EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6. 1920 rcnnri,TW announcements jJF Clll'IW'H OF C'lHUHT Xr8KYIUAIKH ' We ar living In an' im rf great ..... x,. v rn.v experiment. More lime U beln upent The redding : of Mr. II. V. Copaey r fra,r thftQ evpr beforB- to M1B8 Mary Diane a solemnliea . . . iir!r,n t the Methodist church of DoutfW ma8s(,8 Pfom ancent tlmr9 Wyo., August second Tlie church dvine hafl w one t?nth was nloeiajr aocorawa wua k " . of o(jr BUhdtance and one eerenta of oowera ana a iar8 wrau... . u.. v., (ne bHongJ to Uod. ave yoU carnations nung over u , d t(1(, ,lort,m to Hlm? Have The bjlde was Klven away by her ; rnhlMiP. Af ,;ir Nxt lord's brother. Arthur Blaine C K Wooda, f m dg. of Lincoln, acted a-, beet man a. d - J MUnil ,,,. aiib vt-ra nuui 01 huuhi, u of hono'r. A wtilJt!)(t break fast was aervea ALLIANL'H IMUKFH. James Ashley of Denver, J s In the city Inptallln a Wcllmall prcssrr for the Frank W. Miller garage. This machine Is used the press solid tires on and off of casings. It has a two hundred ton capacity and will handle the largest tires of this kind made. 61.75. $2.50, f.'I.OO to IM.(i) value Silk Hone for $1.40, 2.M), $3.40 ami $.1.20 at IllRliland-ltolloxvay Co, nt Parkorton, Wyo., to the relatives of the bride and .groom. The wildc Is a sister of Alia.' Ueoi g Mintzer of Alliance and the groom Is a brother of Dr. II. A. Copsey. I. O. . F. INITIATION' A large number of Odd Fellows turned out at the Tuesday evening meeting. Four candidates were given the Initiatory degree, after which Ice cream and wafers were served and a social aour enjoyed. K. II. t'M'II KXTEIIT A I N Kit Mrs. Mildred Campbell entertained the members of the N. H. Club Wed nesday evening In honor of Miss Marjorie Stephens, who leaves the last of this week for the coast where she will make her future home. The quests were the Misses Orace Spacat, Marjorie Stephens, Marie Kibble, Frances Collins, Lauretta Hodgkln son, Alta Dye. Jennie Ili'ton, Lota Wlldy, Hazel Thompson of Lincoln, Kb., and Lucille Duree of Ottumwa, la. , 8eo the new winter furs at 72 IliKliliind-llolUmny V. "Th ! Know Lodse of the Lord. The evening service v 111 bo held on the roof gu.1en If tht wrath r ler uiiia, otherwice at the Daptlst church. J.-Orln Gould v. Ill driver the r iuoiu Attend theoo services as at teiidance la one evld nee cf our inter cr, In religions, yu will be welcome at the Uible scaool nt.ten o'clock and at the Christian Endeavor pray er meet iik at b:i. come 10 me ehurch. with a nuscap and u wel come. STEPHEN J. ETLEIt, Minister. The small daughter of John Caster n rancher living south of I'awlette, Neb., fell from a wagon Wednesday nd broke both bones In her l1 ft arm. She was brought at once to Alliance nd taken to Dr. llershmau'p oflice where medical attention was given her. $1.75, $2.5(), $:l.O0 to $i.O! value Silk I lwe for $1.10, $, $2.40 lind ;.20 nt HlR!iliUHMIoll..vrt- Co. HAPTIST ClintCH Sunday school at 10 o'clock. ., Morning service 11 o'clock. Hev. Mr. Gould will fill the pulpit as he returns from Eates Park Fri day. Evening services: Union Young People's meeting at 6:45. Preaching services at 8:00. Kev. Gould will speak upon the subject "The Inside of Mormonlsm." These services will be held upon the roof garden. If It should rain, tae Daptist church. The Community chorus will sing. Every one is Invited to these services. , Etuiy allowing of new fall Millin ery at lllKhluiid-llolIowny On. 72 Miss Martha Miller entertained a few of her young friends at her home Thursday evening In honor of her tenth birthday. A dinner of roast young pig was served at six. o'clock. After dinner the guests all attended the theater. The guests were the Misses Genevieve Knlest, Kataleen Knlest, Doris Mallery, Helen Hively, Marie Clark, Dorothy Marks, Ada Turner, Margaret Duechsensteln and Margaret Thlele. $1.75, $2.50, $.00 to $4.00 value Bilk Horn for $1.40, $2.O0, $2.40 and $3.20 At IIlgtiiaiid-Holloway Co Mrs. Lee Acheson entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of her mother, Mrs. Anna Joder of Allerton, la., and her sister, Mrs. W. S. Myers of Dloomlngton, 111. A datnty two course luncheon was served. Save 1-3 on Summer Underwear lit tili;!mii(-llolloway Co. 72 Mrs. George Deetllne of Antloch, and Mis. Ada H. Allen of Alliance, are entertaining the following ladles at Mrs. Dcetllne'd home In Antloch In honor of Grandma Deetllne from Portland, Ore. Mrs. J. O'Donnell Mrs. W. A. Willi a, Mrs. Pat Nolan and Mrs. II. T. Carry. MIhs Elva Gulletk; of Anpora spent Thursday' fit tho home of Mifi8 Dorothy Fiitkle. Tho Herald, ?2.50 a year. DEATHS AND FUNKIIALH The body of Mrs. Hazel Murle RoblQson arrived on number 44 Fri day morning from he rlate home In Denver and was taken to the Miller undertaking parlors. The deceased