The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 20, 1920, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Miss Lillian Williams and Ward
Soule both of Rapid City, S. D., were
united In marriage Monday July 19,
at 11 o'clock by Dean Dixon at the
St. Matthews Episcopal Church.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Irwin entertain
ed Sunday with a picnic at Broncho
lake in honor of T. Roope of Lin
coln. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Urbach and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Irwin and Mr. Roope. All had a
pleasant time and are lo king for
ward to their next outing.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wateyne and
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mote and daugh
ters, Marion and Dorothy, spent Sat
urday and Sunday camping at Henry.
All report a nice time and plenty of
good eats.
Mrs. Percy Cogswell entertained
with a breakfast Saturday morning
In honor of Miss Katherlne Schrader.
Miss Margaret Harris entertained
Saturday night with a theatre party
In honor of Misses Katheine Schrader
of Denver, Lillle and Mary Ferguson
of Mitchell and Dorothy Whitehead
of Mitchell. Those present were:
Misses Mathilda Frankle, Julia Fran
kle, Mildred Griggs, Katherlne
Schrader, Lillle and Mary Ferguson,
Dorothy Whitehead, Theresa Morrow
and Margaret Harris. .
Mrs. Robert Reddish entertained
Friday with a luncheon in honor of
her aunt Mrs. Iva Hill of Lincoln.
Twelve guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edwards and
Mr. and Mrs. Willis and children
Spend Sunday picnicking at Dunlap.
Mrs. Robert Reddish entertained
twelve guests with luncheon on Sat
urday afternoon In honor of her
aunt Mrs. Iva Hill of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gregg, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. Hurst
and; daughter Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Cole and daughter Falba, Mrs.
McKune and son James, and Misa
Mary Anderson spent Sunday picnic
lng at Purington grove and after
luncheon went to Berea.
The young people of the Christian
church entertained on Friday even
ing with a social in the church.
Despite the bad weather quite a few
were present and all had a' fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Laing and
children have returned from a two
weeks vacation at Grand Lake, Sul
phur Springs and Colorado Springs.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. F. M. Phelps, 412
Laramie Thursday afternoon at 2:30.
Subject "Americanization". A large
attendance is desired as arrange
ments will be made for the annual
. meeting. t
The ladies' auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church will meet tomorrow
afternoon at three o'clock at the
home of Mrs. P. Jaqua, 21 6 E.
The ladies' auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church will hold a public
Ice cream social on the lawn of the
J. E. Hughes home, corner of 10th
street and Box Butte, next Friday
evening, July 23d. Everybody welcome.
Sunday evening at 6:45 on roof
garden the young peoples societies of
the various churches united In union
services during the summer will have
special music and a program that is
of unusual Interest. Topic, "Women
and Children First."
There will be an initiatfon of the
Eastern Star Tuesday (tonight).
This is a regular meeting night.
The ladies aid society of the Chris
tian church will meet Wednesday aft
ernoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.
McKune, 6th and Niobrara.
The services for the next two
weeks will be combined with the reg
ular Sunday school hour. Mr. Chas.
H. Fuller, the superintendent, will
arrange for some special features for
that hour, and arrangements will be
made for taking care of the current
expenses during the Sunday school
service. There will not be any reg
ular church service at 11 o'clock un
til August 8th. The union service
will continue at the roof garden I!
the evening. Rev. Smith speaking
next Sunday evening. All members
of the church are urged to attend
the Sunday school services and make
them the best possible.
. J. ORRIN GOULD, Minister.
Regular state teachers examina
tions will be held at Court House,
July 30-31. Opal Russell, County
Supt. 69
Monday, July 19 To Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Caha, Canton, Neb., a daugh
ter. Sunday, July 18 To Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald, Torrington, Wyo., a
daughter at St. Joseph hospital.
J. A. Armour of Casper, is In the
city on business.
Attorney L. A. Berry left for a
business trip to Rushville.
D. F. Donahoe left Thursday for
a business trip to Newcastle.
Miss Bonnie Stewart left Monday
for her home in Guernsey, Wyo.
J. L. McDonald of Torrington, was
in Alliance Saturday on business.
Miss Norma Johnson left Thursday
after a visit with Mrs. C. L. Wilson.
Mrs. P. Rexford, operator at Bel
mont, was operated on Thursday at
the St. Joseph hospital and is doing
Bleached sheeting, 2Vfe yards wide; regular price $1.25;
sale price '. $1.09
We have a thousand yards of Hope Best Bleached Muslin ;
regular price 55c yd. ; sale price 42c
A limit of ten yds. only to each customer.
Thousand yards of unbleached LLL Muslin; regular price
40c and 45c ; sale price , S2
Percale and Ginghams, worth 50c and 55c yd.;
sale price yd.
Most of these pieces are 36 inches wide.
10 doz. Gingham Aprons, all sizes and colors.
. Special price on Men's Hats, all styles and kinds worth
$7.00 and $8.00; sate price $150
J. M. Cheney of Lexington, Neb.,
was In Alliance Saturday on busi
ness. Thomas Robertson, who has been
visiting in Kansas City, returned Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson left
Thursday for a visit with friends i:t
Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson left
Thursday for a visit with friends in
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Kearns arc
leaving for a month's trip through
Mrs. Kelly Harris, who has been
ill for the past few weeks is now con
valescing. Miss Ethel Harger left Thursday
for a visit with Mrs. H. Sadler i
Scottsbluff. '
Taul Olehelser and Joe aBrton c f
Lincoln, were in Alliance last week
on business. ,
Mrs. J. H. Rebman has gone to
Torrington, Wyo., for an extended
visit with friends. , -
W. L. Guy of Bingham, who has
been In Alliance on business, return
ed home Saturday.
Our soti fountain Hen-ice Is re
freshing many this hot weather. Al
liance 1'iuuly Store. 67
Mrs. G. McGill and children left
Thursday for a few days visit with
friends in Bridgeport.
Mrs. C. L. Lester and daughter,
Virginia, left Monday for their hoino-
Htead at Gillette, Wyo.
Mrs. J. W. DeMoss is on the sick
ll?t this week. Her many friends hore
for a speedy recovery.
. Mjss Gusslo Lauler of Slater, Mo.,
is in the city taking care of her sis
ter, Mrs. Kelly Harris.
Mrs. C. F. Estes and children le't
Thursday for a visit with her daugh
ter in Torrington, Wyo.
Mrs. V. Shanks and Miss V. Law
rence left Monday to attend the C. E.
convention at Bridgeport.
Mr. Arner was operated on Fri
day morning at the St. Joseph hos
pital and is doing nicely.
Arty Seger, who has been here
with the road gang, left Thursday
for his home In Scottsbluff.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Swanson and
daughter, spent the week visltii g
Ben Swanson on their return trip '.o
Mrs. Ward of Bridgeport, spent
Sunday and Monday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Smart on Emer
son avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller or
Bayard, motored t6 Alliance this
morning on business and returned
this afternoon.
Fancy boxed candies from our re
frigerator case can't be bettered. Al
liance Candy Htore. 67
Miss Opal Russell is attending the
conference of county superintendents
at Chadron. Miss Russell spent the
week-end here.
O. G. Allen, emplyoed in the Al
liance railroad shops, is spending a
three weeks' vacation with a sister
In Denver, Mo.
.. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, who formerly
owned the Sugar Bowl here are now
located Just out of Eabernash, Col.k
and are doing fine.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy and
children accompanied by Miss Winnie
Barry are spending' a couple of weeks
at their bungalow i nthe Black Hills.
Dr. Lyda M. Grubbs of Alliance,
was operated on at the American
school of osteopp.thy hospital at
Kirksville, Mo., last Thursday. Dr. F.
J. Peterson accompanied her to
In the County Court'of Box Buttf
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Nellie H. Sage, Deceased. .
To the Creditors of said Estate:
Notice to rM persons interested in
the estate of Nellie 11. Sage, deceas
ed, is hereby given that Glen Miller,
administrator of said estate will
meet the creditors of said estate at
the County Court room In the City
of Alliance, Box Butte County, Ne
braska, on the 22nd day of Novem
ber, 1920 at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. for the purpose of hearing,
adjusting, and allowing accounts
against said estate. All persons
having claims against said estate
must file the same In the County
Court of the said County on or be
fore the 20th day of November, 1920
or said claims will be forever barred.
It Is further ordered that notice
be given to all persons Interested In
Bald estate, by the publication of tffls
order for four successive weeks In
the Alliance Herald, a newspaper
printed, published and circulated In
Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Dated this 20th day of July, 1920.
County Judge.
LEE BASYE, County Attorney.
July 20 to Aug. 20.
After you eat always take
i jok yonsr
Instantly relieves Heartburn. Bloat.
d Cam? f Mliac Stops food touring,
repeating, and all stomach mieerUs.
AU dfriitiia mmi MiiUU. tpt stomach
WMt 4 mxnmm. Inmm Vitality and Pap.
aaiumu M in Mat wmmir. Tana off Ihra
mmdt vaaoarfull baaAta4. Omly aoata a mi
artwaaaajr to aaa it. Faaitivaiy waatoa
. This Mid-Summer Sale of
Wash Dresses
Comes Right in the Midst of
the Times When You
Most Need Them
This is your one chance to obtain cool, comfortable
and attractively created Summer Wash Dresses at a
profit-saving reduction. Our sale includes every garment
wc have in the store nothing has been saved out. Tho
lot includes the very best wc have. Come, see and buy.
You'll not see them priced lower anywhere.
33 Off
Visit Our Store
The beautiful patterns comprise dainty garments in
Figured Voiles, Printed Voiles, Tlain Voiles, Organdies,
Make the acquaintance of Linens, Linen Combinations, etc.
Western Nebraska's most elegant
ly appointed Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar
In Every Desirable Shade
;,-. ' i.
The business interests of F. W. Melick in our Wholesale & Retail Grain
& Coal Business have been purchased by Oscar O'BOliion. Hereafter the
firm will be known as ; ; . . iT-ii
Stephenson & O'Bannon
All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to Mclick & Stephenson
will please make immediate arrangements for settlement.
Melick & Stephenson wish to take this means of thanking their many
patrons both old and new for the generous share of business accorded them
during the past months. This has been thankfully received at all times and
an effort made to merit the same.
Stephenson & O'Bannon want to assure the public that they will ap
preciate a continuance of their patronage, promising on their part a like con
tinuance of the coureous and painstaking service that has marked the con
duct of their predecessors.
Steptieesoim & Olknnon
w w wiu iaaiii momm, uat mm
, xavtruiaa.