THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1920. MAI OR RODGERS IS OP- competent a person as can lie (secured FOSiili iu ill i MANAGER Mrs. Grace Kennedy has been on the. FIVE? SOCIETY 'and Mrs. Coil Hopkins, Mr. ami Mr. IJurli o I I l'-.,r.'n.. (I. n.l Hght office for the inut ten vears. t t 4i fvi-.i.-n . ......... ' i... . v- . C i.'.' L ' m iifiiiii.i,-w.-i-..iiin.Ai ill I i. 11 . . n u .i. .inn .t vnniii n iviiufl (Continued from iage 1) ' Do you want her to quit? K. I). Ca.V- . ' ' nv n ' i " ' vr " . ICZ"' u . " .re' h rT, anTwh the.- t-M), decorate,. omething a little out of the ordi-'8" an' one f the niort useful men ! 1 aim Room of the All nnee Hotel llh Christmas ieorat,ons and a nnrv Tr-r.ll vr... ' i the CltV has hfid Mill) loved for the ednest lav eveninir. Cnrh member . "B'm luncn was scrvou levied lor tn.a purpose and it wjh '" three years. He resigned because was required to bring a present to t have to wa.t unui ugu?:, when a I pot:t10n wa filed for the manager i in c noi over fifty, cents for a lady new levy can be made." There was 1 ;,Tr"V T .u 'a.'. ",'aure to' whose name, was ninded to him pre no such excuse made when the neti- i ?'ork fo.r. the Clt-V of Alliance, but not v;0llsh. , FnmtHt(, 1MV in htv tion was 'hied for an elect;.,., ., h Ior anotner manager. Hank hick- u , .... . .,. city manner form of irovernment ;na.n a rr-v competent man, and , J" a .-i H!-.'urei iiiiii ne win 110 . , . . r . scnted with the .oct on no ni.i io gift. was .. i . , . vou c:n re Bn.l if it c..,. i " "J-;" his best at a times to rent er Kerv- lo e sifrnea 10 me "ptinc . H titn mary to nominate un.l thnn h;.vo -in e t-the plant election to select a council, nn.l ihon x?at as soon as a city hire a 'competent enirineer- wh. cn i cnoscn ne W1" llave lhe r,Kht Xo h-re od.l jruests present anil the eve.i n Fhnw us how, and ,k;v h'm too ves I evol'-v 0,,1P'oye of tlie c.ty. He may j w is mo. t pleasantly st ent in s;iik.ii. we can, for the city attorney and lheul,.in .n.n"e h.f wantf TO whether i l';otar':'n sons . Ilu!uh.y detort t.nV chairman ot trc committee '" 1,11 " "l fi.-vneie. ne!w uso, pay so. le.-, we cj,n u. e Miss .lanlre Adams was hostess ut a party Tuesday eveninK in honor of Miss Dolly Dailey. Her Riiesls were: Jo: e;ih're Wilson, Josephine Wright, Kl'Z: li ih VV'l on, Frances Giussmnn, Frances Jcl".olt, Lucille Iluller, Kath- But tlo you krowj'ou" d, includ'nj? turKey, plume',ne May M iler, t ith- pu; tlirff, etc., was served to the foi y ' """. ocuu, u-rna ow, i.utn r-iou. i hi -is arm ounco were :i' vd ntor which a dainty lunch was RF.NVKR FANATIC KILLS ' MOTHER OF ALLIANCE MAN (Continued from pajre 1) ; a reticent attitude and said onlv, ' "Keif defense.'" When aked to taik ' further, he said: i "I know the oltl lady intended to kill me, my wife and my unl.oi n buby. I fired at her in self-defense. That is my only Ftntemont." We wish you all a Happy Nen? 'v . .. , uiu.vii with a lite M(ocie. L'llVHI.N Jt i.I'l.KR, Minister. II '.I T.ST ('Tn'RCIl Suntlay : rhoor ineets at 10:00 a. m. li. . v. meets i,t UiCO p. m., foliowe I b, the regular eveninff serv ice. H. J,. Kl.;.e w.ll preach on the he lives in the citv or elsewhere, ... e At u.v.t.-, for , . " V . . 11 " ' ' ' Mrs. A. J. KeLtins ontoita'ned her f believe there are u lot of men i Sunday School class at u kensin-'lon i . . . n i i ... .... in the c tv ol Alliance who are can- mursnay a.iernoon, ai whuii many for the u eful and attractive tril'ts were made these nui noses, but we Mn t ,,m.'l"c that you and 1 have so much con- n ttw. - i n.iente in. that various civic organizations have ns.L-n.1 to pull the library lourd out of the a.b' i1"'1 'lUn to otriciate fn hole cau.ed by bad luck a fur- iV for " te,;nA?,': two- 1 nace und repairs and repairs to the !hp e f .A,,!?nc aml ,f Greek horn In Minsk, Russia, is n -'Jt.i''"- "in:nr Foiwaid." carpenter. He recently came to Don-' Vou vwll find a welcome