THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920. TWO fchoD and itlailroad flevs Kl-ctrlelftn Claude Hszelton went to Edgemont Thursday. H wllt re" turn to Alliance In about ten days. General Foreman t'rhark has the n.rnMl on In the road fore man's office In hopes of pettlim the road foreman out on the road. Fore man Iledfcrn went out on the road but was unable to move Foreman Waddell. Supt. O. I Grlssa went to Craw ford Thursday on company business. ndnoc C C. V' " - li laying off a few days to go out and enjoy the duck season. Machinist ,T. T. Currena took the ntire force off the drop pit and went duck hunting the first day the sea on opened. . O. K. Ward, of Lincoln, chief air brake Inspector, waa In the city Thursday on buslnesa. A shortage of firemen la reported, and new men are being hired as fast as they can pet them. Mrs. It. K. Drlscoll, wife of the drop pit foreman, went to Broken Bow, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. I E. Drlscoll. Several of the shopmen went to Hemlngford yesterday to witness the ball game. Machinist. Helpers Emmet Drlscoll and Samuel Nortmck, who have been laying off for a number . of weeks, returned to work at the round house Tuesday. Fireman Adams, who has been laid up for about three weeka at Edeemont, on account of rheuma tism was In Alliance a few days this week. Ills condition Is somewhat Improved and he is able to be about on crutches. Machinist Wrobliskl, of New York, arrived this morning and. will go to work In that capacity tomorrow morning. Several of the shlpmen went out duck hunting this morning. We are hoping they are successful. Machinist Helper Madsen and wife left on 42 Thursday night for Boston and other eastern points, where they will spend a fifteen-day vacation. John Wlckman, who underwent an operation at the St. Joseph's hospital for appendicitis some time ago, is re ported doing nicely. , Perry Abar and family returned Wednesday from a ten days vltilt with relatives In Kansas .City and Brook Held, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baird Mr. and Mrs. George Llndaman, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Stille, Mrs. J. n. Wilis. Mrs. II. P. Brumley, Mrs. W. B. Johnson, Mrs. H. B. Dedmore, Mrs. R. H. Weller, Mrs. II. C. HIne, Chas. Wolfe, Sid Wrlghtsman, Clyde Granger, John Williams and C. P. Wynell all went to Crawford to at tend the Trl-State fair. .MVTATO INSlMXTIHW IVU WI-XTKIIM NKItUASKA The state department of agrlcul ure has Just announced the appoint ment of the following list of potato nsptctors for western Nebraska, for i920. The men will act as local Inspec (ors at the points designated, and In spct carload lota of potatoes shipped from each locality. They are as follows: B. K. Worrall General inspector, bureau of markets and marketing, Scottsbluff, Neb. A. H. Groves Alliance. K. U. Klrkpatrlck Morrill. L. A. Bishop Long Tine, Alns worth, Johnstown. Geo. A. Stannard Gordon. Kd S. Cunningham Kushville. .1. M. Moss Clinton. Louis .1. Stelhl Hay Springs. J. J. Harvey Crawford. J. P. Jenson Hemlngford. W. K. Baker Mitchell. Walter Jones Scottsbluff. F. W. Smith Mlnatare. C. O. Morrison. (H. D assistant ) Bayard. Elgin, Illinois, Mae Qullllams, a daughter of Benton Harbor, Michi gan; each of whom la now more than twenty-one years of age and entitled to an undivided one-fifth part or share of the estate of the said Eliza Clyborne, deceased. The object and prayer of said pe. tition is that the court will appoint a time and place for a hearing upon said petition and that notice nmy given and issued to all persons inter, ested In said estate, both creditor and heirs, to the end-that th repu 1 lar administration may be disp?nsed with and that the estate oi Hi'; sam Eliza Clyborne, deceased, be fully administered In accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska, pro viding for the determination of hi lis and right of succession to real es tate after a period of more than twn years has elapsed since the dt at 1 the intestate, and for such olln r further proceedings as may be pi ;er for the full administration of said estate. That the Court will finl decree that the said Eliza Cljb nJ tne, o,,,, deceased, died Intestate on th 'Jfiih MlSDy, ,0 r,. t. .1... Noun: to t'KKDITtmS III lit. AM) That time has gone toy when a whisky bottle forms a perfectly good excuse for manslaughter. A royal decree has fixed the maxi mum price of Spanish newspapers at 10 centimes, which probably Is all they are -worth. In the County Court of Box ilutta County, -Nebraska In the. Matter of th Estate, of ELIZA CLYBORNE, Deceased. ' State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, 33 To all persons Interested in tie Estate of Eliza Clyborm, dec a i, both creditors and heirs, take noiice that on the 10th day of Seotinber. 