. L. S. Wright has been on the tick list. Mr. Morgan of Iail, South Dakota, vaa here relieving Mr. Tooley, the last of the week. Margaret Kiester spent the week end with home folks. Fern Eaton who has been visiting In Iowa, returned home Sunday in order to take up her. school work Mon day. Fred Abley ia on the Hick list. Miss Dulle was shopping in Alliance Saturday. The boy scouts held their regular weekly meeting at the primary room Friday evening. The Woman'R club met at the Muir liead home Saturday afternoon, Mrs. iMuirhead and Mrs. Madison acting as hostesses. A dainty luncheon of sand wiches, pickles, coffee, ice cream and cake was served. Miss Evelyn Swanson has accepted a position as school teacher in district "Ho. 124. ' Mrs. B. V. Miller and daughter Gladys spent a few days in Crawford the last, of the week, Gladys having lier tonsils removed. Mrs. Alta Slayton and son who have been visiting in Crawford, returned Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Lackey who has been spending her vacation with her hus band in Kentucky, returned Sunday wiorning and departed on No. 43 to take up her school at Marsland on Monday morning. A. J. May wa sa business caller in Alliance Friday. A. J. May was a business caller in Morrill, Nebraska, to assist Rev. Mr. Williams in revival meetings. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wildy and little slaughter, who have been visiting in Denver, returned home Friday mora Sng. - Crete Lemons Is spending a few days in town. . Beitha Carter is on the sick list. Mrs. Myrta Hopkins and little daughter Dorothy who have been visit ing Roscoe at Sioux City, returned Siome Sunday. Francis Frohnapfel had the mis fortune to cut his nose last Monday While pitching hay. He run into a two by four board. The wound has caused him much pain and jnconveni ence but is healing Nicely. Harry Donner who has been work Sng for his sister at Carroll for the Jast few months, returned home last Wednesday. Leo Teistreate arrived the middle of the week from Iowa for an indefinite Visit with friends and relatives. Ralph Bacon who iB working at Sioux City, arrived Friday morning Jfor a visit with his parents. S. D. Butcher of Franklin, Nebr., transacted business in Hemingford the last of the week. From here he went Xo Crawford. Sanford Sailing is on the sick list this week. Warren Blanchford arrived home trom Omaha the middle of the week. A bunch of the boy scouts took a kike out to the dam Saturday morning. The time was spent in having a good time and eating. R. C Wright and family visited at the John Spangler home Sunday. George Carrel was in Alliance last Thursday. . Loer Osborn who has been attend ing school at Denver ia spending a few days with home folks. Mary Coil spent Saturday at the 2Frank Coil home. She has been nurs ing a very sore finger but is better at this writing. Mr. Toplisky has been on the sick Cist. The American Legion boys held a dance and oyster supper at the legion kail Friday night in honor of Harlem Wells. Leona Baldwin spent Sunday with Jhome folks. Mrs. Leo Tooley departed for Den ver Thursday night for a visit and Mr. Tooley left Saturday morning. Mrs. IL E. Ford has resigned her position at the First State bank. G. E. ivterson took her place. Genete McConnell left for Alliance IMonday. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Kenner spent Sunday afternoon at the Robert Walk er home. The civics class of the high school, which was made up of the junior and tsenior classes, motored to Alliance Thursday afternoon to the triaL Mr. Whitnack and Mr. Baura of lincola were looking after business natters here the last of the week. Helen Jones has been ill with the chicken pox. Mary Coil, Otto Mig, Margaret VLlg Uoyd Exskine and Ralph Regal went ttkating at Broncho lake Sunday after noon. . Wripht, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Forros trom, Mrs. Mary Foley, Mrs. Grant Bunce, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bunce, Mr. and Mrs. Ielloy Reynolds, Misses Floy and Elva Bunce, Misses Enga and Marie Forrostrom, Miss Irma Wright, Misses Ella, Dorothea and Forrostrom, Joseph and David Ma honey, Beit and Bail Frippell, Engla ami Oscar Forrostrom, Hugh Foley and Virgil Bunce. Lincoln Woman Says She Can't Find Words To Express Her Grati tude For Tanlac "Even before I had taken half e bottle of Tanlac I noticed a wonderful