i in, HICHAM), FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1920 'Dy-PtKci'iia Dean llrv rw Article Twenty-six. Youth Mini llrnulr on the llaigaln Table It Is true. Youth nod Demit y arc both now classified, labeled, priced and sold Just like ribbons and hair pins or any other commodity. If anyone had told nip taey were for Mle I should have been Inclined to doubt the statement. Hut I have eon the pv,r d a''' "-tl-,,ients. One adtrrtlsor : :.n" . n.ion receipt of a specified sum of money, to Bond a corrTiKT.'ct'.co cru;c r.T lnidruc tiou gu.ir.uil vi d to restore youth. In bold, black typo there Is a stato mpnt to thp effort that the writer of i the advertisement, as a result of thin phenomenal course of training, Is younger at seventy than he was at fifty. j And on anoihpr page thorp Is a! Yery readable article Jcaded "Home ly at Twenty Handsome at Forty." j Apparently we are living In an era governed by the law of contraries. I There seems to be a mad quest for the possession of that which Sir ronce de Loon sought for so valiant ly years ago. Very carefully I read the context, both of the advertisement and the ppeclal story. In both Instances the trail ended In the same pot of gold good heal t a. It Is true, lip rouge can be bought for a quarter and an rye-brow pencil for thirty-five cents, but the beauty they produce perishes with them ad the last state of the person so beau tified Is worse than the first. If you don't believe me, take a look at someone you know who has cultivat ed drug store beauty for yenrs and finds herself unexpectedly too far from the base of supplies to replen ish her stock. Beauty, like any other article of value must be paid for accordingly. The price Is high and Is never re duced because nature is going out of business or recuperattng after a fire. Beauty must be paid for In actual ef fort, self-sacrifice, determination and Will power. Rules and principles of hygiene must be observed and the advice on the care of the health given by persons of authority must not be ignored. This Is an age when everyone ' acknowledges the Importance of phy sical education. Schools and col leges have Instituted It as a science. With perfect heal t a comes energy and mental activity. It Is the fool ish )d'a that bargain counter beauty is a "Just as good" substitute for the genuine, health produced article that makes many martiaees a fail ure. Men who are at first attracted by the beauty of the women they marry are disillusioned and disap pointed when they find that it has no real basis and cannot survive the first martial decree hauls ling the "make-up." For the average man will not hesi tate to fall in love with a girl who s noticeably mad? up. nut after I hey are married he solemnly de clares: "I don't want my wife using those things. You don't need them. You are pretty enough ns you are." (Which Is another form of love-love-blindness, for she Is not.) Later, when the roso colored glass es throngi which he has been mak ing observations nro shattered, he learns with Increasing dismay that his wife Is a sallow, nervous creature with Impaired circulation, lowered vitality and sluggish mentality. Just like the average bargain pur chase, the beauty hp thought he had acquired was not wort a the price. Genuine beauty can be acquired only by common sense and self-discipline. One of the best authorities In the country gives this receipt for the preservation of youth. "Eat moderately of substantial foods. Drink nt least two quarts of water every day. Kxerclse dally, keep the body clan by sun, air and water bathing, get plenty of sleep and relax whenever possible during the day. Take an occasional vaca tion and avoid stimulants and nar cotics. Cultivate a cheerful and graceful frame of mind and learn to control enervating emotions such as worry, fear, anger and discontent." The body Is dependant upon a strong, vigorous will, and the mind on physical fitness. Theatrical peo ple and moving picture people are well supplied with will power. They always say: "Oi, we never get sick, we haven't the time." The state of mind affects the phy sique of Individuals and the face al ways sympathizes with the thoughts and reflects them. It has been proven again and again that under any excitement or emotion there Is such natural action and reaction be tween the heart and the brain. Fear, worry. Jealousy 'and ancer nlnv inmn - i - - - f ie constitution. Love, Joy, hope and contentment raise the health tone. Moving pictures have demonstrated, perhaps more than anything else, how the expression of tae counten ance reveals the thoughts and inten tions more than do words. The average woman, it is declared does not take time enough to rest and relax. She will spend many hours steaming aer face and make her back ache and bring dark cir cles under her fyes by standing with hands upraised arranging her coif fure, but she will declare she can not take time to lie down and rest, doze and completely relax both mind and body for a short period every day. Later she will write to me or to someone else and nsk what lotion shp can apply that will improve her looks. Sleep is most Important. The Ideal sleeping posture it that i; walch the body reclines on the right side. Hags and pillows stuffed with hops and pine needles are soothing and will Induce sleep. In health one requires about eight hours sleep. The neurotic or anedemlc person should have from eight to twelve. If the body gets the right amount of rst it possesses the power of automatic repair. Real beauty means real health, it takes hard work, sometimes to g.M real aealth and to keep health one must pay the price by sacrificing many pleasures and dainties. Noth ing that is to be had free or at a bargain price is usually of much value. "Air," one authority admits, "is free, but it must be breathed, and the deeper and more vigorously It is seop ii poo3 a.ioiu uianj 'potnto.iq one." x EVK.UYIMU)Y HAPPY? Brother's lost a button from his J 14 shirt, Mother's sewing fasteners on her $40 skirt, Sister's nice and comfy in aer J80 fur, . And father works like sixty for his $30 per. Dean-Hicks Imprint. s Anyway, our present feeling is that If tie predatory Instinct should ever overpower our judgment and conscience, remarks Houston Post, we would probably visit some neigh bor's potato patch in the dark of the moon and let the banks alone. The traders may knock down the price some but none among them can hurt the securltyof Liberty bonds. Ir ixixojlojjijixijljjp i8 TULiuuiimJi ii ii ii ii ii ii tgnnnri' ft i QIiRP'RnnTMPrae: n BU5INE55 CAR The Business Car can be re lief upon always to haul its full capacity at a very low cost. This clement of certainty all the year around is one of its strong est .'ippeals to business men. LOWRY & HENRY 3L I YOUR Pay Envelope WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU? Does it mean the possibility of spending so much money or docs it mean th8 opportunity of saving that much! Your happiness, your future, your very life itself is tied up in that little envelope. If you'll make it a habit to save systematically each Meek, vou'll be a successful man, being able to grasp your opportunity when the time comes. If you or your family should get sick the little old bank account is there to enable you to get the best medical attention and tide you over such trying times. The saving plan is a safe plan and the patriotic plan as well. If you have delayed starting an account wait no longer but come today. Come to Us for Advice Giving business advice to our depositors is only one part of the service this bank endeavors to render to its depositors. We aim to establish that feeling of co-operation and mutual help that is certain to bring mutual success. For your success is our success. The benefits of having your account in this bank are numerous. Call and let any one of our officers tell you of them. We pay 5 interest on Saving Deposits. We Pay 5co on Savings Deposits The First State Bank Alliance, Nebraska Have You Considered the Value of Quality QUALITY of any sort speaks loudly for itself. Quality in merchandise quality of service both force their attention upon patrons. Stephenson & O'Bannon are making their greatest appeal for the large share of your business on the strength of QUALITY. "We buy nothing but the best of everything Hay, Grain, Coal, etc., because we know it means the ut most in satisfaction to customers. In these days of high prices people are entitled to the most for their money. When they spend their money they have a right to expect return dollar for dollar on their expenditure. LET US PROVE IT TO YOU Give us the opportunity to demonstrate what we mean by QUALITY OF SERVICE, and QUALITY OF MERCHANDISE. YOU SHOULD EAT HEALTH PASTRY During this hot weather the home cook cannot be too careful of the foods she prepares for the family. Plenty of Rye Bread or old-fashioned Corn Bread makes the children grow better and feel better. And Dad likes them, too. Give the folks a pleasant change. Order a sack today either large or small. Your choice of: Special RYE FLOUR 24 lb. sack Yellow or White, CORN MEAL 10 and 100 lb. sacks CURTIS BEST FLOUR Regular size High Grade Standard BUY YOUR WINTER COAL NOW You should be laying in your winter's supply of coal right now. We are receiving shipments of coal from time to time, and we suggest that you plao your order TODAY to be filled as soon as your turn comes. You will not be able to get it cheaper for several months, and you will need the coal this winter. Your choice of OWL CREEK KIRBY COAL MOFFAT COAL Lump or Nut Lump or Nut ' Lump or Nut Everything in our line is at your immediate service. We want you to "give us a chance" to please you. That Is all we ask. Stepheesoe & O'Baoeoe HAY, GRAIN, FEED, FLOUR AND COAL WHOLESALE AND RETADL