THH ALLIANCE 11 KHALI), TUKSDAY, SKPTKMHKK 2Sth, 1920 nvn ANNOUNCEMENTS , S ,,,,,.,,,.,,, I, !,,, ,.,,,,!, S.t,. I I I 11 I I I I J. -..".'.-.. TF F tUJL U AW J 2(0) be ekr9 on the First Floor Ginghams, Percales, Sdrsets, Wool Dress Rand Comforters fSilk9 Satin, Georgette (Of f re P2 Goiiri Dresses Waists llliiiery OFF pf the newest jients to be sao 11 of these gar- tjhe past two weeks jery garment in the jiis sale. Nothing Dresses, Waists, x, r Pick of the Lot ' Will ill : f'BOGUE ST Satins, Printed Georgettes $5.00 and $6.00 values going at $3.49 ORE The Woman's Guild of the St. Matthews Episcopal church will meet at the parish house WedncHtlay. after noon, with Mrs. Kobert Reddish. hostess. All members of the puild are requested to be present as there will be a special business meeting at three o'clock. High grade bran, ready to le- liver, $2.00. !. Nolan tt Co. The ladles auxiliary of the Pres- byterlan church will entertain the teachers of the Alliance schools Wednesday evening at the church. Alt members and friends of the church are Invited. Refreshments will be served and a program of In terest has been prepared. The ladies' auxiliary of the Pres byterian church announce union aid to be held at the Presbyterian church, Wednesday, September 29, it 2:46 p. m. ' We will be pleased to meet all members of other aid locletles. Mrs. Geo. E. Potter. Sec. WOMAN'S CIA7I1 The Woman's club will meet In he library basement Friday after- loon at 2:45. Mrs. Nellie Hunter, Mrs. Gertrude Pate and Miss I tola Vorley, hostesses. Price reduction sale now on at Hlghland-Ilolloway Uo. LEAGUE OP WOMEN VOTERS. The league of women voters will meet at the home of Mrs. F. M. Phelps, 412 Laramie, Thursday, Oc tober 7, instead of Thursday of this week as announced at the M. E. church Sunday evening. -'.APTI8T CHURCH The woman's society , meets this week with the 'other societies of fife :ity, at the Presbyterian church. It 8 a union meeting and you are in vlted. The mid-week meeting Wednes- !?y evening at 7:30 is the regular qi arterly business meeting. All members are urged to be present and Ik ar reports of the past six months' jrk of the church. Friday evening the young people of the church are to have a "pie so- i..l" in the basement of the church. ikcial games and a good time for all. Ctolr practice at 7:30 Is the first . ng In the evening. Communion services next Sunday . jrmng. All members urged to be pivsent. to 1-3 on We can save you 1-4 ,i.ur fall drtNs at llighland-IIolloway Co. After you eat always take ATONIC Instantly relieves Heartburn. Bloat ed Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring, repeating:, and all stomach miseries. Ami digestion and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. IncmM Vitality and Pep. EATONIC It tb best remedy. Ten of thou sand wonderfully benefited. Only cneuacent it two a duy to um It. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund money. Get biff Los today, You will see. P. J. 1UIENNAN, Shoi OD am HslllWUW i 4JVV ringlne 665 was overhauled and vent to Kdgeniont Sunday. Tho wrecker went to Ravenna Sunday !o do souk? rlearlng work. Frank Rathburn returned from a short vacation In Denver, Saturday. Fireman Illrch is laying off on ac count of the severe illness of hs wife. Engineer Jensen went to Ravenna on 42 Friday to take a turn on the pool. Firemen C. F. Austin and A. H. Huntley have resigned to better con ditions. Kred Nellson and two small sons, spent Sunday with friends, in Hot Springs. Machinist M. F. Glbart returned to work Saturday morning after a short vacation. George Murray left Monday for Kansas City for a short visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wolfe went to Bridgeport Sunday for a short visit with friends. ' Homier Helper T. II. Doxley went to Bridgeport Sunday for a -visit with friends. R. E. Drlscoll has been transferred from drop pit foreman to round house foreman. lle Berilna and Leon Alters spent Sunday south of Alliance shooting "at" ducks. Oeorge Redfern returned Monday from Deadwood where he has been on company business. Firemen Drookley, Berry, R. S. Ogden and C. A. Earney have beea promoted to engineers. Engineer Tillet left last Friday for Omaha for a short vacation. He will visit friends and relatives. We can save you 14 to 1-3 on your fall dress at llighland-IIolloway Co. Bmmett Drlscoll returned from Denver Saturday, where he haa been visiting friends for the past. week. J. J. Wadell, master mechanic be tween Alliance and Ravenna was la Alliance Monday on company busi ness Fireman E. C. Green who has been running out of Alliance for the last year and a half bid in a Hot Springs turn. J. V. Meyers, returned front Oma ha Monday. He has been visiting friends in that city for the past week. Master Mechanic J. B. Erwin and wife left the latter part of last week (or Pittsburg, Kan., for a visit wftb, relatives. fireman Baur laid off last Friday to go to Cheyenne, where he waa ctlle4 on account of the severe Ill ness of his wife. Arue Thompson, John Sutton, and Martin Trucans, from Deadwood, and George liose anl W. E. Shantty, from Denver, all hired out as firemen. . E. E. Biainbridge is the new sec tion foiou .! on lue Sterling division relieving h. burin. Mr. Smith has accepted u poi'Iiion in the C. B. & Q. yards. Wo can sine you 1-4 to 1-:) on your fall die8 at Higlilantl-IIollowuy Co. Round House Foreman Buddy, of Sterling, is expected to be in the city soon to take the position as night round house foreman, left vacant at the resignation of C. A. Leldloff. BwMBSBMwBwMWsJMS I The Three Great Prl Triumphs fj AMONG the various makes of storage A batteries there is only one radically different and superior to the rest. This one exceptional battery is the Vesta. Three great battery improvements make the Vesta different. These triumphs give it double life: . Ve$ta Indestructible Isolator an ingenious device, locks the plates apart and prevents short circuits, 2. Vesta impregnated Wooden Mats prevent "treeing" and Its disastrous consequences. 3, Titanium a tare mineral, enters Into the lead plates, hardening them and giving them longer life. It precipitates minerals and impurities in sola tion, thus increasing the efficiency of the battery. These remarkable features are covered by U. S. Basic Patents belonging to the Vesta.' They cannot be used in any other battery. Vesta costs no more than ordinary batteries. Ask any Vesta Service Station man to explain Vesta superiority. Alliauw .... mi.. JM: Tire y v ItftllsV 1 tita aupsmetty afw 1 1 V IC e4la) J1 r ralife Ufwrt V WorkT MW4UW't 1 t-1