The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 03, 1920, Image 6

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f .1
IS !
tin ?
'.ft .
tfft iVUtantc Hcralft
mmn rnixTiNQ co.. ownm
l'nterwd nt th pontofllce at Alllanca,
Ner for trsnanilmilon t'lrotujn the
irnilln an pcon1 rnrn mutter. Published
Tuesday and Friday.
OKonoK n nt'uu. Jit twiuir
ismvm m. nt:im nunineM Mgr.
offlclsr- nwppsper of th Cltjr of
Alliance: efllrlul newrpaper of Hon
Kutta County.
Owned arid published by Th Ilurr
IXnttnir Cotnpnnv. Ororao Ii. Ilurr. Jr..
l'rrnldrnt; Kilwln M. Iluir. Vice Pres
ident. aharrlptlon. prr )rr In advance
latnl ef ISO raillua, as.oo prr year
It's simply maddening to watch
the government bureaus use up tons
and tons of the Quest kind f:f print
paper In printing press stories and
bulletins that arc 1 r p 1 .. I ..'
seldom rend, especially when we are
told that they are using fine type
and both sides of the sheet in order
to conserve paper. A late one of
, these bulletins Is entitled "Beautify
ing the Farmstead," and is filled
with attractive din grams of the prop
er way in which to arrange farm
buildings and how to group uii-Hu
them trees, lawfts, shrubs, flowers,
walks, lanes and other things thai
go t make farm liie attractive. Tt e
average farmer Im-i co litue to do u
the spring, and summer that this
course in amnleur ian-i.capv R:ud-r-Ing
ought to be hailed with paa's
of delight
At.iJii las Hi th r p b
cn bie'.' p'n'n wallop. Hero tVy
v h 1 I .f lstl:ig that l.'ortM'iK
ir. wli V not txacly dry, at
ii nat dryer than Cox, the democratic
mill. e. Mr. Watklr.s h;:s searched
10 r-'ford and hs dlcovcr;d t;at
trtlr.g is credit el with thirty wet
ot s (Miring his Incumbency of thu
"v.Jorrhlp, and that he wa3 abrent
j .1 or dodged 1,163 roll and
juoru'i c.ills. "For Instance," Mr.
Va'.kir.s says, "he vot.'d against
..roh lb ;lon In the district of Colum
in. lie also voted against ptohlbl-i-n
in Toiio Hlco. Moreover, he
jt several voles against wartime
. nhtbltlon and rpoke at length
.iin.-it It, and I have been unable
f nl any case In wnlch be support
.1 It. In August, 1917, he support
'. the IKed amendment, which pro
Jcirthat congress should have no
Vt.wer to c-uforco the eighteenth
r n- ndnient unlil it had made pro---
i 011 for co.tipentatlng liquor man-'
jfacturers and dealers for loss sus
itii.ed by tiiem through closing cf!
r bmineHH. It was Senator Hard-'
.. j w.-o :ne s:i ycai-.i.
rL'UKO which the wets confidently
.. ;: hf ried would kill the measure.
1 in vote ftr the submission of th:
t iiioiidment was uccompanled by a
speech In which he announeeu his
opposition to it." Mr. Watkinr
speaks with authority. Nine out of
tin people will not know who he Is,
but the other tenth will reco-;iiiz li.
him the candidate for the pisiieiic
of the prohibition parly. Tli UmpU
Lel'evts that the wet and dry ir..ue
is not now u vital factor in the elec
tion, but It Is wearisome to liit:.
to praises of Harding's dry standing.
Stephen Lencock, la oiie of bis
Inimitable stories, tells of a parlia
ments ly clectim in which tho con
servative candi l.ite, Mr, Oct uch, was
terribly dislllud ly his ci.i s itu-ni 1.
