-POLITICAL ADVERTISING COXRODSEYEIT CLUB SPECIAL INDUCEMENT Q ! Mother that has Just come out of NIK ilAYAI Krl nllMtN The local najr recruiting office, with headquarters at the Alliance ""i ffrr truweu postofflce building:, has been do'nR a ralr business since Its establishment two weeks ago. To aate seven re cruits hare signed up for hitches on the high sea. Enlistments for both youths of America; mothers of the army and nary are dragging some men of the greatest nation on earth; .what, due to the especially fine mother, "the holiest thing alive." we weather, but as soon as the cold K 1- SI .1 IV. I - ll.l I . . . .... ... luaiia uuu mm juu mrv iu parwei- winas oegin to blow and the snow ! pate In the settling of this great : piles up on the streets, there should ""MOTHERS, WHERE ARB YOU?" moral, life-saving question. It Is the b a rush to the colors. I greatest Issue of the age. I The navy la making especial In- (Warren Daniel, Indianapolis News) i But beware! The reactionaries . ducements to get recruits. In addl- The little child In frinht or ' ana opponents or the league are em-,' on to snoriening tne period or en- ..w,v. v Ploying their cleverest brains to dls-' Hstnient something that hasn't va vukf iuvuci iruciy HI jj uui . . . . Dr. H. H. Bellwood. Chairman. II. A. Oantf, Vice Chairman. Mrs. D. A. Foley, Vice Chair woman. A. D. Rod gen, Treasurer. ; IV. L. O'Keefe, Secretary. " jouT" Can mother save him then? Will mother save him now? Need we ask? Mother that has Just come out of the valley of the shadow of death with the wee bit of helpless human ity; mother of the sweetest, dimpl ing, cooing babe that ever crowed for kisses; mother of the laughing, prattling. Inquisitive toddler; mother , of the little man of six ready for school; mothers of the boys and It is mother's voice that reassures him. It Is mother's presence that makes hfm bold in the dark. It Is mother who wipes away the tears and "kisses the hurt to make It well." It is mother who ivps ' from all harm. It Is mother who hares his joys and troubles. It is mother who prays dally for his pro tection. Mother Is the guard that never sleeps whn he Is In danger. How safe he feels in the arms of mother I Home and God and Mother -are all the same to htm. Would mother fall to do all possible to .protect him from the dread diseases of fever and plague and war? Will mother vote to continue a system that sometime and It may be soon will destroy his life, or blind hi eyes, or mangle his limbs, or eat up his lungs? Mother, where are you? .Ask the little child. He will ten you. Your son has reached manhood. He is stricken with a disease that under the old method of treatment has always proved fatal. But a new remedy has been discovered that will cure In nine cases out of ten. How long would you tolerate a physician ! tort the meaning of the covenant, to misrepresent Its principles and be little its Importance. They are tell ing you of its evils, mostly imagin ary, and basea on the absurd as sumption that aations will habitually violate their agreements. They nev er tell you of the great good it will accomplish, nor that Its defects can better be discovered by a fair trial; nor that it can be amended; nor that we can withdraw from it If we don't like it. Was there ever an at titude more depraved and uncom promising that is determined, through misrepresentation, to pre vent the trial of a method that promises to save to you in the fu ture the lives of your sons? Be not deceived. We nu no league and' more than 100,000 of our best men have Just been sacrificed; The league Is to prevent a repetition of this, and greater, sacrifices. It is not believed that the mothers will be diverted from the path of right eousness by the misrepresentations and efforts to confuse and deceive them. Mothers see and know the right intuitively. Queen of the world, "the mother that insisted on sticking to the old holds the key to the soul, and makes sure death methods and refused to!tne being who would be a savage a give the new life-saving remedy a Christian man." Through her pray trial? Mothers of America, forty- ers and her votes she will force the one nations have adopted a remedy nations to discard the age-old man that will prevent the sacrifice of savage way of settling their dls thelr sons in war. Are you unwill- Putes. In Us stead they will have ing that a trial be given this rem""V j the civilized, Christian way of the to save your sons? Let us assume covenant. Civilization and other na that our country refuses to give the tlons In despair are crying, "Moth remedy a trial.. Without the league ers of America, where are you?" The of nations, the laws relating to the hPe ' tne world lies In the moth coming of wars are as unchanging as t erhood of America. Mother will were the laws of the Medes and the Persians. Let us look ahesid r. tew years to the coming war. It 4n evitable under the old system. Your son on battlefield, or in muddy trench, or In fever-stricken camp or hospital, suffering frojn body wounds, or mutilated limbs, or struggling for the breath of life through bleeding, poisoned lungs, cries out in his delirium, just as he 4Id as a child when no one else could save film. Mother, where are keep the faith with the sons who have' gone before and the sons of the coming generation; Her influ ence through the vote will put civ iliation a thousand years ahead. And "her children will rise up and call her blessed." Mother, where are you? An Alabama professor thinks he has a plan for locating oil that will avoid sinking dry holes. But he only thinks he has. been done before as well as permit ting recruits to choose their branch of the service and select special training, a new plan has been de veloped to stimulate enlistment. Foreign cruises are to be made by both Atlantic and' Pacific fleets dur ing the summer of 1921, and the lucky gobs who get berths In the fleet will have the time of their life. The following telegram, received yesterday, tells the whole story: "The department has Issued In structions to the commander-in-chief of the Atlantic fleet and the com mander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet to submit tentative itineraries for the foreign cruises to be made by th respective fleets In the summer of 1921. The present idea Is that the Atlantic fleet will visit porta on fne east coast of South America and also Capetown, and possibly the Island of St. Helena, the home of Napoleon during his captivity. The Pacific fleet is expected to visit the South Sea Islands and ports in Australia and New Zealand. ' It Is probable that the. Pacific fleet will be able to visit ports in southern New Zealand and also Tasmania, or Vadiemans Land after the completion of this winter's maneuvers In the Pacific In January and February. The fleets