THIS A1J.1ANCK lltitlALI), Fill DAY, JULY 2, 1920 WHERE COOL BREEZE3 BLOW TO.MCJIIT, OTU1UY, Jtl.Y 2ml WM. VOX present Imperial Theatre ALWAYS WORTH WHILE MONDAY, JUIA' 5Ui HATUUNAJ', Jl'IA' nr.! . MAHV MII.IX MIXTI U lit "IWSKMAIIY CMMIH tiii: iif.h;iitsm 75 minutes of combine romnnee pathos, heart Interest and frivolity. Uoincriy "FIAT JUtOKi;" MUTT AXI JI'-KF In "NOTIIIXU HUT IHI.S" MAT. AM) XKiHT 15c and nOc SUNDAY, JULY 4th A SI'IICIAL FOH TODAY WAM.ACK KfclU In 'IKH'HLH Sri'KD" From millionaire to tramp and chauffeur But he loved like ft gentleman. 13th Lrisode "MUIITXIXO i;r.YCI7' Vniely "CAVKS AND tTHirKTIW ADM. MAT. AND NIfiHT 15c and 80c ADOIJMI Zl'KOIt imwnts CATIIKHIXM CAIAIHIT In Tin-: cahf.kk or kathfuink hush" Do you think that a woman with beauty, brains and ability to attract men can live her own life, regardless, and win? See the amazing history of such a woman then answer. Comedy "HIS FKATHKKKD XKST" ADM. MAT. AM) NIC.HT 15c and 80c WII.MAM lUSSl.l.L lii "SHOD WITH II 111 7' A romantic lor pong of the plains In the open WEST with It a two-fisted nun and delightful women. Vmely "A SCKN'TIIU HOMlN'tiT' CTKUI.NT KVF.NTS ADM. 1.V ami JH)o BURR TRINTINO CO.. Watered at tha pontofflc at Alliance, fb for tran.mln.lon through the analla Brcond da, matter. Published Xaaadar and Friday. 0EOROE U DURR, JR. Editor JKDWIM M. BURR BuelneM Mgr. OfRclal newepaprr of the City of Alliance; official , newapaper of Box Butte County. Owned and published by The Burr Printing Company, Georfre I Burr. Jr., Preatdent; Edwin M. Burr, Vice Pres ident. In lti ii 11.50 per year In advanea Oatelde ef 1B0 radios, B3.00 per yeas 1 "Vw PERSONALS Miss Bertha Mellclr, superintend cnt of the junior Chautauqua to be feeld In connection with next -week's program, will arrive tomorrow morn ing. i Mrs. Walter Kellogg and grand daughter, Miss Mabel Welton, who hare been visiting at the William Rust, Sr., home for the past several days, left this afternoon for Scot.ts bluff where they will visit Mrs. Kel logga daughter. " Jane 28. It Is the order of the Board that the county treasurer transfer $442.80 from the MIsc Fond to the General Fund. - JAx, and Mrs. A. W. Dennett of - Etuhvllle, who have been visiting for the past week with their son, A B. Bennett, will return to their home Monday. At the party at the Parish house last Tuesday night prayer books were awarded to Misses Louise Cogs veil and Dlores Red fern for a per fect attendance during the past half fWftT. Mrs. C. M. Cox has gone to Casper to make her future home. Carl Anderson was In Hemlngford Tuesday on business. Miss Helen Johnson of Freeport Cfont., Is spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. R. O. Lis ton of this ttr. The many friends of Elliott Beau- Meat and Harold Hurst are glad to Jraow that they are able to be out a while and hope that it won't long until they are out all of the pciaiu on TMirRday morning. Mrs. OIpoii of Ahbv. wm onernfed mi Wednesday and Is doing nicely. Isabella Fleming Is leaving for Ireat Falls. Mont., and other points Big chautauqua program begins 'hogs Monday, July 6th. 62; day. ft -"Milt r.lnple Admis sions to the Chautauqua Is $6.00. See .jkiumi wltn a season on the Alliance market Mon ti the west to spend the Bummer, i ticket at about one-third the Miss Donnle Stewart was taken ill Tuesday end was sent to the pest bouse with dlptheria. E. J. Quenlon of Kansas City, Mo., was in AUIacne Thursday on business. Archy Gregory of Scottsbluff, was n Alliance Wednesday on business. Ed Zucher of Hay. Springs, was in Alliance Tuesday on business. Miss Meta Koester has purchased Dodge car. besides being a booster. cost, 62 UIKT1I3 Saturday, June 26, Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. E. Munger, a son. Wednesday, June 30 Mr. and Mrs! II. Jones, (colored), St. Joseph hospital, a son. . Mrs. H. E. Callls and baby and tin. W. D. Montgomery of Hoffland, rere in Alliance Thursday shopping; The little child or C. A. Adams had a slight operation Thursday tnornlng and Is doing nicely. Dick and Jim Strong have gone to their homestead near Lusk, Wyo. Mrs. Ats and Miss Lela Cutts will leave Saturday for Edgemont. Sun day they will join a party and go to .Mot Springs, S. D., for a picnic. Miss Sylvia De Moss will leave Sunday to spend two days In Hot Springs, S. D. H. R. Beal and R. E. Plum wtll leave Friday night to attend the inks convention in Chicago. , Wm, Law of Montpelier. spent Wednesday with friends In Alliance. Mrs. Simon Goeman of Gurly, was RAILROAD N0TE3 Hostler Wilier and wife are spend ing a few days In Crawford. Machinist Qulnn has resigned and gone to Billings. Fuel Inspector Blgnell of Lincoln, was In Alliance Wednesday on busi ness connected with the company. Machinist J. F. Curren and Wife expect to spend the 4th with friends in Sidney. Fireman C. C. Coursey expects to take a trip to Chicago soon. Boiler Maker Apprentice Joe Boy den went to Scottsbluff Wednesday for a few days visit. Machinist Men Mullane and helper went to Belmont Wednesday to do some special work at that place. Harry Moorish and family will leave shortly for a visit with rela tives at Spearflsh, S. D. . W. F. Clancy, machinist, expects to spend the Fourth at Sidney. H. E. Gillette, chief mechanical draftsman of Lincoln, has been In the city for the past two or three days. Wade Grassman, son of the ma chlneshop foreman, Is expecting to leave In. the near future for, an ex tended trip to Seattle and other western points. Mrs. R. E. Drlscoll left Wednes day morning for Gillette where she will attend to some affairs pertain ing to the ranch. Vlrgtl and Robert Abar and plan nlng to spend1 the Fourth In Seneca, - Machinist M. - F. Gebbart ' and children have gone to Scottsbluff for a few days visit.' ' Boiler Maker Helper Joe Cuslck resigned Thursday of this week. He expects to go to Newcastle where he has another position, i 1 Machinist Apprentice WtWu Breckn-r will spend the Fourth at Lingle, Wyo. . . Chief Clerk Roy Murphy of the 1 master mechanic's office is back at .work after a two weeks visit to Orange, Calif. ' Blacksmith Jake Relseg has re signed and has gone to Denver to work with the D. & R. G. railroad. Mrs. Lena Att expects to go to KJgeniont this week where she will spend the Fourth with her son, Ma chinist Robert Att. YALE SIDINCJ Louis Powell linisiicd breaking prairie for Alex Lee last week. The women's club met with Mrs. Earnest Purlngton last Thursday aft ernoon. L. E. Bliss and son, are putting up alfalfa hay on the Powell farm. O. P. Reams of Lincoln, Neb., v.-a i here looking after his land In terest last week. Mrs. Hoy Sirley was shopping in Alliance Tuesday. Air. and Mrs. Arthur Groves gave a reception Saturday night In honor of their aon, Phillip, who recently! married. A large gathering attend ed and all had a good time. Tire backbone of the Chautauqua locally consists of pure' asers of sea- o. i.. re ou spineless? 62 Buret, Toull hear the band and you u bee iiie play. Put a few pen nies with It and buy a season ticket. 62 Frank Russell Is building a double corncrlb and granary on his farm. L. E. Bliss and wife attended the rac' in Alliance last week. Wm. Newman had one load of Bakers' medicine man from Waley county, was In this vicinity Monday selling medicine. The Farmers' Union picnic at the Furington grovo Tuesday was at tended by a large crowd. Everybody enjoyed the day. Mr. Osburn of Sidney was the main speaker. His. J. J. Scheflcek and children from near Mat-pie, were visiting at Mrs. Wm. Newman's Tuesday. Ernest IossI helped " hla brother Simon's plant potatoes last week. Crop Report. Grain looking fine; winter wheat and rye mostly headed out; early sown spring wheat Is BtartIngJo head out: corn Is backward; pasture fine; most potatoes are planted;, early planted potatoes are looking, fine; the first crop of alfalfa hay was fine and Is no mostly In stack- The Herald 2.50 a year. Take French Ivory When You Travel Whether you go by train or auto stay at the home of a friend, in a hotel, or camp French Ivory is the ideal ! material for Toiletware and Manicure pieces. Luxurious to sight and,, touch and easily kept thor oughly sanitary, it has the v beauty, quality and cleanli-, ; aess which pride and good i breeding demand. , ' Thiele shows all leveral handsome Better Floor Means B etter Bakiog Don't hope to do your best baking with ordinary flour. In order to produce that desir able lightness to bread and pastry you must put the highest quality of flour obtainable into your baking. . pieces in ji patterns,1 1 Hand Mirrors $5.00 to $20.00 Hair Brushes $3.50 to $15.00 Combs , , ; .TOo to $100 klanicure Pieces 50c to $2.50 r oronswic klnonoStaphs WatcKlnspectorOiciQ Curtis "Best" Flour ( will insure the best possible results. It contains only the properly tested wheat, of most suit able age. Let us send you a trial sack. We are confident you will b pleased, because so many other housewives have been . Special Saturday and next week Curtis Best Flour, 481b. sack $3.65 at the store. Deliveries Made Anywhere in Town ' Insurance Against Cold . It seems A far cry from the present hot wejather to thoughts of your WINTER COAL SUPPLY, "bitt RIGHT NOW is the time to fill your bins. v A- " Coal Will Not ;. c ; . r. fc- . Cheaper Do not let winter catch you with empty bins. See ua immediately and arrange for your needs. We are fortunate in having a generous quantity of the following brands on hand: KIEBY COAL i Nut or Lump OWL CREEK Nut or Lump MOPPAT Nut or Lump Melick & Stephenson WHOLESALE HAY, PEED AND GRAIN I ' Ja - s v f evi -v.. m r -a a. nw - f -t- hi - - V-. -vrtTar- aasCSi i BSi3& With Fowler's DEPENDABLE Lumber Hare you considered the great difference a home-builder can make in the appearance of bis house by using carefully-selected lumber? With de pendable lumber joints fit, surfaces are smooth without extra hand work. The result is Complete Satisfaction. Let ns help you make "the home" right en to the smallest consideration. Fowler Lumber Company 7L0YD LUCAS, fianagtr