The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 03, 1920, Image 4

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fElft .Alliance Hrralfli
6h JLJt
BCnR miMTINJ CO.. Ownr
Entered at Ih postnfflce at Altljnr.
Hb for trnnsniiKulun throuah Ihr
Mil mi conl elapa tnatttr. Publlhed
Tatxdar and Friday.
QVOROB U. nURR. JR. Editor
SOWIN M. BURR Business Mgr.
Official nrwupaper of th City of
Alliance: official nawepaper of Box
eutta County.
Owned and published by Tha Burr
Printing Company, George I Burr, Jr.,
President; Edwin M. Burr, Vlca Pres
ident tabaeriptl" Sl.BO per year In advanea
OataUe ( 15 H(W per year
DIM ItATK li.yO.iT
Auliiuiity ui- (Le railroads to In
crease revenues by approximately one
billion and a half dollars was grant
ed Saturday by the interstate com
merce commission. Freight rates
will be advanced about one-third,
passenger fares one-fifth and Pull
man charge one-.inlf. roast wise
and Inland steamship lines and elec
tric railway companies also were
granted an Increase In freight rates
In proportion to the Increases grant
ed railroads serving the same terri
tory. The new rates, to continue un
til March 1, 1922, will become ef
fective on five days notice by the
carriers to the commission and the
public, and they must be In opera
tion before January 1. Since the
government guarantee expires Sep
tember 1, the carriers are expected
to put the advances into effect by
' The Increase Bare designed to off
Bet the $600,000,000 wage advance
awarded by tie railroad labor board
and to provide the 6 per cent net
income on the aggregate value of the
railroad properties under the trans
portation act. The aggregate value
of all railroads was estimated by the
commission at 18,040,000,000, as
Against a book value of $20,040,000,
900 given by the carriers.
The 20 per cent Increase In paa
aeuger fares, excess -baggage Uidre.i
and milk transportation rates, and
the 60 per cent surcharge on Pull
man fares will be general. Freight
rate Increases will vary according to
territory, with 40 per cent in the
cast, 25 pe cent in the south, 35 per
cent In tae west from the Missis
sippi river to the Itocky mountains
and 25 per cent In mountain-Pacific
territory fromea st of the Rockies
to the Pacific coast not lncldlng
The directors of the chamber or
commerce, at their meeting Monday
evening, discussed, among other
ihlnps, a proposition from one M. C.
Sleberllng, who desires the chamber
of commerce to get behind a gas
gas works for Alliance. Mr. Sieber
ling doesn't much care how the
thing Is put over, so long as It Is
done. He Is willing to have the club
organize a stock company, or Inter
est outside capital, or persuade the
.Hy to do It, and his letter, which
was rat.ier lengthy, Intimated that
he could be persuaded to assist In
the work of organization.
I Everything was down In black and
j white in that letter. It told how
I much the machinery would cost, and
i how much pipe would be needed for
J mains. It was all figured out that
turf could be produced at a cost of
$1.75 per thousand cubic feet, and
if this were sold at $2.50 it would
leave a tidy profit on the total Invest
ment of $87,654, provided, of course,
people would buy it at that outra
geous figure.
Mr. Sieberllng had gone farther
tian this. He announced In a little
paragraph near the end of his letter
that his services would be at the
rate of $10,000 for the Job. He. was
liberal, however it didn't have to
be paid in a lump sum. So much
could be given him In three months,
to much in six, and bo on, properly
secured by mortgage on the plant
end notes. He was willing to take
$2,000 of this amount in stock of
the plant, whici shows that he was
willing to risk something on the suc
cess of the project.
The directors laid this liberal offer
on the table.
The baseball game at the fair
grounds Sunday afternoon between
Crawford and the local Q nine proved
to be a walk-away for the home team.
The final score stood 11 to 0, with
the visitors at the small end of the
count. McNulty was on the mound
for Alliance and only twice were
there men on third base. Both times
t)ig Ed pitched atmself out of the
Jade. Black starred with the stick
getting four hits out of five times
up. Griggs, on short, made several
brilliant plays, one especially. With
three men on, a liner was knocked
between Bhort and third. Griff spear
ed it with one hand, tossed the ball
to third completing a double play
and retired the side.
Lineup for the game: Hudkins,
catch; McNulty, stick; Black, first
base; Griffls, short; Brew, second;
Fennlng, Uird, Edwards left field;
Butler, center; Stein, right, and
Bryon and Thompson subs.
Charles Reese, an ex-soldier, died
at the St. Josephs hospital Sunday
morning. Death was duo to blood
He had been employed at the Dick
Shannon ranch near Dalton, where
h cut his knee on a binder last
week. He was brought to Alliance
and taken at once to the hospital, but
and been without medical aid for
over a week and blood poison had
already set In. -
Tho body Is being held at the
Darling undertaking parlors awaiting
word from a sister who lives In
Pennsylvania, the only relative that
1ms been located.
Attorney Eugene Burton, Engineer
Hall, County Commissioners Hash
man and Duncn aand Highway Com
missioner Reuben Knight left tnis
morning for a conference with Jesse
Wilson, east of Alliance, for the pur
pose of arriving at a settlement of
tie squabble over securing surfacing
material for the Antioch road. This
trip was decided upon after a con
ference of the above-named gentle
men with the directors of the Alli
ance chamber of commerce Monday
Work on the surfacing of the An
tioch road has been held up for sonic
time, and tho directors felt that It
was for the best Interests of the city,
county and state to use their best
oiUces to settle the difficulty and
hurry the completion of the road
building. Mr. lturtnn explained the position
of his client, Mr. Wilson. When the
project was first laid out, arrange
ments were made by the commission
ers with Mr. Sweeny, who then owned
the Wilson ranch, to secure material
for the surfacing of tae road from
Sweeney's lake. When Wilson
bought, he agreed to It. For some
reason, the Btate blue print shows
this lake to be on the south side of
the road, In the exact location of
Wilson's meadow. The contractors
proceeded to take out several loads
of dirt from the center of the mea
dow, cutting It up badly. Wilson
then objected. He was willing, be
said, that they saould have free of
charge the mud from Sweeney's lake,
but his meadow was too small to
et nr any of It.
The contractors declared that they
could not get the mud from the lake
without the expense of hauling be
ing prohibitive. Besides, they
averred, the lake mud wasn't suit
able. The state department inter
preted their contract wit a the coun
ty commissioners in such a way that
It was up to the county to secure
the clay, although they do not ex
pect the county to secure a supply
of sand or gravel for the same road,
both of which materials are used.
It developed that there was, ad-
Joining the road, a supply of this
clay on the railroad rlgat-of-way, and
local railroad officials had given per
mission to use It. Engineer Hall did
not know whether this was suitable,
but will inspect it today. If so, an
attempt will be made to persuade
Mr. Wilson to part with enough of
his meadow to finish the road.
Dr. LeGesr where they could reach
him In a few minutes.
Wounds and sores must be taken
care of Immediately. Get a can of
Dr. LeGenr's Antiseptic Healing
Powder from your dealer. Dust on
enough of It to cover the wound oi
sore. It forms a protection uvain.t
insects and Infection and promotes
healthy healing. Dr. L. D. LcGear
Med. Co., St. Louis, Mo.
On the other hand, the candidates
for president who did not get nom
inations will be saved a lot of worry.
A miniature crime wave seems to
have struck Alliance, Judging from
the number of cases of thieving
walch have been reported. The A. G.
Isaacson home was entered shortly
after sunset Friday evening and two
diamond rings taken. The house
was ransacked by the burglars. Mr.
and Mrs. Isaacson were away from
home at the time. No trace of the
burglars has been discovered.
The home of H. DuBuque was also
burglarized the same evening. A re
volver was the only thing of value
taken. In neither instance was there
a trace of the thieves.
Tae W. R. Harper department
store Is minus some $60 due to good
teamwork on the part of two Mexi
cans. The men entered the store
about closing time, late Saturday
evening, and one of them asked con
cerning a pair of trousers. Mr.
Harper was alone In the store. One
of the Mexicans remained in the
front of the store while the other
was making his selection. The cus
tomer finally decided that he didn't
want new trousers, and the pair left.
Five minutes later, Mr. Harper dis
covered that the casa register draw
er had been emptied.
Cold Drinks
Nothing is quite so re
freshing on a hot day as a
tall glass filled with an iced
cold delicious drink. The
warmth of the day fades,
jaded spirits rise, and life is
very much worth living.
We have a "splendid assort
ment of iced tea glasses and
spoons, most attractively
priced. Those sets may be
used for any drink you wish,
and whether you serve to the
family or guests, the drink
will he doubly enjoyed be-
cause so daintily served.
5 Iced Tea Glasses
$4.50 to $7.50
G Iced Tea Spoons
$2.00 to $5.50
Watch Inspectorial
You Should Eat
During this hot weather the home cook cannot be too
careful of the foods she prepares for the family. Plenty of
Rye Bread or old-fashioned Corn Bread makes the children
grow better and feel better. And Dad likes them, too. Order
a sack today either large or small. Your choice of:
Special Yellow or White CURTIS BEST FLOUR
24 lb. sack 10 and. 100 lb. sacks High Grade Standard
Buy Your Winter Coal Now
You should be laying in your winter's supply of coal right
now. We are receiving shipments of coal from time to time,
and we suggest that you place your order TODAY to be filled
as soon as your turn comes. You will not be able to get it
cheaper for several months.
Lump or Nut
Lump or Nut
Lump or Nut
Evertyhing in our line is at your immediate service. We
want you to "give ns a chance" to please you. That is all we
Stephenson & O'Bannon
All the boys who were so desirous
of getting In the Boy Scouts will
have the opportunity to do so as
there Is to be a new troop organized
In the near future. Some applica
tions have already been received and
as there Is to be only two patrols or
ganized to Btart with, anyone who
wants to get in will have to hurry
as that will only let sixteen boys in.
Boys wanting to Join the Boy Scouts
will call on Mr, Hamilton at the Na-r
tlonal 10c Store and get application
Specialist's Prescription
In telling of the accident to his
horse. Mr. Luther Carmen of Valley
Park, Mo., stated: "My horse fell
down and cut his knees all up. I
dressed them with Dr. LeGear s An
tiseptic Healing Powder and they are
healing fine. It is a wonderful rem
edy for healing sores on horses."
Mr. Carmen is simply voicing the
sentiments of hundreds of others
who feel that having Dr. LeGear's
personal prescriptions on hand at
all times is nearly as good as having
Put an End to Your
Summer Drad
There is no need for any housewife in thh territory to wear away her good nature, good
health or good looks over a steaming wash tu' during these hot months. We have the
iKctric washer you want and will sell it to you
Check over these Exclusive Features and it you don't believe we have the best Electric
Washer you can buy, icome in and let us prov; it to you.
National Vacuum Washer
Only successful
valve type vacuum
2. Handles most delicate fabrics without
fear of damage.
. all Swinging Wringer minimizes work
4. Always ready to go on washday. Never
. ..uchanical troubles.
Rhein Hardware Co.
While Building is the Most Advantageous
When can we say that BUILDING a home is more advantageous than RENTING a home? It is when, in the LONG RUN, rents are much higher than
the cost of the money (or interest) necessary to construct the home. That is the situation today. You will save actual dollars paying for your HOME
rather than paying present high RENTS. In addition to this, don't overlook the fact that the present price of lumber has not risen in accordance with the
increased cost of other commodities, and that soon lumber must take a jump upward to cover the increased cost of freight NOW is the time to act
Phone 650 and talk it over with us. vivu . . rJr -iSs!;
nr i