is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Davis, rancher, living north of town She died in Denver, Col., Thursday morning. The cause of death was paralysis and heart failure. PERSONALS $1.73, $2.50, $3.00 to 4.O0 value 811k Hose for $1.40, $2.00, $2.40 and $3.20 at lllghland-llolloway Co, Will have plenty of new honey in few days. W. 8. Cutt. 72 Misses Margaret and Mary Berry left Thursday for Gillette, Wyo., and Billings, Mont., where they will vl-it friends and relatives. Harly MiowIiik of new fall .Millin ery at HiKhlniid-llolloway Co. 72 Miss Ethel James returned home Thursday morning from Denver, Col where she has been spending. ae vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Back are expected home Sunday. Save 1-3 on Summer I'lulerwi ur at lliKhmnd-llollowny Co. ?2 C. L. Reynolds, proprietor of the Drake hotel, went to North P.latte on business Thursday night. P. E. Law and wife of Ellsworth, weie Alliance visitors Tuursday. Will have plenty of new Iioik-.v ii a few duj. W. S. Cuti.t. 72 Mir.a Nellie G. Rogers Is visiting friends In Sterling this week. Dr, C. E. Hershman has purcaas ed a new and up-to-date X-ray equip ment from the W. H. Cleveland company In Omaha, which will be In stalled In his office some time during the week. v Have 1-8 oti Summer I'nderwear at Illghland-llolloway Co. 72 Rev. II. N. Chambers, president of Nazarene Union . Bible school ol Ilutc.ilnson. Kas.. will Preach at tho churca of Christ on Fifth and Laramie. The services will be of an evangelistic nature. Summer Jewelry Dainty pins, pretty lingerie clasps pearl strings, bead necklaces, fancy rings, at tractive earrings and brace lets, are particularly effec tive in summer time. They add charm and style to tfie dress of light material, making both the costume and the wearer prettier. ' The correct style, fascinat ing designs and splendid quality of our jewelry make it especially pleasing to women of refined taste. . Lingerie Clasps 50c to $5.00 ,1 r . r - atches-lruOs V V . T . . 1.1 . Pmnsu'ickjftonobtaphs Watch InspectorOlg-Q DEPENDABLE Watches We have a large selection in stock from which you may choose the watch you like best. . Hoe the new winter fur at 72 IIIghhwid-Holloway Co. Hare 1-3 on Hummer Underwear at Illghland-llolloway Oo. 72 Victor E. Byrne, arrested some days ago by Chief Reed and charged with operating an automobile livery without first procuring a cUy license, was discharged by Police . Judge Roberts at a hearing held Monday. Mr. Byrne took a few atftomoblle loads of men out to see the land In cluded In the recent land drawing, and declared taat he was not regular ly engaged In the business. The court upheld his contention. All standard grades in cluding: HOWARDS, HAMILTONS, . ELGINS, . , WALTHAMS HAMPDENS, ILLINOIS Holsten's Burlington Watch Inspector The Rexall Store Alliance, Nebr. ' REO "SIX 1920 Reo Six'.S . - Reo has always made good cars, but this year has made a model par excellence The New LIGHT SIX. Large, roomy, powerful and speedy, with all the sturdy quality REO has. ever built into a car that is recognized every where as "The Gold Standard of Values." Immediate deliveries at present . ASK US FOR A DEM ONSTRATION. , All Parts and Service Right s Here in Alliance You Can't Go Wrong Buying a REO A. H. Jones Co.' CALVIN D. WALKER, Mgr. i "M i il-' HARPER SAYS iles of Smiles" on the, faces of women and ' young ladies who are snap-' ping up the bargains in our end-of-season CLEAN HOUSE SALE Broken Lines ,of $20 to S85 Spring and Summer Suits and Coats HALF PRICE $10 to $42.50 A good selection still -available, but they're going fast today's th.e day to buy. Broken lines of Ladies' and Children's llats at $1.93 .A great collection of Gingham Dresses at , - .1-4 OFF nir. TfiDF I r rifT'f-f-'TF-fll BIG STORE CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN ALL STRAW HATS FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN AfflXxi: l3 Off -"Help Yourself" says the "I Will' Man, to your choice of all Straw Hats at, ONE-THIRD OFF This includes all our men's fine Panamas, Bangkok. Baliluk, Leghorn, Split and Sennit Braid and Porto R'can Hats. ' FORMERLY SELLING AT $2.50 o $12.00 NOW G0IN0 AT CI 7 TO fl OAA ONE-THIRD OFF piUl p.0UU ALL MEN'S (pnc f AND BOYS' Udpo l3 Excepting Blue, Brown, Green 0171?' Broadcloth Caps. VIr The largest 6tock o fine caps in the city, and Harper says; "Clean house" out they go at One-Third Off. nir. vrrRF I sc i HlT-ffiil' i HERE is a given amount of value 1 . ' in a shoe, according to the quality put into the shoe when made. ou can t et lo. om a turnip; neither can you get $18 shoe sat isfaction from a $10 shec You want all that you can get fcr what you pay everyone does you want service, comfort, style full returns for the amount you invest Pay for quality and you get it in The Florsheim Shoe. . . . . BIO STOrJE (FOR THE MA1