AlUSIUUKAltAMtftAUIT (It) lYIatlllii l"mi.) "What MAken wn OM Muld?" .Strictly upenklng this Is perhaps Rne beauty talk and yet what la more beautiful to the average woman than man who loves her and a home of hor own. A Rood many girls wrltn mo to know the reason why they do not at tract men. I am persuaded It ia not a .ques tionand he, being masculln arn Reusing the attempt to hold hlni, H-.ed the first avenue of escape and fled. Then, like most women who If' oo much alone or In the aocletj al most entirely of their d'n wan unused to the conversational of give and take. That la whre having brothers h'lps a girt i lot. She waa morbidly sensitive and took everything personally. She evpn went out of her way to ring In a persoual application whore none wa Intended, and when a mnn wns no busy apologizing he was being thor oughly bored. A 1 ,.n an1 nfir aVt VTOfl a linnl Hon of beauty alone for -ne of the , s-.. b lr,.lB'R'(r piioiUKiui-UB rm.un I horm tho mon .hp nvirlnnkf charm the fact that he was dying to talk looking, and besides one of the ..umr.-nt . nbout himself, and that Is wv had the most proposals. No. the , . - reason is more a mental one. and so I am going to tell you about Mary h very nice pleasant sort of a girl -who came to me almost with tears in ""u "7 ' a " ." walled to me afterward vKr v ..r. not go eurp of ,hn,.. , ne speni loneiy evrnmisn imhicbu " ! was so surprised when a fluffy girl j without an ounce of brain came I along and he quickly Jumped to his ' feet and followed her. "I suppose jit was her doll baby face!" she going out to dances, dinners and theatres like others. "It Isn't that I want anything or aerlous" she faltered, flushing painfully and looking around, to be sure that no one overheard her. "1 mean, I don't expect every man 1 meet to propose to me, but I certain ly would like to have a good time like other girls," and she ended her statement In an ngony of solf con eciousness. It Is pretty hard to explain to wuch a girl the secret of charm and how unfair it is, because some girl babies have It even in the cradle and others grow to womanhood without wver discovering Its existence. Ilu Just because I liked Mary and wanted to see her If possible happy In a home of he own, I made up my mind to watch her and see vhat was wrong with tho Impression she created. And the first thing I noticed winch made me frown, was that she was so painfully anxious to please. When a man addressed a careless remark to her. Instead of answering it in kind 'With a laugh and waiting for nir.i to renew the convensatlon or elao going on her way with a smile and a nod, he seemed to grow tense all over Her voice became strained and arti ficial, she laughed too- loud, she giggled when there was no occasion FOR A FEW HOURS A DAY WE WILL RAISE YOUR PAY TRAIN FOR OFFICE WORK Fop Vhm Wo Haw Tiiinhl nonnano, uooKKeepmc, Banking Civil 6rvlcs, Normal Training. TalearaDhv. Business Administration and other nuies qualifying for tlnnin4 position., good sahiiua and rapid promo tion. We find poBltlnns for students who qualify. Expenses moderate. Work for board If desired. Knter any Monday, satire success by SELECTION OF AN ACCREDITED SCHOOL The schools named below are member Of the National Association of Accredited . Commercial Schools a guaranty of the highest standards of teachers and cournea. Vrlte them for catalogue, mentioning aama of this paper. I0TLES COLLEGE Lincoln Business Collets Omaha. Nebraska Lincoln. Nebraska ot so sure of that, I re turned, "I think It Is because sh" I.? such n good listener." And sure enough I overheard the same man saying to a fluffy girl n trifle later. "I don't know wha? there Is about you, but I sure like to talk to you. You somehow 'est me." The fluffy one had not exerted her self to the extent of saying a single word. She Just sat there and cooed at the proper Intervals and looker! interested while the man sat en chanted at her side and talked about himself for one solid hour. What did she care? He was so pleased with himself, and as a consequence .with her, that he promptly Invite-' her to dinner and a show, so as 1 pointed out to Mary her listening was well worth while. But one day Mary did get a beau' He actually Invited her to dinner and she behaved her prettiest. Then he told her he was obliged to g' away on a business trip but he would ring her up on his return. And Just because he did not ring her up on the minute of the first day, what do you suppose Mary did? She rang him up yes. on