THE ALLIANCE I USUAL I), Fit I DAY," JULY V 1920 FIVE s5n 2. t A IS. C1ETY A7 Mrs. Glenn Miller entertained the ladles' auxiliary of the Tresbyterlan church Tuesday e.enlng In honor of M'. A. O. Brioo, who foh to make hrr home nt Denver. Music and fenfi'nes were the dlvorflons of the evening. The norloty rresented Mrs. Rrice with a set of silver spoons. CAMPFIHK GlItLS The Ecnallla Cnmpflre plrls are planning for ft hike this evening. The girls wl'l meet at the home of their guardian, Mrs. Cross at 5:30 and will take their suppers on the hike. Mr. and Mrs. A. evening. , Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ; Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. K. Purington, Herbert Turing ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford JudeVlne and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Broad, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Claussen, Herman IVhder and Bill Krohn. , Ing at 6:45. All are cordially Invit ed to these services. A. J. KEATtNS, Tastor. frnnoii and evening, and Ned Wood man, cartoonist, appearing with his cahlk talks the Dm evening, or "Joy Nleht." You will want to buoy your by saving yourself nionry nnd netilnn the nd?antnpf of fvery nnnber "f Frank Lalor of Lusk, Wyo. and Miss Iiorothy Hunt of Laramie, Wyo., were united In marriage ut he Methodist parsonage Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. They return ed to Lusk where they will maKe their hom on a ranc. ciirncii of this xazakknb The church of the Nazarene which has Just been organized In Alliance, lhft T,rnrr.m lhft v,,k. will noiu regular BPrvicra ut-Kiuiiiiig next Sunday, July 4th. There will be three services the comin Sunday, as It will bo the close Lord's day: "The Ureat Purpose of Life" or "Why do you Live?" and "Our Heritage." The latter suhj-ct will be used at Ihe union services on the roof garden. We can make the summer services worthy of our great Re- ert efforts. At the morning hour of member there will bo a program at and evening from Monday till Satur day evening. Kvery pros ram li dif- worshlp the "Table of the Lord" Is always spreau In blessed memory of Him who redeemed' the church wiUa his precious blood. Come to the church with a message and a wel come. STEPHEN J. KPLKU, Minister. The IlcrnM $2.00 a year. of the revival, which has been con- j fm,nt Bnd you cant Bfford to ml8S ducted for the past six weeks In the'a B,ng,0 one of the mastcaI numbcri old I'resoyierian cnurrn, om uu Laramie. ANNOUNCEMENTS REIIEKAII There will be an installation of officers at the Rebekah lodge Friday night. ... . E. Bennett enter-! talned on Thursday evening In honor I nf Mr. nnd Mrs .T W TJonneff METHODIST CHURCH freshments were served and music was the chief entertainment of the The TopHlar Song that simply Carries You Away The first time you hear it Usually bores you to death In a short time BUT The song that seems to im prove with each playing Is the one that you will enjoy ( For many months "La Veeda" Is that kind of a song Other mighty good numbers "RAGADORA" "MISSY" "OLD FASHIONED GARDEN" "THE MOON SHINES ON THE MOONSHINE" "THRU AZURE BLUE" "A SOUTHERN LULLA- BYE" "JUST WE TWO" "PALE MOON" MANN MUSIC & ART STORE Next Sunday, being the Fourth of July, the pastor will speak at the morning service on "Righteousness and National Prosperity." No more evening services wtll be held In the church till September, as we will Join the other churches of Jthe city in union Sunday night ser vices on Lowry & Henry's roof gar den, to be held at 8 o'clock each Sunday night. This place is gener ously donated for the services, the owners furnishing also a piano and electric lights without any expense to the churches. A community chorus under the' direction of Mr. Chas. Spacht will have charge of the singing. The different ministers will speak, taking their turns In alphabetical order, the first being Rev. S. J. Epler of the Christian church. It is always to be undre- stoOd that If it rains, the service will be held in the church of the minister who is to speak on that night. Sunday school, 10:00. Preaching service, 11, 2:30 and 8. Midweek prayer and praise ser vice, Wednesday 8 p. m. Regular services will 'continue every Sunday morning and night and Wednesdays. The public Is cordially Invited to all services. V. W. LITTRELL, Pastor. The Evangelists, Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Ludwlg and Miss Elsa Fischer will be here over Sunday. and lecturers. Mr. .J. C. Ntmitti.i. j the superintendent. Is already on thej ground and ho Is here to help every i person in Alliance get the most pos- slble out ot the great program that, will be presented next week. "Tick ets please. Get your tlcketB," for ttio Chautauqua. J. ORRIN GOULD, Minister. ' TUB FIRST BAITT8T CHURCH We want to remind you that a very busy week Is before you. . Tontght the big union choir la to practice for the meeting next Sunday night at the Chautauqua tent. Sunday morning the church will have a splendid ser vice, the morning theme being: "The Two Commandments. Monday aft ernoon