The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 12, 1920, Page FIVE, Image 5

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5!e AUtaurr Hrralfc
RUnR rniNTINQ CO.. Owners
Kntrrrd at th postofflcft at Alliance.
Neh., for trnnvtniiislon through th
jialln in ifroml clnm matter. Published
Tups'liiy and Friday.
ueohok l. nunn. jn.
icnwiN m. uuim
. Mgr.
official nrwFpappr of the City of
AMiinoo- official newspaper of Bo
fc.itte County.
wni'd nnd published tv The Burr
P'lntlny Company, Oconee I Burr, Jr..
'-')rnt; Edwin M. IJurr. Vice Pres-
Senator Johnson's favorite book is
probably "20,000 Leagues Under the
Sea." Brooklyn Eagle.
Gen. Felix Diaz will be cxilcil from
Mexico. Do they consider lliat a pun
ishment ? Pittsburgh Gazette-Times.
Some happy day we shall beat our
swords into plowshares and our jazz
band. into unconsciousness. Balti
more Sun.
A little tieht money is useful now
and then to teach sobriety to a nation
of spenders. Columbia Record.
Priecs may be cominjr down, but
they have all got their parachutes
with them. New York World.
The Virgin Islands have increased
their trade with us. Evidently these
are not foolish Virgins. Baltimore
Now comes the annual discussion of
the best means of running the furnace
without burning any coal. Boston
The reason truth lies at the bottom
of an oil-well is because it can't get
a hearing among those who lie at the
top. Marion Star.
J. M. Wanek, formerly county clerk
and county commissioner, was in from
his ranch, twelve miles west of Hem
ingford, Thursday. He spent some
time visiting old friends at the court
Mrs. G. J. Appleburg of Scottsbluff
came over Tuesday night to visit at
the William Nieman home for a few
P. J. Michael of Hemingford was
an Alliance visitor Wednesday.
An all-day session will be held by
the ladies of the Christian church
Wednesday, November 17, lots of
work. All ladies are invited.
Have yo ua good knife? You'd
buy one if you could find one that is
satisfactory. We have just such
knives in our line of Sure Edge and
Pocket Ease cutlery. See our window
display. Rhein Hwd. Co. 100
Mrs. H. P. Huffman and little
daughter of Lincoln are visiting at
the G. L. Griggs home.
Make your reservations early for
the special Thanksgiving dinner at the
Palm Room the evening of Thanksgiv-
The Eastern star kensington will
hold its meeting at the temple next
Thursday afternoon. The ladies are
asked to bring the gifts for the East
ern Star home box at this time.
Rev. C. H. Burleigh of Lakeside was
an Alliance visitor Thursday . He ac
companied hi sson, who came to the
city to have some repair work done
on his car.
Have yo ua good knife T You'd
buy one if yvi could find one that is
satisfactory! We have just such
knives in oui line of Sure Edge and
Pocket Ease cutlery. See our win '
display. Rhein Hwd. Co. V00
Stylish Jewelry
Fashion holds jewelry
indispensable, and just as in
hats and dresses, the Au
tumn season has its new de
signs and color effects in
Rings, Lavallieres, Brace
lets, Necklaces and Pins.
Thiele's being the author
ity on jewelry fashions,
wo n en come here knowing
that in style, taste, beauty
and quality their desires
have been anticipated, and
provided for at moderate
The new oblong, oval,
square and octagon
shapes in rings set
with amethysts, -gar-.
nets, rubies, tourma
line, aquamarine, and
other stones
$10.00 to $50.00
Watch Inspector6&&Q
A very quiet wedding took place at
vhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gar
rett, at 6 o'clock on Tuesday evening,
November 9, when, in the presence of
the immediate family of the bride and
a few close friends, their elder daugh
ter, Miss Bertha, became the bride of
Eugene Van Hoosen of Casper, Wyo.
The beautiful ring ceremony was
j-ed. Rev. A. J. Kearns of the First
Presbyterian church saying the words
which united the young couple in the
bonds of matrimony.
Immediately alter the ceremony a
nimptuous four course dinner was
.-erved to the entire party by the
bride's mother.
Mr. pr.d Mrs. Van'Hooscn left Wed
nesday morning for Casper, where
'hey will make their home, Mr. Van
Hoosen being employed at that place
as a boilermaker for the Northwestern
car ion being the later's birthday. Mrs.
runer leaves for Knalnnd Sunday
night and each of the guests brought
sealed letters for her to read on the
steam ship. The guests were: Mes
dames C. H. Fuller, Martha Ptttmorc,
A. S. Mote, W. M. Beach, Claudia
Dole. I A. Young. W. R .Young, I.
E. Tush. J. Boan, R. E. McKenzie,
H. I- Wright, May Vernillion, A. H.
Robbins, W. R .Pate, W. C. Mounts
and B. Pomath.
. Mrs. J. A. Hunter entertained at a
party from 4 to ( Friday, for her son,
James. Eighteen invitations were
issue I.
Mrs. Frank C. Prince entertained
the teachers of Central school at a
kensington Thursday afternoon.
Have yo ua good knife? You'd
buy one if you could find one that is
satisfactory. We have just such
knives in our line of Sure Edge and
Pocket Ease cutlery. Sec our window
difplay. Rhein Hwd. Co. 00
The Alliance hotel Palm Room will
fcrvo a special Thanksgiving dinner.
