The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 28, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Kenneth Hamilton is visiting rela
tives in Wahoo, Neb.
Mrs. J. L. Hoe of Lakeside spent
Christmas in Alliance.
Miss Klna Benedict spent Christmas
day with her' sister at Herea.
Mrs. Frank Cody of Lakeside was
in Alliance on business Monday.
F. MeCurdy of Casper cnl Christ
inas with his two daughter here.
Mis Anna Cater, of Scottsbluff, is
in Alliance today lor medical atten
tion. Donald and Glenn Tierce of Hem
ingford, motored to. Alliance Monday
cveninir. '
Mr. Kobinson of the Forest Lumber
company is visiting at Orclla, Neb.,
this week.
Mrs. (.J. I Griggs and Mis Mildred
Griggs are visiting the former's sister
in Omaha.
Miss Malel Gillert returned last
evening from a visit with her parents
lit Lead, S. D.
Willie Netfeldt of Scottsbluff is
spending the holidays with his sister,
Mrs. Koy Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry SarTord, of Mc
Grew, Neb., spent Christmas with Mr.
Sa fiord's mother.
Bruce Hunsaker returned Monday
from lakeside, where he spent Christ
mas with relatives.
S. W. Weaver of Ashland, Neb., is
visiting at the home of his son, J. M.
Weaver of this city.
Miss Doris Tyler, f Lexington,
Neb., is visiting with her brother, Dr.
D. E. Tyler of this city.
Mrs. Brida Schemik of Maryland,
spent a few days in Alliance on busi
ness, returning Monday.
Charles Griff is of the Reo garage,
ftpent Christmas day in Crete with E.
G. Campbell and family.
Mrs. Van Hoosen came home to
ppend Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Garrett.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson left Mon
day for Denver to attend the funeral
of Mr. Lnrsen's mother.
Mr. Martie Nolan, who spent Christ
mas here with relatives, returned to
his home at Potter, Monday.
Mrs. U. C. Harl'ng returned Friday
from Chicago ami other eastern point
where fhe rpcnl her vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Andor.on leave
Wednesday for a iw djys' visit with
relatives nt Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Corey arrived
from Newcastle, Sunday, where they
have been on their home f.t.
Margaret Brennan and Lillian Ir
xina left Monday for Lako-Me to spend
a few days with Marv Herman.
Emerson school, left Friday night for
York to spend her vacation with rela
tives. O. J. Flaharty of Newcastle, Wyo.,
is here for the Christmas holidays
visiting his mother, Mrs. S. J. Fla
harty. '
Mrs. Cora Lewis and mother, Mrs.
Willis, left for California Saturday
where they will ,end about three
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McCadeity and
Patrick Green of Cheyenne, Wyo., are
quests at the home of J. Hodgkinson
'his week.
C. R. Hamilton of the Guardian
State bank, left Friday for Buena
Vi C olo., to spend Christmas with
his family.
Margaret Shawver returned to Cas
por Monday after spending the yule
tide with her father, N. T. Shawver
of this city.
Mrs. Henry Nelson, who was oper
ated ujon at St. Joseph's hospital last
week, returned to her home at Lingle,
vjo., Sunday.
Sheriff Miller, Special Agent F. J.
Smith and Attorney Lee Basye, left
Monday for Clay Center on the Good
win bigamy case.
Alice Carlson who spent Christmas
with relatives here, left Monday for
1 hermo'polis, Wyo., where she has
taken a position.
Harry Townley, representative of
the Standard Land company of Mars
land, is in Alliance on business and
will return Tuesday.
Harley Miller of Marsland spent the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. True Miller and family of this
:;v, returning Monday.
Miss Sarah O'Keefe is in the city
'or a vacation visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John O'Keefe. She is
ittending school in Denver.
Miss Marie Carey returned to Sheri
dan Monday after spending Christmas
w th relatives here. Miss Carey will
t ike up hor position as assistant sec
retary to W. D. Fisher.
The psalmist wh said in his haste
that all men are liars proved that
Ihey are not always so.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Caldswcll, and
family who have been visiting Mrs.
Caldwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Howe, of this city, left Tuesday for
their home in Calgary, Canada. They
w ill stop off for a visit with Mrs. Cald
well's sister, Mrs. J. B. Lessolo, of
Newcastle, Wyo.
DTI. noVM AN (iff ice in First
National Rank Building. Stf !
The annual stockholders' meeting of
the Eagles Building association will
be held at the ofTice of the secretary
in the Reddish Block, in the city of
Alliance, Nebraska, on January f.
1921, at 7:30 o'clock, p. m.
F. E. HOLSTEN, President.
Attest: 10
LLOYD C. THOMAS, Secretary.
The Christmas offering Friday eve
ning was as follows:
Special gift for the woman's foreign
missionary society, $7.f2; special gifts
for starving children of Europe, J7.f0;
loofe coliect'on to be divided equally
between the two, $ 20.70. So the offer
ing for the W. F. M. S. is $22.37 and
for starving children $22.3. We are
thankful for this good response.
Somehow or other we cannot con
jure up much respect for the argu
ment that going in for golf makes
you so enthusiastic that you forget
about everything else.
If the profiteers and not the hen
i that lay the dollar eggs were to get
it in the neck there would be more
public satisfaction.
The lad'es' circle of the Christian
church will meet in the church parlors
Wednesday afternoon to tie comforters.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hershman, who
attended the funeral of their son, Dr.
C. E. Hershman of this city last
Thursday, will return the last of the
week to their homo at Tefft, Ind.