will proceed to their target grounds on or before March 10, and finish up all target practice of the present year. It is expected that this will be completed about May 1. Then, after six weeks at home for repairs and the customary leave, It Is believed that the vessels will get away on their foreign cruises about June 15, 1921. This wlll'be a fine opportun ity for recruits to see the world. It is noted that last week showed about twenty-three hundred enlistments, and that the enlisted personnel of the navy today had risen to over one hundred twelve thousand." HOW TO MAKE HOME IIAKIXU EASY The reliability of this undertaking concern is one of its bulwarks of strength. "We are courteous at all times. Our funerals are conducted in an elegant, dignified manner. Our beautiful, fairly priced burials have caused us to be talked about in this community. "We are advertised by our friends. Glen Miller UNDERTAKING PARLORS Phones: Day, 311 Night, 522; or 635 128 West Third Street POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT John M. Matzen State Superintendent of Public Instruction Candid its to Sscceetf Himself Tke sanm of candidate (or this offiot wta aposar on a soparato ballot without party Assignation. To the Voters of Nebraska: I know you are Interested In the schooli, the ripest flower of civiliza tion and the greatest cooperative en terprise of our democracy and for equal opportunity. I was appointed State Superintend ent last January to fill a vacancy, and wish to refer you to my record during the ten months I have served. I be lieve my experience, training, and knowledge of the work of the office, enable me to render the schools of the state a valuable service. Therefore, I should like to be elected that I might have this opportunity. I have resided In the state 36 years, have had 24 years experience as teach er, principal and superintendent, and was superintendent of the Dodge counry schools 14 years. I hold a college degree, a Nebraska professional life certificate and city superintendent's professional life certificate. It shall be my earnest endeavor to conduct the affairs of the office in an effic ient, economical, businesslike manner; to serve all school interests with justice and fairness; and promote an upward and forward looking program of education. ill g V:: YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRCCIATCO From all parts of the country come reports of a great increase in home baking. In fact, It has again become the fashion, as it was in grandmother's day, for women to take pride in telling about the good things they bake at home. To encourage this great economy, and to make it easy for the begin ncr, as well as to give the experien ced home bakers the benefit of the most modern dlscovries, the Royal Baking Powder Company has pub lished a book which, in itself, is al most a course In the art of cookery There is Included a wealth of In formation most unusual this sort of literature. Old and famous re cipes have been improved and sim plified. Economy and ease of prep aration are the keynotes of the book, which is the result of three years of constant research and ex perlmentlng by the Royal education al department, which is conducted for the benefit of all housewives in terested in the health, economy and betterment of the home table. Political Advertisement Vote for RE-ELECTION of CHIEF JUSTICE Andrew M. Morrissey "The political parties have made no nomination for Chief Justice. The Chief Justice l not elected at a party candidate, but hi nam will be found with other Judicial Candidate, and school officer on a separate ballot. "We favor the re-election of Chief Justice Morrissey tecause we believe In the law designed to take the court out of politic and to elect . Judo4 because of their qualification. "Six year ago when he became Chief Justice the court wn about three year behlr-d. Today the court I a nearly up with Ite work a It I practicable for a supreme court to be. Credit for this is not wholly due to the Chief Justice, but other members of the court who have contributed to thle result give full credit to Chief Justice Morrissey for his share In it accomplishment. '"He hae executive ability that acts results. H enjoys the friendship and co-operation of his associates. He he the rsspect and confidence of the lawyers who have business In the 6upreme Court. He has helped to clear away many technicalities of th law. Law-breaker have been brought to Justice and honest men enjoy the protection of the courts. "If you are In doubt about how to vote on Chief Justice, ask your Ols. trlct Judge." Lincoln Tribune. A Checking Account Is Your Greatest Measure of Defense Defend yourself against waste Cash is rarely seen save at the vanishing point. It dwindles, it scatters you know not where. But you TIIINK when you write a check. You have a record of where the money goes. Payments are systematized, expenditures reduced. A checking account protects you against loss of your money by fire, theft, carelessness, forgetfulncss. It means your funds aresafe. Defend yourself against trickery and mistake File your checks. They make indisputable receipts, sparing you twice payment of of bills, for on the back of every cancelled check which comes back to you is the signature of the person or the firm whieh re- ceived the money. , , Build a fortress against sickness, accident and old age Tou save a surplus and, it will save you sometime. And remember, by the wayr that writing more deposit tickets than checks is the secret of both aafetyand sucess. Ward off the inconvenience and worry Acheckinf account in our bank ranks with free mail delivery' and the telephone. It saves you a long trip, and you always have the right to change. Your money is always available, payable on demand. No expense we supply check books, passbooks and all necessary stationary free. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska m.iiiiiiuiilliliiuinillllllilin.... crimped, not pasted CWhats ail this talk about Crimping? J isten, Lester, and you shall hear: svj There are three ways to roll a cigarette wet it with your tongue, use paste, or crimp it. But Spur is the only cigarette . note that word only that has the crimped seam. No moisture as when m you roll a cigarette no paste as used by other makers. Crimpiag makes Spur draw easier, burn slower, taste better. Looking at a Spur will give you the idea and smoking one will give you the result. And of course everybody knows that Spurs are blended from choice Turkish, fine Burley and other home grown tobaccos. That's where Spur's good old tobacco taste comes from. There's a lot more to be said but write it yourself after you've enjoyed twenty Spursr from the neat-looking brown and silver package. Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.