The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 10, 1920, Page SIX, Image 6

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Dy PiMlla Dean
Article Tli IH) -one '
If you are one of ilnno people who
Icrnl upon clothe for beauty be
careful In choosing your clothes.
I suppose you consider tills need
less advice, but often when wo are
most careful we are the most care
less. Don't pick n hat for yourself tjat
you saw on Ltty or a dress that you
admired on Cecelia. How do you
know that you will look well In the
name ' clot hen that your frinoda
I was In a strer t car recently with
a clrl friend. Across the Isle fiat a
very pretty little alrl In a black
taffata dreis and a tight fitting Blraw
turban. The turban wan the most
becoming hat 1 had ever Been for
her type, alio the dress, but can you
imr.gine my astonishment when I met
my friend on street a few days
later with almost exactly the same
dress and hat on? 'She looked like
a i ark of meal tied In Ihe middle
with a peanut on her head, for be it
known, my friend is fat and thirty
while the Ultb lady from whom she
copied her outfit from was thin and
If, like my friend, you are Inclin
ed to bo stout do not wear, dresses
thn.t give you sd'-ortwaisted npp'ur
ame. Don't wear llttla light fitting
turban:, either.
1,011 waii.ted ilr' ki: ea, in dark colors
with medium r:."d hiits t.ri the best
and for Heavens rake don't wear
short knit led sweaters of brilliant
. hue. Try and Flick to the ono color
scheme and you will find tho results
more favorably
Clothes will do more for you than
any cosniett-.n but like rougo and
powder, they must bo properly ap
plied. Sluly youi-belf in tho glass.
If you are a little, short person don't
wear an over exaggerated coiffure
that will make you appear top heavy.
A low knot In the back of tae head
wi!l be far more effective and make
you appear yearB younger.
If you have a high forehead you
can comb your hair gracefully over,
so that you will not appear scalped
and if your forehead is low, comb
your halt- back In the manner that
iieraldino Farrar always wears hers.
"Stop and tilnk of yourself, you
have been to places where Mrs. I .
, the beautiful society woman puts in
an unexpected appearance. Mrp. p
takes the floor the minute she ar
rives, and holds it for an hour or a
io'ir as mere is anyone to livten te
her she gushes on. It Is "me"
"this," "I." the other thing and me,
myself and I, again. All are borca
but Mrs. T has r. lot of money and
can do pretty nearly what pleas
es. To bo invited to her Ret is con
sidered quite an honor, so rhe la en-J
uuti-n, luuji uner every one has ror
gotlen that she ever possessed such
a thing na beauty. Her IcDgu and
egotism blinded them to any physical
"Don't be an "I" hound!
Incidentally don't be one of those
people who ridicules everything. The
person who ridicules everytalng is on
the toboggan slide and he will end
You Should Eat
During this hot weather the home cook; cannot be too
careful of the foods she prepares for the family. (J'lcnty of
Rye Bread or old-fashioned Corn Bread makes the children
grow better and feel better. And Dad likes them, too. Order
a sack today either large or small. Your choice of:
Special Yellow or White CURTIS BEST FLOUR
24 lb. sack 10 and 100 lb. sacks High Grade Standard
Buy Your Winter Coal Now
You should be laying in your winter's supply of coal right
now. "We are receiving shipments of coal from time to time,
and we suggest that you place your order TODAY to be filled
as soon as your turn comes. You will not be able to get it
cheaper for several months.
Lump or Nut
Lump or Nut
Evertyhing in our line is at your immediate service. We
want yon to "give us a chance" to please you. That is all we
Stephenson & O'Bannon
by becoming "an out and out.
grouch, j
You and I know men and women
,ho never have a pleasant word to(
-y for anyone, or a serious coin-1
t. i.i'.lo i of any thing.
n:.!ievile rod Barer.- i ore tfir.
i :t d with vculd-be r, and arc
o.. n limes decked out as By
"d by, howfv r, (hij bias tewsrd
. H'cul and sr.rcasr.i - p"t9 to b a
.r.bit. and the roat ,f humo rbecomes
Djn't Juggle with ridicule and
arcn.itn fer people look beneath the
veneer nowadays.
f Tic re Is one Important factor in
he a Ida to grace ami beauty that I
lope you will not. overlook, although
'i I'iny set in very trivial and not
worth whil? tha is walking!
Have you ever sat In the lobby i
fashionable hotel and watched he
farh'on p:iradc? I'll bet you hove.
We all tave to run Into the Astorbil'
-r the Kitz-Plaza and look the crean
or life over as It flows past, but ao.y
;ftcn do we get a good laugh or a
(A. Very beautiful gill, dreared In
tho mirtlf of fashion pasen us. YVt
r;ivy her face, her complexion and
'.he beautiful white broadcloth suit
causes us lo gasp wita awe but c.i,
the walk she reminds us of a ka:i
i;.iroo with her Jerky irregular car
rlaee. Her whole appearance in
by her lack of r. c.
Ani't.ier girl passes, Just about
the ate and style of what is termed
a flapper. She is Just a bunch ol
cutencBe. Her organdie Is starched
so It looks like paper and her big
hat flops to and fro revealing glimp
ses ' of curly, fluffy hair that look;
like spun gold in the reflection of
(he sunken lights. It 'n a very j j;t-
ty picture and wv wish our little sis
ter at home could be adorned so pret
tily but there Is one thing lacking
she is as round shouldered as a
camel. Perhaps I should h.vo ca"2J
it the "debutante slouch" but what
t.vcr you call i , It is perfectly hide-
r f '. !-v!i't die floured. . AH !et
nettv clothes and -daintiness art
(spoilt oh. for a pair of slum Me i
brace for our cunning eubdeb.
One of the most beautiful womei
I Imvo ever neen In n New Yolk hotel
or any other hotel, was a worna.
whom the world would call. old. 15
that I mean fhe was at ler.ffif':
Her hair was snow white and hei
?rwn black. ) Hut there was rone
Ling about her that made you forse
licr rp pea rant use. That romethlnc
r.''-v.tlifu! c.nrlage and figure.
Iitr waist lin wouid have made !
professional model green with envy
Her black satin was made In line
that were perfectly simple and clun
to her dn a graceful, but not sug
gestlvo manner.
Her snow white hair was combe
I perfectly plain with only a knot
i;htly fastened with silver combs In
the neck, and she was aa straight as
a r.oldler. Not tho slightest sugges
tinn of a slouch or stoop. She walk
ed quietly, without a hop or catch
Her manner was easy and natural
If some of those younger girls would
Lump or Nut
only turn and look at her Instead of
powdering their silly, little noses,
I they would have seen a perfect model
for them to follow.
The object of my teliwi? y J t,l
this, Is to impress upon your minds
how nercHar !i l.i fcr you to have
a graceful carriage. It )- :i i
y fclmple thins to do and v.
e:-.t a pony, as imut hi any i
i r, r
II not
!p s
Pr.-rc'.lce two cr three lal
rifrs r.
.t' t ')
Vv urnli. Ina lr ni'.il f:'-i ! i I
mirror.- D.itice ii f i 1
jirror if you wish. Don't b.
of pcopl - Ir.ughii. h Lt jfij. I
'1 IX' U
er than havin;, them l.ijg;' ')
you appear in public at il i
offering from some sort ol
At tho time Mr. and Mrn.
Virur n i
Cnlle ver r.t the height of tLe:r
fame, about five years ago, they
never performed a dance without friit
trying it out in a mirrored room.
From those mirrors thef could catch
every angle wa'ch e very i L-i ...
Cartle practised walking In the same
ii' finer and many professional per
sons do the same thing.
The first thing a stage director or
pictur edjrecfor will have you cio, is
walk across tne stage or ret. wnen
you apply for a rosltlon and he will!
be very frnak In telling you ju r.t what I
he thinks of your walk. It is Just i
as important to him, an whether or;
not, you have a pretty fnce aad it's
more important to you, it you want
to make good.
So If you want to be graceful and !
ppear beautiful, either i n cr off th-j
Ktagc go back to your b.Jiy days
and learn to v 'k.
Estimates of how long it will be
before we exhaust our natural re
sources, such us coal, iron re and
oil, contiue, as they have for t lany
years, to furnish employment for
speculative scientists and others. The
latest word on coal, from C. M. Darl
ing of the government brreau of
mfces, is reassuring. lie told the
r i
iailioaJ luel association
that we
li.avo noi,..i t.:l...,.j.. . ..!
to last nt h; jr-.rnt rte
KUmitlon for 7,000 years.
of ( on
He put
the toial t CCS ; ,S , .. . 0 r- ,
'In duration cstlmrtr It a mere mat
ter tf t!ii-.ple ar;t'ieii. r.-'.iat. ver
may be thorfchl of tho """tnnt;- f- ;
'inutility. Kvci if Mr. Darling is a
couf le of I iiousai: .1 f.ut j
I V,- bunJri.;ls if Luliors of torn.
c :.t.y, r.ny p;-o:jpe?t
that t!ii-i r.. n
terLr win r.e n..ii:( a to rii' ;i a3 we
th:ivc ep- ; I -..ced, (lu? to f.a!t:ie to
: r:).;uce c r ti t.-a:i. j o r, r-ay.i I i:ts
i'.r c-;i. i ;ot rc i-:-u:iiiC
' i'e rhi-i t v.i 5-o.-t cf r. :.iMur.e
Is that the;- has ooci t:o iniKc-'irn
4 ' v.- rif; In-,' a1.' rmlst. of the par.t
v'Vo &t.-npted by ftiecaM to ixntut
t' w fcore yoi'i-R. So f;ir as nature
'.i n 'd, tlior i i r.o"Vatou to
f that i'ii:i !) within 'i ica?ur.;bl.
! n..t.',noe of Rjraplti' .the lijtto.a c.
ill i coal bin.
Tht.olore UomevcP two-cen'
Ii i er will br ad lint'oi ally wekci.;'
a thrjre sre enough of them.
! si:: ron o
'" p 'IT'?' '
A VI tiri Ol
i! I. n5i
ru It'ie
ti ti il
it: ( li- ii a ;
Ta'.i.. :
r ro-c talili.s 'TiipT.-.c I. v.t.3 in
::i r t -it'.IjI". u,nKw:i eond'tioii
I wis .i.iiy i.i'ir. Hihls," aatd
I'. CeiT.a;.n,
;Si -t?r oil r!i '
or Colli
C' iie j go.
bus, Neb.,
' I : r.
1 J .' if u'ly
hai riich a i'
fi 01,1 i.idi
v fbl cr-.1 '"'if
iom (!ov bltl
l'ttlr.l a,c
.1 Mat
i lUtiev 1
1 a ..
' i "ufi-i- fi oia gas and
!a r. y E'oiauch.
1 :.;:.; all ilie tl : i e
; . a. ii I ror sue1! liti'n
i- tb; mcinrnp.a I f:h as
".in out a-; wi:ci 1 went to bed. My
f '" 1- i' ..fel a fully, ml way
';tiT thr.t I couhl !iardly vork my
"One o2 i:.y friends ii' Lincoln toltf
Not Merely a New Name
But a New Cigarette
THERE was room at the top for a new
and better cigarette. And Spurs were
. made to fit in right there! Spur's de
cidpdly new blend makes the Orient's choic
est tobaccos and America's finest tobaccos
yield more richness, aroma and mildness
than you thought a cigarette could have. A
new method of rolling (crimped,not pasted)
makes Spur's good tobacco taste last longer.
Spur is "class" all through even to the
smart "brown-and-silver" package, triple
wrapping, that keeps Spurs fresh and fra
grant. If you're fed up with ordinary cigar
ettes, Spurs will give you a fresh start.
Liggett & Myers TobacEcJ Co.
