-four THE ALMAXCK HERALD, FRIDAY. AUGUST 6, 1!20 Uift iUHaitre ftrraUt' pcnn rRixTiNa co.. nwin Katortd at th tnatfflc at Al llano, . Khn for trnmUlin th route h the Wialla aa erond rlui matter. I'uMlahrd Tvdar and Friday. (ran ton company forced thr fighting senger work for the pant week. by arming It scabs, inr; that makes the It Is the flgbt- t lots, tOEOROB U BURIV JR. Editor wVDWIN M. BURR Business Mg-r. Official &wpapr of th City of ..Alliance: omclal oewapaptr of Box ; atoitta Count. Owned 'and published by Tha Burr Printing- Company, Uter I Burr. Jr., PrMldrot; Edwin at. Burr, Vlca Praa-44at. afculpttw. S"l SO p ri' t 4rnitt OaKalda it ittJ rai.i.a. 3.im acr yaav Poirbody l slv.-ayn flouring ml new ways to make life on the farm pleasant and agreeable. Already ft larger proportion of farmers and ranchmen own automobiles than do city dwellers. From Kansas comes the news that the state university has provided itself with wireless equip ment, and for tae cost of $185 any farmer may erect a wireless receiving apparatus and get the news of weather changes and other Import ant things right off the bat. When the day comes that every farm home lias an aeroplane hangar right next to the machinery shed and a mov ing picture projector in the front par lar, people will finally stop talking about tae lack of conveniences In the country. , Taere Is to be a cleanup In Ihc Onaha police department, th cap tain of detectives having already been flrrd and the chief of police be ing next on the list. All of this makes one wonuer whether the Omaha Dee was really responsible for the lack of faith In the police that was so prevalent In Omaha. Readers will recall that even so great a personage as General Leon ard Wood wasn't a bit backward about, upholding tae Integrity of the disciples of law and order, the same men who are now being sacked. RAILOAD NOTES A rirtnge of firemen Is reported oy Engineer Despatcher Hall. Engineer Persons Is laying off this week on account of sickness. Henry Murke expects to leave for Denver in a few days on business. Defore adding a loud hurrah to the chorus which goes up over the approval of If. R. 4438, which pro Tides for the vocational rehabilita tion of persons disabled through In dustrial accidents, we would prefer to see a little more efficiency In the rehabilitation of the soldier wound ed. Waen disabled fighting - men aave to wait tr months or years be fore securing competent medical treatment, doesn't It seem like non sense to take on another big load? ' John H. Morehead, democratic candidate for governor, has fired the opening guu in the campaign by hop ping onto the operation of McKelvie's code bill. Incidentally, he has struck a popular chord by declaring that the proposed Increases In state taxation are "unnecessary arid uncalled for" and by pledging hiuseir, if elected, to the reduction of the tax burden. Mr. Morehead has found tae weak epot in the McKelvIe regime and even Ills dearest enemies will concede that be knows how to take advantage of it ,rr"-sw. ........ Having failed ' to convince the Joanson republicans that they were old out at Chicago by traitorous delegates, Frank A. Harrison Is - tmsyinfc himself In an effort to take Support away frcm Governor Mo Celvla and band It to Arthur Wray -4f York. It'a cheering for a demo crat y realise that the republican .. party also has thorns In Its side, and that there are just about as many humps on one side of the fence as the other. The riots In Denver Incident to the street car strike are deplorable, of course, and will do the cause of anion labor more harm than any thing else than can be imagined. The onion men will receive biame for the disorders, although, to an observer, it would seem that. tae city authori ties are even more guilty, for they permitted armed strikebreakers to go upon the cars. There Is no surer way to promote violence than to put rifles and ammunition Into the hands of a bunch'of thugs. The union men have been wrong In striking, but the Mr, an Mrs. Aicivniie leu Wednes day for Newcastl cfor a few days out on tl'f lr homesteads. A. N. Thompson and family ari planning on a vacation to be spent, at Spirit Lake. S. D. I Engineer J.'K. Willis expects to j lonve roon for Silver i'lume, Col,: where he will visit with friends. I Robert Lawrence and Robert Ilunt rire planning on spending Sunday In Hot Springs, S. ). Conductor J. II. Cantlln reported for work this morning. He has been visiting In the eastern part of the state. Doctor C. II. Illbbe left Thursday for Edgemont. S. D, From there. he will go to Calcago for a few weeks vacation. J. M. Mewhlter is back on his oM run holding down the turn around. He has been doing extra passenger work. Conductor M. E. Johnson expects to leave about. the eleventh of this month for Tacoma ,. Wash., for a three months vacation. Fireman Macaony deadheaded to ian wants but little here below and some of the spring 'styles show that women feel the same way about It. W. It. Nicholas received somei slight Injuries at Crawford. 