at these ver with his wife from Tvione, N. M., servict s. where they were marrieij. I In his cell at the city jail Tuesday) LLlFil.RAN CHI RCII he betrayed no nervousness answered , ... . . questions reluctantlv ami showed no . v 1,0 vs w.ll le held on Fri- evidence of a tleranfjed mind. f " ''" "; vX s 'f fck in the Ger man lansuujre. basement. "Yes, this is mt"whn hr s been eaid and what they intend doing, so if this carries you can tpoct ui.,i ti..i city manne-er will have to be paid and it will cost the city at least 10 mills more tax to pay him than is now levied and these other impor tant matters will have to keep until some time more opportune. How do you like it? "Each department of the city's business has a head and is run by as - ieve in for a member of the class soon to he f there ' is any thine to be jriven to anyone, the I Au..t civ .Lr,.,,,,, i,.u c,Wtehi z;?'U tor" fr tro to the polls on next Tuesdav i.n,lhuc:e wh te c,Tl,p 'atM r ,;0- w,as 4,ut vote his or her convictions on "these nn1 a variety of practical articles for two propositions that are to be settled I the kitchen drawn out with a i.roprf t...l i-i-i: i lUunirriT nriit'vra invtine. c. .. i twin i k.)uimtjr iiitfiiiiu at lu.iiu u CItlVK ro Insnnitv is ihn finlv Ino-irnl unlnflnn ., ... . i. I. Mildred Tate and Fhylis Thompson the police say. The aed woman was We "may 'm;uo many New Years -:r.-c i thentor pjirty lhurwlay eve- not capable of harminK Crock or his r,..0:ut ons vhM. are soon forgotten, nwir n honor o hired and lhelma I wife, they charge, nnl the story oi , Hl, ..,vrl. ,(t lls . . ,Vp r.i,.,;n O borne or Scot, bluff Their quests , MVon of the ; u " Vi iPVn y a end ' S ve, c- I orothy Hearst V, ,ai, to have a ' "'".. - ,, !-'ew , ear. '1 hat is the IvfHr thatehe o' t-l. . . I t 1 . . I"'1'"- HUH II HI ll illtl If 11 'I !l I Ut'.'tho. I "'' "if' ,M.if m-.v u tiencious i j)eputy Coroner Clyde 1$. Tuvlor took lur.i n was served. Miss Mildred Griggs entcrtninetl a number of friends at cards this after- by your vote. If you want to stand I ote verses attached up for Alliance and your interests, I for Miss Devinnlon Those were also noon- Those present were Mrs. Ern- vote 'No' on each proposition. "A. l. KODGERS." The. pli;ee cards, Martin King of Bayard was in Alli ance Thursday on busines. j on the back of wlveh were recipes and hoiisehoM hints, were maile into an (attractive book, Ks sourvenir of the occasion, und presented to the mdo-to-bc. Happy New 'Tear FOR 1921 J'A 5. C-W' Not only because it is an honored custom, but be cause of the sincerity of our appreciation, we take this opportunity to thank you for the pait you have played in our business prosperity the past twelve months, and we wish you a good old-fashioned Happy New Year. HORACE ROGUE STORE GET YOUR SHOES SHINED t New Year's Day . To- every person who has his shoes shined Saturday, New Year's Day, we will give a FREE CARNATION Our Parlor has been fitted up conven iently and the workmen know their "stuff." Give It a Trial New Year's Day. We have a place for the Ladles, too. ALLIANCE SHOE SIDNING PARLOR la Banding Formerly Occupied by The Alliance Herald, At 121 Box Butte est I'otarth, Misses Theresa Morrow, Matilda Frankle, Julia r rankle, Jose phine Ganson, Mabel Younpr, Marjraret Harris and Esther Bevington. A dainty lunch was served late in the afternoon. 413 Mrs. Sam Tillot and Mrs. .1. K ridel-! anil Mrs. J nomas Kelly, bnuph entertained at bridge i;t the Swo t water, will Ik? hosts at a dinner home of the former, Thursday after- iruV' J-nuary 1. Their guests will noon, in honor of Mrs. .1. Ii. Hieko Mrs. F. A. I-npe, and of Linc oln, Neb. Gue. ts nesent were: daiv liter., Betty Faith, Mrs. Florence Me dnnios M. S. Hai civ.v e., TVicy l7" nn(' son l.'verolt, Mr. and Mrs. Coctswell, E. A. Hall, James Emer- Clir.n.l Swi.rd, and Mrs. Carry Gep - .