- EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1920 251 Discount 100 pairs Boys' Keds, 25 Discount on on Little Fellows' SILK SHIRTS Sizes 12 to 2 - - 79c Suits, sizes 4 to 8 2(0) o Discount from Prevailing prices on EDWIN CLAPP and WALK OVER Oxfords THE BIG CLOTHING SALE IS NOW ON The Faiioes Clothk Alliance's Largest Retail Store lHloise Boy's Overalls, sizes 7 to 12 98c Railroad News Conductor F. P. Kllllan Is on the sick list. P. A. Welltngham is still on the I'olly-wogs. F. A. Lape, engine foreman, is on the sick list. The pool crews have been increas ed by two cars. O. D. Atkius, engine foreman, is Eoing to Casper. Brakeman E. M. Smith is laying off for a few days. Arkansas Ford, who mashed a linger, Is laying off. Engine Foreman Paul Jesse has a new five-passenger car. Brakeman Clifford Hubble is in Ivory Toiletware This material has the at mosphere of good taste which beauty in design and coloring always give. It ap peals strongly to the well bred person's sense of fat ness in intimate belongings. The ease with which Ivory pieces are cleaned make them especially good toilet ware when travelling. Thiele's show toilet and manicure pieces and the lat est accessories for the dress ing table sets and single pieces. Manicure sets $5.00 to $25.00 Hair Brushes $5.00 to $10.00 Hand Mirrors $5.00 to $15.00 Combs 75c to $2.00 Cloth Brushes $3.50 to $7.00 tcnes-LiuOs BtuTisvickfnono&apHs Watch Irapector6&&Q. Alliance visiting friends. Hostler Helper J. D. Drake is go ing to Marsland Wednesday. Switchman Jack Johnson is in Newcastle, Wyo., visiting friends. Ed McNulty, machinist, is expect ing to take a trip to Casper soon. Conductor G. F. s bumped H. Walters on the Ardniora wvk train. Jim Summers of the stockyards. Is spending his vacation in Moffit, Col. It. L. Arton, who has been visiting friends In Denver, returned Sunday Miss Irene Rice is now employed in the division superintendent's of fice. , It. V. Gavin and Cam ly have re turned from an extended trip to the east. Mr. and Mrs. Hall left Monday for an extended trip to Omaha and other points. Machinist Helper Fred Wheeler and wife are planning a trip to Sttrl lug, Col. It. E. Williams, who has been off for a few days, returned to wcrk Monday. D. F. Donahoe, who has been vis iting In Newcastle, Wyo., returned Saturday. Conductor J. A. Armour reported for work Friday after an absence of thirty days. ' Mrs. Franklin, wife of Engine Foreman Franklin, is viiiiug friends in Ravenna. The following are on vacation: Engineers W. A. Miller, Wilson and C. W. Miller. L. Q. Bell, Floyd Thomas and A. F. Fuller spent Sunday in Hot Springs, S. D. II. B. Miller ot the despatchers of fice left Friday for a few days work In Deadwood. Clyde Stratton, accompanied by bis mother, spent Sunday in Broken Dow with his father. Mrs. Jesse Queen, who has been visiting her daughter, left Saturday for her home in Casper. The following firemen are on their vacations: Salisbury, Vleman, Sher lock and II. A. Wilson. Miss Ruth Reed and Mrs. Belle Reed returned Monday from an ex tended trip in the east. A. F. Fuller and Floyd Thomas, company engineers, have returnsd from a trip to Ardmore. L. G. Bell, construction engineer for the Burlintgon, returned Sunday from a trip in Colorado. G. H. Gulnn, of the western train inspection bureau, was in Alliance Monday on bis regular trip. Claud Itennau, who baa been vis iting friends iu Denver, returned Sunday and is again at work. A. D. Parkin and wife lvtft a few days ago for Kansas City and expect to be gone for several weeks. Brakeman M. Dui:r bid in Ed?a- mont and Crawford locals and will relieve Brakeman P.. O'Keefe. George A. Hill and Charles Mack of the freight house, moorM to Antloch Sunday and spent tro day. Brakeman R. W. Zlnk reverted for work after working a couple of weeks in the hay fields near Antloch. W. J. Healy, night yardmaster, has returned to work after a short vaca tion in Denver and Colorado Springs. J. M. Ellis, who has been visit ing in Craig, Col., during his vaca tion, returned Saturday and is again at work. Try a sock of our delicious But terkLst Hcom, S rents kt sack. AI- lutnco i'andy 8tor. 67 Brakeman W. Bailey, who has been 'working on 41 and 42 left Thursday for his homestead near Bingham. Miss Florence Whaley, clerk in the stockyards office, has returned from a two weeks' vacation spent in Den ver and Colorado Springs. Conductor J. M. Mewhirter return ed Thursday from an extended trip to the coast. Mr. Mewhirter was in California. Washington and other states. Brakeman Roger O'Keefe, who has been working on the Edgemont and Crawford locals, gave up his turn and went to the high line to take the extra. Engine Foreman C. A. Smith has gone to St. Louis to bring his wife and daughter. Helen Fay, home. Mrs. Smith and Helen Fay have been in the east for some time. R .K. Williams,- who has been off for a few days, returned to work Monday. E. S. Brower has been act ing yard master In Mr. Williams' place during his absence. Mrs. W. H. Lamon, wife of the as sistant yard master, who haa been seriously ill, is reported somewhat better. Mrs. Lamon's many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The following are a list of firemen set up to engineers: Trefney, Stern berg, Munger, Eberly, Witowack, Loessnur. They were set back during the slack season. The following ae on Alliance switch engines: Munger, Eberly and Sternberg. ALLIANCE BRIEFS The Insanity board held a hearing to determine as to the sanity of Mrs. Eva Edwards Monday afternoon and it was decided that she should be committed to Ingleslde. Mrs. Ed wards was picked up at the passen ger station Sunday afternoon where she was behaving strangely, singing and otherwise annoying others. She will be taken to the asylum this evening. tody of the child, provided he is given the right to visit him at rea sonable times. A decree of absolute divorce is asked. Kay Williams has filed a petition with the clerk of the district court asking for a divorce from Cleopatra Williams. The petition recites that the couple were married at Falls City, Neb., on January 22, 1917. On or about August 24, 1917, the plain tiff moved to Alliance, and has been a resident here since, having held the position of locomotive fireman with fhe Burlingtno for three years. At some time prior to August 24, 1917, the petition states, the defend ant, without Just cause or provoca tion, left him and went home to her mother, Rachlel King, at Highland, Kas., and refused and stilt refuses to come to Alliance. There is one son, Leonard Malcolm, aged two and one half years, and the plaintiff Is willing that the mother shall have the cus- Rev. J. Orrln Gould lert for Estes Park Monday night to be away from the city two weeks. He goes to at tned an institute for pastors ar ranged by the Y. M. C. A. The pro gram as outlined for the institute consists of lecturers from eight o'clock till 12:25 every day, twelve lecturers on each of the following subjepts: Bible Study, Rural Sociol ogy, Community Engineering, Psy cology of Leadership, The Will of God for a Man's Life, The Message of Christianity for the New Day. The faculty of the institute consists of some of international reputation. The institute will be attended by min isters from nearly all of the states of the middle west, and from every denomination. The United States civil service commission announces that an open competitive examination will be held for the positions of clerk and city carrier at the Alliance postoffice within a short time. Clerks and car riers are divided into five grades, the basic salaries of which are $1,400, 11500, $1600. $1700 and $1800 re spectively. Clerks and carriers are promoted successively after one year's satisfactory service in each' grade to the next higher grade. Ap plicants must have reached their eighteenth but not their forty-fifth birthday on the date of the exami nation. Further information in re gard to the subjects covered in the examination, as well as applicants entitled to preference, may be had by application to F. W. Hicks at the Alliance postoffice. Rev. L. J. Kearns left today for Bridgeport to attend the western dis trict Christian Endeavor. " Rev. Kearns will be the speaker this eve ning. Rev. Kearns will also attend the. meeting of the new era move ment committee of the Presbytery of Box Butte. Mrs. Lee Own, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. E. R. Draper, left Thursday for her home In Wyoming. The small daughter cf Mrs. Draper was operated on Thursday at the St. Joseph hospital and is doing nicely Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Scrogga of Herrick, S. D., motored through Alliance Jast week on their, return home. Mrs. Helen M. Clausen and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rehder left Satur-r day for an extended trip to Torrlng- ton, Wyo., to visit the former's Eisten Mrs. Bolger and on their return will stop at Scottsbluff for a visit with their brother, Mr. Rehder. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Irish, Mr. and Mrs. J .W. Miller and Mrs. SI Lang and family went to Henry Sunday on a fishing trip. They expect to t gone a couple of weeks. The bad strikes. weather maker never Every one of our SUMMER HATS MUST GO IN THIS SALE Ladies 9 Summer Hats All Summer Hats, including the popular models in Malines, Georgettes, Taffeta, Leghorns and fancy straws, will be placed to sell in three big lots - S3 $5 SS Come Early and Select Yours Children's Hats Everything goes in two lots at $1.00 ond $3.00 Cute Straws in black, white, tan, blue, old rose, etc. M'VICKER'S MILLINERY Style Plus Quality Store 'J