TIIE ALLIANCE UMAM, Fill DA V, SKPTKMHKIl 17, 1920. FIVB CRAWFORD CITIZENS LAND ON GOVERNOR Sixty-five cltlaeni of Crawford liave appended their nlftnatures to a petition to Governor S. R. McKelvie, asking the removal of O. T. TouVelle as head of the state bureau of secur ities. Mr. TouVelle, a week pr so ago, gave an Interview to the press In which he discussed the application made by Mayor Arah L. Hungerford of Crawford and other citizens for a permit to organize an oil company and dispose of stock. Mr. TouVelle proceeded to get exceedingly "smart" In talking of oil prospects at Craw lord, and the good people of that re gion are still hot under the collar. Following is the petition. In part, which, by the way, we have not seen printed in any of the Lincoln news papers: We, the undersigned citizens of Crawford, Dawes county, Nebraska, and vicinity do hereby heartily con demn the action of your employ, O. T. TouVelle, whom you have put at the head of the state bureau of se curities for his conduct in giving to the press the burlesqued article cov ering Arah L. Hungerford of Craw ford and ridiculing the oil situation here. We condemn the act as un warranted and with malice afore thought and believe it for a purpose of personally striking at Mr. Hun gerford, who has been a citizen of "Crawford for the past fourteen years and of whom, to this date, we have never known other than fair and honorable business dealings. Wr respectfully request the immediate Temoval of your man TouVelle from the office which he has disgraced and shall expect immediate action from you. "The Information asked for by Mr. Hungerford was asked for at the In stance and behest of perhaps the majority of the citizens of Crawford, who believe that we bave untold wealth In oil underneath our city and surrounding acreage. Mr. Tou Velle had no business whatever and was entirely unwarranted In giving this to the press In the tone and fash Ion he did. or, In fact, for giving It to the press at all. Mr. Hungerford and his associates, who will number the majority of the leading business men of Crawford and vicinity, had a company In consultation within the City of Crawford at the time of wir ing to the office of the bureau of se curities. "The information requested In that telegram was Information de rired and necessary to be had before th closing of n contract for drilling The telegram was a day letter and not a night letter as claimed by Mr. TouVelle to the reporters and we be ll've was received by him during the day and not at night as he gave out to the reporters in his smart fir't overbearing way. Mr. TouVelle Is making a fool of his office and a Joke of the state and we believe that you lor the best interest of the State should forthwith dismiss him, put ting some man in the office who will transact business in a mnnnerly way. "We heartily deplore the present stringency the State Department ' f putting upon the development of the resources of the State of Nebraska. Under the'present rule of the bureau of securities people cannot Join to gether even for the development of their own community, much to ho chagrin of the people and detriment to the future prosperity and ad vancement of our state." KJ.i The Alliance Herald. $2.50 a year. QLEN MILLER V Undertaking PARLORS 12? Wast Third Street Telephone J 'ay 31 1 Ni-'ht 522 Ued 520 By Special Arrangement GLEN ELLISON will give his favorite program, "Songs that America loves." The great baritone will appear himself in what will be the most notable musicale of the season. Next Friday Sept. 24. Appearing, with Mr. Ellison will be Mr. Thomas A. Edison's Three Million Dollar Phonograph. FREE TICKETS Call write or telephone us for free tickets of admission. Thev will be issued iu order of application. George D. Darling 115-117 West Third Street. AIDSTO GRACE AND BEAUTY (ljr IMocilla lenn.) (3 IWtltHlllttmMHHIIWMHMHHMIHtMWIIIMtHHMIHIHIl TIIK OttiiM.KXlOX There Is nothing more attractive about a women than a clear, healthy complexion. The tint and plow of facial skin makes an Impression, quite often before beautiful eyes have a chance to open their, full batteries on the h'art. Tilde In the possession of a fine facial skin Is more than pardonable; it is proper. That much time and attention should bo spent on making It as near per fect as possible Ih axiomatic. A good complexion Is nature's best evidence of health. This knowl edge urges woman to exert every effort to keep the complexion above crlticisni. Ways of doing this were not unknown to the ancients. Many women of history. Indeed, have vied In perfecting arts of preservation. Certain women became celebrities for their looks alone, and so much so that even now formulas, believed to be handed down oy them, are re ligiously copied and kept supposed ly secret by those fortunate enough to have gained an inkling of their methods and preparations. Hut science has progressed so far that such secrets are of little merit now.