X.. TUB ALLIANCE IIKRAU), FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920 2.1c Mr (1 take) enouch for Tun VIANT MARRIB Sold and auaranteed by F. E.IIol try, Ktlchen or Cellar. ftOc Mmj (2 rnkt) for Chlckrn House, coops, or small bulldliija. $t.M the (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-bulldinpn, storage buildings, or factory buiUlnRS. Quick Service Electric PHONE 250 FlrEt National Dank Hlclg. Atilmuo . . . . Nebraska ,ten- 66-61 COWGHT. I.I. IT THE NEW TOM tVCNlMtt Ttll-ftl- (tW TO . MA M M VCW IWAWT yxiTo Show When in Antioch Take Your Meals at THE LIEERTY CAPR Mats at All Hours John Strata A . Not McrtMne, Huifc.ij-, Osteopathy Dr. Anaio Orahan Jeffrey Chiropractor l aiiuor S hool 'IVl.-'plioi.e g6S .Wilson nullding HERE C ;,,....- Tut MUSLIM of WATi HiCr.- r?r.tur J ( I move n umh ni: kam:i.y We have rquijp.-a m,r drny a ir I 4kltt Tu !,-,. .-,.... .. ons and auto truck with th latfst GEORGE J. HAND, M. D. Asthrua and Hay Fever Eyo, Er, Nom i-nl Throat PHONE 207 t'alU niiNvr-i-rl fiotn niJlco ,ifly OP . night nppliano-a for moving furnltnro without marring, scratching or dnm- r.pln?. Up-to-dnr wneon nails win be used by us on nil moving J-.bs if JOHN U. NYDEll. PI, (ilia 1 WHEN I A Riot. ov- i err : Jm set TW I :t 1 A P . . I MEVEf2 Seen 4 CABAT2ET era l J Mi I 3 liiirlf fiBSli liiitf TAKf 4 PiLU. OT y COM. $bj Come Do vfao 6tT ME KID? I I 1 .L a i , r- - - -n a WANT TO BUT somethlBg-T Hun SreOa of people aan these Want Ad column lookinc for wkt yea r others hav to offer. Got qviek result by adrrtll In Ike Herald Want Ad depftrtnveoi. BATES Two eenta per wsrd per r sertlon. Costs more thaa other aewspapers, but we guarantee that yo reach several hundred more leaders. Buy circulation, not hot air. said Estate at the County Court Room in the City of Alliance. Boi Butte County, Nebraska, on the lit lay of October, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M. for the purpose of hearing, . adjusting, and allowing claims against the said state. All persons hariag claims or tfebu against the said estate must file the J same In said court on or before the tth day of October, lilt, or ssi Clalms will be forever bn4 Dated this 7th day of Jans, lilt, IRA EL TA8H, (SEAL) County Judgs LEE BASTE, Atty., JuneS-July9-lnc FOR RENTROOM FOR RENT Front bedroom, 721 Laramie. Phone 599. 62tf FOR SALE CIXT PROPERTY FOR SALE New four-room bunga low, a bargain at $3,200. Would consider new Ford or higher priced used car as first payment, balance easy terms. Harold Thomas, Phone 20. 62 FIVE room Bungalow, all modern, close In; bargain. See Neb. Land Co. tf FOR SALE New four room-bungalow, a bargan at $3,200. Would consider new Ford or higher priced used car as first payment, balance eaBy terms. Harold Thomas, Phone 20. t2 FOR SALE USED OARS FOR SALE Oeod used cars. A. H. Jones Company, Masonic Temple Bldg. ' tf FOR SALE PLANTS FINE PLANTS FOR SALE Cab bage, tomato, sweet potatoes, 50c per 100 postpaid. Mid-West Plant House, North Platte, Neb. 62p WANTED HOUSE TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Five room modern house. Inquire DR. B. G. BAUMAN, Opera House Block. 61tf WANTED FARMS ATTENTION I want to hear from party having farm for sale; give price and description. L. W. Borah, Box 248, Champaign, 111. 66-tf WANTED HAGS WANTED The Herald will pay 7e per pound for clean white rags. delivered at this office. tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Box But'e County, Nebraska. In the Wstter of the Estate of Frank D. Gllleran, deceased. Notice to all persons Interested In ths Estate of Frank D. Gllleran, de ceased, is hereby given, that Sarah A Gllleran, Administratrix of the said Bstate will meet the creditors of the IVOTICIS TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Jose Oanchei, deceased. Notice To All Persons Interested in The Estate of Jose Sanches deceased. is hereby given, . that Glen Miller, Administrator, of the said Estate, will meet the creditors of said Estate at the County Court Room in the City of Alliance, ttox Butte County. Ne braska, on the 28th day of Septem ber, 1920, at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M. for the purpose of hearing, ad- Justing, and allowing claims against the said Estate. All persona having Claims or debts against the said Es tate must file the same In said Court on or before the 27th day of Septem ber, 1920, or said claims will be for ever barred. Dated this 20th day of May, 1920. IRA E. TASH. (SEAL) County Judge LEE BASTE, Atty. May 25-June 25,-Inc. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of James H. Skinner, deceas ed, in County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for pre sentation and filing of claims against said estate is October 20, 1920 and for payment of debts is June 15, 1921; that I will sit at the county court room in said county on October 20th, 1920 at 2 o'clock P. M. to re ceive, examine, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly fiVed. Dated June 15, 1920. IRA E. TASH, County Judge. SEAL Burton & Reddish, Attys. June 55-July 16. 1920. ORDINANCE NO. 283. An Ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers forthwith in Sewer District No. 11, within the City of Alliance, Nebras ka, and providing for the assess ment of the cost thereof to the abut ting lands and lots. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Alliance, Ne braska: Section 1. That sanitary sewers be constructed forthwith ta snwer district No. 11 within the City of fi nance, Nebraska, without cost to the city. Sectlrn 2. That upon the com pletion c- the construction of said sewers the cost thereof be abscBsed aganlst the property abutting upon the streets, avenues, or alleys, or parts thereof, within which said sew er main has been placed, according to the provisions of the statutes ot the State of Nebraska. Section 3. This ordinance shall bo in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and pub lication according to lav. Passed and approved this 11 day of June, 1920. A. D. RODOERS. SEAL. Mayor. Attest: GRACE H. KENNEDY. City Clerk. June 18-Jul-22 AUCTION SALE OF TOWN LOTS JULY 15, 1020 In the town of Thornton, Weston County, Wyoming, located on the main line of the C. B. & Q. Railroad, Township 48-66 in the Northeast Quarter of Section 11. Thirty-five miles northwest of Newcastle, the County Seat, and located in the busi ness center of the proven Thornton oil fields, where oil has been produc ed for several years. The Thornton section is at present In tha spotlight of the oil Industry activity jilong oil lines increasing dally. Here Is An Opportunity We have 500 business nnd resi dence lots In the Town of Thornton which will be sold at auction sale, for cash, or on time with a payment of 25 per cent cash with sale, and 10 per cent monthly payments, deed to be delivered when payments are ful ly made. All deferred payments to draw 8 per cent interest payable semi-annually. Purchaser to restive clear title, including all Oil, Mineral nml Gas Rights. Sale will begin at one o'clock P. M sharp and continue until bidding Ci'ith'jS. Thornton can be reached by tho Chicago, Burlington, & Qulncy and arrangements will be made for all passenger trains to stop during this sale. Here Is An Opportunity Worth Whilo You can secure a lot at a nominal figure In what is conceded the best townsite on tho Q from Sheridan to Alliance. It is located in the htrt of one of the best agricultural dis tricts in the county. Thornton baa postofflce and a splendid school. For further information addro?s all communications to NEFSV & NEFSY, Owners, Thornton, Weston County, Wyoming. THORNTON THE TOWN WITH A FUTURE. 62 NEFSY & NEFSY. U ATS DIE so do mlse, sses they eat RAT-SNAP and they leave no odor behind. Do not taks our word for it try a pack age. Cats and dogs won't tousn It. Rats pass p all food t- get RAT SNAP. Three sixes. Lot Me (Vy Your Nulen It. A. WYI.AM) Auctioneer Plume 1070 Clean UplNow and - AVOID TUB RUSn A little later In the mmuoh you'll hare to wait yonr tarn. Use the phono toelay. PROMPT SERVICE NOW Sam Shelton Phono 070 John Wallace Transfer and Storage Co. Service and Satisfaction PtMWIO 1 HAVE IT WELDED : with tho OXY-ACETYLEKB PROCESS Cylinder Blocks, Frames and Tranmission Cases a Specialty ALL TRACTOR PARTS GEORGE H. BRECKNER NEW LOCATION 210 W. 3d Bt. L. A. BERRY ROOM 9 RUM Ell BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, XKlHtASKA llionn 004 Alliance Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Jiive Stork, (Jeneml Farm Sales J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstractor I have the only set of Abstract Hooks lit Ho Rutte (Anility. First National Bank Bldg. Dr. E. B. OTieefe DENTIST Over Alliance National Bank Phone 102H Alliance. Nebr. Real Estate, Loans and Insur ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish Block. tf Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Chautauqua fiegins Monday, July 5 'Bprr r re - oyyj "Heart of a Nation" Hon. John Temple Graves NATIONAL SPEAKER TO APPEAR ON ! CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM Dr. Ivey Says it Depends on ths Social and Economic Life of the Country "A. ', Uom in the bleakest portion of Northern Michigan, Dr. Paul- W. jlvey's early youth was spent in an environment that produced sturdy vir tues and virility. His eight years i of scientific training, receiving at I Lawrence College A.B., University 'of Illinois, M.A., and University of j Michigan P. D., degrees, have been ; utilized in bettering retail business .throughout the middle west and in building up communities. I In the field of retail merchandising, Dr. Ivey is known throughout this country, and abroad for his book, ("Elements of Retail Salesmanship." 'At the rresent time. Dr. ivev has - - - - - - - - ,chare of the Merchandising, Adver tising and Salesmanship classes In the State University of Nebraska. For the past seven summers, he lhas been intimately connected with Chautauqua work from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains, both in the capacity of lecturer and manager. From this intimate association, with hundreds of communities, he has an understanding of community problems that are possessed by few men in ths country. Lecture afternoon of ths ! A. J , i last aay ot cnauiauqua. . J&U' "v:-- "'V;v ih - ' - ' c ' -, I v, C" . : jot " iff t' " : . r. ;. ". ..-iir : : f. .. " r' . V19 F- KA 7 ' . i- i ' ' - J V '. . -A . ; . - . r x i x . . V I - I The coming of Honorable John Temple Graves the t'Jh day cf our cha- world orators. He la a man whose splendid vision, sterling AmerlcanUmJ snu winning eloquence have znaue film one of the most popular platfar: speakers In America today. Honorable Graves will give his masterful lecture. "Armateddcn.1 It Is & challenge to a christian civilization to recognize the eternal purpeeos la pst mlttlng the war pestilence, famine and death simultaneously aad the vast social unrest, rVdlug like ths fifth horseman of ths Apocalypse over sur verUL It Is a discussion st tks present day problems la a high fair Amtrlcaa sslrtW j Make vaur nlaaa now ta hear Honnrahla Inhn T.mnl. r. m-'J