The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 02, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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Since July 1 we have completed moving to our new location at 124 East Third Street, where we have
ampleroom to handle any or all of your business you wish to give us.
Dealers in Hides, Furs, Wool, Rags, Rubber and Metals of all Kinds. v
Random Shots
Wu It Dr. Anderson or Dr. Jones?
Here's something from one of
those pep artists: "A laiy man Isn't
any worse than a dead man, but be
takes up more room."
Some day Jesse Holmes, official
fool-klller, will get that man.
Can you lmaslue anything worse
than having no time to fish when it's
fishing timer
A tall, gangling lad came up to
one of the railroad men. He stood
round for fire or ten minutes, first
on one ofot and then the other, look
lng as though he hped somebody
would notice him. Finally he was
perceived. "Mister," he asked, "is it
against the law to shoot firecrackers
In this townt"
We have discovered the city's prize
boob. In fact, Romeo hasn't any'
thing at all on him. All uncon
scious he was, right in the doorway
of his employer's place of business,
spraying perfume on his necktie,
topping to sniff at It occasionally
to see it the odor was sufficient.
From now on, we refuse to criti
cise the fair sex.
Some heathen miscreant (probably
the preacher is thinking worse things
than that about him) desecrated the
downtown bulletin board of the
Methodists during race meet by
opening it up and inserting one of
those Schembeck dance bills. -
Judging by appearances, that po
tato boose must be powerful stuff.
Comparatively inexpensive, too.
They say the stuff made from th
2Sarly Ohloa has the strongest wal
lop, but the Red River booze has the
best color.
Take our advice and stick to dan
delion wine unless you want to take
the count.
The city's street sprinkler was in
operation exactly one-half hour dur
ing the dustiest week of the year.
We feel the same way about it.
Oakland. Cal.. man paid $26 tele
phone charges to propose to a girl
in Hannibal, Mo. He was accepted.
Wonder if they can hold a man to
that kind of a proposal?
Jake Relslg left Thursday for a
business trip to Denver.
E. J. O'Malley, who has been visit
ing Chas. V. Kennedy and family,
left Thursday for his home at Chi
Mrs. H. V. Love, who has been vis
iting relatives returned to her home
at Antioch Thursday.
R. L. Johnstone, og the Paxton
Oallagher Co., left Thursday for
Omaha on business.
F. M. Knight left Thursday on a
business trip to Antioch.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Love, who were
In Alliance on business, returned to
their home at Iloffland, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dlzney of Cen
tral City, stopped over in Alliance on
their way to make their home at
Beryl E. Coo of Newcastle, stop
ped over in Alliance Thursday on
his way to Lakeside.
Mrs. S. Manning of Hyannls, who
was in Alliance for medical advice,
, left Thursday for her home. '
Miss Myra Wilson, who was visit
ing frlenda here left Thursday for
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Kauffman of
iiouliier, Col., stopped over In Al
liance Thurs.iuy iu u iv Oi
vtlt with friends at Seneca.
W. R. Harper and Ben Silos are
pflvli 'mie'it for the Elks conven
tion at Chicago.
ion toss
Jfaf and Grey
laser Tubes are extra heavy, fall
sftc at to sectional diameter and
length and made of the highest
grade rubber, scientifically coo
pounded to give' excess strength
assd long life as fit running mates
the record mileage deliveries of
The Lunlnmttd construction of
ftrftctUm Tmh insure ual
sormiry of thickness and freedom
sxott porous spots. The splice.
Bid cured, is a specially perfected
nei the valve bate b heavily
reinforced. .
Afl (mcMs) sW tsstviSftAy1 ttsMvd fcsfnw
f trfectiea Tire k Rsbber Ce.
Fort Madison, Iowa
413 Pearl St, Slous City, la.
E. W. Bell left Thursday for Whit
man on company business.
' W. O. Nieman left Thursday for
J. V. Hill left Thursday for Ashby
to work. '
U. Johnston left Thursday for a
visit with friends at Ashby.
W. L. Cooper, who was In the city
on business, left for bis home at
Bingham Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Olson left
Thursday for Hyannls. Mrs, Olson
had her tonsils removed at the hos
pital, but Is now improving.
Sergeant Frye, who left last Sat
urday for Omaha, Is returning Sun
day with his bride, and will take up
his duties again. Sergeant Thorn
burg will leave Monday.