They howled i.ifht ;mi:1 day a' u'.
the Ir.ipoFidbilily (f d'tlng s'l Ii a
num. When (he e eti a was icr,
and Urouch cairil the rid.'inf-, by a
trerieiidous major'iy, ivery one of
f 'M ir.siH ed tln.t i.e v a-j it man of
"greal personal 11.. gnetis n ' and
lot of other irtues. 'An Ii titration
nf Ihe name prin.ple is h ; ii of I lie
6ot tsblnff newspipers tipon the riR
ntuuiion oi Uayburn as city maoag
j tt C'.' Wiloii Hijhnii: Irit
Sioitthuff after a rallier u.iSi,cc.Es
tt "j.i u- c tinaierti il Heci' .; ti, lie
.newt....p rs praised h'n imma.ler
ately and bewailed Scottsbliil'f s lo. R.
Afior 'in tl.veied out at Cliadron,
thoy I Mu(iin!tly saw that he waa
a iJuo' ortian .jst-r, and t o stated. It's
Jvu a'ou'. as easy to hit u man when
hi''- i.' wn us it ia to feed him taffy
v!. n :'; o- to'i of tht; heaji.
We hear considerable about th
uinout of money it will take to en
force prohibition, and of the big ai
pi opriai ions taut congress and lit.
stale-will have to come through wit..
hi t r ier to di wn the booth gHti':-.
A.l.unce has hud, during the past
ek or bo, an instance of on reason
why it is expensive.
('hiit of Police Reed discovers a
l.-ze car containing a five-gallon
ng of hooch. Ho learns that the
bootleggers have lied toward 11 m
1 glord and he pursues miu capti:ri
.i,ui. They are brought into ioum
ourt for trial, where Judge Tan:, the punishment set down 1
:he b.hte law for an ottenst- 01 It 1
.,n 1. This punisnt.ient is supposcui
.ufticlent and a fit punisheni
.'or the crime. One of these men
pleads gu'lty and is given a iine o
200; the other ii aosolved bv lu
trsrlt:io;iy of the first. The flrsi
1 .. ... . r (s i id j.,i t.i
i'h a '.: ' d y ;h heu.lnv. is hl
,h v fO'i i .V1!9m a fe-'eral
I :ohibI:l.'n offtoT. I'' isonally, lie's
a fine f 'iow. ,.n 1 hi the day wl.en
v;n c .'. Mi" L'.v.q !:i forr? wr.s rn
tlfi:ler.t orfici-r. Ho hangs itr?und
th c.uVt Inus1 the better par', of
the day, and finally arrests the men
who an i.lready In custody by the
reason of the pood work, of the local
officer and takes them before the
Unite.! States court commissioner.
They are put ui.cler bond to appear
before the federal grand Jury.
What's the result? "The "man who
Ins sent for momy to pay his fine
doesn't pay it. Why t-hould he, with
the certainty of (.laying in Jail sev
eral i.iontns wtth federal arraign on .he saniti charge staring him
ia (he fa-e? H;x putte county k
smiwlI 1u:iJ lo es at i' ast $200 an t
t';- f : J' . ra! r,v:.t ts u duy or two
l;toff, ai d tl i cieait lor u tutch he
didn't 11 ake.
D.n.'t i.luunders;.r.n J ua. Tiiere is
i!0 i-: v. a. hy in iui' heart to: the un
fortunate boo: k 1 g r. lie gets oaly
w'.iat'a com nj to hit 1. A boo.b-gster,
n. Ju-1a. Ta:-h N.yr. Is lower than a
-na'ce'si tail ii; the bo'tci 1 or u wll.
Out wliy .' 'loi.i l t Icral otflcers 1 1
around v.wl i.x'.io Yi: easy waiting
for county coat's "to get li. :ouh
with'jirs to tlsey cn.n arres.
tlie.ii, wh'.n 'h w wis are full of
liooibgs rs t'.i.'.t t'a- y ci uli run
Jown if it too l'.uch tx rcii'e
The price of 11 a', is i.ia!tli;g an
oth r I'llght. It is n;i ptiemj t to break
tho w rld'a r -coi'l for ultiiuile, al
ready held by Itself.
Au.-tria Is goit;;.; to jJopt a new
national hymn. It is a 3 .fe pmphecy
thfit It will not be as good as tli'. old
Au'rb 1. 'rv-u p'-e to be liven
jvinlr l in' (t u :, c:.ncer:iinp th.'ir
rrsi oiir.ib'll i'-s. io t'.ir.t he who
ipe.'dy ni.'y 1 i-:h'.
;irls MM ti, .A!Hn!:c e M .vu:i
Lmui.lrv, :;oY lei 0.f
S Much Stronger S'nc aVIvg
Tnnlnc That Housework Is
Kar, Kays Mrw. Niii.r
Tlill.D AMI THL'i:
"And how," Queried his best girl
anxlouslj. "did you acquit yourself
In Paris?"
The ex-dougliboy lor!:ed dirt urbi- .
"I didn't know you'd get wis" t
that," h eanswereri, "I didn't aco.uit
myself. They gave me two months."
We nre Infcrtr ;d that tae tAy.h
cost of living s going to fall. It al
ways has on the consumer.
After tire facts?
All right!
Go to the
Diamond Dealer!
He'll give you Diamond
service facts right from
your town, facts that'll
make you take notice, and
.win you to Diamonds.
n'-&V- it:-':-:-;: v'-V ,yC y
Buick Garage
"I have not only gained fifteen
ounda In weight but am feeling
stronger and better than I have In
ears," said Mrs. Edmund Snyder, of
?030 K. St., Lincoln, Neb.
"Before I started taking Tanlac,"
aid Mrs.' Snyder, "I was in such a
weak, run-down - condition that I
could hardly get around the house
'o do my work. 1 had no appetite
whatever, and what little I ate
nauseated me and gave me awful
a I is In my stomach. The indiges
tion affected me so much at night
hat I lott much sleep and in the
.( rnl igs 1 was tired and worn out.
1 was always having headaches and
t times felt so
ru!d f!J ivir.
dizzy 1 thought I
1 r 11 orr ui t.i I
Uhed only a hunirert and five
;ir;ds ar.d I was anxious about my
ondit ion.
"My sister-in-law had beeir-TtrvP the, street, the object of admira-
much helped by Tanlac that she got
me to try It and It did me good right
from the start. I now have a fine
appetite and, although I eat three
.'jod hearty meals a day, I am not
bothered with Indigestion. I am so
much stronger that I can do all my
work without difficulty and have
gained fifteen pounds and Just feel
good all the lime. Tanlac has been
uch a blessing to me that I wouldn't
b. w. hf j. it in the hous and can
...;f n.:y rctomt.-.end It li others."
Tar.lac 13 sold in Alliance by' F.
E. Hn'sten, In Hemingford by Hem
lngford Merc. Co.. in Hoffland by
Malic ry (iiociry Co.
(Jirls WHiitecl, Alliance
1 Idiiiixlry, :$Oc Ier hour.
St en in
Ebony Joe, who had Inserted his
:iut:'.ber twelve feet Into number nine
bright yeliow shoes, was struggling
tion for all his femmlnlne friends and
of Jealousy for all his masculine
"Dem shoes is miles too small to
you." stated one of the latter.
"Ah knows dat," replied Joe hope
fully, "but dey'll give, dey'll give."
"Give?" snifTed the other. "Dey'll
give you de debll."
(iirls wanted. Alliance
1 4111 miry, ftOc er hour.
If a nominee asserts leadership, he
Is an autocrat, and If he consults
anybody, he's a rubber stamp.
Low necks are to be barrfd from
some colleges. Low brows may b
next to be shut out.
Listen, good friends and you shall
hear why some Cigarettes are so
all-fired dear
SOME cigarettes are packed in pretty boxes that certainly don't
grow on trees. Next, they're dolled up and flavorings are sure
getting expensive. And then, they're priced a bit high so they'll
seem "exclusive." But read how Spur Cigarettes offer the highest
possible quality at the lowes't possible price: '
If there are any finer tobaccos from the Orient and the good old
U. 6. A. than those selected for Spurs, they must be a secret that the
world has never heard. And when we got these combined in Spur
Cigarettes, what do you suppose was the result? Just the best taste
and aroma that any cigarette could give, and Willie Doll-up or
Freddie Flavoring hadn't a thing to do with it.
Spur is " class." all through even to the smart " brown-and-silver"
package, triple-wrapped, that keeps Spurs
fresh and fragrant. Try out a package of Spurs. You'll
say "made and priced for popularity. " '
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.