improvement in my condition," said Mrs, Elizabeth Finnell, 1641 N St., Lincoln, Neb. "For five years everything I ate fermented and blonted and distressed me terribly. I had to be taking some thing constantly for constipation and -ucile Bunce; Messrs. Adolph and Carl : at times mv feet would swell until ANGORA Arthur Johns made a business trip to Gering Wednesday. Mrs. Lela Funk and Miss Ethel Ilazen went to Bayard Saturday to visit friends, returning Sunday. Mrs. Howard Johnson is having a new windmill erected on her place north of town. Cash Kelsey, who has recently pur chased a new corn sheller is shelling corn for R. T. Ely this week. Mrs. George Venell was shopping in Alliance Saturday. Mrs. Lyle Carey returned from Ban croft this week where she spent the past month visiting with her parents. Omer Kmgry shipped two cars of stock to Omaha Saturday. Mr. Kigry accompanied the shipment.' Misses Edith and Lila Fetters spent Saturday in town with Emily Ely. Mrs. W. N. Thompson and Mrs. C M. Dove, were Alliance visitors Fri day. Miss Sophia Guszak attended the dance in town Saturday night, remain ing over Sunday with Miss Lcota Henderson. Mr. Fitzwater from Shelbyville, III., s here for a short visit with Miss Ethel Hazen and Mrs. Lela Funk. Mrs. G. T. Temple is working third trick again at the depot. Ed. Roach and sons were Scottsbluff visitors Saturday. There was a dance at Dove's hall Saturday night. A small but jolly crowd attended. The music was fur nished by local talent. John Burry, Louie Lawrence and Lloyd Temple went to , Hemingford Sunday. There was a charivari in town Sun day night. We think it was a little premature, however, the crowd wjb in vited in and a dainty treat was passed around. The wedding bells may ring in the near future. I could hardly stand. My nerves were shattered, I couldn't sleep and had awful headaches. I often got so dizzy I had to sit down and was so weak I could scarcely do any of my house work. "Well, I read a lot about Tanlac and decided to try it. My appetite was never better and I don't thing anyone has any better digestion than I have. The headaches, dizzy spells and weak ness have left me and my nerves are calm and steady so that I sleep peace fully every night and get up feeling fine and my housework is not a bit of trouble." Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E. Holsten; in Hemingford by the Hem ingford Mercantile Co., and in Hoff land by the Mallery Grocery Co. .CCOMPUCE CONFESSES A Taris doctor says men could get I along very well without a stomach. ROBBING SORORITY HOUSE How then cou,d women ever manage to win their hearts? FEATURING REGINA HATS A pplendM Hisolav now being: shown at McVicker's Millinerv. 13 HARGAIN IN A PIANO AND A PLAYERPIANO If you are looking for a genuine bargain in a PIANO or a PLAYER PIANO of high quality and modern in every particular, write us at once for full particulars of two instruments we &re now holding in Alliance. These have been moderately used, but are in fine condition, and we give you the Knight-Campbell money-back guaran tee and exchange bond with either one. Somebody is going to get a snap in this piano and playerpiano. We would ruther give the money to our custom ers than pay storage, cartage, boxing and freight to Denver. These bargains will be eagerly sought after, so write to us immediately stating whether you are interested in a piano or a player piano. 12-17 KNIGHT-CAMPBELL PIANO CO., , Denver, Colorado. TORRIfiGTON PARENTS ARE AGAINST HIGH SCHOOL DANCE The high school dance will not be revived in Torrington. Parents of the pupils have voted against a restora tion of the dance, which was banned a year ago by the high school faculty, and Supt L. D. Frazier has announced that no high school dances will be held, says the Scottsbluff News. Incidentally, the superintendent comments upon a dance given some weeks ago as a "high school dance," declaring that it was not given by the school. At this dance, a "moonlight" waltz was a feature, the lights being turned out. Ninety questionnaires were sent out to parents, asking them, "Do you ap prove of the adoption of the super vised high school dance in the Tor rington high school?" Fifty-eight questionnaires came back with forty signing the answer, "No." Fourteen voted "Yes." Some replies were ambiguous. "We learn from those who attended a dance some weeks ago," says