Mrs. E. P. Woods left Thursday
for a visit to her daughter at
Antioch. '
George Avery of Hlghbee, Mo.;
Melvon E. Wendling of Pittsburg,
Penn., and Charles Thompson of
Pittsburg, have joined the motor
transport and left Thursday for San
Francisco to take up their duties.
Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Workman
stopped over in Alliance Thursday
on their way to Sterling, Co., from
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bunner of
Cornwallis, Va., stopped over in Al
liance Thursday on their way to
Thermopolis, Wyo., to work in the
oil fields.
Mrs. Jennie Hayman was in Al
liance Thursday on her way from
Grand Island to Douglas, Wyo.
Mrs. J. L. Johnston of Lincoln, en
route to Bridgeport, stopped over
here for a couple of days.
Mary and Minnie Ryan, Maud
Twllger and Mrs. Rose McDonald
have been among thosoe to go up in
the aeroplane. The girls have made
two trips and expect to make a
Mrs. W. S. eVlls, who was in Al
ilance on a shopping trip, returned to
her home at Ravenna Tuesday.
D. C. Rich returned to Omaha
Tuesday from a business trip here,
Mrs. Carolina Nelso nand daugh
ter, Willie, left Tuesday for a visit
to relatives st Juanita, Mont.
W. W. Merks, who is connected
with the Newberry Hardware com
pany, left Tuesday' for Omaha.
Oscar P. Madison of Veil, S. D.
has joined the second calvary and
left Tuesday for Fort Riley, Kas.
Gllmore H. Snyder of Spencer
Wyo., has joined the second calvary
ind left Saturday for Fort Riley,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Long, who have
been visiting points in the west
stopped over in Alliance Tuesday on
heir way to Kansas City. Mo.
Mrs. Li da Anderson, who has been
(siting Mrs. Earl Crow, left Tues-
iay for Raymer, Col., to make he
. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. ' Meeker left
Tuesday for Sidney to spend the
week. I
Mrs. Ashbrook is here to see her
husband, who was operated on at St.
Joseph's hospital. Mr. Ashbrook is
getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Pelton of
Mitchell, were in Alliance Monday on
O. F. Hamilton was in Alliance
Monday on company business.
George Seeley of Denver, is in Al
'lance on business.
J. R. Phelan of Denver, was in A!
lance Tuesday on business.
C. C. Coleman and wife were in
lllance Sunday visiting friends.
B. E. Ballard is going to Hemlngs
ford for the Fourth of July.
Paul Van Graven spent Thursday
In Crawford on buslnses.
Mrs. H. L. Mlllor, who has been
in Kansas City, Mo., stopped over
Thrusday on her way to her home at
Glendo, Wyo.
On account of the more or less stringent financial conditions we now have the opportun
ity to offer some exceptional bargains in improved and unimproved Box Butte county
farms, as well as in some choice western Nebraska stock ranches. It will pay you to write
or call on us for detailed information regarding some of the bargains which we have at this
time. Easy terms can be secured for you. If you have western property for sale and want
it handled quickly, list it with us. We look after properties for non-residents.
Phone 20 EsidUh Block Alliance, Neb.
Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirlwind of utility. Fits
into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere, and all the
time. For town and country, it is all that its name implies a Run
about. Low in cost of operation ; low m cost of maintenance,
with all the sturdy strength, dependability and reliability
for which Ford cars are noted. We'd be pleased to have
your order for one or more. We have about everything in
motor car accessories, and always have a full line of
genuine Ford Parts. We'd like to have you for our customer.
Remember if you want your Ford to give continuous
service you must keep it in good condition. We.
L will do it for you.
Coursey & Millerff
Kifol J. 111 m-.l,
Pay ' Envelope
Does it mean the possibility of spending so much money or does it mean the
opportunity of saving that much?
Your happiness, your future, your very life itself is tied up in that littlo
envelope. If you'll make it a habit to save systematically each week, you'll
be a successful man, being able to grasp your opportunity when the time
comes. If you or your family should get sick the little old bank account is
there to enable you to get the best medical attention and tide you over such
trying times.
The saving plan is a safe plan and the patriotic plan as well. If you have
delayed starting an account wait no longer but come today.
Come to Us for Advice
Giving business advice to our depositors is only one part of the service this
bank endeavors to render to its depositors. "We aim to establish that feeling
of co-operation and mutual help that is certain to bring mutual success. For
your success is our success. v
The benefits of having your account in this bank are numerous. Call and let
any one of our officers tell you of them.
We pay 5 interest on Saving Deposits.
We Pay 5fo on Savings Deposits
The First State Bank
Alliance, Nebraska