TWO THK ALMANCK HERALD. "-Wit-- -t nvn o- 1?)20. BAYS 1 HO-4 KUM A N f Ol'ltWK I.KAtiUK (Continued from page D Knforceincnt of )-lln. tinder the procedure laid down by the covenant. In event of ft depute between nation, the matters must bo nubmlted to Ihe council for Inven tlgalion. SU months Is allowed for this purpose, and after this three months must elapse before war can be possible. The council has power " to enforce Its decision by an economic boycott, the cessation of commerce, the most powerful weapon Imagin able. Then, If the nation boycotted Invades the territory of another na tion, all the nations agree to subju rate that has not kpet Its pledge, pate the nation that has not kept Its pledge to abide by the league dec! alon. Had the nations of the world attacked Germany when Belgium was Invaded, there would have been no world war, the speaker declared. "Entangling alliances are danger ous," was another objection referred to by the speaker. An alliance, ht declared, was an agreement to fight. The league Is an agreement to put an nd to fighting. He told of the pre parations for war covering the last fifty years, and declared that the na tions had reaped exactly what they owed. "The world Is crying for pro tection against another such calam ity," he said. Mr. Fleharty denied that the boundaries of nations, as fixed by the covenant, cannot be changed. The nations can unite, or divide, as they like. The league Is Interested only In cases of external aggression. It has no Interest In civil wars, such aa the Irish revolt, unless the peace of the world Is threatened thereby. The Monroe Doctrine. Instead of abrogating the Monroe doctrine, the league strengthens It. "The Monroe doctrine Is so good that the world will adopt It," he declare i. TJnder Ihe Monroe doctrine, If the Japanese tihould land In Mexio, the United States would send troops to drive them out. Under the league, all the nations of the world would assist. The freedom of Ireland would be come possible under the league, the speaker Insisted. England hates :o give up Ireland now because that country is reparated from it by o'lly the English channel, and if Ireland were a free country, It would furnlsH the finest sort of a back door en trance for England's foes. Dut with the nations of the world insuring her security, would she not be willing to free It eland? Governor Cox has piomlsed tha' if elected he will lay the case of Ireland before the coun cil of the league. Wlirtt About Precedent? "There is no preced'iit for such a hlng," cry the objectors to the lea zue. America always sets her own precedents, declared the spiaker He cited the war with Spain, the freeing cf Cuba and the rhJippines, ind the sending of an army to Eur ope In the world war. The Shantung question was dis cussed. In 1898. the speaker ex plained, Germany got control of Klau h.w, on a ninety-nine year lease. The president of the United States, a L r ublican, entered no protest to the steal. The republicans now, for po Ilitcal purposes, are being greatly ex-rc.!-ed. ' Japan does not gain posses sion of Klau Chow It simply suc ceeds to, the German lease, as a re ward for kicking the Germans Into the ocean. The chief benefits under the lease is not the control of forty million souls, but commercial privil eges over a Jointly owned and oper ated railway. Your Hons In Danger? The mother who shrinks from hav ing her son called Into war with the sons of thirty-nine other nations at his shoulder shrinks back Into the arms of war without end. "Am erfca first", he said, Was similar to the cry of the once proud Hohenzoll erns. He wanted to know: America first In what? He quoted: "Let him who would be greatest among you be your servant." The league Is now at work doing useful work, measuring boundaries, destroying armaments, fighting typhus, the opium traffic and tht traffic In girls in women. The United States Is the only Important nation that has not Joined. He condemned those who would for party advantage follow a leader "America, deaf, dumb and blind." mtiHMHftmtMiinnMHiMtMnn,utii,m,HiNiMiiMMwiQ 19 AIDS TO GRACE AND BEAUTY (H 11 ls ilia Dean.) M,l,HII.HMMtMl.m,tl,MMimi,lIHMMHIHHMMHIMtMt.tllfS Making the Most of Your Hair. assure no one would have lwX'd at her twice. Hut If you want to see camouflage her sister, who only has a sliort tot ranching to her shoulders can hov It to you. That girl Is foreve laundering and brushing and waving !hat little fluffy wig of hers u nil . airly snaps and gleams with life stir vitality. When she wants to give I i rect from hot irons she d.impers li ml puts It In curling pins over nlglit. these she discretely covers with boult1r cap. hut she would as eeo think of going out without