TI1K ALLIANCE HKRAM), KK1DAY, OCTOBER 22, 1920. TWO II KlIlS (XNTKNT CLAIMS OP OTIIKItS In a hearing in probate court Thursday morning In the matter of the estate of James If. Skinner, de ceased, two heirs were arrayed against two others and a fifth, Mho was not present, was reprerepte' th- at.ornry for the estate. Mrs. Myrtle Lelshman and Mis. M; May, daughters of the decease, brought In claims for taking cnre of their father, 'for the period of two years prior to his death. They asked $50 per month for their services. Attorney Lee Banye repre sented them. Two granddruphters. Mis. J. W Tourchek of Cliadron and Mrs. Ethel Ross of Wheatland, Wjv .n vw. rj the claim. They were represe ited by Attorney L. L. Raymond of fico'.ts bluff. R. R. Reddish represented the estate and the other heir, James Skinner, son of the deceased. Mr. Skinner died at the age or eighty-four. During the two yearB prior to his death he was a semi invalid. His wife was not. living, and hia two daughters cared for him. The charge of $50 per month covered laundering, nursing and other items. Judge Tash dispensed with attor ney's arguments. He stated that he was well qualified to act as a wit ness in the case, having known the circumstances of the case, and he allowed the claims w'thout further ado. Following the adjournment of court, Attorney Reddish held a pri vate auction of some of the perse npl effects of the deceased. Among other items was a watch, which brought $90. The five heirs inherited equally from the state and the money realized was divided among them. of H It's new and original in Mory and action. Far from anything; that lias Iron attempted before. MOI,IA(X)l DLK. Inierial, Saturday matinee and night. One Day Only. 04 YAI.K SI 1)1 NO. L. S. Bliss transacted business at Osago, Wyo., last week. Mrs. L. Beal was surprised lart Friday night when her neighbors and friends went to her house and re minded her of her birthday. 'Every body had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. William Newman and family motored to the I. I. Scheflrek home last Sunday. Same Bliss Jr. went to Lincoln last week to attend the agricultural school for the winter. Ernest and Alfred Iossl are fenc ing In the former's ranch west of Berea this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Turin gt on Colorado were visiting at the L. Bliss home this week. Mr. and- Mrs. A. T. L e visited at Herman Trabeit's ranch Sunday. Alfred and Albert Iossi, Tom HilJ!ard and Allen Holloway return ed from Crawford Friday after spending several days there. Elarna Beal invited several of her young friends to come to her party to celebrate her sixth birthday Wednes day evening. Quite a few from here are on the new mail route. It makes it rather nice to have the mail delivered to your farm home. The first mail was delivered here Saturday. This mail route misses Yale Siding only one half mile on the south side. A. T. Lee helped Dan Rieman haul potatoes to town this week. William Newman is loading a car of potatoes at Yale Siding this week. The dance at the Iossl ranch Sat urday night was well attended and everybody reports a good time. Albert Iossl, Tom Milliard and Allen Holloway left for ColtimbUB, Neb., Sunday. They worked in west ern Nebraska for the past five weeks. G. L. Walters, resident manager of the Western Newspaper Union a Lincoln, started out for the press meeting at Gering a day ahead of time so he could put in Thursday morning with the membera of the fraternity in Alliance. Walters, wno is a booster for almost anything that Is good, commented on the number of stores which displayed the mem bership card of the Community club, as well as on the difference the pav ing makes in the appearances of the city. Married men who are kicking on what is required to run a house ought to take a contract and see if they could reduce the expense. Somewhere along Laramie avenue a badger is in danger of his life, pro vided someone ever gets within gun shot of him. The animal was first discovered by Judge Berry in his hen house, but managed to get away. A few days later the badger was seen in the cellar of Bob Reddish, but again he made his escape. Henry Rust has lost a number 6f chickens, and so has Bob Morgan, but the bad ger has never been caught. His life is forfeit, however, if he only ap pears when some irate householder in that neighborhood is near a gun. ItKIH III. If AN WOMKX HOLD A MKKT1N(. A meeting of republican women called for Thursday- evening at the court house was attended by sevenfy- flve. Mrs. Nellie Wilson presided and Mis. Delia Mallery was selected as secretary. Several talks 'weie made and the women voted to a thorough canvass of the city of Al liance. The following committee was appointed for this work: First ward Mrs. I. E. Tash. Mrs S. Thompson. S-Hond ward Mrs. O. D. Darline Mrs. W. R. Harper, Mrs. Bernard Holsten. Third ward Mrs. F. AV. Irish Mrs. L. Lowry. Fourth ward Mrs, W. E. Spencer, Mrs. Roy Strong. Rumor has it that everything did not go as merry as 'a wedding bell at the gathering, although the rw" of what transpired may be exagger-l ated. Outsiders attempted to '- prominent part. At least one of the speakers is said to have argued for Cox, and another madj a stirring ap peal for Wray. Exactly whet trcn1 plred is not known, for the women refuse to discuss it. As to the woman who brought up Wray's