THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY. OCTORER 22, 1020. ' SEVE DrRUST LAND CO. WESSSffiRN w "lUMNKSH IH Ci(M)I, THANK YOt'' WHEN A Say. i-wkcotrr. t DlDWT HAVE. PEACH OP A TIME. TDNiGHT' I I HOPt "TM WIFE. STAVy A WAV r-EJ2 A MOWTH ' HOLY MACKCfteLHl ITS MIKE J OAV CPF GOOO MI6KTJ? COQOMi6HTfv. WANT TO PUT omthlnir? Hun dreds of ppople scan these Want Id columns looking for what you r others Imve to otter. Oet quick result by advertising in The Serald Want Ad department. tATES Two cents per word per in sertion. Costs more than other newspapers, but we guarantee that ion reach several hundred more readers. Buy "'rculatlon. not hot air SALE CITY PROPERTY ALLIANCE city property to. trade for Box Butte county farm. See Ne braska Land Co. 64tf T1VE room Bungalow, all modern. close in; bargain. See Nebr. Land Co. tf FOK SALE USED CARS r OR SALE Good used ears. A H. JONES CO., Third and Cheyenne. tf FOR SALE SEWIXO MACHINES. FOR SALE New and second hand Singer sewing machines on Z a month payments. Phone 382, A. J. MILFORD. Agt. 86tf XIl' SALE OATTLH FOR SALE: 40 head some stock cows. 8132. L. E. BLISS. of yearlings, Phone Birch 94-95 FtMl SALE FURXITVHE FOR SALE Good piano and a few pieces of furniture. Phone 505. 94 KD HAY KAXCH BEST of government water rights; 90-acre alfalfa on Shoshone irriga tion project, Powell, Wyo. Good buildings, and all fenced, 5 miles from town. Will trade for 150 head good whlteface cattle as follows: 50 head good 800-lb. whlteface heifers,. and 100 head good smooth 1000-lb. whiteface steers. 95c W A NTKD FAILM S WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. BUSH. Minneapolis, Minn. 94 WANTED TO BUY. HAVE buyer for desirable dwelling house at right price. John O'Keefe & Son. 5tf V ANTKD FK3L. I JO 1 1 ELP WANTED Girl toi general house work. Phone 173. 94tf 5.1 A ' I I I H -M MM III! Try a Herald Want Ad It pays. MART . - wl I rHPl i O ufnA TMlf "TMSL. 1 MLTETTO VtOtOL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE FINAL PROOF Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb., Octo ber 5, 1920. Notice ia hereby given that Horace H. Anderson, of Alliance, Neb., who. on December 30, 1916, made home stead entry No. 018076 for lot 4 in section 5; Lots 1. 2 and 3. SVaNEU and SE4NV .of section 6, in town ship 23. north; SE4NEV4: SKM of section 31; SSE4 and SM SWU of section 32, township 21. north, range 50, west of the sixtl. principal meridan, has filed notiet of intention to make final "throe year" soldiers proof, to establish claim to the land above deacrib d, before the Register and Receiver, U S. Land Office, at Alliance Neb., o. the 10th day of November, 1920. Claiment names as witnesses: .l bert Underwood, Robert R. Reddish, Herbeit M. Anderson, and John B. Anderson, all of Alliance, Neb., T. J. O'KEEKE, OCt.8-Nov.9p. Register. NOTICE OF MKETINCi OF cm COUNCIL AS A UOAItD OK EQUALIZATION. To all the owners of real estate within Sewer District No. 37 and No. 38 in the City of Alliance, Nebraska, the real estate comprised in District No. 37, being Blocks, 12, 15, 16, 19 and 20, Box Butte Addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska, and Blocks H, J, M, N, and P In Sheri dan Addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska, together with the Inter vening alleys and the real estate comprised in Sewer District No. 38 being Blocks 23 and 24, Box Butte Addition to the City of Alliance. Ne braska, Blocks S and T of Sheridan Addition to the City of Alliance, Ne braska, and the North Half (Ntt) ot Lot 1 and Lots '9 to 14 Inclusive, Block V, Sheridan Addition to the City of Alliance, Nebraska, and Lot 1. Block 1, Hitchcock, Hill and Sned ekcr's Addition to the City of Alli ance, Nebraska, together with the in tervening alleys, and all other per sons IntereBtei: Whereas, on July 28th, 1920, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Alliance, Nebraska, sitting as a Board of Equalisation, levied a spe cial assessment to cover the costs of sewers in Sewer Districts No. 37 and No. 38 in said City, and whereas doubts exist as to the validity of such assessment and a re-assessment had been determined upon. Take Notice, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Alliance. Nebraska, will meet as a Board T1 Equalization on the 27th day of Oc tober, 1920 at 8 o'clock p. m. at the City Hall in the City of Alliance, Ne braska, for the purpose of equalizing the special re-assessments for the construction of sanitary sewers in MAPPED HBi-LO MPlLA "TMlT MB SMVTMC i$ VERY ILL ANO WtWT . a Down too Sewer Districts No. 37 and No. 38 of "H city, constructed, in accordance Ae Oil Lease What Is It? What Does It Give You? YOUR PURCHASE secures a perfect title to seven-eighths of all the oil produced from your lease. You know what you are buying and you get what you pay for.' You are the sole and absolute owner; you are your own manager, secre tary, treasurer, board of directors and can hold on, sell or drill as you please. Leases grow in value with every new move in development. There is a ready and active market for lease properties and this demand comes from the constantly growing buying power. Compare these safeguards with other forms of oil speculation. There is only one answer BUY YOUR OWN OIL LEASE. Yey The Tri-State Lease and Development Company Lee Gilbert, with the provisions of Ordinances No. 262 nna No. 266 tn the City of Alliance, Nebraoka, and supplying any omitwlonn In the snnie and for Anally levying uch re-nBBossinrnts. Such Fpicinl taxa or re-nspRKinents will b- 1 vld and re-asRetwd on all lots, parts of lots, land, and real es tate within said sewer districts to the extent of the special benefit to such lots, pails of lots, land and real es tate, by reason of such Improvement, such benefits to bo determined by tin. Council sitting as a Hoard of Equal ization, and in cases where the Coun cil sitting as a Hoard of Equalization shall find such benefits to be equal and uniform, such re-assessments may be according to the feet front age and may be prorated and scaled back from the line of such Improve ment according to such rules as the Doard of Equalization may consider fair and equitable, and all such re assessments and findings or benefits shall not be subject to review In any equitable or legal action, except for fraud, injustice or mistake. Dated this 13th day of October, 1920. A. D. UODGERS, Attest: Mayor GRACE II. KENNEDY (SEAL) City Clerk. Oct.lS-19-22-26. (iENEROlS LILLIAN. May Allison's negro maid, Lillian, had been complaining about the lack of moisture In Southern California. She was In the act of saying that the land made famous by the film couldn't compare with the south of her own girlhood. "But, Lillian, this Is a wonderful place," said Miss Allison reprovingly. "This Is an earthly paradise. This Is God's country." . "Wal, dafs all right, too," answer ed the disatisfled one. "Ah ain't got no quarrel wif God. He can have it!" REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McCORKLE, Manager Office Ground Floor First Natl Bank Lease is Your 106 West Third St. WAS MISERABLE FOR THREE YEARS Mis. Keeker Was Too Weiik Id Walk Il foiT She Itognn Taking 'limine. 1 was so helpless I couru hardly raise my hand to my h ad, but shue taking Tanlac I am perfectly well and for the tirst time in three years am nine to do my housework," said' Mrs. II. 1 Becker, of 229 Nortii rweliih Si., Lincoln, N. b. "I had an operation whirh left me in an awful rundown i uiulit l,n, and for quite a while I was too weak to even walk. My stot.uuh was left badly upset and I had almoM no ap petite at all and cquldn't get back my strength. Headaches almost urove me n antic and at times I hau blinding dizzy spells. My nerveB were all unstrung. "1 was hardly able to walk. My shoulders also hurt me awfully, at night sometimes I could not get to sleep until after four o'clock In the morning. It was Impossible for me to do a bit of my housework and I was simply in constant pain and suf fering and was almost ready to give up in despair. "Soon after starting on Tanlac thy appetite returned and my food agreed with me. It wasn't long until my nerves were quite and I was sleeping sound at night. The pains left my legs, shoulders and arms and was no longer troubled with headaches or dizzy spells. I have now gained ten pounds In weight and feel as well and strong as I ever did in my life." Tanlac 1b sold in Alliance by F. E. Holsten, in Hemlngford by Heming ford Merc. Co., in Hoffland by Mal lery Grocery Co. What's become of the good old word "earns?" Men are "getting" or "making" so much a day, but no one speaks of "earning" anything. Best Buy Local Representative. l t Me Cry Your 8lw It. A. WYLAND Amtloi.cer 12:t2 Missouri Piano Tuition, KcKiilntiiig & Ilenali A. M. lOOL lionve Onlcrn Ht Wlkor Music Hon so or l'lione No. 7-41 For Expert Driving and Livery J. XV. CAItltOLL Phone: Day, 118; Night, 96 Sturgeon's Garage Quick Service Electric rilONB 250 First National Bank Bldg. Alliance. ... Nebrkm Not Mcdkine, Hurgery, Owteopatbj Dr. Annie Graham Jeffrey Chiropractor Talmer School Telephone S65 Wilson Buildlua L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUMER BLOCK PHONE 9 ' ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Phone 664 Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Block, General Farm Sales J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract Books In Box Itutte County. First National Bank Bldg. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance, P. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. i MOVE FUIMTUKK SAFELY We have eauipped our dray war ons and auto truck with the late appliances for moving furnitu. without marring, scratching or dat aging. Up-to-date wagon pads wiU be used by us on nil moving Jobs, tf JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15 Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Classes Accurately Fitted . teo In Antioeb I se Your Meals at TliK LIBERTY CArB Mr ils at All Uouii John Strate Clean Up Now and AYOID THE BUH A little lur In tne iiMoa you'll hare to wait yoor tarn, t'se the phone today. ' PI VOMIT SERVICE ROW Sam Shelton Phone 671 PHONES: RES. NO. 113 OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Oompanj PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCE PACKING AND CRATHTO FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen ."We Try Hard to Please" Have it W2r with the OXT'ACETxXEKsfl PROCESS Cylinder Blocks,' Frame and Tranmlsslon Cases a ftf rmUltj ALL TRACTO PARTS Geo. H. Breckt ;r New Location H9 W. M CV