TWO THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1920. CO a . G O g C3 C3 4-l (J T3 C O o o C3 3 O G T3 ty r ( D S C3 CD Cj U Q, C C3 3 CO a 2 bJO (A bJD CO 33 5 I C3 2 a p4 H O ffl u O c Vh CD Vh a a o - V-i CO T3 fcfl V-i 03 53 O CM 1 Random Shots tMMIWttmtmMMMlWWtHMmMWMtimiMMMttGl IS KEWPIE DOLLS" AT IMPERIAL TONIGHT A Mexican political! desiring con tributions to his campaign fund avoids embarrassing obligations by simply robbing a pay train. i To Thtl Bross goes the credit for the discovery that home brew Is harmless, If not taken Internally. He had a female relative who was troubled with rheumatism, did l'hil lp. and the state booze hounds de livered him a large Vcg. They took It away the next morn ing, l'hil said. Powerful stuff, that, to cure a case of rheumatism over night. As good old Doc Btxby says: Turn the rascals out. Here's a Thanksgiving story that is only a little over a month too soon: A group of war veterans were discussing Thanksgiving. One of the guests was a veteran who had lost both legs. "And what have you to be thank ful fort" they asked. "Lots," he replied. "I've got cork legs, and I can pfct on my socks with thumb tacks." Dill Maupln remarked, a few weeks ago, that he'd be hanged if he'd vote for a man for governor who spelled Christ with a small "k". But what docs Bill think of a gov ernor who could keep a straight face while his right-hand man told of us ing captured whisky as a liniment to relieve rheumatism? It Isn't so plentiful in Gerlng that they can afford to waste It. George Woli shows the ravages of age less than most people we know. He was telling friends here that he didn't feel a day over seventy-nine. One or two of the good roads dele- gates brought refreshments with i them. We know, because we saw j seven Alliance men follow one of them down the Btreet. There'll be some show at the Im perial tonight. In addition to Buck Jones, a new screen sensation, In 'The Last Straw," there will be the "Dancing Kewple Dolls",, which Is said to be a musical show on the lines of the "Ziegfleld Follies." There are real live dancing Kewples, who are clever singers and enter tainers, and they are presenting the latest musical revue to be seen here this season. The company Is headed by Merrill (Tunny) Lea vlf toe cleverest comedians on the stae. then Al MacDonald, Is his close sec ond, with dainty and petiu ..... ' Leslie, and Miss DnrofV'- v who twlsta her way to one's very' soul, with her wlerd but fascinating oriental dancing. The company car ries special stage settings and iT.'v costumes are said to be gorgeous and of the latest Parisian design. "The Last S'raw" is a sensational story Ci a western cowboy who tn to love past eastern cheek and west ern nerve. It's full of pep from tn first foot of the film. "Held In Trust," with May Alli son is the attraction for f The story concerns Mary Manchester, the little girl in the big detwii'.iu store downtown who suddenly found a chance to climb out of her own dingy and underfed and weary wort.' Into one of luxury; and without loss of self-respect. The two men, yoU see, wanted Mary for financial, not personal reasons. So long as she J should successfully Impersonate the wealthy young widow, the widow's money, held In trust by them, would remain In their hands. What hap pens to Mary makes an interesting play. Alma Reubens In "The World an" His Wife" is the Sunday feature, and It is some feature, to Judge from ad vance notices. On Monday comes the fourth episode of "Hidden Dangers", the Dr. Jekyll-Hyde plot. There are more thrills than ever In this epis ode, Including a pitched gun battle. WOMKN UIVK t)lT Housework is hard enough when healthy. Kvery Alliance woman who is having backache, blue and ner vous spells, diziy headaches and kid ney or bladder troubles, should be glad to give heed to this Alliance woman's experience. Mrs. C. Brown, 612 Box Butte Ave., says: "I had a severe attack of kidney trouble accompanied by dizzy spells. I was completely run down and felt that I would have to go away and take a rest. Through an advertisement of Doan's Kidney Plls I began to use them. I got great relief from the first box and when I had taken three boxes I felt well r.n strong again. I highly rec ommend Doan's." (Statement May 8. 1907) On June 9, 1920, Mrs. Brown says: "I am glad to confirm the statement I made some time ago. All I said at that time still holds good." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same ttadt Mrs. Brown had. Foster-Milburn Co. Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. A' garage employe admitted that he took a suitcase out of one auto mobile and shook it. There being no sound of clinking glass, he pdt It back, and charged the traveler dou ble rates to get even. All of them aren't bo suspicious. You remember that the employes at one garage worked on a booze cat for three days without discovering that it had a five-gallon keg hidden away under the rear seat. When we first started playing the game, we thought golf was difficult to master, but such is not the case. Frank Abegg, on his second trip out, established a new record for the course. Frank played one hour and four holes, lost three balls and broke two clubs. THIS WILL ASTONISH ALLIANCR PIXPLE The quick action of simple wltch hnzel, camphor, hydrastls, etc., as mixed In Lavoptik eye wash, will, sur prise Alliance people. One girl with