Tin; all: nck ukuald, Tuesday, august 3, 1020 164 For Expert Dry Cleaning Pressing and Repairing T ED FIELDING Prop. jP Phone Random Shots : 1 CONSPIRACY TO T3 Ul 5i)LUIu IHUilLI J The other ninht, when 11 Ixv.an to rain, panic waa pprcadlna: nt tho tent how. People bo-an to leave in buiichcn. The tall trnpedian stepped out In front of tho curtain: "Don't be alarmed, pood people," .i bogan ftrandlloquently, "There Is nothing to be alarmed over. This 1b a food, utrong tent. I solemnly assure you that you won't get one bit wetter In side here than you would If you wero In the middle of the pavement." And. thus ien3ured. they fell back upon the hard seats and remained through the show. Alliance had one piece of good luck last week, Uough few people know of It. An "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company had Intended to play here Monday, but the manager changed bis mind. Some people can't take a hint. We are referring to our fondnons lor fried chicken. Clerk In War l:Nk H.irenu Have Stolon Over fSJ.UMMK) Front ' Kx-Servlce Men (Walter J. Wood in American Legion Weekly) Whoever holds the title of the meanest mail alive had better look to hla laurels. The writer rises to nominate for that spectacular but unenviable position not one but as many of t ae employes of tho Bureau of War Risk Insurance at Washing ton aa have been robbing disabled ex-; erviue men under the pretense of helping them get their compensations Sven employes have recently been! arrested following the unearthing of what the authorities nsisert Is a r.-lde-sprcad plot to defraud battle-scarred veterans of their blood money. The Sorrel a ry of the T rcara t y h' !icn : ed the thlim ns a "'''..: spiracy," and 'aardened secret ser vice men working on the a o h iv described It as "the most despicable crime they h.'.vo cvr bwu called upon to track down. It U difficult to find words to nail The only way you can impress alhe fraud f0r -wlint It Is. To rcb men h-jeked into a iitrvcui wreck, l:r)K li.i'i l.ifi.ill chaos and wept rs he ir.td to it li his htory to the secret y( s 'v ' i). In one care cuoked Klerks got $1,400 out of a teal of f. l.SCO o u '.- a veteran, In another I cn:e $1,400 out of a claim for $3,500 and In yet another case they took a fee of $700 on a v,400 claim. Prosecution against those Involved will be made under section oi and 113 of the penal cod!, ivrr.onn found guilty under these sections are liable to flnea cf not more than $10, 000 each, imprisonment for not more than tiree years, or both fine and Imprisonment. All things considered, that doesn't seem to bo such a terribly Btifi' pun ishr.it nt. thing like ,hi9 on tne mlnd8 ' sonio people is to use a crowbar. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mitchell and Janet Grassman left Monday mornnlg for Mr. Mitchell's cabin near Spear fl&h, S. D., for a two weeks' camping trip. Norman McCorkle and Fred Vogle arrived home Sunday night. They have been spending their vacation in Denver. Joe Williams left Saturday nient on his vacation. He expectB to be gone for about two weeks. Dr. Knkht loft Monday nlpht for Boulder, Colo., and vicinity. He will be gone two months. Mies Leila Cornforth motored to who have been through the hell of , Chadron Sunday. trench and No Man's Land, suffered Mr. and Mrs . Harper and lit 1 1 nil Dm wnv from first nld station dauehter. Rettv. and Mr. nnil Mrs. In one of the Swiss cantons the bftck through uan a,,or 10n 0f pain i McCorkle were picnicking at Tine tanno has been banned as immoral These good people won't be able to find words to describe the shimmy. and who are still wearing the badges Ridge Sunday. In Paris, people are beginning to wear wooden hats. Tae only trouble with that Is that it would be hard, in some Instances, to tell where the hat begins. i. f sacrifice, broken bodies and crip pled lives, is as nasty a piece of busl nenn a the records of meanness hold. Miss Tyree and Mr. Kenneti Mor man motored to Chadron Sundry. S. B. Edwards of Scottsbluff came the nefarious traffic for a niche In the world's hull of infamy.' Not sinro th petition scandals after the Civil War has there been Better lock your bottle of lemon , brought to light such a diabolical at i,. is,, m.r, Hiiriitirkpra tempt to exploit disabled ex-soldiers. have finally started operations in Al-Tae Investigation now under way llance. It amply qualifier anyone enwd in i to Alliance Sunday to meet his wife An interested observer, who has been trying to mooch a drink for the past three months, tells us that ae thinks the highjackers will have poor pickings. YAI.W HIDING . Mr. and Mrs. William Newman and has not led up to the office door or family got home last Thursday night' any Important bureau othciul, but. after being gone three weeks. They I Secretary Houston, of the Treasury visited at Sidney, Grand Island, Clarks, Columbus and Chreston. They report that from Grand Island east there is muca black rust in the wheat but this side of Grand Island the crops looked fairly goo 1. They spent several days nt Denver and other places In Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bliss returned from their motoring trip to Colorado Friday. Roy Slsley bought a new binder last week. Guy Rust has cut wheat now tor several days. Yale Siding will have a new scales Boon. A few farmers went together and bought a good scales and will have it Installed soon. The pit is already dug. Yale has been consid ered a shipping point for several months already by the. B. & Q. railroad company. This scales will save much hauling to tho people liv ing near lero. Louis Powell started to cut wha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Newman and family and Ali:ti loss! Sundayed at J. J. Schefrhk home. Alex Lee took in the farmers union lie cream social at the Pair View church last week. Mr. an I Mrs. S. J. Iossl and family spent Sunday evening at the E. B. i;rant home. Charles Myers of Al' lance, was looking after his farm tho first of the week. S. J. load bought four shoats of Fred Trenklo In Morroll county, last weel . Wii. Newman and Allied Iossl Rauljd sand to Yale Siding for the new bcalea '.he fanners are putting in. Alex Leo vvas in Alliance on busi-nr-sa Wednesday. Crop report: Seme con nud oats iieiu rain; viout ripening fast; po;a tots doing t-'.od but a few bugs arc reported. :ho has been spendnlg her vacation in Rochester, Minn. Ed McNulty left Monday nsornlnr o Join the Newberry's tui ping party. I Mrs. C. 11. Brown of'Antloch, spent Sunday in Alliance. F. B. Douglass and Arthur Regar, boys employed on the Chadron high way, were here Sunday looking over the work. Lois Dilllman and daughter, Elate Iti It liU nviv i iwnii kja iui a a. reau and to involve a sum of $250,-, ,. , , . , ., ... . , . , , , C. H. an Alstlne and family spent 000 or more stolen from the claim- . , , .... ' ' .. ... . . I !he week-end in Alliance. Mr. Van ants. So far the trial of dishonor ,,,,. , , n.iniiuv nus luuiviiig uiicx uuaiiitHM in terests 'aere. A. S. Reed of Phoenix, Ariz., wns visiting in the city Thursday and Friday. although at. this writing it has not. proceeded deep nor wlde, already promises to Implicate between fifty and a hundred clerks handling the claims of disabled ex-soldiers for compensation In the War Department, has given hl,s word that all concerned in the outrage, .llgn and low, will be prosecuted to lh-i limit of tho law. There seems to have been a regu lar code of procedure among the rob bers, according to Chief W. H. Moran of tho United States Secret Service, who is directing the government drive against them. The typical case was somewhat like this: A dis abled soldier going to present in per son his claim for compensation at the Bureau of War Risk Insurance would be Informed by one of the conspirators that .ie was entitled t. let un say, $200. At the same time he would have it whisper d in Lr.s , unsuspecting ear that the award was much too small and that under cer tain conditions It might be "pu through" for a larger amount, per haps $300. Tl "se "conditions" wero In most , I cases ih.it on all th clerk could get over and above the $200 taere was to be a fifty-fifty divide. The sol dier, anxious to ret all, or na nearly nil as possible, of what ho thought was coming to lam, would agree, tho clerk would be hired, th claim fo: the larger amount would go through, nnd all over and above tho original amount named by the clerk would be split half and half. '" would bo, of course, that the soldier vas entitled to the full a,uott:u all the time. Thin fleecing of helpless men had been going on for n bmiy Vu'.wt- rc v HPHKAD THE GOOD WORD" HUE SAYS Wants Others To Know How Tanlac Huh Overcome Troubles Of Many Years Standing "Little did I think I would ever give a public statement for a medi I'lne, but Tanlac has proved so won derful in my case that I want to "plead the good news," said Mrs. A. M. Hughes of 956 Thirty-fifth street, Milwaukee, Wis., recently. "My stoniaci has given me trouble for years," she added, "and I had been treated to much and bpent bo much money for medicines without benefit I was all out of heart. For eight years I had been unable to eat any meats, and vegetables caused me trouble. Even cereals, milk-toast, the lightest kind of diets, oftentimes caused gas to form on my stomach keeping me in pain anu misery for hours. I often buffered with heart burn Mel liia gas prepslns around my if. art caused it to beat so hard and i a r it was all 1 could do to get my breath. I and raging headache? l. early every d?y and got so dizzy v r'li I looped over or was going ip or down staiis I felt like I was r-ing to plich forward and had to ca eh hold of something to keep from 'falling. I had awful pains in the ".i.'i'l of my back and under mj THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirlwind of utility. Fits into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the time. For town and country, it is all that its name implies a Run about. Low in cost of operation ; low in cost of maintenance, with all the sturdy strength, dependability and reliability for which Ford cars are noted. We'd be pleased to have your order for one or more. We have about everything in motor car accessories, and always have a full line of genuine Ford Parts. We'd like to have you for our customer. Remember if you want your Ford to give continuous service you must keep it in good condition. We J j-iw" will do it for you. i Mi KSf. MHCIH X: ! i .... iAL ' 11 1 . Coursey & Miller Cliinerc women aro demandius repr sentatloa in tho government. It in long stride from crippled feet to 6uch a progressive Ktcp as this. Liberty bond prices may con'i; uc to drop, but it is wll enough lo re member thai If the government mt vives they will be redeemed at jar. I) )Ctor Kapp escaped from Gtr iuary to Sweden by airidaue, wMch is an article that all revolutionist' should make piirt of their kits. Paris slreets have been named after Clemenoea". Petain, Foch, Jof fre and Poncare, giving the Gennau an opportunity to trample those uames In the dust. Pretty scon the sale of potatoes will rass from the grocer to the Jew eler. i luiriuu of War Risk Insurance, lie wns told t.iat his claim hud been al lowed for $1500, but that they would undertake to get it raised to $2400 if lie would share the cxtia ?1'0' with them. This he refused to do. Instead he made l.is way straight to his United States Senator, Mr. Ashurst, of Ar izona, who happened to bo ill in bed but who talked wit a Delavlgue and pent his secretary with htm to the Chief of the United Ki uk Secret Service, requesting that every effort he made to apprehend tli1 guilty. Thi result was that a little later, during the first week in July, th hand of tie law fell heavy upon the young men accused of devising the rcbeme to get rich quick at the c pt rise of the wounded veteran. The three alleged trh-ht young financiers got, instead of the $900, a free ride to the local police station. As heartless as they v. ere hourly, the War Risk robbers twisted what money they oould get out of one-legged, slu-ll-saocked, blind and diseas ed indl.-H'rimlnatrly. O".? b!?, h'.r lookiug overseas veteran, shell- buuuiuer uiaues iiiai uurt me sol long when recently an ex-soldler by t when, I leaned, over I could hardly the name cf ,lr.s p: ". l.-.t . .. . straighten up. At times I had rheti Preseott, Arizona, who had a large .at ism in my shoulders and arms so claim for compensation, wu - bud it was all I could do to use taeni. proached by several employes of the I slept but little, for I'was constant- ..' in pain and very restless a-..l when i got up in the mornings I oi'ten felt worse than when I went t.j bed. 1 Just kept getting worse In pUe of all I could do. "So many people with troubles like mine wero praising Tanlac In the papers, 1 .'em lor a bottle and the ?'ist three or four days I took It con vinced me that what I had read about it was the truth. ltefore 1 I'm'shcl the first bottle gas stopped forming oi: iiy btouach. he:;e nwt'ui pains ' it me and I began to feel hunery. I can now eat most anything in rea :'ou and r.'y stoiuisch trouhK-:; mes o little afterwards I hardly r.otice it. My head aches no more, l am en tirely free from pain and have no more dizzy spells and am able to get plenty of sound restful sleep every night. Tanlac has done me u world f good, ko much in fact I want my statement published for the benefit it may be to others." Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. 'S. Holsten, in Hemlngford by Heni- Your Harvest Money You can make your Harvest Money earn another Harvest this year by depositing it with this Bank where it will draw interest. Then if an oppor tunity arises whereby you can make a good investment you have the money to grasp it. THE COMMUNITY NEEDS SAVERS With the coming of the harvest and the increase of ready money in circu-' lation business is certain to increase. For the good of the community every one should exercise judgment in the disposition of his money. The safest plan is to deposit it in a strong conservative bank, let it accumulate interest money for you while you decide the wisest disposition of it. , The prosperity of progressivoness of any community is measured by the total of its bank deposits. The American system of finance incorporates the idea of "placing your ready money in a bank" as a fundamental principle. It should be taught to the little folks, and followed by their parents. THERE IS NO SAFER AND BETTER PLAN THAN TO DEVELOP THIS AMERICAN IDEA OF BANKING FIRST STATE BANK SAFETY ALLIANCE, NEER. COURTESY sTT?n::nTii BSE BOX BUTTE COUNTY FARMS . On account of the more or less stringent financial conditions we now have the opportun ity to offer some exceptional bargains in improved and unimproved Box Butte county farms as well as in some cho'ce western Nebraska stock ranches. It will pay you to write or call on us for detailed information regarding some of the bargains which we have at this time. Easy terms can be secured for you. If you have western property for sale and want it handled quickly, list it with us. We look after properties for non-residents. THE THOMAS COMPANY ' Inpford Merc. Co., In "allcry Grocery Co. Hoffland ty, Phone 20 LLOYD C. THOMAS HAROLD S. THOMAS Reddish Block . Alliance, Neb.