T T T - T.R FT'TrAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1020. SEVEN I Hltn- A V, 'M Sb I MOW, TURfUUUL! V ese Ua V 1 ' j. kj SsfP -.w. fc-tAi.LV Gonna huia h ( now, XP WANT TO BUT jomethlngT Hun Sreda of propla scan these Want Ad column looking for what you r othara have to offer. Oft quiet reaulta by advertlalng- In - The Herald Want Ad department. SATES Two cents per word per in sertion. Costs more than other newspapers, but we guarantee that you reach several hundred more readers. Bu?' "'rculatlon. not hot air. SAM) CITY PROPERTY ALLIANCE city property to trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf FIVE room Bungalow, all modern close In; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. ' FOR SALE USED OAKS FOR SALE Good used cars. A H JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf -------aaaaaaaavaaaaaawaaaaaaMaaaaaaaBaaBaaaaaaaaMaHB FOll SALE SEWIXO MAt'HIXES FOR SALE New and Becond hand Singer sewing machines on 3 a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD, Agt. 86tf WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe Son. 85tf WANTED Girl roi general houso wrk. Phote 173. 9lf FOIt SALIJ FAKM. FOR SALE Farm; southeast quar. ter section 20-25- ; 2 Va miles northeast of Alliance. For price ana terms of sale see George or P. II. McGinn, P. O. Box 382, Alliance, Nebraska. 02& FOR SALE OMAHA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Omaha property for va cant lots and acreage In Alliance. Write P. O. Box 750, Phillips & sons, Contractors, Alliance. 97tf FOR SALE TYPEWRITER FOR SALE No. 10 Royal type writer and swinging stand; wash ing machine, and giutar. All In first class condition. Myrtlye Queen, at Golden Rule lOO.lOlp IKKiS FOR SALE FOR SALE Six registered Duroc spring boars, can furnish papers. In good breeding condition. See or write McConnell-Paschke Co.. Hem Ingford. on old Butler ranch. 98.101 LOSTKEYS LOST Bunch of keys between King's Corner and Alliance Groc- ery Jtaipn ueemao, fliwiuv-j AGENTS WANTED Sell the Original Watkins Remed ies, SpicesExtracts, etc. Necess ties ami repeaters. All or spare t:i;. Write WATK1NS CO., 53 Winr.r.:i, Minn. '() u XOTK'E The regular state teacheis exi.ni. (nation will be held rn Nov mbor 20, at the court house In Alliance. OPAL RUSSELL, 98-101 County Superintend nt c ORDINANCE NO. 299. An Ordinance calling a Special , Elect'on of the regular voters of the J City of Alliance, Nebraska, and pro- j riding for the submission thereat of the question "Shall the City Manager Plan of Government as provided in Chapter 20)?. Laws of Nebraska, 1917, be adopted?" WHEREAS, Electors of the City of; Alliance, Nebraska, equal in number to more than twenty per cent of ; those who voted at the last regular City Election in said city have filed a petition with the City Clerk -of said city asking that the question of organ izing the city under the plan of gov ernment provided in vnapif-r .vr, ; f T t 1 U U 'a. 1 , " - to the electors of such city. Wow, inereiore, lie it uruainei uy the Mayor ami o-mcu or the city or 4 11! XTI. . AMidiK-e, cui.:-.., Section 1. Th: t a ?""'