-n, C. E. Mr.rl..,, W. I. A. i hart. V. Gavin, F. W. Harris, Marcus Fran- j kle, F. A. Hivelv, t;. JJ. Siagio, Fid I Hi Junior Auxiliaiy of the Episco Mallerv, G. L. G5p--s. Wii'iam Bev- ' 0: 1 ,-hurch (rave a dancing party nt !rt.ton and Sleet. The rooms were tlie parish house Thursday evening, beautifully deco-aled in pink and Df hiIkt 20. Mrs. Harry Guntz, A. white wi.h sweet was and fern.;. ! V- avin, Mrs. L. P. Dickenson, and After an afternoon at cards at wh'ch Mrs. F. A. llively won first honors, a nones, turkey dinner v;.s sined. Mr. Kli-ier McManis were the chap- Miss Gr-'ce Spuelit en'er'ainid tlie N' .11. Club at a rrMI'iawous .-hower for Mis Alta Dye wl o-o marriage to Mr. Hdv.'iA Bundnui.-t of Cedar Banids. Tlie Eastern Star kesington met at the Masonic TVrnvle r)eeember .'W. Mis J. L. Overman, Mrs. II. Ellis, Mr . Geo. Davis, Mrs. Harry Sims ami M 'V -03 Wilma and Marion Mote were la., is to take place in the near future, hostesses. -Her guests were Mf; dames H. Camp-! 1 ell, Morris Nelson. Fied Vanders, and i The K- C-'R Kave a PnrtV t the K. Misses Mario Kilble, Thelma West- C- hal1 Thursday evening. Dancing ley, Jennie Hilton, Frances Collins, 1 f"'1 c;,n' wcre t,ie entertainment of and Alta Dye. The house was 1 e;iu' i- th(' evening. Everyone reports a good fully decorated, a color scheme of red time. r itid white being used. The guest ot I honor received many beautiful and i DU. BOWMAN office in First useful gifts. A dainty lunch was National Hank IJuildinir. 8tf charge of the body ami removed it to the niunicapal morgue. A pass book on an Omaha bank and $10 in cash were fount! in the lining of her skirt. Mrs. Smith had lived fit the Seventeenth avenue address J'wr about a year. The finding of the pmall red hook on religious topics, nenr the dead ho ly of Mrs. Smith, was the first clew to the establishing of Greek's motive. According to Mrs. Greek, who Is in n delicate condition, her husband und Mrs. Smith had spent long hours Mon day afternoon poring over the con tents of this book. Certain passages which apparently impressed Greek were market! with a pencil. One oi those marked passages is: "We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we ut agree ment. Is, SJS.lft." Temporary insanity, brought about by religious fanaticism, was given at police headquarters Wednesday as the reason for the shooting to death Mon thly afternoon of Mrs. Mury Smith, 71 years oM, by l hilip Greek. 30 veurs old, in the presence of his wife, Mrs. lii oelc, with whom he had been en-; gaged in an argument on religious j matters. Greek, .ireordinrr to Vila w:f7 hnA ' 1 ocn reading a great deal of religious j matter of a fanatical nature and at! times displayed nn extremely nervous ' temper oi a violent fort. I 1 killed her to save my family. Greek in.Msted, "and. after all, I am glad that I did it. By lulling her, 1 ; savetl three souls from destjuction. Chief of Police Armstrong said that he believes Greek is mentally unbal anced at times and that the shooting was due to a midden attack of a tio- lent insanity. f. n;oi:c::Mt;ELi.ER, rastor. served. Miss Avis Joder entertained at a dinner and card party Wednesday evening in honor of MIsr Laura Mounts, Emma Johnston and May Graham. Her guests were Mrs. Emmd Johnston, Mrs. Robert John stone, . Misses Laura and Glenn Mounts; Mabel and lzola Worley, May and Ethel Graham, ' Edna Benedict, Vera Spencer, Evangeline Acheson, Ruth and Lula Sturgeon and Grace and Maude Spacht, Five hundred was played, Izola Worley, winning the prize . A very elaborate dinner was served. A number of young people were en tertained by Mrs. E. A. Hall, Wednes day evening in honor of her son Albon Hall. A six o'clock dinner was I served anil the rpmninrler nf Hip nvpn. i ing delightfully spent in dancing. ' The house was most beautifully decor ated in pink and white, the color ; scheme being carried out in sweet peas, cupids and streamers. Guests present were Misses Margaret Harris, i Mildred Griggs, Matilda and Julia ! Frankle. Messrs. Louis