The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 26, 1920, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Bit 8
One- Fourth, One-Third and One-Half Less
The greatest sale of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear merchan
dise begins Saturday morning, Coats, Suits, Dresses'
go on sale at a saving of one-fourth, one-third and
one-half Make your selections at once and save
Millinery Sale
Millinery Sale
Millinery Sale
The Bargain Spot
the West
One-Fourth, One-Third and One-Half Less
Golden Rule Store
The Store With The Bargain Basement
300 of the Newest
Georgette Waists
Minatare, mother of Mrs.
was an out-of-town guest.
A number of friends of Mrs. G. V.
Mayfield. of Denver, who was former
ly Miss Vera Nicholal of Alliance,
daughter of J. L. Nicholal, met at the
home of Miss Thelma Wesley Monday
evening. The gathering was Tn the
nature of an "absentee shower" and
many pretty and useful offerings
were brought to be sent In a gift box
to the young bride. Those present
wVe Mesdames P. A. Cross, Floyd
Lotspeich, C. H. Fuller, E. G. Laing.
Misses Nellie Wright, Dolly White,
Dora White. Alta Dye and STTa
Young. After a pleasant evening
spent informally the hostess t erved
light refreshments.
The Presbyterian Men's Club will
be entertained at a chicken pie bup
per this evening by Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Mounts, at the Presbytrian church
at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. F. C. Prince,
Mrs. R. R. Reddish, Mrs. W. E. Spen
cer and Mrs.-Philip Groves will as
sist. The -flrst regular meeting of
the club will be held after the sup
per. Plans for definite organization
will be submitted for adoption.
ner, those present being Miss Esther
Johnson, MSbs McXicbols, Mrs. Harsh
and her sister-in-law, Miss Harsh of
Beatrice who is visiting her.
Dwlght Higby, field secretary of
the Nebraska" Christian Endeavor
union addressed the Alliance Kh
deavorers on Monday afternoon and
The Woman's club will .meet at
the library Friday afternoon at 2:4 5.
Subject, "Political Discussion." Roll
call famous politicians. All nem.
bers are urged to be present.
E. E. Davidson of Kansas City,
who for the past two week.3 has been
conducting revival meetings at th
First Christian church in this city,
will complete his engagement here
Wednesday evening. Thursday even
ing he will open a similar campaign
for the Scottsbluff Christian church.
Mr. Davidson met with excelled
success in Alliance, and the church
Is the stronger for his work here.
The wedding of Mr. Ben F. Ham
mer of Okmulgee, Okla., and Miss
Mrs. F. C. Prince was hostess at (Ruby E. Cox, of Mullen, Neb., oc
her home to her Sunday school class, curred Monday evening at 7 o'clock
tb Merrv Hearts, on Friday evening, i at the Christian parsonage. Mies Cox
Various games were played, after
which a dainty luncheon was served.
Those present were: Mises Flora
Spencer, Helen Young, Marlellen
Beagle, Ruth Pollard, Margaret
Hamilton, Irma Miller, Ruth Stan
ton, Lois Boyer, Mary Woolls, Doro
thy Reynolds and Ruth Ale; Messrs.
Royal Irwin, Cecil Beal, Tom Miller,
Ivan Wong, Roland Threlkeld, Mak
Anderson and Sterling Harris, and
two teachers, Miss Braddock of the
English department and Miss Bishop
of the Business department.
is a niece of Mrs. Ralph Baker of
this city. The younp couple will live
at Okmulgee, Okla.
The regular meeting of the P. E.
O. was held Monday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. F. E. Holsten.
Plans were made to entertain the
faculty of the Alliance schools at
the home of Mrs. Percy Cogswell,
802 Cheyenne, Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKeenan en
entertalned Mrs. Florence Atz and
Miss Leila Cutts at a chicken dinner
A gcxxl supply of Wealthy apple,
in boxes at the Farmers' Union.
S2.75 a box. Call u today. 03
The Circle will meet Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Condit, 319
Emerson. Only two more nights to
hear Evangelist Davidson, tonight
and' tomorrow night. Wednesday
evening is the closing sermon. Fol
lowing the sermon a reception will
be given the evangelist and new
members. You are Invited to attend
each evening.
S. J. EPLER, Minister
Dr. Hanson of the state welfare
committee will ' address a union
meeting at the Presbyterian church
Sunday evening at 7:30 p. m.
Eastern Star Kensington will meet
Thursday afternon at 2:30 at the
Masonic Temple.
St. Matthews Guild will meet at
the parish house Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. D. C. Bradbury, hostess.
W. C. T. U.
The W. C. T. U. meets Thursday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. C.
Mounts, 504 Cheyenne. The dele
gates to the state convention will
give their reports at this meeting
and a full attendance is desired.
Betty Harper celebrated her
fourth birthday Monday afternoon by
entertaining a dozen of her little
playmates. A lunch was served at
the close of the afternoon, which
was pleasantly spent In playing
games. Those present were Donald
Wells, Dorothy Wells. Arna Iu
Standard, Thomas Kelly, Freda
Kelly, Billy Johnson, Mac Dunning,
David LaMons, Betty 3ims, Wanda
Glegg, Roma Beach, Frances Baaeh-ky.
Mrs. W. L. O'Keefe and Mrs. H. I
Sims delightfully entertained at
bridge last Thursday afternoon at
the home of the former. The rooms
were prettily decorated with Killar
ney roses and Halloween favors were
given. About thirty guest vert
present and a dinner was served at
five o'clock. Mrs. Alice Becker, of
Fred W. Doge of Creston, la.,
and Miss Nellie L. Williams, of New
castle, Wyo., were married Monday
afternoon at 3:45 at the Christian
parsonage, Rev. Stephen J. Epler of
ficiating. They will make their home
at Creston.
An Informal Christian Endeavor
social was held at the home of Rev.
A. J. Kearns, 807 Big Horn, Monday
evening, after the address given by
Dwlght Higby, field secretary of the
Nebraska Christian Endeavor.
Mrs. G. I Worley entertained the
teachers of the Emerson school at
her home Saturday evening. The
home was beautifully decorated in
pink roses. The evening was spent
in playlngrook. A pleasing lunch
was served.
Mrs. E. G. Laing entertained a few
friends last evening at a dude dln-
The Epworth League will hold a
Halloween social in the basement
of the Methodist church, on Friday
evening, October 29. All members
and their friends are invited to be
The L O. O. F. social scheduled
for October 29 has been Indefinitely
Calude Davis, bound over to district'
court last week on a charge of carry
ing concealed weapons, and com
mitted to Jail In de'ault of S100 bail.
was given temporary liberty yester
day, and lert for Lakeside with
Frank Palmer, with whom he has ac.
cepted employment. Davis' parents
In Mountain View, Mo., telegraphed
the money necessary to secure his
release. Young Davis has been play
ing hobo for some time. He Is only
a kid of twenty-six, and after he had
been held up a couple of times by
unscrupulous companions of the,
road, decided to buy a revolver to
protect himself.
A good supply of Wealthy apple,
in boxen nt the Fanners' Union.
2.7.1 n box. Cull un toduy. 05
Stork. hogs for sale. O'llannon &
NeiiNwnggrr. 9!i
William H. James, arrested In
Julesburg, Colo., on a charge of as
saulting Harry Horton, farm laborer,
at Hemlngford with a hatchet during
the course of a poker game, was re
leased last Friday afternoon. The
officers exerted every effort to get
hold of Horton, but the man with
the damaged head managed to ketp
out of sight. When the complaining
witness decided that he didn't want
a trial, the officers were not paiticu
larly desirous of going ahead with
out valuable evidence. James ad
mitted that he used the hatchet, but
his story was that It was In self,
defense, when Hotron drew, a revolver.
We Have Reduced Our Prices
On All
Wiltoe Rugs
Stock hogs for sale. O'llunnon &
Neuswanger. 95
Sonora Phonographs
Just received. These are the machines about which
you have heard so much favorable comment. We have
many models at a reasonable range of prices.
Wiker Music House
Axmincterp, Velvets and Brusselj have
not declined ia price but wc have se
lected some drop patterns and price!
tfcem at very low figures in order to move
. J .3 i-
Come to Our Store For Rugs
Geo B. Darling
115 West Third St.
Alliance, Nebr.
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