weak, strained eyes was helped by a single application. Her mother could hardly sew or read because of eye pains. In one week she too was benefited. We guarantee a small bottle of Lavoptik to help ANY CASE: weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREW. Fred E. Holaten, F. J. Brennan and Harry Thiele, druggists. Cabbage, 3c lb.; honey, $3 for 10 1b. pail; onions, 4c lb. $3.75 per 100 lbs. Wright & Pilklngton, 208 I.ara-mie. By this time Germany ought to have a faint suspicion that she lost the war and does not exactly belong in the class c f dictators. POLITICAL ADVKKTISKMEN'T Vote for RE-ELECTION of A Californian has patented a de vice for gathering nuts, but they never will be able to improve on Niagara falls when they come wllh barrels. Airplanes may be a transportation medium of the future, but that'' Is no reason why the railroads need not be made efficient for present uses. When you meet an editor these days the first thing you ask him is what office he is running for. CHIEF JUSTICE Andrew M. Morrissey "The political part'et have made no nomination for Chief Justice. Toe Chief Justice is not elected as a puty candloate, but his will be tounJ with other Judicial Candidates, and school ohicera on a separate bailot. "We favor the re-election of chief Justice Morrissey tecause we bel.' in the law designed to take the courts out of politics a pi to eljct Judges because of their qualifications. "lx years ago when he became Chief Justice the court was about tnree years behird. Today the cou.t is as nearly up with Ita work as it is practicable for a supreme court to bs. Credit for this is not wholly due to the Chief Justice, but other members of the court who r)ave contributed to this result give full credit to Chief Justice Morrissey for hie share In its accomplishment. "He has executive ability that gets results. He enjoys the friendship and co-operation of his associates. He has the respect and confidence of the lawyers who have business In the Supreme Court. He has helped to clear away many technicalities of tn law. Law-breakers have been brought to Justice and honest men enjoy tne protection of the courts. "If you are In doubt about how to vote on Chief Justice, ask your Dis. trict Judge." Lincoln Tribune. HQ SERVICE is aimed to be not only accomino J dating to the well and healthy, but thoughtful and careful as to the welfare of the sick. It i8 in line with this policy of care and thoughtfulness that we allow no chance of error in the compounding of prescriptions or in filling your doctor's orders for medicine. Neither do we take the chance of "prescribing" for you. "When you need a doctor's examination and advice, we want you to obtain it from him. Then we are ready to do our part by carefully filling his order for medicine. lie knows what you need, for you. We know how to compound it 4 CALL ON US ANY TIME OR PHONE 132 HERSHM AN & SCOTTEN ALLIANCE DRTJQ STORE "The Accommodating 'Druggists" GRAND OPENING OF THE ROOF GARDEN The management of the Roof Garden takes great pleasure in announcing the completion of work of enclosing their hall. Everything has been built for the convenience of both danc ers and spectators. You are cordially invited to attend the Reception and Dance Saturday, October 1 6 Opening of the winter season. We want you to make a special effort to be present the open ing night because we feel that we have a dance hall second to none. It deserves your enthu siastic support and all we ask is that you come at least this once to see for yourself. We feel confident the future, will take care of itself. We have contracted for the prettiest, most peppy music obtainable. Come and hear Harling's 8-Piece Orchestra Our Roof Garden has been fitted up with every convenience we could imagine for your comfort. There are dressing rooms for ladies, dressing room for the men, lunch and re freshment counter, check room, and spectators' gallery which makes the Roof Garden abso lutely ideal for dancing. , Comb Bring Your Friends Sure LOWRY & HENRY Dancing Wednesdays and Saturdays Usual Prices Corner Fifth and Box Butte A Checking Account Is Your Greatest Measure of Defense Defend yourself against waste Cash is rarely seen save at the vanishing point. It dwindles, it scatters you know not where. But you THINK when you write a check. You have a record of where the money goes. Payments are systematized, expenditures reduced. A checking account protects you against loss of your money by fire, theft, carelessness, f orgetfulness. It means your funds aresafe. Defend yourself against trickery and mistake File your checks. They make indisputable receipts, sparing you twice payment of of bills, for on the back of every cancelled check which comes back to 'you is the signature of the person or the firm which re ceived the money. Build a fortress against sickness, accident and old age You save a surplus and it will save you sometime. And remember, by the way, that writing more deposit tickets than checks is the secret of both safetyand sucess. Ward off the inconvenience and worry Achecking account in our bank ranks with free maii delivery and the telephone. It saves you a long trip, and you always have the right to change. Your money is always available, payable on demand. No expense--we supply check books, passbooks and all necessary stationary free. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska