TIIK ALLIANCE 1IRRALT), FRIDAY, fUSPTKMBklt 10, 1'J'JO CO C o a Oh C3 C3 O G o o 3 c3 3 O c -a c5 a J-. bX) C3 CD jC 8 2 .S CD CD 33 D u O O PS 3 rt O 2 bfl . a o .2 a CD .s - s 3- O 44 f a. 3 J3 CO G CD bJD CD CD G s o mmHMHiin tmmtt ifip AIDS TO GRACE AND BEAUTY I I (Hy -ifM'lilM len.) I QMIHimHmiHHIIMmHIHfMNIHHIMIIMHimitMHmHIMtQ WATCH YOIK STKP How much attention do you pay to your feet Did you ever realize that the most Important part of jour costume Is your feet? If you have a good look ing pair of shoes on, your whole ap pearance is Improved, even If your suit or -hat may not be exactly up to the minute. Don't wear - small, tipht fitting shoe that are too narrow or too short for you, Just because they are stylish. If you do you will be sure to Buffer for It by having corns and bunions, fallen arches and other foot troubles. A low flat heel or the kind that la worn on the oxfords, that are so fash ionable today are the best kind, as It gives the foot a natural and easy position. These tremendous high heels are the worst thing In the world for one's health, regardless of the attractive advertisements proclaiming their vir tues. Doctor's who claim to, know, In sist that high heels are the cause of more Internal trouble, for women, than is realized. The unnatural posi tion of the foot, throws the whole body out of proportion, with dis astrous results. Style In footwear is just as essen tial as style in selecting drMes and hats. While .shoes are for sport occa sions, and light summer dresses. rhey are not to be worn with aark serge suits and dark dresses as you so often see thun. In this respect the while shoe has been as much abused as the sweater, which is worn bo much that one may even expect society to appear at the Grand Opera so adorned. If you have weak ankles, don't ear low shoes or pumps. If you do, it simply means that your ankles will turn and you'll either be landing head first in front of a street car or doing a cart wheel down somebody's front steps. Weak ankles and low shoes are not on speaking terms with each other. At the same time shoes, especi ally high dark ones were never meant to be the companion of a gingham or organdie dress. And do not wear rubber soled sneakers or campus shoes anywhere but 'at the beach or in the tennis court, unless you want them to "draw" your feet and make you generaly unhappy. For dressy shoes, patent' leather Is always ready to render first aid. It is the dressy leather that Is meant lor the ballroom aud the format evmtng affair, although of course suedj and gunmetal are a good second. . I Notice the professional dancers . or persons who walk a great deal or have to be on their feet. These people will always choose the most' comfortable footwear, and. It will invaribly have low htel and broad j toe. Most of the successful dancers' appear barefoot, which is pretty good proof that nature knew her business. Above all, if you are heavy don't wear a heel two inches high. All the weight comes on the ball of your foot which is going to collapse under the strain and leave you with a- chiro podist bill as long as your arm. A good receipe for tired aching feet is to bathe them in baking soda and waier or witch hazel and water. This will relieve any strain that your feet have been subjected to during the day. A nap during the day la absolutely necessary for children and has been found the greatest possible value in adults. Sleep smoothes the wrinkles from the brow and retints the checks with roses. It restores to each Joint lis pliant suppkuess and test.', through total oblivion, the mental forces which have been overworked 0." mr worried. To turn night Into day is .1 griev ous rrror and one that will be pun ished sooner or later. In sleeping always lie 'stralgb'. in bed, as this position Is most conduc ive to sleep. Do not lie upon the back If their is any weakness of the stomach, r.a It Is apt to produce ,. unpleasant dreams, rnortng and nightmare A low pillow should be used In preference to a high one, as the lat ter strains the ligaments of the back and produces round shoulders. Accustom yourself to as little cov ering as possible. A good down cov er Is preferable to blankets, ex cept in extremely cold weather. Before Vetlrlng throw off all wor ries and -ares of the day. Do not brood over squabbles In the office or unpleasant remarks passed from mouth to mouth. Forget it all and prepare for the greatest beauty pro vider that nature can give you. A series of deep breathing exer cises in front of an open window or any kind of exercise will keep the blood circulating in the proper man ner. Now for the exercises. In deep breathing exercises we should aim for the following results; to strengthen the extra muscles of breathing such as the arm and bac. We should endeavor to preserve and increase the elasticity or the lungs to develop evenly, all their parts, to heighten permanently th ir capacity. j hurt me. After every meal t would become badly nauseated and bloat up something awful with gas. I was subject to severe spells of headaches and often became so dliry I could tinrrilv (ttnnt tin f klilnAvi ....... u,r, " i'i 11 v n niu 1 worried me a great deal, and there was always sucn intense pain across the small of my back I could hardly do my