Supt Frazier, "that certain music was ren dered with nomenclature referring to moonlight; so the lights were turned Out for. a time in order to give the music its proper setting. "This social function was called a high school dance; and some of the mothers permitted their daughters to attend, thinking it was a high school dance chaperoned by high school teachers, lhis was an error and we desire the community to know that there have been no high school dances. Any dance hereafter given and labelled 'high school dance is not authorized by the parents, the school board nor the high school faculty." Mr. Frazier asks the parents to co operate with him in keeping the high school pupils at home school nights. "The school board has requested the teachers not to attend places of amuse ment on these nights, in order that the pupils may have the benefit of their example for home study and the facul ty of the Gchool has made the same request of the pupils. In order to do their best work in school pupils must comply with the request. While the plucked eyebrow is going out of fashion it is confidently expect ed that other ways of being foolish will be discovered by the clever people wno sei me sniy styles. A prize winning pig was carried home by airplane, and as the driver went above the clouds the porker must have felt quite at home. Japan wants China to apologize for a massacre of Japanese. That, cer tainly, is no more than polite for the Chinese to do. Another group of anthropologists, dissatisfied with the theories of the archeologists, is seeking to locate the original Garden of Eden. Los Angeles ought to get excited about this. Liberty bonds will sell above par when beefsteak doesnT. Romance and Comedy on Wheels TAXI By George Agnew Chamberlain A gasoline classic in which the author hasn't written many serious words -only enough to act as shock absorbers- but he has written many that are amusing, many that make laughter easy, many that will add to the joy of living. The liveliest, cleanest, most diverting tale that has come out in a long time. Starting soon as a serial in this paper. Do Not Miss Itl A professor says if men don't quit wearing tight shoes we'll soon have a generation of people with hoofs. And that would be a fix. Clyde Nyquist of Alliance, Neb., was xonerated of robbing a Drake soror ty house by the confession of H. F. ?arker of Albia and was released af ler police had taken the couple and a .hird man from Chicago into custody, iccording to a Des Moines dispatch whlished in the State Journal la?t Friday. . Parker admitted that he alone en- ered the house and stole a string of j aluable pearls, silverware and three iilk gowns. The property was identi icd by Mrs. Mary Craig, dean of women. mm VERY CAREFUL to fill your prescriptions just as the doctor orders it. We take no chances, neither do you. Ask your doctor to leave your prescription with us. We will fill them and de liver them to you. THIELE Prescription Department Alliance -:- Nebraska New Low Prices on JT- .-". tV-J iv Steel Beds and Mattresses- The manufacturers and jobbers have notified us of price declines on these articles. We are passing them on to you. These prices are to rule for some time; no further reductions are antici pated for from three to five months. " Do your trading with us, at the only store who tells you publicly, and imme diately gives you the benefits of the New Price Reductions George D. Darling FURNITURE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS 113-117 West Third Street Alliance, Nebraska Its Not Too Late To Join Our Christmas - Club For a couple of weeks yet there will be time enough to join our Christmas Savings Club. The rush of Christmas is now over and you have time to do a number of little things you have been postponing. Come In Join Now While You Think Of It You can select a club that will net you any, amount of money you care to save for next year's Christmas expenditures. As little as 2c a week or as much as $2.50, makes you a member. The Money is Saved Without EfFort-But It Helps a Whole Lot. The principle of saving is one you cannot question. You know its good. The only trouble is, you do not start. Then take the in centive from the joy you'll have Christmas 1921 when you will have plenty of money to give presents to all your friends and loved ones. ASK US ABOUT THE PLAN TODAY! 77,6 FIRST STATE BANK