1920, Lou Clyborne filed her peti tion in the County Court of Uex Butte County,' Nebraska, cotttr. forth that Eliza Clyborne, deceased. departed this life Intestate on the 29th day of July, 1918, at her resi dence in the city of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan, and being immediately preceding her death, a resident and Inhabitant of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan; and was possessed in fee pimple at Hie time of her death, of the follow ing described real estate, to.wit: An undivided one-third (1-3) Interest In and to the northwest quarter (NW ' ) of section eight (8), in town ship twenty-six (26), nctfth of range fifty (50), west of the 'sixth principal meridian in Box Butte County, Nebraska; that the petition er is a daughter of the deceased and the owner. of an undivided two fifteenths Interest In fee simple in and to said lands and derives her title to the same through the said Eliza Clyborne, deceased. The petitioner further states that more than two years has now elapsed since the death of the said Eliza CI bourne, and that no application has been made for the appointment of an administrator of her estate. In the State of Nebraska, either by her heirs or persons claiming to be creditors of her estate, and that at the time of her death, she left sur viving her, as her sole and only heirs at law, the following named child ren, to.wit: Edward Clyborne, a son of South Bend, Indiana; Fre3 Cly.' borne, a son of Benton Harbor, Mich igan; Lou Clyborne, a daughter of Benton Harbor, Michigan; Ethyl Clyborne Snellgrove, a daughter of of Mid op- or at ton of two day of July, 1918 at Benton H-r Berrien County, Michigan, being the time of her death, a resident inhabitant of said City of B-1 Harbor, Berrien County, Stat Michigan, and that more than years has elapsed since her dth; that the said Eliza Clyborne, m the time of her death, was the owner of an undivided one-third interest In and to the northwest quarter (NW. V ) of section eight (8), township twenty.six (26), north of ranre fiftv (50), west of the sixth principal meridian in Box Butte county, Ne braska, and that your petitioner is a daughter of the said deceased, and the owner of an undivided on -rfth interest in said lands; that no appli cation for administration upon the estate of said Eliza Clybon; lias been made in the State of Nojbiaska; that the sole and only heln at law of the said Eliza Clyborne, at the ti ne ot her death were her children, Kd ward Clyborne, aj son or South Bend, Indiana; Fred Clyborne, a son of Benton Harbor. Michigan; Lou Cly borne, a daughter of Benton Harbor, Michigan; Ehyl Clyborne Snell grove, a daughter of Elgin Ellinois; and Mae Quilliams, a daughter ot Benton Harbor, Michigan; each i f whom Is over yars ot age and are the persons to whom said lands decended at the time ol the death of the Bald deceased. It Is hereby ordered that a 'lour ing be had on said petition in tli Court room In .h City of Al liance, Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the 16th day of October, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. and that notice thereof be given to all persons interested In said estate both creditors and heirs, of the time and place fixed for said hearing by the publication of this order for three successive weeks prior to said hear ing, in the Alliance Herald, a news paper printed, published, and circu. lated in said county. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav hereunto set my hand and official seal this 10th day of September, 1920. IRA E. TASII. (SEAL) County Judge Lee Basye, Attorney. Sept. 14. Oct. 8 la. IIJBMilfeJS a-l BUILDING YOUR WEALTH A bank works for you night and day, week after week, adding cents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts grow till each addition is a respectable sum. Where does the gain come from! Not from your pocket. Nor from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank is given an opportunity to work and to produce. THUS A BANK BUILDS YOUR WEALTH Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you can regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BEST SERVANT OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US TODAY ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska MERCHANDISE VALUE IS MEASURED BY QUALITY OF SERVICE RENDERED Make Your Home Happier With the Aid of Better Furnishings Sellers Kitchen Cabinets "The Best Servant in the Home" I I ' ' ' l Sl!r Matttrcraft This famous cabinet has freed a multitude of housewives from the bondage of the kitchen. It has torn from them the shackles of drudgery given them time for rest, recreation and happiness by bet ter organizing and systematizing their Kitchen work. The Sellers Cabinet will do the same for you. It will put 300 to 400 needed articles within your arm's reach. It will save hours of work and miles of steps. It will be the greatest daily relief you ever em ployed. See this handsome cabinet today. Compare it. One demonstration will prove it's superiority. $52.50 to $75.00 Round Oak Chief Boiler Iron Range If you have reached the conclusion that the best things you can buy are really the cheapest after all, and are con sidering a new range, we want you .to examine our Round Oak Chief. Here is a range, built unsparingly of the finest materials, by skilled range mechanics who take a deep pride in their work. It is guaranteed by the Round Oak folks who make good goods only." Round Oak Heater No. 14 Square Base This heater will heat several rooms quickly and efficiently; burns any fuel saves fuel by giving you the most out of it. The cone-center grate prevents the ' formation of clinkers. 61 inches high, 14 inch body, nickel trimmed with large ash pan. Buy this stove and order one-third less fuel for the season. Whites DeLuxe Washer Will do a good sized washing in an hour at a cost of only two cents for current. The woman who knows no "Blue Monday" does her washing electrically 6he finds it saves time, money and labor as well as her sweet dis position. Let us arrange for a free demonstration in your own home. TERMS IF YOU DESIRE. ORDER REPAIRS FOR STOVES, RANGES AND FURNACES NOW Before cold weather sets in look over your cook ing and heating apparatus CAREFULLY and see if repairs are needed. If so, order at once. FUEL CONSERVATION DEMANDS IT! Your pocketbook says conserve with all fuels. Look into this matter AT ONCE.