can didacy, she was told, according to the best authority The Herald can find, that "they' had never heard of him before and didn't want to hear of him." Whether the interloperr were boosted over the transom 01 allowed to remain on condition that they would be peaceable may nevei be known by mere men. Announcement was made that on Monday evening Mrs. Severn of Min neapolis, a strong republican speak er, will speak to men and women vot ers, of all political parties, at the Im perial theater immediately following the first show, at 9 p. m.. A cordial invitation has been extended the pub lic to attend. stooped I had aitacks cf dizzy speKs and specks came before my eyes al most blinding me. When I get one of these attacks I get a box of Doan's Kidney Tills at Brennun's Drug Store and they cure me aiid leave me feeling fine." Trice 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedyget Doan's Kidney Tills the same that Mrs. Joliff had. Foster-Mllburn Co., ivtfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. ; READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS THEY SAVE YOU MONEY E. C. Drake spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week In Antloch, where he mado a test of the eyes of over two hundred pupils in the pub lic schools. This is a part of the medical inspection program. A new line of pattern hats espe cially for the lad'es of AMiarce, war want something different. Today pni j tomorrow, at the Alliance Hotel An nex. . 94 A NEW SHIPMENT OF Sonora Phonographs Just received. These are the machines about which you have heard so much favorable comment. We have many models at a reasonable range of prices. CALL AND HEAR THEM FLAY. Wiker Music House 1)1 111) DISTHKttH. Fr"d Fhllips has been promoted to assistant foreman of the store-house gang on the rip track. He is assist ing H. L. Alters. Closing out sale. Ladies Millin ery at Alliance Hotel Annex, today and tomorrow. . 94 It is Near at Hand to Hundreds n! Alliance Headers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache is often the kidneys' cry Neglect hurrying to the kidneys aid. Means that urinary troubles may IOUOW. V Or danger of worse kidney trouble. Here's Alliance testimony. Mrs. L. E. Joliff, 609 W Third street says: "I have found Doan's Kidney Tills a most excellent remedy and am always glad to speak a good word for them. I have had attacks of backache and pains in my side doing my housework that made me feel miserable. Sometimes when I TO BE GIVEN AWAY Make Sure You Get Your Share of It Last year this bank followed the plan of giving away many dollars to the hundreds of new depositors that answered their call For New Accounts The plan was productive of such good results both from the standpoint of the depositors and this bank that we have decided to repeat the plan this year. Many new depositors were started in the habit of saving, and anyone of them "will vouch for the wisdom of their action. v You never can tell when you will need a little extra money for some emer ency. Sickness, accident or an opportunity for small investment may come to any one of us any time. We should have a little nest egg to help out in case of necessity. Here Is The Plan t The First State Bank will add one dollar to the credit of every NEW. DEPOSITOR who opens an account with this bank. This dollar will be in cluded with his regular deposits aad will draw interest just the same as every other dollar that belongs to him. WE PAY b INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. and this interest is payable semi-annually. TO THE LITTLE FOLKS this offers an especially fine chance to start saving. Parents should welcome this opportunity to start their little ones in the thrift habit. The first dollar is all they need to commence. THIS OFFER STARTS SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6th First State Baek USED- CAR SALE We iiave the following used cars all in good condition that we are offering at right prices: ONE 1917 FORD TOURING CAR. ONE 1917 REO "FOUR" TOURING CAR. ONE 1916 SAXON "SIX" TOURING CAR. ONE 1918 NASH "SIX" SEDAN. ONE 1920 REO LIGHT "SIX" TOURING CAR These cars are all worth what we are asking for them. Bee us if you are needing a good car cheap. . A. H- Jones Go, CALVIN D. WALKER, Manager RED CROWN GASOLINE Mileage Red Crown is a thoroughbred gasoline. Every gallon is full of last-drop mileage stamina. There's no falling down, no petering out. You pull up to your destination like a fresh breeze. Regular users of Red Crown gasoline know how far they can go on a gallon every gallon. And they don't worry about filling up if their supply ought to carry them to a certain place. It always does, for it is uniform from one corner of the state to another. Buy gasoline the same way you buy tires, on a mileage basis. Best results are always obtained by using the same kind regu larly. You can do this for Red Crown is sold in every city and along all of the principal highways. Economize on oil by using Polarine. It is made in four grades, differing in body but not in quality. These grades are Polarine Polarine Heavy Polarine Medium Heavy Polarine Extra Heavy For winter use the Polarine and Polarine Medium Heavy grades are recommended. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NobrMka) Omaha JUUUUDDC -i i I BED r a CROWN c 3 GASOUNE c ittwui Mi coMawnr a an n n,n n r FIVE