the Chautauqua begins with a 100 per cent program, the Lindsay- Frost company appearing In the aft- ST. MATTHEWS KPISCOPAL Sunday, July 4, there will be one service at the St. Matthews Epis copal church. Holy communion at 8 o'clock. NEW VICTOR RECORDS July records arc in come and select those you want. CAMPING MACHINES They ninko camping a genuine rest-time. See them if you plan a camping trip. WJKER MUSIC HOUSE "Everything in Music" CHURCH OF CHRIST "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." Those are the words of our Lord. What Is the highest good? Is It eat, drink and be merryT It is aesiring the best things in order to be able to do the greatest service. The minister will use the following subjects for next rj .. . .. .. -.. - MEDICAL AND SURGICAL SPECIALISTS Internal Medicine. Surtferu. Eue Ear Nosp & Throat Kidncti & Bladder, XRaii Modern LaboratortT k TvVonlendid Hospitals ' . , Medical 'Block t. fctWar Tfte National Health Pesofi ff7ffT-nr. II .fY,, II. M II II II II II II T 1 1 I V 7A WW '. jmm mms-2sEs: -lip i PRfJSBYTFJlIAN CHURCH Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. We would , like all teachers and pupils on time for the organization of classes for the new quarter at the opening exercises. Morning worship 11 a. nt. This Is our quarterly communion service at which time the Lord's Supper will be observed. All communicant mem bers of this church especially re minded of this their covenant and all others who love the Lord are in vited to his table. Evening service 8 p. m. We join with other churches of the city In the union evening services beginning next Sunday evening. The first ser vice will be held at the Chautauqua tent. We trust that a large attend ance will greet the opening of these of these summer out door services. Rev. Epler will speak. There will also be a union young people's meet- Does Your Razor Scrape IS YOUR FACE LEFT TENDER AND IRRITATED? Then you will welcome the coming of the Razor which represents the highest development in shaving instruments. Every little detail is the result of infinite care and study. THE PENN , ADJUSTABLE SAFETT RAZOR Read and study these special features ; each one means SHAVING COMFORT for you; PENN DOUBLE-BEVEL BLADES Fen . blades are made of fine-grained steel, capable of being honed and stropped to a wonderful edge. Unlike ordinary blades, they are ground with, an extra bevel , close to the edge. This bevel glides along the surface of the skin and keeps the blade irom sinking in after it cuts through the hair. Ordinary blades, ground with a single bevel, often disturb the surface of the skin after they have gone through the beard itself. This is the cause of painful scraping and cutting. PENN HONING STROP "The price of this strop is saved many times in the cost of new blades." "You may have thought it took an expert barber .to strop a blade just right. But, the way the Penn Stropping Handle is made anyone can strop expertly, because it holds the blade against the strop at exactly the same angle at which the edge was ground which is the right angle for stropping." These and many other features make the PENN the very best shaving buy possible. So confident are we that you will be satisfied that we give you the opportunity to try it out at our expense. We will give you uays rree inai If at the end, you have conscientiously tried out the PENN and are not completely satisfied, return it to us and it will not have cost you a penny. Let Us Prove These Statements to You MM WW ABECO. PROMPT ABD COURTEOUS SZRVICS 1 e i t 1 r I i ! There were some preftq long waits for t he Doctor in the horse-and-buggtj datjs M AKE it easier to get around and you make healthier and Aap- picr communities. No one any longer questions the worth of the automobile or begrudges any legitimate ex pense connected . with' it. , ' But millions of car owricr3 arc rebelling at the idea that running an automobile has got to , mean waste. : ' Every now and then you hear a neighbor complain that " he uoesn't seem t? hat? much AUUK WtUl LiltO. Select your tim mo ' oordini to tha road 3 f hey have to trvl: In sandy or hilly coun try, wherever the goins is apt to be heavy The . U. S. Nobby. For ordinary country roads The U. S. Chain or Usco. For front wheel. Tr U. S. Plain. For beat re.ultt .rerywhir. U. S. Royal Cords. DCORD-rXByHAlH-USa)'PlAlll Scud htm to us. ' - ' .' The minute a man begins to question tho service his tires are giving him, he's ready to listen to reason. Our business is built on the principle thac the only way to get better tire ccrvica is to get 6erfer f7res,to start with. ; V That's why we have taken the representa tion for U. S. Tires. Ill 13. S. Tires have a reputation for quality. Built up through years cf creating better tires. Such as the airaight side automobile tire, the pneumatic truck tire It is not by chance that U. S. Tires are made by the oldest and Jargcst rubber concern in the world. 1 We are proud to represent U. S. Tires in this cojnmunity. U n it e d Stat e s Ti ire s iL Sturgeon Gara ge A t ( 1 1 hi i v