The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 28, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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DECEMBER 28; 1920.
rnMMPVT .: 'l'f'(lMMP'T iyeur when is still celebrated much urc, an.l there dined by my wife's bel- AIDS TO GRACE and BEAUTY
iu.ii.nruM a . .ivu.u,.u,i.i i ..,. , i.r. , h u.;h Mnt rnnter.t. havins a mess
It has oi..e . u reat i-liork to.
wnc of Uj", vho e imiti .'uscct
fciiities hae ben touihei by the fail
titles o io c'tirs i of iis near east
relief, to learn th.-t the Arnien on
women or m;.n o them, i.t lea.'t--re
loth to leave tho Tur'.c.'.h h. iein..
whither they were tak-n s ,oii? of
war. Aurora Mard'gann n m o h
rs have to'.d fearful s or es of the
cruelties of the baih;,ous turns, but
evidently they escaped too ioon from
their captois to get acclimated to the
harem a.inoplicre. The Turks are
kind to them, tomes the word from
Armenian women in the serngl o, and
they prefer to finish their lives with
the.r children rather than rejoin their
people and attempt to pick up the
broken threads.
j .... i. w;. kund. eufi of years ago. I'ur-1 s de with p-tcat content, having a mess
.j; has len u, i.pon the exchange
n g.'t", but ot jj- customs coucern
..g tl.e observance o. the day are
ii .ilar to thore in vogue in the da.R
eiorc here vas a Lnited States oi
All of which must be fomcthlng of
A jolt to the relief workers who have
been moving heaven and earth to re
store these women to their families.
The trouble is, of course, that the re
lief workers cannot accept a point of
view so foreign to their own. They
have judged all Armenian women by
the few enlightened examples they
have seen. You may lecall that, for
a time, the Englishwomen who went
into India were appalled by meeting
with resistance, especially from the
victims, when they desired to put an
end to the custom of burning wid
ows upon the funeral pyres of their
husbands. The civilized women could
not understand why women should
prefer to die in that cruel way, rath
er than live on alone.
The diary of Samuel Tepys, perhaps
the best record now extant of Lie in
bngiurd in the sixteenth century, con
..a.iu a de.- ifpton of the way ui which
this ljiiKiif li-rfntlei ian spent the holi
day. Thu, rnV Christmas day in i0
find the entry:
Had a pleasant walk to White Hall,
.viine i intended to have ixceivcu me
Jommun'on with the family, but I
oine a little too late. So I walked
ip into the house, and spent my time
n looking over pictures, particularly
he t-hips in King Henry the Vlllth's
.oyage to Bullaen (Boulogne), mark
ing the great difference between tho.e
built then and now. By and by down
to the chapel again, where Bishop
Morley preached upon the song of the
angels, 'Glory to God on high, on earth
peace, and good will towards men.'
(By Priscilla Dean)
iiu !et for d'nurr. and 1 sent for a
mince-pie abroad, my wife not being
well, to make ny hcreh. '
Some day, mere man is going to
realize that the best way 10 argue a
woman out of anything is to lay low
and pat.ently wait uiitd she changes
her mind. '1 his is alwas the safer
methol, and it i.s u-ually several
months quicker. For mon hs mere
man has pleaded, cajoled and argued
with the lair sex in an effort to do
aw.iv wiih tl.e ear cutis. Rid.cule
has had no effect. Argument has not hands tnan we io. 1 ne uomans wic
been heard. Woman has gone riftht most fastidious in the care of their
tlong, for months and months, wear- finger tips. Both men and women
.1 . L.-.i - .t. Uiuint hniir, bavino flipir ul.'ivpa hill'
.nir inose irucnviui imus uver mc r
ears, and, just as men were beginning
to get used to the appearance, the
fashion hints bring news that they
arc to go.
One of the surest signs of a wo
man's breeding is determined by the
appearance of her hands and her feet.
The ueen of Sheba herself would
probably hae failed to make a hit
with Solomon if she had worn shabby
sandals and her hands had been rough,
with uncared for nails.
And indeed the ancients paids as
much if not more attention to theii
Incidentally, there's a lesson in this
for those who hunt for morals. And
that is that it is better for Americans,
before answering the call of human
ity from the other side of the world,
should first take cars of the destitute
at their own doorstep. The situation
in the near east is appalling, of! "He did much press us to joy in
course, but there are starving women these public days of joy, and to hos
and children rearer home who need pitality; but one that stood by whisp-
attention first. Why is it that a 1 ered m my ear that the bishop do not
"Methought he made but a poor ser
mon, but long, and, reprehending the
common Jollity of the Court for the
true joy that shall and ought to be
on these days, he particularized con
cerning their excess in playes and
gaming, saying that he whose office
it is to keep the gamesters in order
and within bounds, serves but for a
second rather in a duell, meaning the
groome-porter. Upon which it was
worth observing how far they are
come from taking the reprehensions of
a bishop seriously, that they all laugh
in the chapel when he reflected on
their ill actions and courses.
speaker can stir up emotion and gen
erosity when he is pleading for the
spend one groate to the poor himself.