Watch for the menu, which will ap
pear in the next issue.
Alexander Crane was lorn in La
poit county,, June 2, 1842,
nd d'ed at Alliance, Neb., Saturday
evening, Xovemlcr f, 1020, aged
seventy-e'ght yenrs, eii;ht months and
"our dajs.
He was married to Minerva Bray
ton at I-aport, December 24, 18(5.1.
Mrs. Crane passed away twenty years
ago. Mr. Crane did valiant service
for his country during the Civil war,
serving in Company C, Twenty-ninth
regiment, Indiana infantry. He had
leen in poor health for several
months, and peacefully closed his eyes
in death.
He is survived by five children:
Mrs. J, unes Keeler, Alliance; Mrs. S.
B. Cook, Gary, Ind.j Mrs, I.. G. Atkln,
Deniston, Tex.; Mrs. S. R. Brunton,
Mullen, Idaho; Mrs. Charles Wim
sett, Zinfcville, Okla.
Funeral services were held Wednes
day afternoon at 2:30 p. m. from the
Darling chapel. Rev. Stephen J.
Epler officiating. Interment was fnude
in the Alliance cemetery.
R. A. Walker and H i vy WtlUcr of
Lingle, were visitors rt the h...c t
W. E. Cults, ThumLy.
Have yo ua p,ood knife? You'd
buy one if you could fird ore th; t i
satisfactory. We have jut .-urn
knives in our line of Sure Y. !ge rr.d
Pocket Ease cutlery. See our w n.'uw
display. Rhein Hwd. Co. ;(0
Charles Gross, will give a rook par
ty Friday night
FOR RENT Two unfurnished room
for lifht hout-ciP"u:ng, in fesi'ieti- i
at th ecorner of Seventh street and
Grand avenue. $21.00 per month. Wo
will show them to you. THE THOM
AS COMPANY, Reddish block. 100
WANTED Furnished rooms or fi
nished house by man and wife. Call
Herald ofl' co, phone 340. 100
Watch for announcement of the
Palm Room's special Thanksgiving
dinner in the next issue.
Mrs. D. G. Laing entertained at a j
4 o'clock tea, Thursday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. C. H. Fuller, the oc-
Printing Brings
Not every busirrss rtis ihow
window. If J c u.i.i,t to win more
clients, use mere r and ute
the kind cfrrintin jilm faithfully
represents ycur business policy.
You save money and mike money
for your p.-urons. Do the same for
yourself by usintf an economical
high grade pnper HammermiH
Bond and flood printing, both of
which we can give you.
If you want printing service and
economy give use a trial.
Cold Weather
Is Hard on Batteries
Hight row is the best time to pet them in shape to give
you the most gatufactory service during the winter
months. The cost of a thorough inspection is nothing
that's part of our
Free Drive In Service.
We'll give you an honest opinion of the necessary re
pairs, if any, and can furnish you with a service battery to
use while repairs rre made. Cf.Il and See Us Today.
Try Also Our Drive in Service.
For The Inflation Our Ilu'Iing is Heated.
Schafer Auto Supply
Radiator Covers
Hand Warmers.
One-Half Price
On all Hats for Four Days, Saturday,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This sale
includes our entire stock of small and large
Hats ranging from $7.50 to $30.00, now -
$3.25 to $15.00
A wonderful line of Talored Sailors and
Children's Tarns.
In Our Beauty Parlor
For these Four Days we offer our first
class Human Switches at 1-2 PRICE. '
McVicker Millinery
"I want Rood style, but
I don't want to be charged
with the creation of the
design, that's why I trade
here. You folks haven't
the idea of style value that
affects the imagination of
10 many storekeepers, and
forces up their prices out
of all proportion to value,"
,-nd a keen little woman
who knows
Saturday Specials
With an Extraordinary Specially
Priced Group
Sale on
$25.00 Hats, now... $12.50
$20.00 Hats, now... $10.00
$15.00 Hats, now... $ 8.50
$10.00 Hats, now 5.00
$ 8.00 Hats, no w...$ 4.00
200 Hats to select from.
See these wonderful val
nes. JLSTi
These are the best grade
money can buy.
29c Yard
Regular 60c Value
All dark and light patterns
All our $18.00 and $0.00
Shoes On Sale
All widths and sizes to se
lect from.
Women's Winter Underwear
Women's Cotton
Union Suits
Bleached cotton ribbed,
high neck, long sleeves;
low neck, sleeveless; low
neck, wing sleeves ;ankle
length; $3.50 value, sale
price $1.98
Women's Outing
Best quality white and
stripe Outing Gowns, nice
ly trimmed, made full and
long; worth up to $4.50;
divided into 3 lots; sale
price, as low as $2.98
Women's Cotton
Union Suits
Bleached combed cotton,
and wool; high neck, long
sleeves; Dutch neck, el
bow sleeves; low neck,
sleeveless, ankle length;
regular and extra sizes;
worth up to $3.50; sale
price $2.50
BIG STORE 1 r'Vlir-mi'HtM'M
On Sale
?3.00. $7.00, $8.00
All sizes, all leather shoes
$75.00 Coats, now . .$37.50
$50.00 Coats, now . . $25.00
$45.00 Coats, now . .$22.50
$25.00 Coats, now . .$12.50
35c YARD
55c Values
Dark and Light patterns
are No. 1 Grade