1 Edgemont to relieve Fireman Thorn- Drakeman Foth of Sterling, has1 "car, who Is laying off on account of been visiting In Alliance the past illness. few days. Engineer Wltowack reported for i wont tuis morning, lie nas been Money to Loan OX YOUU Liberty Bonds We Buy and Sell all Issues of Liberty oBnds. GUARDIAN TRUST CO. Shouldering his trusty spade, the embattled war gardner starts forth on his drive against the hieh cost of living. After years of experimenting a Missourian claims to have perfected a process for extracting potash from cottonseed hulls. PUBLIC SALE of HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE ( Includes everything necessary for five-room home furniture, bedding, dishes, etc. THIRD AND BOX BUTTE SATURDAY, AUG. 7 STARTING AT 3 P. M. Fireman 8yd ftitesmrn went to; Deadwood to fire numbers 141 and 142. lftt.75, $2.50, $:.00 to 91.00 value Silk Hone for $1.10, 92.UO, 92-40 and 9:1.20 at IHulilHiid-Ilollowny Co. J. Ii. Downs, operator at Thedford, left yesterday for a two weeks vaca tion to be spent at Ft. Laramie, Wyo, F. 11. Morris, second trick opera tor at Mullen, left Taursday for a short vacation In Denver. Engineer Treffney reported for work this morning after a week's fishing trip In the Dlack Hills. Mrs. Kate Sternberg Is spending a few days In Denver, visiting' wit a friends. See the new winter furs at 72 Hlghland-Ilolloway Co. Miss Frances urassman leaves soon for a visit wit a her aunt In Crawford, Neb. Supteintendent O. L. Orlggs left on 44 Thursday for an Inspection trip between Ravenna and Alliance. Assistant Oeneral Manager Thieoff of Omaha, was In Alliance Wednes day on business. Master Mechanic J. B. Erwln came down from Deadwood on 36 Wednes day. Early showing of new fall Millin ery at lllghland-llolloway Co. 72 Painter Foreman It. N. Johnson and son, will leave Sunday for Den ver for a few days' vacation. Miss Mable Grassman expects to leave soon for Spearflsh Canyon to spend ner vacation. Machinist Morgan left last night for Denver where he will visit with friends. Vincent Wheeler, son of ripefltter Wheeler, will spend Springe, 8. D. . Save 1-3 on Hummer Undent ear at Ulgnland-Holloway Co. f I Fireman .Laawell was transferred io Edgetuott to work on a switch engine. Engineer Antrim was transferred to Seneca to take charge of the witch engine. Calet Clerk L. Smith of the gener al superintendent's office Is expect ed home Saturdayr Roundhouse Foreman A. M. Rlch- fmond of Englewoou, S. D., was visit ing friends In Alliance .Thursday. Drakeman D. L. Bennet left Wed nesday for the coast where he will spend a month's vacation. 91.73, 92.50, 3.00 to 91.00 value Silk Homo for $1.40, 92.00, 92.40 ami at lllghland-Holloway Co. Machinist Joe Redmon left Wed nesday afternoon for Neels, Col., where he will spend 'ala vacation. M. J. Peterson Is back on tae local east. He has been doing extra pas- Sunday Jn HotjBon, assistant Oraybull, and C spending his vacation In Craig and Denver, Col. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and daugh ter. Hazel, are planning on a trip to fa rrtons, Kas. They will go Via Kansas City. Bob Urtstoll and family left Wed nesday for Denver, where they will spend their vacation visiting with friends and relatives. Save 1-3 on Summer Underwear at lliKliluiitl-llolloway Co. 72 Misses Dollie and Dora White, ac companied by their aunt, Miss Ela Mae White, will spend Sunday Springs. S. D. , Mrs. Will Duncan anu three daugh ters of Allerton, la., are visiting at the home of Mrs. B. I. Joder of this city. Early showing of new fall Millin ery at IliKhlaJul-lIolloway Co. 72 Agent L. M. Slmonds of Ashbyn reported for work today after a month's vacation spent In Kansas City. J. A. Morgan who has been reliev ing Agent Simonda, goes to Sweet water today to relieve J. B." Jolly, who leaves on a two weess vacation. He will visit friends In Kansas City. Ten firemen have been set up to engineers during the past ten days. They are: J. A. Wltowack. C. E. Loessner, H. C. Sitimen, J. R. Willis, B. T. Wallace, A. Hudson, II. Craven. J. H. Persons, L. Kaupp and A. Antrim. - - i - See the new winter furs at 72 Ilighlund-llolloway Co. F. Cone, division superintendent of Sheridan; A. . Aydelot, division superintendent of Casper; D. J. .Nel- superintendent of E. Uersenger, divis ion superintendent of Sterling, were In Alliance Wednesday to attend a business meeting. THE MANUALO Mrs. OAtto Smith is worrying about tae outcome of her claim tor damages against the railroad com? pany. Last winter she had some high priced chickens shipped In by express and they were delivered dead. Then she had a drove of turkeys you couldn't buy. for less taan $6 each when a bunch of train men on a freight deliberately scatter ed grain from a box car attracting them close enough to wring their necks and enjoyed turkey roast for several days. There seems to be but little head to te railroads these days and nobody knows whom to get service on after they are sued for damages.- Antloch News. 8eo the new winter furs at 72 - lllghiand-llolloway Co. Made Only in Pianos of 0 Baldwin Manufacture i The Instrument You Were Born to Play Ellington and Hamilton Pianos Save money by getting your instru ment before the increase of freight rates. We Buy Direct From the Factory MANN MUSIC & ART CO. Alliance National Bank Building ' J ' mi II lelsr a ai ! Tl n yiT wj a 1 Uil EftaLSS T 'V 1 I ' J 1 I II L. L 9 aT " W X. f. ' HtifltaTl V - . -. iVgSa-sA.- -J tSSaVV, 4 N - While Building is the Most Advantageous When can we gay that BUILDING a home is more advantageous than RENTING a home? It is when, in the LONG RUN, rents are much higher than the cost of the money (or interest) necessary to construct the home. That is the situation today. You will save actual dollars paying for your HOME rather than paying present high RENTS. In addition to this, don't overlook the fact that the present price of lumber has not risen in accordance with the increased cost of other commodities, and that soon lumber must take a jump upward to cover the increased cost of freight NOW is the time to act. Phone 660 and talk it pver with us. V-jCtt?W FOWLER LUMBER COMPANY FLOYD LUCAS, Mgr. 'It 1