The sermon done, a good anthem fol
nulTer in d- in lands across the seas, but 1 lowed, and the King came down to
" - . . . - I . ., . r-i t i 1
receive tne sacrament, bui 1 siaia
not, but calling my boy from my
Lord's lodgings, and giving Sarah
some good advice by my Lord's order
to be sober, and look after the house,
Christmas is the one holiday of the I walked home again with great pleas-
a contribution box tor me renei 01
home sufferers usually comes back
loaded with lead quarters and over
coat buttons?
Kirby, Rock Springs
and Colorado Coal
l In any Quantity for '
-r Immediate Delivery.
Roman Dcauty and Wine Sap
Whiter Apples
In Bushel Baskets $2.50
Flour and Chicken Feed.
Trade Dividends for Farmers' Union
Members. See us for Particulars.
Farmers Union
The average man, with an ounce of
brains, is willing to wait until the
fashion spreads, which won't be very
Innir Rut nnt art with ft rertnin Chi-
cago gentleman, who comes out with of the nail where the cuticle end
nish and tint the nails of their feet
and hands.
The Uoman poet Horace in describ
ing a man of high social finish called
him "politus and unguem" polished to
the finder nails.
Certain oriental nations even took
to dyeing the nails, not tinting them,
but inserting color at the upper end
the rouph edges of the skin, like hang
nails, etc.
To push back the cuticle take the
.".at ei;d of an orange wood stick. If
the skin does rot come away readily,
you may use the cuticle scissors but
great care should le taken not to in
jure the nail as this is likely to leave
i idges and .;ars which will take weeks
o grow out, and which may ever.
i?ave permanent disfigurement.
A second applicat:on of bleach all
over the nail is otten a good thing
before the final rol shing. After thit
ilace both hands in the water once
more, freeing them from bleach and
other matter.
Having dried the hands thoroughh
they may then be polished and if de
sired they may be treated first with
a touch of pink paste or liquid.
The hands may be kept in lette
condition if anything is avoided whicl
will hurt them, for instance washing
the h-ands in coarse soap which is full
of alkali and which roughens the skin.
Also going out without gloves imme
diately after washing the hands and
when they are not thoroughly d.ied.
will chap them and make kherr
wrinkled before their time.
If the nails are dry and brittle, they
will snap off which gives ugly look
ing fingers. This may be remedied
by applying a little cold cream under
the nails every night on retiring. If
the entire surface of the hand is too
dry rub it with olive oil and wear
gloves overnight. This is even better
than cold cream.
Highest cash prices paid for furni
ture, -guns, watches, musical instru
ments, cothing. Workman & Mc
laughlin, Corner 2nd and Box Butte.
102 tf.
Gamblers think they are sportsmen.
On the contrary, they are jackals that
smear with filth whatever they touch.
Additional Telephone Construction
Requires flow Money Invested
When a farmer bay mother eighty ftores of
land or when a merchant builds an addition to hif
store, they usually do so out of their profits.
But when we extend our telephone plant,
whether to Install a telephone or tiring a wire down
the hlfhway, It means that we must sell additional
securities to get the neeessary money.
The last few yean our growth has been unusual,
and the extensions to telephone plants hare
required a (reat deal of stew money from inrestori.
We must earn a fair rate of return on their
Investment for our stockholders. Otherwise we
could net obtain additional money to make the
necessary extensions to take care of new subscribers
or to build new long distance lines.
Not only pink, but black, purple, greeii
and red were used and gold and silver
It is a far cry from those ages to
the mufh simpler methods in vogue ;i,
our manicure parlors. But certainly
when beauties of the olden times too..
a statement to tne enect mat tne
"cootie garages" are responsible .or
the .ncrease in accidents. He says,
and there may be some truth in it,
that women with their ears all bun
dled ud. cannot hear the honk of
naccini, mil nrgra nr tno KhriAlr nf
surface cars, and that many of them ' s h . Pains tf ke tth?ir hantls "l
walk heedlessly to the death. Lven
if this were true, the commissioner
would have golten better results to
have come out with a stiong plea to
women to retain the puffs and to tell
fnikmn n trr In Kln7AQ UnU'OVAr it .