! plorf on a the regular voters of the City of All'ance b?, rr.d the t ane is h ''y called for. and will be hehl on Tues day, the 4th lay of January, 1921, in the respective ward of the said city, ' e'wecn the hours of 9 a. m. and 7 p. Tii. of scki ny, Secfon 2. That the followimr places I ere hereby named as the poli ng places ff cn-.i' elAotinn! For the First i Ward. Basement of Cen'ral School i Building, 715 Box Butte Avenue. For the Second Ward, Council Cham bers in the City Hall, 115 East 3rd Street For the Third Ward, Office Fairmont Creamery company, 202 ! West 3rd. Street. For the Fourth Word, Episcopal Parish House, 21G West Seventh Street Section 3. That at said election the following question shall be, and is hereby submitted to the legal voters of the city: "Shall the City Manager Plan of Government as provided In Chapter 20. Laws of Nebraska, 1917, be adopted!" Section 4. That the election shall be held by the following judges and clerks, who are hereby appointed for said purposes: For the First Ward, Jud?es, S. J. Epler, J. A. Hunter and E. Boyer, Clerks, Mrs. A. J. Cole and Jno. Beach. For the Second Ward, Judges, T. D. Roberts, Chas. Jeffers and Thos. Lawler; clerks, C. I. Wykoff and S. A. Miller. For the Third Ward, Judges, Jno. Brennan, S. C. Soules and Jno. O'Keefe; Clerks, Mrs. G. E. Davis and Mrs. J. Bogan. For the Fourth Ward, Judges, T. H. Barnes, Ida V. Johnson and W. L. O'Keefe; Clerks, Mrs. M. E. Johnson and H. E. Reddish. Section 5. That the City Clerk shall give notice of such election by rue . r.nj; tne eien on rot re 'or i. i . . rl o i; o least th'rty days be 'ore the .late u-p e cri oi ?n in .'.u anee iter; a newspaper published in the c.'tv Allicnce. Su-h no'.ice ;h:ill be sub- s'antially the following form: "City of Alliance, Slate o N b.'aA. Special Election Uroi the Que t'or. of the Adoption of the City M:.nagei Plan of Government. NOTICE OF ELECTION. "FIBLIC NOT'CE S --HEPI B I GIVEN TO the legal voters of the - ty of All :ance, in the County of Box ci.tl elect on has been called by the .Mayor ami C.'ty Cou-cil, ami w'll If held in said city on Tue.-day ,the 4tl day or January, A. D., 1021. Ihe quest on to be submitted tf iha 'e;ja! voters r.t said c!ect'on is a follows. 'Shall the City Manager Pl::i of Government, as provided in Chap ter 20.S. Laws of Nebraska, 1917, be adopted? "The poil'rg places for sa'd elect'o: shall b?: For the F'r; t Ward, Ba: e- ment of Central School Building, 71 Uox Uutte Avenue. For the Seconc' Ward, Council Chambers in the C: Hall, 115 East 3rd Street For the Third Ward, Office of Faii-mon; C,rtJni-Arv riirntinnir ono 'a. Owl .rif r?M u p,m,4L ....... ' " w va t-n-C 1 VUIUI FT UMU liU copal Parish House, 215 o. West 7th "The elect on will be held and the ballot bos for the recept:on of ballots ...Ml 1 - ..... - wni oe openeu at me hour of n ne o dork a. m. and will be closed at the 'o ir of 'even o'clock p. m. on the 4th d-y of I; ;.u' ry, A. P., 1921. "Or'y 'ec-al oters of the City of Alliance will be permitted to vote upon the quert'on submitted at sa d election." auction o. inat tne uuestion so submitted shall be voted upon by bal- " upon w men snail De printed or written the following: "City of Alliance, State of Ne!ra.ska Special Election Upon the Question of the Adoption of the City Manager Plan of Government OFFICIAL BALLOT. "Question submitted: "Shall the City Manager Plan of Government, as provided in Chapter 208, Laws of Ne braska, 1917, be adopted?" ( ) For adoption of City Manager Plan of Government ( ) Against adoption of City Man ager Plan of Government. "The voter will indicate his answer to the question submitted by placing a cross (X) in the space indicating his cho'ce. and then deposit the ballot in the ballot box." Section 7. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary for carrying out tne provisions of this ordinance, Section 8. This ordinance, after its approval and passage shall be publish 1 MM a i . u in me Alliance neraid, a news paper published in the City of Alli ance, and shall be in full force am effect immediately upon such publica tion. Adopted and approved this 9th day or November, 1920. Attest: GRACE II. KENNEDY, City Clerk. A. O. RODGERS, (SEAL) Mayor .olice of l ho Mfctlnx of City Council as a Board of Equalization. To all owners of real estate within .iving district No. 5 of the City of A1- nee, Nebraska, the real estate com ired in said district being West Half ' Lot 28, County Addit'on; Lots 1 to , U o k 7, 2nd Addition and all other errons Interested: TAKE NOTICE that the assessment jll in paving district No. 5 of the ty of Alliance, Nebraska, i now on 'a in the office of the Clerk of such ty, and that the Mayor and City c uicil of the City of Alliance, Ne ;v.ka, w'll meet as a Board of . ualitat'on on November 23rd and ,'ovember 21th, 1920, at 8 o'clock p. . for the purpose of rqualiiing the oclal assessments for (he construe on o paving in paving listrict No. :.nd supplying any omission in the ne nnd for finally levying such as o .smonts. '.hi ed November 9, 1920. GRACE II. KENNEDY, S :AL) City Clerk. ov.l2-lM 9-2.1. dice of Meeting of C'iCy Council as a Ho.ird of Equalization. To nil the owners of real estate .bin pjning district No. 6 of the ty of Alliance, Nebraska, the rea! l:;te comprised in said district being, ot 29, County Addition; Lots 7 to 11, 'oc': 4. 2nd County Addition; Iits 1 0. Block .x, 2nd Addition and all Vr person.' interested: , TAKE NOTICE that the asscss i nt roll n paving district No. 6 of hi C ty of Alliance, Nebraska is now n file in li e office of the Clerk of u li c'ty, und that the Mayor and Jity Council of the City of Alliance, !?hraska, will meet as a Board of i' ualizat'on on November 23rd and Jovember 24th, 1920 at 8 o'clock p. i. for the purpose of equalizing the pecial assessments for the construc 'on of paving in paving district No. S and supplying any omissions in the me and for finally levying such as sessments. Dated November 9, 1920. GRACE H. KENNEDY, SKAL) City Clerk I Jo v. 12-If.-19-23 olice of Meeting of City Council as a Board of Equalization. To all the owners of real estate within paving district No. 7 of the 7ty of Alliance, Nebraska, the real ta'e comprised in said district "np, Lot- 4 to 12, Block L, Nebraska dd t on; Lots 1 to 9, B'ock 3, 2nd 1Aiifi A AAt ' ev nn.l oil a4Viai ttAVunna 14 1 1 V.I n Ml . titrn ttliva C I I UlllVI I ."iw l . , erestei: 1 nitu iiviiv" muv kmv .-1 41a in 1 li a nt! I ra rr tha I lAflr nr I IIIC 111 Vl U I I I V V. . V . v.'. 1 . I. v. tKh c tv, and that tne Mayor anl ' t Aii:n 1 'ty Council of the City ui n 1 1 ' c 1 1 Vbraska, will meet as a Board of Tou'dizntion on November 2"d and iovember 24th, 1920 at 8 o'clock p. i. for the purpose or ecuanz nj' inc recial assessmerts for the fonfnf- nw o' liav'ng in paving drstrict No. 7 nd supplying any orv'ss'ons in the line and for finally levying su'h as- essmc-rt'5. Di;tel November 9, 1920. GRACE H. KENNEDY, SEAL) City Clerk. iov. 12-10-19-23 LAKESIDE. Ncls Rusk went to Ant?och Monday fternon. Lee Wells drove in from Pawlet'e omlTy and hauled out a load of coal Tuesday. The drinking fountains for the hool hou-e arrived last week and will be installed as soon as possible. Sfvtion Foremen Whaley and Po'- lard went to Seneca Tuesday mornirr Stella Rochford rode in from Ire anch Monday afternoon. Mrs. II. Brunson retrrnrd 4e st of the week aft v r. few wijeHs visit at the Star ranch. Fnnk DeFrcnce w.