The M. E. choir will meet Thursday
even"ng at the home of Mrs. Jack
Noble, 921 Box Butte, at 7:30.
Having .fried sovietism, a large
number of Russians are now ready for
something else.
A Washington health expert says
that apple and potato peelings are
conducive of longevity. Here is an
other jolt handed to the high cost of
The difficulty in arranging a con
sistent drop in prices lies in the num
ber of selfish objections to making it
unanimous. ,
"Perhaps the delightful appeal of
ballooning is in the thrilling uncer
tainty as to one's destination, in which
respect it greatly resembles human
Has anybody ever been able to ex
hibit a radiator to prove that the
telephone pole got the worst of it?
Bolshevism is tottering and land
lords in some parts of the country are
on the run. Again the peoples of the
earth are rising to put down tyranny.
About the only objection to auto
mobile price reducing is that it may
j increase the number of car 1 uyei s who
cannot aiiord the upkeep on a car.
The treasury department reports an
unprecedented demand for small coins,
but for the life of us we can't see
what anybody can buy with them.
The wealth possessed by Indians of
the United States is said to be $900,-
000,000. Poor Lo doesn t seem to be
as poor as he has been painted.
France will oppose, it Is said, the
union of Germany and Austria. France
naturally does not want its troubles
next door doubled.
These are the days in which a
man's red nose is more an indictment
of his wife's cookery than of his own
bibulous habits.
Rumors of an impending revolution
in Honduras indicate that the central
American country is back to a normal
With the h'gh price of coal there is
iiore satisfaction in gazing upon it
Inn in burning it.
Marhrl Foh says he hopes to visit
Ihe United States. The hope is en
'. :rcly mutual.
The French are predicting the col
''?.: of boNhcvism. More power to
the prophets!
Miss lima Ellis left Saturday for 1 ,
Lincoln to spend a couple of weeks! It's getting so an employer can't
with her aunt. Mrs. W. J. Norton. i ri'' nvon nis furnace without permis-
"Mr. and Mrs. George Madson and ion of a union. El Paso Herald.
Ralph Fantz left Fr'd;v for Denver, I
where they will spent Christmas. 1 Stock hogs wanted by the Ne-
Miss Esther Joh.rn.on, teacher at the I lMska Land Company. 103-tf
Baseball players are reviving inter
est in the debating society query as to
whether wealth brings happiness.
Census figures are mighty uninter
esting information after you know the
population of your own town.
Spinsters who once looked under the
bed before retiring now look over their
shoulders before registering.
In these Volsteadtlays a man may
smell like a barber shop and yet not
have a shave in a week.
Look out for a rise in alfalfa; cigar
ette tobacco prices are coming down.
Of course, you will experience no
benefit from price cuts unless you buy.
Making Good Your
Friend's Compliment
Those who gave you money
for Christmas considered
purchasing jewelry, but ap
preciating your excellent
taste, felt some delicacy in
attempting to choose the
That you appreciate this
compliment to your artistic
judgment will be shown
most emphatically by pur
chasing, at Thiele's, articles
of jewelry with your Christ
mas money.
Doing so carries out your
friend's desires completes
their gifts.
Our stocks offer great
variety in all articles of
best quality at prices
that will accommodate
Watch InSpectoi6ii&Q.
These falling prices are irritating to
the ingenious persons who hud bought
a lot of goods and had stored them
while waiting for a further rise.
It is truly remarkable how every
body can see declining prices except
the fellow with the pocketbook.
Radiator Leaks
We are prepared to
make any repair to
radiators, no matter
what the trouble.
Don't junk yours be
fore you see us.
Donovan & Smith
210 W. Third
Serve Budweiser With
Your Holiday Dinners
Prompt Delivery to ' "
Any Part of the City.
Fresh Holiday Cigars; Cigarettes
and Tobaccos in Holiday Pack
ages; Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette
Wm. King Company
Phone 136
Christmas Cheer Was Assured
in hundreds of Alliance homes this year because of
Early last week hundreds
received their checks ranging
from $12.50 to $250.00. If you
were not one of this number,
you may participate next year
by starting now to save. You
will be surprised and pleased
at how easy this plan is.
The First State Bank
Christmas Savings Club Checks
The joy and satisfaction these savings brought cannot be estimated.
Parents have had the money to purchase the presents so greatly de
sired by their children; relatives,, friends, sweethearts, all realized
their desires in bringing joy and pleasure this Christmas to those they
hold most dear. The savings have been stretched out over the past
year and there has been no inconvenience or hardship in laying by the
money. When the money was most needed, the sum was at hand to
bring Christmas cheer to many a home that otherwise would have been
barren and joyless. The pleasure that came to our list of savers this
Christmas may be yours next season if you will join now in this thrift
campaign that will give you the most money just when you feel the need
of it most. Read below.
This Bank takes a bit of pride in the
success and popularity of this Christ
mas Savings Club "plan. The Holidays
always bring their demand for money;
often in homes where there is lack of
ready cash that brings heartaches to
parents, and disappointment to the little
folks. We believe this Savings plan has
increased the joy of Christmas in Alli
ance, and has also cultivated the thrift
Each year the number of members
grows larger, proving its appreciation
and helpfulness.
There is no red tape, no initiation fees, no extra expense. Seven
Classes are provided as little as two cents the first week, or as
much as $2.50, makes you a member. Old and young find it ever
so helpful. It promotes the saving habit and provides money
for a definite purpose.
Now is the time to decide that next year you, too, will have
ready cash for Holiday buying. Once you adopt this plan noth
ing could induce you to substitute the added pleasure it brings.
Don't overlook this joy-bringing opportunity.