The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 20, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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164 For Expert Dry Gleaning Pressing and Repairing
Random Shots
Lemonade Is generally considered
to be a safe and sane drink, but It
Is possible to accumulate too many
of them.
After having gazed upon some of
tboee Mormon women, we can't un
derstand how any man In his right
mind should want more than one of
them In his family.
There are all sorts of ways of ac
quiring Information.
, Until Juliet took a tumble On the
ballroom floor, no Alliance man ever
dreamed that the Parisian halNhose
JtA bad penetrated this far Into the
One by. one they're taking away
the prerogatlres of our Bex.
streets with letters a foot high.
This Is the mark of a Jny town.
Not one city in a doren
branka will stand for it.
In Ne-
Some of these days
neckties will be sacred.
no man s
Another Juliet got Into an auto
mobile near a local restaurant last
Sunday and she was wearing 'em.
Since then, Chief Reed can't un
derstand why such a crowd Is hang
ing around the place.
Romeo, It develops, Is an extreme
ly modest young man. A friend dis
covered that he always turns the pic
ture of his sweetheart toward the
wall before he dons his pajamas.
If we are to believe these colored
oefendants, they are driven to break
ing laws because nobody has provld
ed a loafing place for them.
Don't they have JobsT
We have discovered that It takes
a brave woman to eat an onion.
While we are thinking of it, we
make the suggestion that someone
in authority put a stop to this paint
ing all over the sidewalks. Every
thing from revival managers to those
who stage dances proceed to daub up
the sidewalks on the main business
If there Inn' tany ordinance to
prohibit It, why can't one be pasEei?
The Culver (Ind.) Citizen prints a
lint of new babies under the end-
line, "Summer Squalls." rresur.-a
bly some are not.
There was another editor (peace
to his ashes) who carried births,
marriages and funerals in one
column under the tltc! "Hatched,
Matched and Snatched."
Shoeless he climbed the Btairs,
opened the door of the room, enter
ed, and without being detected, clos
ed It after him. Just as he was
about to get Into bed, his wife, half
aroused from slumber, turned and
Bleeplly said:
'Is that you, Fldo?"
The husband, telling the rest of
the story, said:
"For once In: my life I had real
presence of mind. I licked her hand."
Specialist's Prescription. Prevents
In telling of the accident to his
horse. Mr. Luther Carmen of Valley
Park, Mo., Btated: "My horse fell
down and cut his knees all up. I
dressed them with Dr. LeOear t An
tiseptic Healing Powder and they" are
healkig fine. It is a wonderful rem
edy for healing sores on horses."
Mr. Carmen Is simply voicing the
sentiments of hundreds of others
who feel that having Dr. LeGear's
personal prescriptions on hand at
all times Is nearly as good as having
Dr. LeOear where they could reach
him in a few minutes.
Wounds and sores must be taken
care of Immediately. Get a can of
Dr. LeGear's Antiseptic Healing
Powder from your dealer. Dust on
enough of it to cover the wound or
sore. It forms a protection iiKalnst
Insects and Infection and promotes
healthy healing. Dr. L. D. LeQear
Med. Co.. St. Louis, Mo.'
An Ordinance providing for an In
spection of sewer connections within
the City of Alliance, Nebraska; pro
viding for a certificate of Inspection
thereof; providing a fee for such In
spection; prohibiting the use of suh
sewer connections prior to the issu
ance of such certificate, and repeal
ing Sections 31 and 32 of Ordinance
No. 140 of the City of Alliance, Ne
braska, and all other ordinances or
parts of ordinances In conflict with
the terms hereof, and providing a
penalty for Its violation.
Be it Ordained by the Mayor and
Council of the City of Alliance,
Section 1. That after any sewer
connection made from any sewer
mam In the City of Alliance, Ne
braska, there shall be three lnsper
tlons as follows: "r ...
X. The sewer when It is laid and
Jointed and connected up, and before
It is covered over. - -
,2. The soil waste and vent plp s
In accordance with 9ectlon 23 of Or
dinance No. 140 of the City of Al
liance, Nebraska.
3. The whole system of plumbing
when completed.
Section 2. That before such in
spections or any of them are marie,
the owner of such premises Bhall pay
to the City Clerk of the City of Al
liance. Nebraska, an Inspection ftc
therefor In the sum of $2.00, and
mat upon the completion of such in
spection of such sewer connection be
found to be In accordance with the
ordinances of such city, the Sewer
Commissioner shall issue to the own
er of such premises a ceritficate to
such effect.
Section 3. That no owner, agent
tenant, lessee, or person In posses
sion of any premises to which a sewer
connection has been made from a
sewer main shall make any use what
soever of such connections, until
such certificate has been issued in
accordance with the provisions of
this ordinance.
Section 4. That sections 31 ami
32 of Ordinance No. 140 of the City
of Alliance, Nebraska, entitled: "An
Ordinance to regulate the construe
tlon, alteration, and repairs of sew
ers and plumbing; providing for the
licensing of plumbers and drain
layers; prescribing qualities of ma
terials, and workmanship; defining
duties of Sewer Commissioner in
connection therewith; providing pen
alties for vi61atIon," and repealing all
ordinances or parts of ordinances In
conflict therewith," and all other or
dinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict with the terms herewith, he,
and the same hereby are repealed.
Section 6. That any person vio
lating any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction
thereof, be fined In any sum not less
than $10.00 and not more than
$100.00, and shall stand committed
to the city jail until such fine and
costs are paid In accordance with
This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after its
passage, approval and publication in
accordance with law.
Passed and approved this 13th day
of July, 1920.
City Clerk.
A Valuable Service
To lengthen the life of your automobile.
Any Motorist can have it FREE.
Each year opens up bigger in the automobile world than any preceding
year. Millions of cars are being operated all over the country, yet not one
motorist in four has the actual mechanical skill he ought to have. The one
thing that counts in "running" a car successfully is the CARE IT RE
CEIVES, therefore the average motorist needs the advice of someone "who
We have never, in our career in the tire business, been satisfied to merely
furnish you the tires and supplies you needed, or to make repairs when the
damage was done, but have always been ready and eager to give SERVICE
service in the little things of upkeep service that means studying the special
problems of each one of our customers and solving these problems for them.
We have gone into the storage battery business also, and want to render
this same valuable service along that line, and we know that our work in this
branch of the business will measure up to the high standard of excellence
we have maintained in the past Keep in close touch with us, tell us when
anything goes wrong with your car along these lines, and youll find that we
will take a personal interest in YOU as we have with all our customers in
the past.
Alliance Tire Works
Tniprtval Miif in Surtfmi. Eu? Ear Nose & Throat
KMneqa. Bladder, X-Ray . Modem Laboratory
TWonlendid Hospitals MedicaUBlock
LI ' .
At I I
Id I ill .A.
Put an End to Your
" Summer Brad
There is no need for any housewife in this territory to wear away her good nature, good
health or good looks over a steaming wash tub during these hot months. We have the
electric washer you want and will sell it to you
Check over these Exclusive Features and if you don't believe we have the best Electric
Washer you can buy, come in and let us prove it to you.
National Vacuum Washer.
1. .Only successful
valve type vacuum
Full Swinging Wringer minimizes work
for housewife.
Handles most delicate fabrics without 4
fear of damage.
Always ready to go on washday. Never
any mechanical troubles.
Rhein Hardware Co,
Dependable Through
Thick and Thin
Above everything else
you want dependability built
into the grain binder you buy.
You want your binder to go in
to your grain fields, no matter
what the conditions may be,
and cut the grain with the least
possible loss of time and grain.
We are selling the John Deere
Grain Binder because we know it
will give you that dependable binder
service which make it a profitable
From the bottom up it's a
better-built grain binder. Bigger
and stronger roller-bearing wheels;
heavier one-piece main frame widely
lapped and hot-riveted together;
strong rigid platform; three packers
Instead of two, assuring better
bundles in all kinds of grain these
are just a few of the features that
make it the tetter binder,
p -
Come and tee this binder.
Andther feature you will
appreciate on this binder is the
easily-operated bundle carrier.'
No effort to hold it in receiving
position or to dump it. Because
the teeth rise out of the stubble
the instant you start to return the
carrier, it's exceptionally easy to
bring it back to receiving position.
And it's no trick to keep this carrier
always in easy-working order simple
adjustments are provided to accom
plish this.
The Quick Turn Tongue
Truck adds much to the effective
work of the John Deere. The wheels
turn faster than, the pole, making;
dean, square corners possible. Be
cause the truck axle is flexibly
mounted, both wheels hold to the
ground no matter bow rough the
field may be. This keeps the binder
running straight, and takes off th
side draft from the horses. ,.
You can't make a better
binder invest men t