-.s in fioii the rr.ncn luestlay. Henry Bond, salesman for Paxton & Gallagher, was a business visitor Tuesday. This part of the country was visited by a light snow Tuesday morning, Jesse Brice rode in from his home northwest of town Monday, Mrs. Jap Woodward was in from Snow Lake Tuesday. William Kennedy drove in from the Wilson ranch Tuesday. Mrs. Hattie is assisting Mrs. Ryan at the store, while Mr. Coe is away on business in Wyoming. C. C. Grimes came down from Hoff- land on business between trains Wed nesday. Mrs. Dan McClimith returned to her home at Dunning Wednesday morning, after a visit with her son and family here. Dr. Shock was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Rice and family moved from the Standard plant this week. REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and R&nehea Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. a lIcCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First Natl. Bank ANGORA. J. W. Perkins was a passenger to Dal ton Saturday, lo Guszak who attends high business in Alliance between trains Saturday. R. M. Kelly (.ml wife transacted business in Alliance between trains. W. N. Thompson looked after busi ness matters in Alliance Friday and Saturday. Miss Sylvia Hutchinson and mother of Alliance were week-end guests t the Ward Miles home. Mrs. Lyle Glan was an Alliance vis itor Tuesday. Mrs. Howard Johnron transited business in Bridgeport Tuesday. Antone Biester of Lynn left Tues day for a visit with relatives at Oma ha. Alvin Turman is lit home after sev eral days' stay at the hospital in Bayard. After Mr. Turman's accident two weeks ago, when ho lost two fingers on his right hand, IiIom poison developed and he went to Bayard for treatment. Fortunately the physician in charge was able to check the poi son and he was able to return home the latter part of last week. John W. Shoopman and wife were called to Cairo Tuesday by a telegram -aying Mr. Shoopman's father was langcrously ill and had but a few hours to live. Max Schwieger ami wife of Grand Island and Walter Wier, wife and baby of Oshkosh came Saturday for a brief visit with Mrs. Schwieger and Mr. Wier's sister, Mrs. Elmer More head and family. Mrs. George Vencll who has been seriously ill of blood poisoning for the past e'ght weeks in St. Joseph's hos pital at Alliance is now able to be up and has returned to her home in Aji nora. Her many fricmU are glad to have her back. Mrs. Abbie Stoner who has been making her home in ScottsblufT is here looking after business matters, and visiting her sister, Mrs. Lillian Stoner. There was a dance and box supper i given at the Ward Miles home Sat urday night, ihe supper was given I hv Minn I.miluil Diiviu Iho tearhor rtf tne Mics school, to obtain money to J purchase an oil stove and cooking served to the school children. There was a good crowd and a fine time is reported. A. D. Bruner of Des Moines, la., father of Mrs. George Venell, met with a serious accident shortly after his return home from Alliance, where ; he visited Mrs. Venell. Mr. Brunei' ' was riding in the back seat of an ' "nt n; iiVi"lf whpn tVp lrivpr ktrurlr a h'gh culvert going at full speetl. ml - I . - worked with him .IV, i f i 1 It was thought at first that his neck was broken but later - l.l.tt.' .... ,,,l,m, in;t n;s injuries consisteu or evtre bruises about the head and body and several teeth knocked out. b H. Nazelschnuider of Goodstreak was in Angora the first of the week. M.ss Anna Da;. on is on the sick S:t this wee!;. M'ss Sot.hiu Cu.