EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD- Fill I) AY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920. niON E COM r. NY M VST PAY $600 OCCUPATION TAX (Continued from Ta?e 1) c"-nn,. .uunl draw $200 a year and the mayor, or president of the coun cil $300. Under e'thcr t1"1 rr?-t or th proponed plan, the"" wou'd lo a rily cWk. nresuwh'v n ralrw md it Is unlikely that there would be any reduction in the number of city em ployes, the objectors to the city man ager point out The issue will prob ably be of fouffht out nlonjr there lines. Pour-Year Term for Council l!t'W the r'tv mjijee rplan, five fcouncilmon will be elected from the city at larnre, the three receiving the highest vote to serve fonr years and the other two for two years. One member of the council is to be elected as president, and will serve as ex-ofTi-cio mayor. Councilmen are nominated by non-partisan primary election, and candidates must file petitions con taining at least twenty-five names to get a place on the ballot. The ten reeeivintr the highest vote in the pri mary election will have their names placed on the regular election ballot, and those reeeivintr the five highest Votes will be declared electd. e The council will chose a city man ager and a city clerk. Members of the council may not nerve as man ager, althought one may be pe'ected as clerk. The city manager will have complete control of the appointments and may hire rn dfire at will. A pro vision in the law xtateN that members of the council may not give order to city employes, either public!) or pri vately. The recall, applying to roMwilmen r nd not the oitv manujeer, unl thi! in itiative and referendum are features Oa the law. No ( hanu for Four Year If the city adopts th r'tv m ir.auer form of government, thero will be no opportunity to change for four years. The law states that tho pi.w may not be abandoned until it hau been in force that length of time. The powers given the city manager under the proposed plan are ouite inclusive. He is chosen for an indefi . nite period, at the discretion of the council, and need not bo n resident of the state or city. He may receive any salary the council decide. to" pay. His powers and duties are: To see that the laws and ordinances are enforced; to appoint and remove all heads of departments and all sub ordinate ocers and employes in idl departments; to exercise control over all departments of the city; to attend meetings of the council, vi:h a nht to participate in the discussions but not to vote; to recommend men mea sures to the council as he may desire; to prepare the annual budget r.nd keep the council advised an to the f.- . c . ' r lli'oi. Hi !? to o '"d -nincil may direct. 7':e tidvocs.tcs of the city manager plan adiit.l t.ti i wouul iu-t i 'u.r, , nit t tha' t!' 'n-reased etTie:encv would be worth all that it would cost ANNC LWTKM ENTS. pui:su 'n;ni an church I .e. ie i!.er the Ked Cross member- ovemler 1' ". Sunday school at 9:45. We are ... oung mens class is ; t ing urder way again under the e. dcrthlp of Mr. I'rinee. Social nu the orchestra and boys' choir every Sunday. The men's class for ie ' iu ly of money" will begin next t il..;. Come; the books have nr t; I. Horning worship at 11 a. m., ArmVticc Day Meditation." We would like all members and .. l . i!:e church present Sunday m '-.t for thv. serv'ce and also to consider the advisability of holding vo. per c.erv ces at 4 p. m. during the winter months instead of evening serv'ce. n f ron nir service next Sunday will be held at 7:30 p. m. We will tudy -.ogciher the work of the Pres byterian churches in Siam. All of Sam i a' lot tod to the Presbyterian fhurch nd no other missions are at work there. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. All are cordially invited to these services. A. J. KEAUNS, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Whatever is beneficial and from whatever source it comes, let us util ize it to the best of our ability. Sift out the useless and much pood will be left. A knowledge of God's revealed word and a vison of humanity's needs will help us in our choices of selection. 'Hie sermon subjects to tbe used by the minister for next Lord's Day are: "Utilizing the Power of Prayer", and "Rol s Final Word." These will be scriptural and helpful. The results of each worshipful service depends upon the presence of the many. Each de partment of the work is a portion of k rger field of Christian service. o- I.ovd sn'd that his sheep would go in and out and find pasture. This .if .ire trying to emphasize at each service. Come to the church with a message and a welcome. S. J. EPLER, Minister. 