her sho" on as of being seen without stro'fh hair plastered close to the head 01 straggling loosly without a ha t net. The secret of beautiful hair Is sim ple. Keep It clean. . When you of wash it be sure not to leave coap In the hair which ro's it. See to 1 f-n your scalp Is kept loose by tnrssag If necessary. You would not expf-c a plant to put forth strong deep roots In a rocky soil would you? Well, tht tituatlon Is the same when the teal is thin and poorly nourished nn clings to the bony structure of th skull. As for washing the hair too fre quently that Is an exploded theory Some heads need It oftenT tbir others, they are oilier, perspire mor' and the dust clings and cannot b- removed by brushing. Wash your hair as often as you need It and yo will not suffer with dandruff, but and this Is important be sure ever? bit of soap is rinsed out of it. It Is not the frequent washings, it Is the soap left In your hair which can1'" to fall out. You cannot rinse it too thoroughly. And any woman can fix her he.W prettily nowadays If she only takes the trouble to curl it. This mak the hair look twice as thick and pre vents the net from flattening It. 1 style of the moment 1h extremely simple with only a small knot, o even the ends turned under. The head is made too small and trim. Only remember that If you have t high forehead' you must wear a fringe or your hair parted instead of crushed back plain. The coiffure depends entirely for lis benuty on the condition of th hair itself, whether it is gloBFy and well waved. This is in the power of every woman If she will take th time and trouble. Do you remember that girl we saw nn the bathing beach last summer? The one with the beautiful hair we admired so much as she sat there drying It In the sun? Well she ought always to leave it down her brick. The other day I met her and hardly recognized her. She wore that beautiful hair drawn into a hard untidy knot., with the lors" encH straggling over her ears, and I can CARD OP THANKS. The undersigned wishes to express his sincere thanks to the Alliance B of R. T., the B. of L. F. & E., the O. j R. C, the S. U. of N. A., for theii words and acts of kindness and ccr: ' trlbiitions toward his material com ! fort during his recent injury. 95p B. STOKES. 1 I SELLE KITCHEN CABINETS "The Best Servant in Your House" Not only does the SELLERS Kitchen Cabinet place right in AUM'S REACH practi cally all the cooking utensils and materials yon use in preparing the meals. Not only does it enable you to Kit instead of stand, to reach instead of walk, and to SAVE a great amount of work, worry and waste. But in addition to this it offers you conveniences and advantages which positively cannot be duplicated elsewhere. $100,000 Worth of Improvements Th,nk or it! These wonderful Kitchen No other cabinet has them. No cabinet la Cabinets have convenience after convenience complete without them. found In no other cabinet on the market. Yet the SELLERS coBta no more than Seven of these conveniences alone cost the common cabinets. And, during the SALE, makers $100,000 a year extra to maintain. Special terms! Special prices! See Free Demonstration Today 1 JUUUDLiac 1 c 1 n t r ; 1 RED a CROWN t 3 GASOIINE r tTMCyura a commutt 3 t 3 n n n n n n r Power Red Crown gasoline is brim-full of smashing, heavyweight power. Every drop is a lusty slugger no love taps. Doesn't get tired and lie down when you're on a hill, or stall in a jam of city traffic. Over the fast turnpikes and through heavy going, Red Crown gasoline carries you along at train-making speed cr at a leisurely, loafing gait without a hitch. Its uniform power-content makes it dependable at all times under all conditions of travel. Use Red Crown products regularly, for perma nent satisfaction. You can obtain the gasoline and that standard motor oil Polarine at Red Crown service stations and authorized garages. Economize on oil by using Polarine. It is made in four grades, differing in body but not in quality. These grades are Polarine Polarine Heavy Polarine Medium Heavy Polarine Extra Heavy For winter use the Polarine and Polarine Medium Heavy grades are recommended. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' . (Nebraska) Omaha RED CROWN GASOLINE ( o(m 1 1111,1 mum J k 11 L i -it 1 iniTUnr; "The CalitijWder" Commands the highest prices ijet leads in sales. The Reason-Quality Those who want qualiiu will paij the price. J No household commissaru complete without it J Known everywhere -Buy if by ihe case or your home. Vimitor cordially invited to inspect our plant. 1 yrj-f ANHEUSER-BUSCH, ST.LOUIS LX 1 Let us Put a Case in Your Home We Deliver to Any Part of the City Wm. King Company Distributors Phone 136 Alliance, Neb.