-zak is stay'n.fr with her. Word comes fro:.! Lynn o? u ser'ous accident, one luy wee,;, to Mrs. Kisrier, n. other of Fiowl liisner and j Mis. Stella Ring. The Eisner mi'o I mobile got into a mud ho'e near Lynn und a wagon and team was h t' he.l or j to the car in oi;der to drag it o.. ! Mrs. Kisncr was to drive the teai i : in cllmb'ng into the waoa, . her fooling ami fell. Her 'n.i :.r spinous and she is in a cvt o. -tion. K. T. Ely is t'e the R. S. Pro d't place. Mr. Ely is v people h '.., Idk posit o . u- i per oti He vc- jriie.l K-ur yt: to , r 'vfe u 'i.e s w i. i .c i't- . 1 ;.;., v.n !d tY.s l tilis o the M.me years. o cveral v a; o to attend matters. Luring th's time there have been several peo pie been appointed to this job and last n.onth Mr. i io :d.".t came in person to A:i -oia Li:d ag-.in ottered Mr. Ely the po-1 on with rn increase in salary. He tr.oved h's family to the Proudfit cot tage last week. Walter Woods has rented the Ely farm ami moved last Friday to the same. The "real summer weather" has fallen into the disagreeable habit of I holding off until it can do the most damage to the fall theatrical openings. That Nova Scotia farmer who wants to go over1 Niagara falls in a barrel might first try to see if he could put his hand in the corn shredder and get away with it. What has become of the old-fashioned merchant who sold sugar merely as an accommodation to his customers and gave 20 pounds for a dollar. Dancing teachers want jazz done away with. The dance threatened to become such a go-as-you-please affair that teachers could be dispensed with. Authorities on the Bible are not agreed as to just how tall Adam was, but any boy could tell you if Adam had been a prize fighter. Do you ruppose that scientists who say taming spiders is a hard job ever tried pushing a bee. Weather prophets predict an open winter, all except the coal mines, which will probably be closed. For Expert Driving and Livery J. W. CARROLL ' Phone: Day, 118; Night, ik Sturgeon's Garage Quick Service Electric riiONE 250 First National Bank BHg. Alliance ... Nrbrnnka Wben In Antioch Take Your Meals at THX LIBERTY CAfB MeiLi at All Hoar John 8tnU Let Mo Cry Your Hales K. A. WTLAND Auctioneer i'ZW'Z Missouri Piano Tuning, Herniating & Itcpalra A. M. POOL Leave Orders nt Wiker Music House nr Phone No. 741 Service (Junnuiteed . Ve Have Our Own Help PHILLIPS & SONS Contractors and IlutMers. P. O. Uox 750 Alliance. Neb. L. A. BERRY ROOM 'i RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEUIIASKA AIOVL Klt.MllltK SAF'ELY We have fijuii p.d our dray wag ons and auto truck with the latest appliances lor moving furnliu without man 11. g, ocratching or dam aging. Up-to-date wagon pa da wtl) be used by us on all luovHig J ba. if JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15 Drake & Drake oMim oi 0tonivtr) Glasses Accurately Fltud Not Mctiii ine, Surgery, OsU-nulby Dr. Annie Graham JefTrey t'hiiuiiracior Palun i hool relplion 865 VVll9.ii Hiiildlns tCeal Estate, Luani ..u Insor nce f. E. BEDOISU, deddish Block. tf Phone 061 AIKaoea. Harry P. Cour.oy 1 AUCTIONEEU Live Stock, Genera! m Salee J D EMEI'JK Eonrlrri i bntractor I hav t e id el nf Abstract IWol in '. i itntie I'ounty. V .( v.itlonr.l Bank Bldg. CItLn Up Now and iOIi 1IIK RISU little inter In the evon joh'II hae Ui wall foar taun, l w iii ptioiie today. PROMPT S FJI VICE MOW Sam Shelton Itioue 7 . PHONES: RES. NO. 183 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trass, fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATINO FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Please" Have it WELDED with the OXY-ACETTLKJns PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frames an Tranmlsslon Cases a ByeetaJty ALL TRACTOR PAKTfl Geo. Ha Breckner New Loeathn all W. It Bt 88-99 ery.