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH. The Lutheran church has English service next Sunday afternoon at '2:30. Sunday school at 10 a. m. All children are asked to be present to pracfee the Christmas, program. F. DROEGEMUELLER, Pastor. The Rebeccas will hold the'r regu lar buMnes meet ng Saturday nigh'. .;t the I. O. O. F. hall. Baptist Ladies' Bakl and Apron sale, all day Saturday at the Hirst Grocery. 100 There are no signs as yet to bear out those who thought the game of croquet might eventually take the place of the saloon. This deflation process is apparently a slow leak. Cleveland News. BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning services: Sunday school, 10:00 a. m.; preaching, 11:00 a. m.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m.; preaching, 7:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Kline will preach. RAILROAD NOTES Fireman Bailey is laying off for one trip. Engine No. 6003 is in Alliance for repairs. " O. E. Ward, air inspector, was in the city Thursday. The old turn-table was shipped to Denver Thursday night. G. A. Miller is laying off for a few days to attend to business. Engineer Ruth is laying off while he attends a trial in Omaha. Fireman Stanlord is laying off for a few day sdue to sickness. Engine No. 2140 arrived about 5:30 p. m. from the south Thursday. Fireman Las well deadheaded to Seneca to relieve Fireman Garrison. Inspector E. Bignell of Lincoln is in the city this week holding a fuel meeting. Fireman Witman went to Omaha Wednesday to accompany his wife back home. Electrician Claude Haselton laid off Thursday night. Ed. McLain worked in his place. The new coal-oil engine which was installed in the sawmill is working in fine condition. Engineer Briley deadheaded to Bridgeport after being bumped by Engineer Bonhar. C. Pearson deadheaded to Crawford on No. 42 Wednesday to relieve Engi neer Wolverton, who is sick. - Engineer Stanford deadheaded en No. 42 Thursday to relieve Veters neck, who is on the sick list. Federal Inspector Colling was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday .f this week on company business. Engineer Antim and Fireman Jen son deadheaded to Peadwood on No. 41 Wednesday to bring engine No. 3119 to Alliance. . It was impossible to have any lights at the round house Thunduy due to the dynamo. The flywheel worked loose, making it impossible to use the dynamo. It was able to be used about 5 o'clock. Machinist E. J. Mehrhef was seri ously hurt while working on the drop pit Wednesday n'ght. He slipped and fell to the bottom of the pit, striking on his head. Dr. Minor Morris fount) it necessary to take three stitches in the back of his head. Save Doctor Bills By, Making Your Home Cozy and Comfortable this Winter LET US HELP YOU DO YOUR BUILDING No. 73 You can save life and propery by attend ing to the many needed repairs about the house, barn, and other outbuildings, before winter sets in. Keep out the cold and snow by attending to it at once. You can also add to your comfort by put ting on storm doors tnd storm windows. A little paint and varnish will greatly improve its appearance and attractiveness. WE ARE GETTING PLENTY OF COAL VVe are getting plenty of coal while the weather is good. We also have some well season ed Pitch Pine kindling wood. You can add many years of life and use fulness to your machinery by painting and storing them out of. the weather. Save money by 1 eeping your machinery in good shape for use next spring. Come in and Let us Show you Plans about Building! Forest Lumber Co, WM. BEVINGTON, Manager. COME IN AND SEE US ANY TIME 'l',l'l't',t,'. ,!, ,,,,, ............r......................... every suit and overcoat iNTLUDEDr:;:'';:,:;:';;:''r:'',vv''rr 'I'lVrtVi'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'i'l1 5. a p B u s s 4 i Giving due consideration to the public demands for lower prices V Our Entire Stock of SUITS . AND OVERCOATS For Men and Young Men ARE THUS REDUCED $10.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $32. 75 $70.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $55. 75 $45,00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $36.75 75.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $59. 75 $50.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $39. 75 T0 -$55.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $42. 75 $60.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $47.75 58500 -UAL1TY REDUCED TO . . . $68.75 $65.00 QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $51.75 $90.00. QUALITY REDUCED TO . . . $72. 75 The Fa snoBS Clothiii ouse Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx and "Society Brand" Clothes ,.. 4. XHART SCHAFFNER & MARX! ',..,.,.. I 25 O H O M Ci M "S3 r