work. "Wlun I began taking Tanlac I commenced improving so fast I could hardly believe It. I kept on getting better until now I have a splendid apfetlte and can eat any thing t want without having a sign of Indigestion. My kidneys nevrr bother me any more, the pains have entirely gone out of my back, and t can bend around and do my work as good as I ever could. I never have a headache or become dizzy, feel good all the time, and In fact, am a well man In every respect. I am glad of the opportunity to tell others what Tanlac has done for hie, I hop It may be the means of helping some one else who may be suffering a I was." Tanlac la sold In Alliance by F. E. Moisten, In Hemlngford by Hem Ingford Merc. Co., In Hoffland by Mallery Grocery Co. (Jlrln wanted, Alliance foundry, 80c per hour. Kteiun fiOtf "GRANDEST in the WORLD" HE SAYS lies Moines Man Improved So Fast On Tanlac He Could Hardly Ilelleve It. "Tanlac, to my mind, is the grand est medicine in the world," declared Harry Baker, R. F. D. 3.. Box 151, Des Moines, Iowa, machinist at the Union Shops. ' "I have actually gained twenty pounds in weight since I started tak ing Tanlac and feel as well as I ever did In my life. For five years I suf fered terribly froin indigestion. I had very little appetite, and the little I did manage to eat always What Will You Do With YOUR BACK PAY in n n n rt rillMIIIMr V . TV ri v .fiViu.i When Your, Check Comes In? Many Railroad Man will soon receive very substantial amounts of money as back pay from the Burlington. Have you cbnsidcred the wisest thing to do with this money! Perhaps you have long- wanted something that you never before thought you could af ford. Terhaps you4 have. already permitted yourself the pleasure of selecting the desired article. ' "What Will This Purchase Pay Me?" Will your expenditure be an ASSET or a LIABILITY T Will is COST YOU MONEY or MAKE YOU MONEY! These are the questions you should ask yourself before letting your back pay go. It is a very satisfying feeling to collect money that comes to you simply by possessing ither money. That's th secret of present-day success. Make Your Money Work For You If you commence the habit of working your funds for your gain NOW, you need never worry about your old age when you can no longer work for yourself. Start a good thing by bringing your Back Pay to us and placing it in a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. We will pay you 5 interest, and the principal is absolutely safe. Do yourself the justice to talk this thing over with our officers before you make a decision. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Nebraska KLKEl UseD epemdable Sleep sound and dreamless, Is es sential to beauty, for It is the silent worship wherein tired nerves and broken down tissues are restored and reinvigorated. The amount of sleep required dif fers with the temperament of each in dividual. From seven to eight hours per night has been decided upon as the requirement for the average adult, but for children and infants this is not enough; they should sleep al most from sun to seven the next morning. To retire or rise at anv stated time, merely to carry out a theory, U worse than foolish and usually re sults in wakeful hours as wasted ones. a To awaken a child from natural sleep at a stated hour every morning is an almost criminal practice, as it invariably brings with It some meas ure of suffering. Nature knows best how much or how little sleep we re quire, and she will attend to that uuty as well as to all others if we do not transgress the laws which she has laid down for us. The bedroom should be the most congenial spot in the house. There should be absolutely nothing in its location or furnishing to Jar upon the nerves. The bed should be soft and spread with natural smoothness, the pillow low and the room well ventilate. See that no bright light is permitted to enter aud, if desired a dark shade may be hung before the window. .Never allow flowers, sweetmeats or food to remain in the room over night, and all family pets as birds, dogs, and kittens, should be excluded. Good Gasoline and Motor Oils Insure Smooth Operation of Your Machinery Attentiont to these Matters will Mean Many Dollars to You in a year Patrons find a wonderful difference in motor performance when thye use selected gasoline and oils. In a multitude of ways machinery ''works'" better. It paves you time and annoyance as well as cosily repair bills. Dealers find it much easier to sell satisfactory goods. No kicking from customers .and easy collections make selling a positive pleasure. 1 Mutual Oil Company OF KANSAS CITY, MO. The oii stations formerly conducted by Vaughn & Sor n Alliance, Hemingfprd and Antioch have been taken over by the Mutual Oil Company of Kansas City, Mo. Our agent, Mr. D. McNitt, will have charge of the business in these towns for the time being. The Same Phone No. 5 We will confine our efforts to a strictly wholesale business and want to interest, new dealers in our proposition.. We will handle the following products : SAMPSON GASOLINE RADIANT KEROSENE TRACTOR OTXS STEAM CYLINDER OILS Complete Line of Lubricating Oils and of All Kinds Greases Call Phone 5 for your next order. MUTUAL OIL CO. HEMINGFOED D. McNITT, Agent . ALLIANCE ANTIOCH