Chicago" will pro!-' ",c '" 1 .i . 7u .
nnfTo fnr nn cvlra fits for tne Care tlle nal,S that an'
tractive we should at least realize
what a crime it is to have rough skin,
broken nails, and overgrown cuticle
and how silly it is to believe one b
dressed up, when the hands have not
received their share of attention.
is too late now.
ably wear those
month .just to spite him.
Indigestion, Palpitation And Tired
Feeling Are All (lone Now,
Says Farmer's Wife.
young woman with ordinary deftness
and good sense may keep them in first
class condition.
The first thing to bear in mind is
that the use of the scissors is unneces
sary in shortening the nails as it tends
to thicken them and render them less
beautiful. If they are filed a little
every two or three days, they will re
main the proper length without re
porting to such brutal methods.
Before using the file, the hands
: should be immersed for a few minutes
I in a bowl of warm water to soften
them. Do not file the nail too short.
It should extend a trifle beyond the
finger tip.
I The hands should then be placed in
hot water a second time and after
this second soaking an orange wood
"Tanlac has brought me health and
strength and has simply made life
worth living,'' said Mrs. Netties
kins, wife of a well-known farmer,
R. F. D. No. 1, Altoona, Iowa.
"I had been in bad health for four stjck wjtn its tip swathed in absorbent
years and the more I tried to fnd cotton dipped in bleach should be
relief the worse I got I had little Kently passed under the nail to re
or no appetite and when I did eat move what dirt and foreign matter
anything it always lay heavy on my j may have lodged under it In doing
stomach and turned sour. There was this, Kreat care should be taken not to
a bitter taste in my mouth and often injure the cuticle.
I could not retain a thing I had eaten. The emery board is then used the
Gas wou'd form so bad that my heart same way as the file, but to remove
pipitateo sometning awiui ana near
ly shut off my breath.
"My nerves finally broke lon and
I became so easily upset that I could
get no sleep at all hardly. From
morning till night I felt dreary and
draggy and my housework had simply
become a burden. I was discouraged,
for it looked like nothing would reach
my case. I
"1 finally tried Tanlac and to my
surprise 1 began to improve almost at
once, and today I feel perfectly well j
in every respect. My appetite is just
fine and everything 1 eat agrees with 1
me. My breathing is free and easy I
once more and my heart act on is
regular. My nerves are just as steady
as they ever were and 1 enjoy sound,
restful sleep every night. I weigh
more than I did liefore and feel so
much stronger that I can now attend
to my housework with ease."
Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E.
Holsten; in Hemingford by the Hem
ingford Mercantile Co., and in HolT
land by the Mallery Grocery Co.
Luncheonette Service
You will find our place just the place you've
been looking for, when you want a hot lunch,
while down town shopping or after the show.
F. J. Brennan
New Location Next to First National Bank Building
Among the interesting letters that
have arrived in Alliance during the
Christmas season is the following
specimen from a former landowner
who disposed of certain lots on a so
much down basis, and now thinks that
the purchaser is doing him wrong.
Here's the wail he let out to his real
estate agent:
johnstown pa Die 10-1920.
Dear sir
I wrote this letter to you to let you
known about the property who I sold
out the lots and in Block
Reddish Addition to Alliance Box
Butte County Nebraska to the name
of at june 29th 1920
for six hundred fifty dollars with the
agreement he paid up me 150.00 dol
lars down as you know and the $500.00
more dollars to pay me 50.00 dollars
per month until paid in full
now Mr that man the
look alike to me that he done
go to pay any month payment he hav
to pay me 50.00 dollars a month as
we agree and he never paid up any
thing yet so please let him know to
pay the month payments or Mr
make him to get out of my property
because he dont want to pay I Think
please do the favor for me and let me
know at once
your truly
Get the best price in the city for
used clothing, shoes, trunks, bags,
guns, etc Workman & McLaughlin,
Corner Second and Box Butte, 104tf
Sugar came down in time to save
the reputation of peach cobbler.
TO THE 21st
Alliance Volunteer Fire Dept.
Lowry & Henry Roof Garden
No mof e pleasant way to watch the old year out and the new
year in. There'll be a big congenial crowd both the older and
younger set so spring yourself this once.
Plan Now To Come
The proceeds of this dance will go to send representatives from
the Alliance department to the state convention at York.
Have the Purse Strings Loosened When the Committee Comes.
This is your chance to show your appreciation of the work the Fire
Boy3 are doing.