V SEVEN Gene Byrnes Says:- neics the i.iusic Write i oar When a man expresses sympathy for old maids, he means that he re grets their inability to do as well as his wife did. Baltimore Sun. DR. A. CLARENCE SCIIOCH General Surgeon Rumer Bldg., Alliance, Neb. Office I'hone 187 Res. Thone, Blk. 62 Office I'hone 13(5 Res. Phone Red &01 WILLIS TRANSFER CO. City and Country Hauling Crnting and Tucking With Win. K ing Co. Alliance, 219 Box Butte Nebraska. Tllb AL1.lA.NCC HERALD, TVESDAV. JANUARY -I, 1021 t ) imy 7 --iS WANT TO BUT lometMntr Hun dreds of people can then Want A1 columns looking for what you r other have to offer. Get quick remit! by advertising- In The raid Want Ad department. J STATES Two cents per word per in sertion. Copts more than other ewspapers, but we guarantee that fou reach several hundred ''more readers. Buy "'rculatloh. not hot air. SAL13 CITY PIIOPKHTY ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf riVE room Bungalow, all modern close In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOR SALE USED OARS "OR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES. FOR SALE New and second hand Singer sewing machines on $3 a mouth payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD, Agt. 86tf FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Household goods includ ing brass bed, princess dresser, 2 elvet rugs, buffet, Hoosier cabinet, Buck range, congoleum rug and mis cellaneous articles. 208W. 3rd St., up stairs. FOR SALE TRACTOR FOR SALE A 12-23 horsepower Case tractor for sale or trade for a truck or good car. Inquire Ralph R. Sher lock, Angora, Neb. ll-14p FOU SALE-OMAHA HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Omaha property for va cant lots and acreage in Alliance. Write P. O. Box 750. Phillips & sons, Contractors, Alliance. 97tf FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Two rooms, with mod ern conveniences; gentlemen with references preferred. 617 Cheyenne Ave. Phone Black 713. lOtf FOR RENT Well heated room. Price $2.50 a week. Phone 347. 6tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, 619 Laramie. Phone 120. lOltf WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling bouse at right price. John O'Keefe Son. 85tf WANTED STOCK HOGS WANTED Stock hogs. Nebraska Land Co. 103-tf WANTED HELP CLERKS (men, women) over 17, for postal mail service. $130 month. Examinations January. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, write R. Terry, (former civil service! examiner) 734 Continental Bldg., Washington, D. C. - lip AGENTS WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN agent want ed in the city of Alliance to sell the genuine J. R. Watkins Medicines, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations, etc All or spare time. A wonderful opportunity to get into business for yourself. Write today for free partic ulars and sample. J. R. Watkins Co., 60 Winona, Minn. 12p SALESMEN WANTED GET BUSY. KEEP BUSY. Is your job unsafe? Is it permanent? You want a life long business. You can get Into such a business selling more than 137 Watkins Products direct to farmers if you own auto or team or can Ket one; if you can give bond with personal sureties. We back you with big selling helps. 52 years in busi ness, 20,000,000 users of our products. Write for information where you can get territory. J. 11. Watkins Co., De partment C, Winona, Minnesota. 12p FOUND KKYS FOUND Bunch of keys in postolHce Friday. Inquire Herald office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska, December 23, 1V20. Noiice is hereby given that James A. Byers, of Lakeside, Nebraska, who, on July 31, 1917, made Homestead En try No. 018323, for Lot 4, SW'4 NW'i ; W'iSWU; SEUSWV4 of Section 1, and NVaNWVi, of Section 12, Town ship 23, North Range f0, West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 8th day of February, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses Clell Underwood, Grover Sutton, Burr Un derwood, John W. Sutton, all of Alli ance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, 8-17 Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John J. Keenen, deceased. State of Nebraska, Box Putte Coun ty, ss. You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the county court room in Alli ance in said county on the 20th day of April, 1921, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. A time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is four months from the lGth day of De cember, 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the lGth day of December, 1920. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 15th day of De cember, 1920. IRA E. TASH, (Seal) County Judge. LEE BASYE, Attorney. D21-J14 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Charles M. Powser, plaintiff, vs. Dar.iel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county judge of Box rsuue counry, iseDraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Charles M. Bowser was plain tiff and raniel Corcoran deferdan. in recover the sum of $326.90, n writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wn: norses, cauie and otner live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, grain, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. CHARLES M. BOWSER, Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Dec28-Jan25,'21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Orange Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Corcoran, defendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident defendant: Notice is hefeby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Orange Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $538.67 a writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following devrihM nmiwrfv f wit: Horses, cattle and other 'live' ock, fanning implements, tools and Kichinery, furnituie, wagons, harness, iain, hay, gasoline engine ami all iier personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiffs peti t on filed herein on or before the first .Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 11121. OKANGK BOWSER, j MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorney.' I Dec2-Jan25,'21 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. Leroy Bowser, plaintiff, vs. Daniel uorcoran, tictendant. To Daniel Corcoran, non-resident deiendant: Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of attachment issued by Ira E. Tash, county judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said county court wherein Leroy Bowser was plain tiff and Daniel Corcoran defendant, to recover the sum of $978.fi7. a writ of attachment was issued and levied upon the following described property, to wit: Horses, cattle and other live stock, farming implements, tools and machinery, furniture, wagons, harness, gram, hay, gasoline engine and all other personal property. You are re quired to answer the plaintiff's peti tion filed herein on or before the first Monday in February, 1921, namely February 7th, 1921. LEROY BOWSER, . Plaintiff. MITCHELL & GANTZ, Attorneys. Der28-Jan25.'21 NOTICE U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Ne braska. ' Notice is hereby given that Mar garet E. Burke, of Alliance, Nebras ka, who, on October 6th, 1917, made Homestead entry, No. 01835(5, for the EAST HALF of Section 20, Township 23 North, Range 50 West of Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make ftnl thre-var ! Proof, to establish claim to the land aDove described, before the Kegistei and Receiver of the United Stateh Land Office, at Alliance, Nebrasfla on the Eighth day of January, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: George Burke, Charles Tierman, John T. Burke and John Murphy, all of Al liance, Nebraska. J4 T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State of Nebraska, Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mar garet Triplett, deceased. To all persons interested in the es tate of Margaret Triplett, deceased. You will take notice that on the 2Sth day of December, 1920, George D. Darling, administrator of said estate filed his reDort anl final an,,- r his dealings with the paid estate in mis court and that said account will be for hearing on the 28th day of Jan uary, 1921, at the county court room in Alliance in said county at the hour of 10 a. m., and if no objections are filed to the said account the same will be allowed and the estate fully settled. (Signed) IRA E. TASH, Jan4-21 County Judge. THE OFFICE BOY'S OFF-HOUR The New York Sun reports that of 1,728 office boys whose lives were laid open to the investigation of a self appointed committee of efficiency ex perts, it was determined: Twelve per cent read "dime" novels; seventeen print their names over sev enty times daily; eleven watch the door from the hall, where they pitch pennies; three collect stamps; seven practice typing "The Iar!ge bromn fox lumped ovEr the laxy dob"; four sleep; three sit and think; six sit. The remaining trirty-ftve per cent is sufficiently clever in its action so that even their bosses don't know what they do. True womanhood will shine," writes a poetess. Not If the powder puff can prevent it In London thv m iii. 4. j daylight saving. Ilere, we have for gotten we ever bad it. LAKESIDE Mr. Pearson went to Alliance Fri ll a. v. Alva Ryland went to Denver last Friday. Lcc Watson returned from the west Friday. Doyt Grebe was u Lakeside visitor Friday. Carl Miller was a Lakeside visitor Saturday. Elden Evans went to Antioch on No. 39, Friday. Operator Beach was a Lakeside vis itor Sunday. Margaret Cody drove in from the ranch Sunday. Beatrice Westover was on the nirk list last week. Mr. Brommaugh was down from Antioch Friday. Max Moscrip was a lakeside visitor Friday afternoon. Glenn Simmons is visitinir fripmla in Ainance tnis week. George Staples was in town last week visiting relatives. Bertha Tyler spent last week in town visiting friends, j Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeFrance were in town New Y'ear's day. Rev. Burlcgh returned from the west Saturday on No. 40. Annie Tyler and brother Ed., rode in from the ranch Sunday. Dan Thompson left for Lincoln on No. 40 Saturday morning. Leo Berry returned from Lincoln the latter part of the week. R. A. Cook was an east bound pas senger on No. 40. Sunday. Richard and Elva Keith drove, in from the ranch last Thursday. Chas. Hitt is taking Mr. Roe's place as agent here during his absence. Earl Staples and wife left for New castle, Wyoming, Friday on No. 39. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Masterson were west bound passenger Friday. Roy Skiles and Bruce Huns.IWor came fro mthe west on No. 40, Sun day. A bunch of young folks from here attended the dance at Antioch Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Herman and daughter drove in from the ranch Inst Thursday. frank DeFrance shipped a car load of mules for the Lakeside Ranch Co., Sunday to Kansas City. Agent J. L. Roe left for Denver, Sunday, He expects to visit eastern points before he returns. S. Weaver left for his hom r Ack land, Nebraska, Sunday morning, af ter visiting relatives here. Mrs. Moran and little Julia nn,i Alice Wilson were west bound -pas- sengers on No. 39, Sunday. Miss Marie Marcv left for h hi near Sander, Wyo., Saturday, after a couple of days' visit with friends here. Mrs. Ray Woods and daughter were west bound passengers Friday after a MOVING Snyder Transfer and Fireproof Storage "The World Moves and So Does Snyder" Office Phone 15; Res. 884 and Black 730. "When It's Your Move, Let Us Know." STORING REAL rSTATB Box Butte County Farms and Ranekea Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. UeCOBXLB, Uanagar Ofiee Groumd Floor First Natl. Baak few .lavs' visit at the Zurcher home The little dnuirhter of Willni-,1 ardson came near having pneumonia, out; is Deuer at the time of this writ ing. Margaret Grcnnen and Lillian Ber zina returned to Alliance Thursday af ter a visit with their friend, Mary nerman. Mrs. Clvde Fosd irlr Ami Cft daughter returned to their home at finance r rutay arter a visit with rela lives here. Helen Ballard whn tin a Wn vtait ing at the Ed. Osborn home the last ween, returned to her hnniP at Tl ham, Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Hartsnnlr nn.l i;tu onn are here from Lincoln visiting at the nome or xvirs. Hartsook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coe. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oslmrn lmva Alliance New Year's day to take Mr. and Mrs. Seibert and children m ) could catch the Denver train and thus make the trip less tiresome. Lucille. Lawrenr nn,l foril rtuKsivn left for York Saturday morning. They went 10 Anuocn to catch No. 42. Miss Laura Evans also left at the same time. Thev will all attend biiBinoBO college at that place. Miss Belle Weibling and Walter Nelson entertained at a dinner party Friday evening at the club house, the occasion being in honor of Miss Marie Marcy of Lander, Wyoming, who spent the New Year with Miss Weibling. Those present were Misses Marie Marcy and Belle Weibling, Mrs. Beryl Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Gray bill, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Morris, Ed ward Jameson, Walter Nelson and T. lackwell. Later in the evening they motored to Antioch to attend the dance. FINANCIAL It "may seem nn imjossible thinp than an impossible man can secure membership of a decent club, yet such instances have occurred. Such an im possible person approached the secre tary of his club. "I want your ad vice, sir," he said. "I have been de liberately insulted by one of the mem bers. I was sitting in the smoking room, when Colonel came up to me and said, without preamble, 'Sir, I will give you one hundred pounds if you will resign your membership of this club.' Now, what ought I to do in the matter?" "It's perfectly obvious, sir," said the relieved secretary, with alacrity. "Hold on for a better offer." Tattler (Lon don.) That scientist who is incubating oysters in a goldfish bowl must be up against it for brain food. Home brew motto: Jug not that ye be not jugged Ramah (Colo.) Rec ord. PACKING SHIPPING W . L . C A R ROLL Blacksmith and Horseshoer Now at 220 Big Horn Thono 1053 Wien In Antioch Take Your Heal at THI LIBERTY OA73 lltala at All Honrs John Strata Let Me Cry Your Sales U. A. WTl.AMi . Auctioneer '2A'i Missouri Service Guaranteed ve Have Our Own Ilelfj riiiLLirs & sons Contractors and Builders. I O. Ilox 700 Alliance, Neb, L. A. BERRY ROOM RUMER BLOCK rilONE 9 ALLIANC 12, NL'IIKASKA 33 Drake & Drake iMtctor of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, OsteopstkjS DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 8C5 Wilson Building Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf Phone 004 Alliance Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock, General Fann Bale J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only net of Abstract llookh In Itox Itutte County, Flrnt National Dank Bldg. Clean Up Now nd AVOID TilK BUSH A little later In tHe you'll bte to wait four tarn. Uae the phone today. PROMPT 8 Kit VICE WOW Sam Shelton Phone 871 PHONES: RES. NO. 183 4 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVINQ BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATINO FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Please" Have it WELDED with the OXT'ACETTUDni PR0CE83 CyiiFdeT" Blocks frames aai Tranxalaslea Cases a ITfneUffj all macros putra Geo. H. Breckner New LoeatUsi Sis w. 14 tsv I