THE ALLIANCE II KHALI), FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1920 lip TWO wlrkel wiles of munie siace by the llnwailnn dunce orchestra. Two young hopefuls were lugged home by the arms. Walter Anderson, who was Injured In an auto accident somp time ago, is reportpd doing nicely. Harry Smith had his tonsils re moved at the ofDcea of Drg.- Dasktn and Bellwood Tuesday. Miss Leila Coinforth and Ken neth Mohrnian niotorpd to Hemlng ford Wednesday. I Random Shots red man evpr got a haircut. Yesier lay, at 2:33 p. m. John Kelnkober ;i sited trimming the straight black ocks of Chief fiunllght-nack-of-the-Harn. Some of these days we may hear f an Indian taking a bath. HlWIIIIHWWWWItlWIWIHMIHHHIHIWM1limMWII11MWlfl IVrr, Copsnell denerveB a plnah covrrrd seat la The Herald's acad emy of Immortals. 1I has dlsrov rrrd the only nystem to avoid losing cuffbutloiiR. Simple enough, loo. Just wear a different kind of button In each mlwve. 1'eopln don't nee but one of your sleeves at a time, anyway. In the three months preceding Perc'a revelation, ve loat four sets of cuff buttons. Acting on his ad vice, c iu cured r.". iJil pair, and for three months huve heen without this worry. Kven if all signs should fail, and you should lose one, under this plan It won't make any difference. Any ulray cuffbutton will bp Justus good ns the one you lout. We're going to persuade I'erc. to figure out a scheme to kppp the laundry from losing the buttons that are sewpd on. We live and learn. Until yester day, we npver knew that the noble I'iritire. If you can, five grown nun trying to capture one canary, and 'you will hnvp some Idea of lha scene that took place near the ex press olllce Wednesday morning. Two of them climbed the tree In which the bird had taken refuge; one stood underneath and held his arms wide opctfi, saying "Hlrdle, birdie!" very tenderly, a fourth man tried to whistle like n canary t nl Ue fifth man went after salt. Won 1 r which one was successful or did they scare the poor bird to death T Two yoii'ig girls, high school stu dents, left home the other evening and started for the city library with a raft of book's and papers un!er each arm. The story they told was j that they were going to read up on 'journalism. Three hours Inter: Two mothers rescue their daughters from the Personally, we think the parents did (he girls a grave injustice. They were getting "local color" and that . ought to be a part of every Journal Ism course. In our college days, the Journalism students used to gpt local color nt tho Savoy bar. And nobody snld anything, so long as they were uble to go home undpr their own power. We used to do a lot of studying at the Orpheum. i I Parents are so unreasonable, don't ' you think? What's become of the man who used to stand at salute when the "Star-Spangled Ilanner" was ,il;iyea on the phonograph? IMPERIAL THEATRE Tonight FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 WM. FOX, presents Gladys Brockwell in "Flames of the Flesh" There is a love that trancends Life. The Story of a New En gland Puritan who shocked gay Paris. COMEDY "Playmates" r--T LATEST CURRENT EVENTS ADMISSION, 15 and 30 CENTS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Mary Pickford in her latest picture of sunshine and charm "POLLYANNA" Her gladness is contagious, Rce the picture that has made millions happy that keeps the laughter chasing the tears and makes the heart sing. COMEDY SNUB POLLARD, In . "You're Pinched" MUTT AND JEFF in "In Wrong" ' MATINEE 15 and 30 CENTS. NIGHT 20 and 40 CENTS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 MATINEE 3 P. M. NIGHT ONE SHOW ONLY 8 P. M. Hollowell Concert Company Featuring John Wentzell, Baritone who without a doubt can be classed with the greatest of singers. They are known from coast to coast as the best of musical entertainers. PHOTOPLAY Wallace Reid in "Sick A'bed" The liveliest patient you ever saw in a story that's all smiles. FIRST EPISODE OF "Hidden Dangers" THE SENSATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MYSTERY SERIAL ADM. MAT. 30 & 55c Night 55 & 85c We time a car of. l'eniiKjItaniii lianl coal oh track. Forest Co. Mrs. Angela UUBsel of Denver ar rived to take charge of the MeVick- er beauty parloiB. Mrs. J. Sullivan of Casper, Wyo., la in the city visiting friends. JAS. BURNS ART. A. DALY L. E. R OBERST & CO. Live Stock Commission Merchants Cattle Department Jim Burns W. J. Orchard Established 18S9 Hog Department Art A. Daly Sheep Department Frank Roberts We specialize in handling Range Cattle and will give you the best service possible to ' obtain. Ship Your Cattle Hogs and Sheep to Us for Good Results Union Stock Yards OMAHA NEBRASKA THE UNIVERSAL CAR REDUCTION In Series of Ford Products The war is over and war prices must go. Effective , at once Ford cars, trucks and tractors will be sold F. O. B. Detroit at the following prices: Touring car, regular . $440 Touring car, with starter $510 Runabout, regular $395 Runabout, with starter $465 Chassis $360 Coupe, complete with starter and demountable rims $745 Sedan, complete with starter and demountable rims $795 Truck, with pneumatic tires .... $545 Tractors ........... $790 The Ford Motor Company makes this reduction in the face of the fact that they have on hand im mediate orders for 146,065 cars and tractors. The company will be suffering a temporary loss while using up the material bought at high prices. They are willing to make the sacrifice in order to bring business back to a going condition as quickly as possible and maintain the momentum of the buying power of the country. HENRY FORD says: "The war is over and it is time war prices were over. There is no sense or wisdom in trying to maintain an artifical standard of values. For the best interests of all it is time a real practical, effort was made to bring the business of the country and the life of the country down to regular pre-war standards." We are at your command with regular Ford efficiency in service and eagerness to fill your orders. & Miller Hemingford Alliance