THE ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, OCTODRR 26, 1920. fivb - 0 0 Random Shots I The young gentleman roomer was -"kidding the landlady's daughter, an attractive young thing, who hadn't 4een In Alliance very long and had made but few acquaintances. "It" won't be long before you're out every . nijfht," he reassured her, smiling hopefully and trifle expectantly the while. The young lady demurred: '"But how can I get out?" Bhe quer ied. "You know It won't do to leave mother alone." Then a happy thought seized her: "Why, you can : take care of mother, can't you? It 11 be Jt'Bt oo fweel of you." And now the gentleman roomer doesn't care whether the attractive young miss ever finds a beau. And we don't blame him for los ing i iteroM. One interesting Item In the day's news Is that the man who won the 15,000 prize for writing the best re ' publican slogan has announced that lie Intends now, and has intended all the tliiic. to vote for Cox. What would you think, if you were a stalwart male, with huge biceps and an Imposing appearance in pajamas, if you waked up in the morning to learn tfiat the landlady and her daughter had been un Jul? the night hunting for burcla pr'l hadn't even thought of calling upon you for protection? There are two men In Alliance who acknowledge that the facts, humiliating as they are, are not to be denied. It may be true that both demo cratic and republican legislatures have voted for a new state capitol, but that doesn't make John More head wrong in declaring that it's a chump trick to build it while prices of labor, building materia' p"4 every other Item connected with the structure are skyrocketing. . Today's IJest Story. Pettish Father: "I don't see any renson why you should wear those one-piece bathing suits. Thirty yeurs ago women never did." Petted Daughter: "But, dad, you must remet.ibcr your eyosieht in't as good as it was thirty years ago." Thanksgiving seems a long way off to the two principals in the latesi Itapid Kire Romance. Wish we knt'w how to carry them ; Ir fet. We call three weeks . vt.y voo.l time. St-vrn young men are sore. They have been swatted and they don't know why. Last Sunday morning their landlady (all of them live In the same house) went to each one's room and batted on the door. Con versation like this ensued: "Are you awake?" Answer "I am." "When's your room rent up?" Answers varlil from one day to a week, according to the roomer. "Well, you've got to get out. I need your room today!" These young men aver that they are reason ably good roomers. They don't spit tobacco Juice on the floor or leave cigarette stubs lying on the counter pane. They don't play poker or have feminine guests. Yet all of them get the gate. No explanations were given. What would you do? Some of the golf fiends are taking a correspondence course. Ole says the game can't be learned out of' a magazine. This is one from the Keep-U-Nf at. A young lady approached the pro prietor, and asked: "Do you do cor dial pleating here?" Another one from Bradbury's place: The other evening a younp man (married) came in and prentlv admired the artificial palms that are scattered all over the Keep-U-Neat's office In buckets. He said he couldn't understand how they grew so well is this rough and rude climate. Chet explained that It was due to the care he gave them. "I water them twice a day," he told the seeker after knowledge. The young man finally asked for a "slip" from one, so that he could have an ornament in his home. He chose the bigest one of the lot said It was evidently a hardier plant. Chet denied this, in sisting that the others would havo grown that tall, only he had made the mistake of planting them in buckets that were too small, and didn't give the roots room to spread. Picture, If you can, L. C. T. on all fours at.the picture show, looking for his hat. He gave it up, after half an hour, but someone found It the next morning, right where he had put it. Fore! The fat man decided to try golf as a weight-reducer. Armed with four sticks, a ball and a caddie, he march ed off to the links. The caddie placed the ball upon I the tee. Then, with a terrific swing, the fat man whirled his club through the air. But the little white ball still stay ed smiling on its tee, while the club, meeting Mother Earth, broke Into splinters. "Oive me another club, boy!" said the fat man. Alas! club No. 2 shared the fate of club No. 1, club No. S emulated of evolutions of club No. 2, and club No. 4 flew Into a hedge. And still this little white ball smiled on. "What would you do now?" asked the golfer wiping his forehead, as he turned in desperation to the caddie. Holding out the empty bag, the urchin replied: "Don't give up, mister! Give It a swipe with this!," t We refuse to get alt "het up" though for a moment vethoi nt we recognized a once familiar style. Terhaps the best Indication or Thej Herald's prosperity, aside fnun larger quarters, new equipment and our increasing patronage. n , n in the strenuous efforts of the opposi tion. To date we've n-M found It necessary to distribute free pretty pictures, chromos or comics, to a part of our subscribers, where It will make the biggest showing. We've got the readers we're holding those we have and we're not worried about circulation, either our own or anybody else's. i This Is good golf weather. We're sawing wood and playing golf. We're only hoping the time - I come when we can play golf as good as we can saw wood. Vassar conferred degrees on 2T6 young women. Many of them, no doubt, will also achieve the degree of MA. HAILIUMD KOTKH Fireman Draper deadheaded to Marsland yesterday to take his turn on the helper. Fireman Fadenbecker has resign ed his position. Fireman Tornakar went to Craw ford Monday to relieve Fireman Baschky. Fireman Sherlock Is laying off for a few days. Electrician Claude Itazelton laid off Saturday afternoon to attend (o some business. .Machinist Helper Charley Thomp son laid off Saturday afternoon. A derailment at Thedford caused No. 41 to be delayed about eight hours Monday morning. Engineer Rodgers took the wrecker down. Engine 286S had lo be pulled Into Ravenna on account of losing th elephant arm Just outside of Ansel mo. I. L. Dudle has been on the sick list for a few days. Dick Rednal has returned after ft weeks' busnless trip in Casper. Mrs. L. A. Hall Is laying off on ac count of her husband's Illness. Claude Rennau Is relieving t. A. Hall. 1 Hostler Jimmle Ellis Is laying oft for about twenty days. Train No. 43 was delayed thr hours Friday on account of a derail ment at York, Neb., being obliged to go by way of Lincoln, Hastings and Aurora. Have Your Diamond Reset In Platinum Platinum mountings for dia monds have two marked ad vantages. They bring out most effectively the bril liance of the gem, and the greater strength of (he metal gives more protection. Your diamond set in platinum is more beautiful and safer. Thiele's pays special at tention to the mounting of diamonds. We have in stock many designs in solid plati num, and platinum lop, rings. Your diamond can he tak en from its present mount ing and reset in one of Ihese while you wait. We will be glad to have you consult us about this. Atches-Diu&j ". r s .- Uiunsx'ickJfionoJ'f3phs Watch InspectorGu&Q. THE UNIVERSAL CAR To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commis sion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that serves satisfactorily and lasts in service If these statements were not true, the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. We will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that Insures the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Qet your order in promptly. Coursey & Miller 0 mm No "Pussyfooting" Here We're Back to PR UT WAR VALUE OWING to the recent reductions in the wool and woolen markets we are convinced that we can replace our present stocks for much less than we paid for them and there isn't a clothing store in Alliance that cannot do the same thing. Other clothiers may continue their "Pussyfooting" methods relative to the lowering of clothing prices as long as they like. We're red blooded enough to take the initiative in this great sacrifice entailing readjustment movement be cause we feel it to be our patriotic duty as well as good business judgment to do so. 20 Off The Regular Marked Price of Any Suit in the House. Absolutely Nothing Reserved Styleplus, Brandegee-Kincaid and Stein-Bloch $45 Suits now S3S .& 55 Suits now M $50 Suits now 40 iv.jv.iHu Vf $60 Suits now BIG STORE 48