The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 06, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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    rrttv 4 1 ? Mrtp nun t n frtTworv tfTntrom q 1
Most Modern Shining Parlor in Alliance for Ladies -and Gentlemen
Ladies Shoes Dyed TED FIELDING Prop.
Comment'- - and
We arc rraura"'y 'itlnd-hosrted,
and we a Y. z '-r ct8 and
dogs. But there are limits beyond
xth'rY ".- V.'W r' tSO. frotfi tills
IL.;c a l.t t ioi lit. V.'tf II iv 'Urt'.l. Li'?! - '' 1
the kindly gent Ionian who carrasod
the tkunk, under the imprePHion that
It was a "pretty kilty," we have
learned a lewon. From now on,
whenever there is a kind act to bo
done to an animal, we shall seek out
the nearest Boy Scout and give him
a chance to make a day's record. We
understand that the Boy Scouts
strive to do one noble act a day and
far be it from us to deprive them of
a single opportunity.
1 tlve "meaouws" we started for the
back room. We never got there. That
unregenerate kitten screeched once,
spit once or twice, and proceeded fo
throw a fit right next to the only
clean shirt we had on. Our newest
wash necktie was seized in dirty
claws, and y the time we pried him
loose there wns enough ink on us
to print an edition of the lining
ford Ledger.
From now on, waen pretty little
appear beneath our feet we
shall treat them politely and with the
utmost courtesy. We shall extend to
them the privilege of the ofllco and
permit them to piny on the bundles
of print paper. But we shall not
caress them without due examination
of their feet. And if tals sort of f.
thing ever happens again, we shah
cancel our membership in the S. P. C
A. and begin to root for the cruel
animal trainers. This is fair warning.
The other morning, when we un
covered lao typewriter, preparing for
the day's work, we heard a plaintive
mewing. It was a snow white kitten
that is, It had been. It was a dirty
draggled, skinny, forlorn little thing
but, as we said before, we like kit
tens. Half an hour later we discov
ered a twin, this one coal black. The
two of them chased each . other
around the shop a nd scrapped
fiercely with the barber's dog.
A prints aop is a poor place to play,
however. Have you ever made the
acquaintance of printers' Ink? The
white kitten did that very thing. It
-wandered over to the big press, and
within half a tnrnute was In trouble.
The kitten had fallen into the Ink
fountain. . Cats, you will recall from
.childhood experiments, always light
on their feet. Time and again you
have tried tals out, and know It to
be true. This kitten was knee deep
In the blackest ink. Somebody rush
ed to the rescue, and the unfortun
ate pussy made tracks (black tracks)
for safer quarters.
, He wandered up to the front room
and the lady bookkeeper espied him.
"Oh, see the nice kitten," she gurgl
i ed, and reached over to pick it up.
She was warned just in time. Pussy
squatted on the floor and started
r n.titn (t tin Tho inlr jlldti't 4o .4 tt
pleasant and after getting als mouth
all black, as well as spreading ink
over his head and ears, ha gave It
vtp and Juat looked miserable. Every
low and then he'd raise a foot, look
at It, shake it, and then let It sink
,to the floor. The lady bookkeeper
m srW IIV4-IVHI ICI nil4 At TV (1 Q VIII
, A lulnuto before she began to plead
with us to get tho ink oft' ihuVnue
itteiVg foot before it bad swallowed
luough to make It 111.
Caump that we were, we took her!
fill (7 front lt VT i t 4 U t, 11
pri' I'lvavu u lj liiu K1UJ
Miss Sadie Glass and Miss Mullen,
who have spent the past few days as
the guests of Mrs. W. H. Glass of
this city, returned to their homes
In Hyannls, Wednesday.
Mela Keoster and Mrs. Glenn Wilt
expect to leave the last of the w v?k
for Omaha for a few days vacation.
Mrs. Copsey.of Douglas, VV'yo., is
visiting her son, Dr. II. A. CopVy
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. MIntzer re
turned Tuesday night from Douglas,
Wyo., where they attended the wed
ding of Mrs. Mintzer's sister, Mary
Blane to'R. V. Copsey.
John Rouche and daughter of
Merna, was In ' town on business
W. L. Guy of Bingaam, was in
town Tuesday for medical attention.
Mrs. E. Hones, who has been visit
ing her parents in Iowa for the past
month, returned home this morning.
Mrs. S. H. Cole and sister, Mrs.
Elmer McManls left Tuesday night
for Galveston, Tex., where they were
called on account of the severe Ill
ness of their mother
Mrs. Du Ree and daughter, Lucille,
of Ottumwa, la., are guests this week
of Mrs. McGill.
Harry Shean of Crawford, was in
town Tuesday on-business.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Broad of Lin
coln, arrived Wednesday for a visit
with their son, W. L. Broad.
Mrs. C. H. Brockway and Mrs. Lee
Haverland of Hoffland, were In town
saopping Wednesday.
Dr. Bellwood and Jake Herman
left Wednesday for Keeler cabins,
near Henrey, Neb., where they will
spend a few days fishing.
Hershel Bernsworth is visiting
friends and relatives in Bherldan,
licther Bevington spent the week
. nd with friends in Bayard.
Mrs. JameB Curmody is ill at her
gingerly, and to the tune of lain-j home on Emerson avenue.
You Should Eat
During this hot weather the home cook cannot bo too
careful of the foods ahe prepares for the family. Plenty of
liye Bread or old-fashioned Corn Bread makes the children
grow better and feel better. And Dad likes them, too. Order
a sack today either large or small.. Your choice of:
Special Yellow or White CURTIS BEST FLOUR
24 lb. sack 30 and 100 lb. sacks High Grade Standard
Buy Your Winter Coal Now
You fehould be laying in your winter's supply of coal right
now. We are receiving shipments of coal from time to time,
and we suggest that you place your order TODAY to be filled
as soon as your turn comes. You will not be able to get it
cheaper for several months.
Lump or Nut
Lump or Nut
Lump or Nut
Evertyhing in our line is at your immediate service. We
want you to "give us a chance" to please you. That is all we
Stephenson & O'Bannon
Mies Wanda Adams- left Wednes
day noon for Grand Island whre
she will visit With her sister, Mrs.
B rt Wilson of that. city.
Blair Carpenter of Scottsbluff, is
Visiting at the home of als uncle, J.
W. Howe.
. Robert Atz, who has been spending
the past few days with friends In Al
liance, returned to his home in Edge
mont, S. 1)., Wednesday.
Miss Ituth Hawes left Tuesday
night for a visit with friends and
relatives In the eastern part of the
Btate. She will be gone about a
n.y Iloininger left Tuesday morn
ing for Mitchells Cabins, near Spear
flsh, S. D. He will Join the NYw
berry's camping party.
Joan Schrlner, Merle Minor and
Leo Snyder leave the eleventh for an
overland trip to Denver and vicinity.
Miss Mildred Itomingerfc who has
been-visiting her sister, Mrs. II. L.
Sims, left Tuesday night Tor her
home In Aurora. ,
Hazel and Ituth Katen, who have
been visiting their Bister, Mrs. G. J,
Muller of North riatte, arrived home
Wednesday noon.
Miss Madeline Zediker left Tues
day for a short visit with her sister,
Mrs. Buck of Ansley.
Mrs. Morgan L. Croft, of Omaha,
is visiting at tae home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Owens.
Miss Hazel Thompson is visiting
at the home of her uncle, Gene
Thompson of Antloch.
Charlie Thompson and family were
in town Wednesday on business.
They motored In from their ranch,
i Mrs. L. S. Dye and mother, Mrs.
Gleoson, left today for a few days
visit with Mrs. W. R. pollings of
.Miss Ruth Regan is visiting at tae
home of W. R. Rumer of this city.
Ruth has been, attending 1 normal
school at Kearney.
Miss Dora Coker, who has been at
tending summer school at Cbadron,
came home Thursday for a visit with
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fuller and
family are spending their vacation
In Glenwood Springs, Col.
HIng Hobbins and Harry McCall
spent Sunday In Hot Springs.
Miss Katherlne Harris Is the guest
this week of Miss Whitehead of
Mitchell, Neb.
Wynn Robbins, who has been visit
ing at the Ed Young ranch, return
ed home Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. Finch, who has been
visiting her parents in Dead wood. S.
D., for the past two weeks, eturned
home Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Helling of Antloch. Is
spending a week's vacation visiting
wlta friends and relatives in Omaha.
F. E. Reddish and family left
Tuesday morning for a trip overland
to, California.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Beaumont and
son, Elliott, laave the Jast of this
week in their car for California. They
will accompany F. F. Stephens and
Mrs. Olmstead of Merna, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. I,. D.
Blair, returned to her home Thurs
day. P. II. House, D. A. Perry und M.
E. Wilson, wao have been doing re
cruiting duty In Alliance, returned
to Omaha where they are stationed,
Mrs. John McDonald, who has been
visiting her parents In St. Joseph,
Mj., returned to her home Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. S. T, Corp left on
No. 4$ Wednesday for Hampton, Mo.,
where they will visit with relatives.
Hampton was Mr. Corp's childhood
hom. and this is tae first time in
twenty-five years that he has visited
there. , .
A new stock train is to be added
to this division soon. It will run
from Edgemont to Alliance and from
Guernsey to Alliance on Saturdays
It will consolidate here and make a
through stock train to the Omaha
und Kansas City marketB. It will
leave here Saturday evening. There
will also be added a pick-up stock
train from Alliance to Ravenna
which will leave Saturdays and Mon
days about 2 p. m.
There will be a meeting of Cox
Butte encampment Friday evening.
All members are urged to attend.
The Royal Purple degree will bo conferred.
Kidney, liver, bladder and nric acid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they giva
that they need attention by taking
V : I
Tb world's standard remedy for these
disorders, will often ward off thus ji
eesee and strengthen the body against
further attacks. Three eixee, all drugUta.
Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirlwind of utility. Fits
into the' daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the
time. For town and country, i is all that its name implies a Run-
nVwtit T I A- f a. ' . 1 . r- " .
auuui. iiuw hi v.uii ui upcrauon; iow in cost oi maintenance,
with all the sturdy strength, dependability and reliability
for which Ford cars are noted. We'd be pleased to have
your order for one or more. We have about everything in
motor car accessories, and always have a full line of
genuine Ford Parts We'd like to have you for our customer.
Remember if you want your Ford to give continuous
service you must keep it in good condition. We.
will do it for you.
Coursey & Miller'V
Your Harvest Money
You can make your Harvest Money earn another Harvest this year by
depositing it with this Bank where it will draw interest. Then if an oppor
tunity arises whereby you can make a good investment you'have tlw money
to grasp it. t
With, the coming of the harvest and the increase of ready money in circu
lation business is certain to increase. For the good H)f the community every
one should exercise judgment in the disposition of his money. The safest
plan is to deposit it in a strong conservative bank, let it accumulate interest
money for you while you decide the wisest disposition of it.
The prosperity of progressiveness; of any community is measured by tho
total of its bank deposits. The American system of finance incorporates the
idea of "placing your ready money in a bank" as a fundamental principle.
It should be taught to the little folks, and followed by their parents.
On account of the more or less stringent financial conditions we now have the opporttm
Ity to offer some exceptional bargains in improved and unimproved Box Butte county
farms, as well as in sonle choice western Nebraska stock ranches. It will pay you to write
or call on us for detailed information regarding some of the bargains which we have at this
time. Easy terms can be secured for you. If you have western property for sale and want
it handled quickly, list it with us. We look after properties for non-residents.
Phone 20 Reddish Block Alliance, Neb.
Leek fee tie mm Gold Meael a mwmw ku