..... t.uw l'A.ilac had fixed him up so
i t.i:;sl t-lihig it myself. My appu
ti.o b.iv.n to idek up from the very
li.a!.. I have taken three bottles,
u. i n linger have a sign of Indiges
t o i a;'id am feelinjr lin..t. ;.1y urn
a. i.l -.'.ld-r iro iuinrcvlne ranldlv.
i y sleep id souwd and jefresh
Aiy wife wa troubled with rh u
i n t.1 v:, and it look only three
of co,;l fi.r.ilnol butl.ei of iar.lac to relieve her tn
" I'; ee-.t ii(l . liroiy."
iiu.'.cc la scld in Alllane by T.
2., in JIemingi0rj by ifla.
:.::;c,rd :i.rc. Co., in , Ilcfi'land by
'liilitry tiifccry Co.
... .
Notice to the owners of property
whhiii District No. Y or' the
-'.' y of Aliiaii. t, in Box Uutle Coun
ty, .Nebraska, tae said district Inclua
aiij tmbrating the following de
eribid properly, to-wit: Lots 1 to
f Ijjih iutlusive. lilock 3. SiconJ
vioaa.y AuJitien to the City of Al--u.e,
N. bi-ajsa; Lola 4 to 12 both
..iciu'iive. Block L, Nebraska Addi
iou to the City of Alliance, Ne
braska. You are hen by notified that said
iiiYiiijj district No. 7 which includes
uiiJ embraces the property aboie de
sCi ibv'-'l, has been created by pasaas;-,
i.pprcva.1 and publicuuon of Ordin
..iioe' No. y2 of the Ordinances of
-lu C.ty of Alliance, Box Ruite Coun
y. Nebraska, as provided by lav.'.
loa are further no;ified that if
the owners of the record ti;l repre
:e.iMii a majority of the abutting
r-roperty owners in kuc.i d sirnl,
diall file with the City Clerk within
twenty days from the fins:. ;iublica
iion of t Iiis notice, written objic
ilons to tho paving of such di.UrUt,
said work shall not' be done in suih
district under said ordinance No. 2J2
but said ordinance No. 292 shall be
rt pealed.' If such objections be not.
filed against such district in the time
and manner aforesaid, the mayor and
council will forthwith proceed to
construct such paving.
. In advertising for bldj for suca
paving, the mayor and council may
provide for bids on different mater
ptTjBwi JECEC3
$Wd aiumfb Jwmt at
Highest Tossible Quality at Jowest Possible Trice
r I
1 fA2IMUu
ials, and types of construction, and
shall in addition provide u.- asking,
bids on any material or materials
hie h may be suggested by petition
of the owners of record title repre
senting 25 per cent of lhi abutting
property owners In such dUlriv, II
such petition Is filed with tho City
Clerk before advertisement for bids
i3 ordered. On the opening of bids
for paving la such paving district,
the mayor and council shall postpone
action thereon for a period of nod
less than ten days. During said
period of postponement the owners
of record title representing a major
ity of the abutting property owners
in Buca district, may file with the
City Clerk a petition for the use of
a particular material for paving, In
which event a bid on that material
shall be accepted, and the work be
done with that ' material. In case
such owners fall to designate the
material to be used In such paving
In the manner, and within the time
above provided, the mayor and coun
cil shall In any event nt Its option
reject all bids and re-advertise, -if In
Its Judgment the public Interest re-
HUIIC, ,.1 -
The streets and evenuos abutting
upon said property wltafn such dis
trict, to be paved, unless' objections
are made In the manner and form
abive stated, are as follows: All that
portion' of Dox Butte Avenue In said
city, extending nine feet each way
bolh east and west from the center
of said street between the north line
of Ninth Street and the south line of
Tenth Street in said city.
The date of the first publication
of thbunotice Is August 10, 1920.
A meeting of the mayor anl coun
cil of said. city of Alliance. will be
hld in the council chamber of said
city on tie 1st day of September at
8 o'clock, P- m. to consider such ob
jections as Pia be made and filed as
heretofore provided.
Dated this 7th day of August,
A. T. RODGERS, Mayor.
City Clerk.
Au. 10, Au. 31.
ii J li 'I umt
. J m
IF youx dealer cannot supply you,
send us $2.00, and we shall be
pleased to send you, byprepai J
parcel post, a canon of 200 Spur
Ggarettes (10 packages). Address: