vv roUTICAL ADVKHTISIFKl COHCOitVflT ClUfl Dr. II. H. Bellwood. Chairman. If. A. Ganti, Vice Chairman. Mra. D. A. Foley, Vice Chair woman. A. D. ftodgers. Treasurer. W. L. O'Keefe, Secretary. WHO IS WHO AND WHY? Who voted against the Mollis Amendment taxing war profiteer 50 1 er centf WARREN O. HARDING. Who toted against creating an em lioyment bureau In the. Interest "of . borera and farmers? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voted for an amendment re ducing the Insurance of soldiers from S10.000 to $7,600? WARREN 1. HARDING. Who voted against the war finance orporatlon bill to conserve our re source and atd In prosecuting the var? WARREN G. HARDING. Who dodged a vote on the railroad control bill? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voted In favor of compulsory military training by voting against tabling the Jones amendment, which .irovides for compulsory military training? WARREN G. HARDING. Who dodged a vote en the new bill providing for compulsory training? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voU;d against the bill provid ing that employees might organize to preserve their right? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voted against the amendment to the Espionage act providing fine and imprisonment for disloyalty and sedition? WARREN G. HARDING. Who dodged a vote on the bill i.cr inlttlng soldiers' widows to receive government positions without civil aervlce examination? WARREN O. HARDING. Who dodged a vote on the draft bill? WARREN G. HARDING. yWho dodged a vote on woman's suffrage? WARREN G. HARDING. Who dodge . a vote on Increasing the pay of fourth class postmasters? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voted against prohibition for the District of Columbia? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against the Johnson amendment to rxomr rrom taxation farm tractors, auto tractors and farm wagons? WARREN O. HARDING. Who against the Klrby "ni"H''M"n' ir remove the embargo from cotton? WAItKKN G. HARDING. Wlio dr ifted a vole on the antl- Ulrlke provision In the labor bill? WARREN U. HARDING. Who voted against the Polndexter bill providing that freight raiea should be based on the distance .tauled? WARREN G. HARniN'G. Who voted for the leaRu of na tions two times, stands on the plat form endorsing a league of nations, MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at .70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL Th world's standard ramedy for kidney, uvr, bladder and unc acid troubles since 1696s corrects disorders; stimulates vital organs. All druggists, three aisaa. Leak for U mm. Gold M4al m every kw I m imitatina. and opposes a league of nations? WARREN U. HARDING. Who was nominated ior president , y the men Colonel Roosevelt called I "dark lantern artlsta" and "porch climbers"? WARREN O. HARDING. Who carried his own state by only 15,000 votes In a presidential pri mary? I WARREN G. HARDING. Who opposed giving the people the right to nominate their candidates In primary elections? i WARREN O. HARDING. Who dodged 234 roll calls during his fit Lit year In the senate ? WARREN G. HARDING. Who Joined with Penrose, Smoot and Barnes In fignting Roosevelt and the Progressives in 1912? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted with Penrose 70 times nnd against him 10 times during the war period? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against prohibition for the Philippine Islands? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against pensioning the few survivors of the Indian wars? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against establishing a shipping board to create better shlp plng'f acilltles for the American farm ers? WARREN O. HARDING. Who dodged a vote on the Un derwood amendment giving the inter slate commerce . commission power to fix the hours and wages of 20, J00.000 laborers? , WARREN G. HARDING. . Who dodged a vote on the eight hour law for railway employees? WARREN G. HARDING. who voted against national pro hibition on the final passage of the bill? WARREN G. HARDING. Who dodged a vote, on the appro priation bill for the maintenance of the children's bureau? WARREN G. HARDING. Who dodged a vote on the Reed amendment forbidding the shipping of liquor into prohibition territory? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against the Norris amendment increasing the Income tax? j WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against the LaFollttte i amendment requiring income tax , reports to be made public? . WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted In favor of the Poln dexter amendment to prevent the farmers storing their products In or der to increase the price? WARREN G. HARDING. vv ho voted against paying the American farmers the price the ijoverment ha 1 promised to pay them tor their wheat? WARREN G. HARDING. Who said that a dollar a bushel is enough for the farmers to receive for their wheat? WARREN O. HARDING. Who lost In his own county by 964 votes when he ran for governor of Ohio? WARREN O. HARDING. Who lost In his own precinct by 17 votes when he ran for governor of Ohio? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voted for draft In time of peace? WARREN O. HARDING. . Who voted against prohibition 30 times and for prohibition 2 times? WARREN O. HARDING. Who voted for the Cummins rail road bill with its antl-strlke provi sion? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against the proposal to exempt sugar and coffee from taxa tion WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against the proposal to abolish secret consideration of all treaties? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against confirming the nomination of the only Jew ever ap pointed to the supreme bench? WARREN G. HARDING. Who In six years In the senate has never Introduced any Important bill or been Identified actively with any Important bill? WARREN O. HARDING. W o voted with the progressives In the senate only nine times out of several thousand votes cast? WARREN G. HARDING. wno voted witn capital on every test vote between labor and capital? WARREN G. HARDING. Who spoke and voted for conscrip tion as a permanent peace policy? WARREN G. HARDING. Who voted against tax on cam palgn contributions? WARREN G. HARDING. Who endorsed the slogan of "get the money, boys"? WARREN G. HARDING. TUZ UNIVERSAL CAR To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commis sion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that serves satisfactorily and lasts in service If these statements were not true, the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so' constantly on the increase. We will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Get your order in promptly. Coursey & Miller jc OnnriA?- 0 Nebraska Telephone Co;.:?a::y First: It is sold at a mod erate price. You save when you buy it. Second: It has more than the ordinary leavening strength, therefore, you use less. Third: There are no fail uresit always makes the sweetest, most palatable of foods. Fourth: It is used by mil lions of housewivesleading domestic science teachers and cooking experts. A STATEMENT TOv OUR REGARDING PROFOSED PATRONS , INCREASE Omaha, Nebraska October 20, 1920 EMPLOYEES AND INVESTORS IN TELEPHOl.E RATES IN NEBRASKA Is telephone is an essential public service, it all telephone users as well as to telephone employees and investors in teleph.on3 securities that this Company's revenues shall be sufficient to meet its requirements Because the important to Considered on a yearly basis, or state are approximately $593,000 It essary to pay operating expenses a: annually on the money invested in v r present revenues in this is annually than are nec I earn 8 per cent interest ir property. order to provide for th9 extension of our service to nev people and to now areas we nuit obtain over fil, 000, 000 of new money annually from investors. To get this oney we must bt able to pay our operating expends and earn such a rate of ln;ere3t as v;ill prove attractive u those who have money to inves t . ! This condition has made it nec'-iary for us to ask tho Nebraska Railway Commission to app ve an increase in our rates. But e7en with the increase -sked for, our total rev enues will only be sufficient to enable us to earn approxi mately 6 per cent annually on oar investment in this state. ;SJJM YOU CUYIT-ttHZNTOJ USE IT ; Fifth: It is the best Baking Powder that can be produced. Was given highest awards at World's Pure Food Exposition, Chkago;Paris Exposition, Paris. France, Sixth: It contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by the United States Food , Authorities. The finest quality Baking Powder at the most economical cost. The Biggest Bargain That Coes into the Kitchen Today." Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 ox. Some baking powders come in 12 ox. instead of 16o. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Calumet Nut Cooki Recipe cup butter, 'j cup sugar, 2 Bg. Vj cup' flour, 1 level tea spoon Calumet Baking Powder, ?4 cup chopped nuts, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Then mix in the regular way. An increase of 10 per cent has bein asked in exchange rates to be applied as a sur-charge. This course has been followed rather than to request complete pew schedules of rates, be cause it i3 Impossible under present conditions to determine what permanent rates should be. A change in long distance rates has been requested which will produce approximately a 7 per cent increase in our toll reenues. These changes apply only on person-to-person calls. No changes will be made in statlon-.o-station toll rates. You are well aware of the increaies which have taken place in wages, material prices, freight rates, fuel prices, rents and interest rates. The price of all these items and others affect the cost of furnishing telephone service. To illus trate: We are now paying over $1,700,000 more annually in wages in this state than three years ago, of which only $750,000 is for new employees added during that period. And the cost of materials used in the up-keep Qf our property has Just about doubled the last few years. This statement is made in accordance with our policy of giving the public full Information rbout our affairs, and wo feel sure that it will be accepted in the same spirit of fairness ,and oo-operation that has always characterized tho public's attitude toward this compai.y. ' NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY r President