Griggs, Law-, rence Card, of Denver, and Mahlon Shearer. Alton Harris left last Suntlay for Lincoln where he is visiting relative.1 W. M. lodence of Hemingford was an Alliance visitor Thursday. Kenneth Hamilton of the Nat'onal Five and Ten-Cent store, returned Wednesday from Wahoo, where he spent the Christmas holidays. ANNOUNCEMENTS The meeting of the F. E. O. will be held January 10, with Mrs. E. A. Hall Tlie Eastern Star initiation will be be held Tuesday, January 4. i NOTICE V The annual stockholders' meeting of the Herald Publishing Company will be held nt the o(7ice of the company in the Reddish block, in the city of Alli ance, Jobrasl;a, on January 3, 1921, at 7:.10 o'clock, p. in. LLOYD C. THOMAS, President Attest: . 10 JOHN . THOMAS, Secretary. . M;"? J.r'n Matey is visiting friends in Alliance this week. AT THE CHURCHES - CHURCH OF CHRIST Begir. he new year right! Dedicate a portion of self, substance and serv ice to the deity. Try Him and -see if his word is not true. The minister will discourse on the following subjects for next Ixtrd's day: "Constancy" and "Its Reward." Each department of the church be gins the new year with a splendid outlook. There has been growth in efficiency nnd all bills pajd. The pav ing fund lacks about $125.00 in reach ing the entire amount. This Is due January 18. We can make th!s the greatest year of our service or-othT. Union meetings are contemplated for the month of March. Prompt and " ! Efficient Promptness and Efficien cy arc the two watchwords we keep in mind. They are essential in every business but are especially impor tant when it comes to Watch Repairing The railroad man and business man must have the correct time. When he leaves his watch with the jeweler he wants tQ get it when it is promised and he wants it repaired so he can depend on it. In both these, par ticulars Thiele's gives perfect satisfaction. 1 .-"T- V 7, i .. n.,r Munsvrick rfionooMPiis 'utchl.tspectortS&Q Mis3 Agnes Marie Nelson will en tertain at a 6 o'clock dinner New Year's Eve. Her guests will be: Mar garet Marks, Evelyn Morris, Kather ine Morris, Mary Ellen Burns, Kath lyn Blak, Alice Foley, Betty Beal, Mary Alice Beal, Genevieve Brittan, Mary Loretta Copsey, Level la Wat teyne, Eulice Longton, Katherine Har graves, Mildred Doyle, Faith Dickin son, Mildred and Dorothy Morgan, Jean Kennedy, Billy Newberry, James Hunter, Jack Riordan, Frances Kneist, and Bernard Hotlgkinson. Miss Kathern Buechsenstein was hostess at a 7 o'clock dinner party Wednesday evening. Her guests were Misses Sarah O'Keefe, Margaret Dwyer, Agnes Newberry, Helen New berry, and Messrs. Douglas, Ed. Mc Nulty, Ralph Rominger, Ray Roming er and Lester Beal. Christmas dec oration? were used. Each guest was required to recite a short poem after which small gifta were given. A dainty lunch was served in the course of the evening. The Modern Brotherhood of Amer ica elected officers and will install its officers January 6 for the year 1921. Those elected were as follows: F. E. Sanders, president; E. L. Lawrence, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. E. L. Lawrence, vice president; Mrs. F. E. Sanders, chaplain; Mrs. Ed Young, conductor; Mrs. Myers, watchman; O. E. Chapman, sentry; Henry Law rence, Troy Sanders, 'George E. Heath, trustees; Dr. C. E. Slagle, lodge physician. Mrs. H. P. Bromley, 823 W. Third street entertained at party Monday evening, December 27, in honor of Guy Powers who is leaving for Kansas City, Mo., toon. The guests wen Mr. We Want You To Have A Happy New Year During 1921 The officers and directors of the First National Bank wish to express their sincere appreciation of the increase during 1920 in number of patrons and business done. t We have faithfully endeavored to render conscien tious service in every instance. We thank you for good will and in return hope For You Ever-Increasing Happiness and Prosperity Throughout 1921 and the Years to Come. The First National Bank