M THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1920. HUM IT PPI imt-mt A .PRICE SMASHING SALE Of Men's Suits and Overcoats Every Suit and Every Overcoat in this Store has been Greatly Reduced You arc entitled to LOWER CLOTHING PRICES and you get Corn Lcie Read every line of this advertisement It means a saving to you. All $30.00 All $35.00 All $38.00 All 45.00 All $55.00 All 69.00 Suits and Overcoats,. Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats for - for for for . for . . - for $19.75 $24.75 $29.75 $34.75 " $44.75 54.75 TZZ mfM'Q MEN'S MEN'S itmtAk qi TfTQ LINED MITTS Canvass Gloves Men's Work Sox FLANNEL SHIRTS UEI0?cSV 1 ! , w LEATHER VESTS ( 49c, 75c, 98c, 1.23 Lam SS eS Men S " rk 2.48, 2.98, 3.98 goS FiSSd lui I! S3S A ft A ft and 51.98 2 f or 25c 2 for 25c and 4.98 $o.oo Wool suits $3.98 RiQR A saving of A Saving of $r,.oo wool suits ....$4.98 OOiUO One-Third One-Fourth Tv-tc T iviFNS Every Reduction Advertised at MEN'S MEN'S SWEATERS nnSpTQ The Golden Rule $5.00 priced at Jir WORK SHIRTS Is An Honest Reduction WORK PANTS . 1.49, 2.48, 84.98 . Tinn 0 0 THE ONE BIG SALE ' for and 7.98 $1 -98 98C that you CO.QQ oASTVv!f Have Been Waiting For QLiVO One-Third Tlie Golden Rule Store ARNOLD TELLS OF LIFE IN GERMANY Secretary, Forrierly of Scotts bluff, Tells of Conditions as He Finds Them. M. V. AroH of r-' '". we'l known in Alliance, who left some month" nro for Uuss'a, where he w 11 engifre in Y. M. C. A. wor'r. ha rot yet been pernvtte.1 to enter that io p-et w'ntry now and we shiver to think that the winter may hold for the masses of the peo-le. T w" that the fuel is parceled out by the card system. "You will be interested in know ing: what we have to eat. We have nearly everyth'n' h-t '"v. p"' t " things may be had at the hotels simply by paying: the price (except i w Ik and white bread). If one buys Ks own provis'ons he muct have cards ''or o'-ie of the n"ees.?:t'es such &r hrend (only black may be had then ".'e-- ce has rn additional card last six yers, ami amonic Russian d Po'-'h prisoner who have crossed the border during the recent engnre ments between Poles and bolshevik: and have been interned by GeVmany We have in our area four camps com prising about 42,000 men. Each of the camps of odd prisoners is fully or ganized, having a camp Committee se lected by a camp majority, and cli-i-nrt'y umler the supervision, of the German commandant. Th? 'camps composed of recently interned soldiers refo! the'r military organization. "We have found the attitude of the Germans, toth toward the work end toward the Americans, very favorable, fro y the doctor rdv'r'ng the use of country. At j roTrt he is in Cer- wh.te. tre wh te Is very dark to us), There are a number or people :n this; many, having got that f-r on h:s journey. s The fo"ow"njr t v: written to Robert Simmons, and was published in the Srottsbluft" News: "Domstrasse 1, Guestrow, Germany, October 8, 11)20. Pear Friends in jit States: You nay be interet"d in knowing something about our present t". A chi'd under. 3 years of age may town who speak a little English und have one liter of whole milk a dv they have helped us greatly in p;et Th?s we KPt for Grace Anne. Adults t'ng established. We are comin liiore are granted one-fourth liter of second , and more to the conclusion that hu '!? a day. The milk and butter are man nature is the same the world fine, to say nothinir o' th v which this district has the reputation of making the best in the world. Meat lorat'oj and work, ar.d al out on l of iiny kind may be had in any quan- tion.4 generally. . Lamb is urcd very extensively. Wc are stationed for the winter at Of course checr-e and boer are much Guestrow, a town of 1!,000 population. : 'n evidence. Vegetab'es are plentiful in northern Germany, on a branch of ! a"d fru't fairly so. F" sni'd bnd theh Warnow river, and nbout twenty- 1 of cauliflower may he had for three five miles from the coast. i marks. The mark in prewar times was "The life in Berlin, so far as - sun- worth about 25 cents in our money, erfkial glance reveals it, is the old but now the value is rreptly reduced, Ray life of prewar times. The theaters v-ry'.ng from day to day from three I are crowded n;ght after nip ht. The to one and one-half cents. Taking as ! cafes and wine houses are well pa-' ow "verjfe 2 cents as the value of a tronized, and things seem to be mov- mark, the cauliflower would be worth ing on as if nothing had happened. 6 cents in our money. We are leam Theve are scarcely any crippled or in" to like the coarsest black bread . disfigured men on the streets, and lit-' which the Germans prefer, and we tie else to indicate the ravages of find it very healthful, war. Anything imaginable may be "Milk Is 2 cents a liter, about one had in the shops at prices reasonably quart. low to Americans, because of the low .rate of exchange, but at very high 'in: Pianos rent for 50 marks ($1.00) over, and if it were not for the differ ent language and a few l'tt'e differ ences in customs, architecture, and the like, we would r.ot know but what we were in some part of the states. Personally, we are quite pleased with the thought of spending this winter in such a quaint, picturesque old town as Guestrow, and we hope that our service here will help to make the monotonous life of the prisoners n.ore pleasant and profitable. v " Merle S. Arnold and Frau." SCOTTISH RITE REUNION TO BE HELD IN ALLIANCE Does Cash Kount PALACE MARKET Quality Specials The Cheapest Place In Town to Buy Everyday AND WE DELIVER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PORK Adoniram Lodge of Perfection No, 6 and Alliance Chapter Rose Croix No. 4, sitting in the Valley of Alli ance, will hold a special communica- Other prices you may be interested j tion for the purpose of conferring the degrees rrom the rourtn to the eign- prices to the Germans who have not a month. A maid gets from 130 to teenth, inclusive, on Friday and Sat had advances in wages, although the 150 marks (f 2.50 to $3.00) a month j urday, November 26 and 27, 1920. cost of living has increased very if given board and room. We are This is the fifth time the Scottish ereatlv. There is another side of life 1 hoping to get- two rooms we have Rite Degrees have been conferred in seen, very large sunny rooms, well Alliance and it is hoped that this VIA" n is; V mVCtfc V A Oil The meeting will also afford an op portunity for those who have not completed the work to advance to the that is shut off from the view of the ! amount seems fabulous to the Ger- ; higher degrees, and which may be seen in the poorer dis tricts of Berlin, but we did not get to furnished, with light, hert and serv' visit them. We understand that the ice, and meals served in the rooms, misery and suffering in some parts of jail for 1,50 marks ($30.00) a month the city are unspeakably great, but all for the three of us. Of course this reneral public The chief problem throughout Ger many this winter will be the matter of fuel. Germany, as you know, is required to supply France with coal. We understand that much of this is shipped back into Germany but at j euch high prices that the common people are unable to buy any of it The fuel for the most part will con sist of peat and wood. In all prob ability our little family will be able to keep warm because our money goes a long way toward buying com fort. And, as we had before us the possibility of getting into Russia this winter," we supplied ourselves with extra warm clothing before leaving the states, so that, too, may come in conveniently here. But it is beginning mans and in ordinary times would mean $375 in our money. "Another thing, besides fuel, which a scarce, but always, not because of the war. That is the bath. There may be a half dozen baths in this town of 19,000! The majority of res pectable people use the public baths which we understand are kept very clean and inspected frequently Dy the proper authorities. We have not yet introduced ourselves to the ceremony of a real bath here, but in Berlin we were able to indulge by notifying the proper attendant a day in advance. "The work of the Y. M. C A. new being carried on thoughout Gerirany im among the old Russian prisoners taken during the world war, many f them having been prisoners for the who with for those have, to become more familiar the work. Two days willl be devoted to the communication. This insures that every candidate will get the work in iits entirety and without omissions, just as it is put on in the larger cities. An applicant for the Scottish Rite degrees in the Valley of Alliance must be an affiliated Master Mason in good standing and have resided in the juris- ' diction for six months proceeding, but it is not necessary that the Blue Lodge ! membership be in Nebraska. Petition j must be recommended by two mem- I bers of the Rite. Candidates are not I required to take all the degrees at this reunion. If they so elect .they j may stop at the 14th and tuke the re maining degrees at some future time. BEEF Choice Boiling Beef, per pound 10c Choice Pot Roast, per pound 13c Choice Rib Roast, per pound 13c Choice Rolled Rib Roast, per pound 22 '2c Choice Round Steak, per pound 23c Choice Sirloin Steak, per pound -i 30c Calf Liver, per pound 1 2 '2 c LAMB Lamb Stew, per pound 7 'i c Lamb Chops, per pound 23c Lamb Leg Roast, per pound ' 23c Lamb Breast, per pound r . 13c Small Fork Chop, per pound 32c Pork Ham Roast, per pound 322c Pork Shoulder Roast, per pound 27 Vz c Pork Ham Steak, per pound 33c Pork Shoulder Steak, per pound 30c VEAL Veal Round Steak, per pound 30c Veal Loin Steak, per pound 30c Veal Roasts, per pound 13c Veal Stew, per pound 12 c NOW LOOK Pure Lard, per pound 25c ' Compound Lard ,per pound 20c BACON Cudahy's Sugar Cured (Not Squares) .... 36c , HAM Cudahy's Sugar Cured Skinned 36c Pure Home Made Pork Sausage Fresh Hens and Springers Don't Forget We Deliver Any Size Order PHONE 131 Palace Meat Mar'ket Mail Orders Given Careful and Prompt Attention