a busy morning and she kept him ten minutes at the phono And afterward she quarrelled with1 him and argued with him, and be came offended at things he said, and wrote him long letters (unpardon able crime) so that in the end he had the dickens of a time getting rid of her. After he had made his escape h told a chum that he didn't want any thing to do with any girl who was in experienced again, lly that he did not mean anything that was deep and devilish, but merely t hat In wanted a girl who wns a good sport and was used to masculine ways ol thinking and talking. I think that is the main trouble with Mary and her kind. They can only nee the world from their own narrow view point. They cannot In terest men because they are too st 1 flsh and self centered. They won't get out of their minda long enough to study them, to discover that they are different, that while they have their sensitive streaks wnd their peculiarities and things they like and dislike Just as much as women, these are entirely dissimilar. As Mary grows older she will de velop more primmess nnd more p- -culUritiea all self centered people do. She will become catty also, blaming others instead of herself for her lack of popularity, Mary's men- make her loosen up, stop ihniklng of h?rsMf and stop broollng vcr th- ffect she Is creating she might even now become attractive and graceful. But as It stands Mary Is not pleasing to men. sand bids fair to spend ir life unbeloved and unsoueht been"- she Is not a good playmate and a good listener, and because she Is so 'ntent on nailing every man she sees that she Ignores the fact that a b't of graceful laughing Indifference Is the bsi bflit in the world to attra?' a much hunted and rather wary sex A. M. Balrd. one of th bus'e'-t office men In Lincoln, has returned from a trip to Denver, Lynns. Steal ing, Sidney, Alliance and Broken Bow, during which he traveled In an office car and made night stops that he might Inspect closely the ral'.roai with which he had had much to do since the main line entered Denver In the early eighties. .After con struction work in the early days he took a place in the office of T. E. Calvert, then general superin'en 'e of all lines west, and since that tine has had a great deal to do with con struction and more to do with op' ra tion. It had been years since he had Inspected the lines of the road in the west and he found surprises in plenty- waiting him on this trip. The re markable thing to Mr. Dnird was the growing crops in the country that years ago he had looked upon as a desert. What he saw around Sterl ing and Sidney and even farther north Indicated that even a desert can be made to produce. In the vicinity of Broken Bow he saw the best corn tha the has seen anywhere in Nebraska. He comes back re freshed, but convinced that he and every other Burlington man will have to do extra duty If the crops growing along the Burlington lines are moved within the yenr. Slate Journal. Mrs. Jerome Fleming returned to her home Tuesday after a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. Tom Newton, of Tabernash, Col. Your individual Declaration of Independence Why Not Slignt Today? The simplest, surest and best way of "signing your Declaration of Independence" is to COMMENCE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Begin today to lay away a regular percent of your income. You will be surprised how much your dollars can earn for you. They work twenty-four hours a day and never ask for a vacation. The Daily Grind Is Very Irksome We Will All Admit But if you arc looking ahead and saving a portion of your hard earned money now, in a few years you can look back from your days of case and thank Providence that you had the for ethought to put your earnings in a bank. Is it case or work for you in your old age! The time to decide is now. We Pay 5 Interest on Time Deposits THE FIRST STATE BANK SAFETY ALLIANCE, NEBR. COURTESY STRENGTH Notice after September 15 We conduct our Wholesale and Retail Coal, Feed, Flour and Grain Business on a Strictly Gash Basis Stephenson & O'Bannon dbridfo IBfass & ml dM m mm (COW" C7 iririiiil&( Compare these prices: 4Su Adjustment Basis: Silvertown Cords, 8000 "Miles Fabric Tires, 6000 'Miles FABRIC TIRE PRICES SIZE I9IO TO DAY 3Q3 25.4S I9.IO 3Q3xi 33,85 23,20 32x4 48.65 3680 344ri 65.35 53.15 35x5 1 82.75 I 65.35"" Best in the LongHun SOLD BY SCHAFERGAUTO SUPPLY, Alliance, Nebr. FRANKE MOTOR COMPANY, Mullen, Nebr. HEDGECOCK AUTO CO., Hemingford, Nebr. 1 .1