( We know that with persever ance and patience and proper at tention, skin may be made beautiful and that ordinary features can be made normal and even attractive. RODGER'S ROOMS Under New Management This place has been re furnished and is now one of the neatest rooming houses in Alliance. Rooms by the Day or Week All outside rooms with steam heat. I cater to no one but the best people. Phone for rates. Phone 716 Mrs.MinnieRosetta Proprietor. I am mi:ig to call your attention to the .disorders of young peple. One of the commonest of these disorders are pimples, or acne. This unsightly condition of skin is very frequently noticed iu young girls. There are many causes that produce it of whl.h lack of cleanliness, carelessness In looking utter skin, faults of exerc!sw and diet and blackheads are the most common. A gH Ht many cas rs can be cured by simple external measures asso ciated with the proper hygelne. Of course diet and method of living must be looked Into. Foods that are, heating, Iresh bread, pies, cont inents, indulgence In candy, an', meal ln or three times a day must be forbidden. MansaginR the face of the patient is not advisable first. After using hot towels, the pimples should be opened with a small lancet that has been properly sterllzed by boiling and dipping Into peroxide of hy drogen. Then the face should be cleansed with an antiseptic lotion. Of these lotions there are many the highly antiseptic ones give th best results. The following is ex client : Acne ('leniiMlnji Lotion Mercury liichloriue 7gr. Zinc Sulphate Ifigr. Tlct.' Henioln .. 2dr. Water 4o. Dissolve the mercury in the water; t.hen add the zinc, sulphate and 'astly the benzoin. This lotion Is polAonous and should not b? allowed to get Into the eyes. While .objectionable, the "steam roller" Is not so much to be resented as the machine guns used In politics elsewhere. Sir Fortesque Flannery says the next war will be downright brutal, the last one having been a ladylike, affair, of course. A girl in Texas has won a prlie for designing, making and wearing a $2.78 dress. She may be a wonder but she'll never be stylish. THE UNIVERSAL CAR To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commis sion man; to the trucking company, the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes an irresistible appeal because it has in its chassis all the merits of the original Ford car; the wonderful Ford Model T Motor, the dependable Vanadium steel chassis, and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that serves satisfactorily and lasts in service If these statements were not true, the demand for Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. We will be pleased to take your order for one or more Ford Trucks, will see that you get reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Get your order in promptly. Cbursey & Miller 1 c Use BeoemidaMe Good Gasoline and Motor Oils Insure Smooth Operation of Your Machinery Attention to these Matters will Mean Many Dollars to You in a year Patrons find a wonderful difference in motor performance when thye use selected gasoline and oils. In a multitude of ways machinery ''works" better. It saves you time and annoyance as well as costly repair bills. Dealers find it much easier to sell satisfactory goods. No kicking from customers and easy collections make selling a positive pleasure. . Mutual Oil Company OF KANSAS CITY, MO. The oil stations formerly conducted by Vaughn & Son m Alliance, Ilemingford aud Antioch have been taken over by the Mutual Oil Company of Kansas City, Mo. Our agent, Mr. D. McXitt, will have charge of the business in these towns for the time being. The Same Phone No. 5 We will confine our efforts to a strictly wholesale business and want to interest new dealers in our proposition. We will handle the following products : SAMPSON GASOLINE - RADIANT KEROSENE TRACTOR OILS STEAM CYLINDER OILS Complete Line of Lubricating Oils and Greases of All Kinds Call Phone 5 for your next order. MUTUAL OIL CO HEMINOFORD D. McNITT, Agent ALLIANCE ANTIOCH