The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 29, 1920, Page SIX, Image 6

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Adrico to lh Lovelorn: Do care
ful when jrou propone. See that the
lodge la properly tyled.
We heard o a man laat week who
TM urging some queen to be the
light of hla life and one roomer,
the mother and two neighbors were
listening In.
They say It waa better than the
movies. The voice aaaa so mucn,
don't you thlnkf
First he placed hla arm about her
waist, and after whispering two or
three columns of sweet nothings into
her ear, he urged her to be hls'n.
She demurred. Some more nothings
followed. Still eh Tailed to till.
This kept 'up Tor two hours,, when
court adjourned for the night.
Two of the neighbors think he has
a good chance ultimately to win her.
lie has our blessing.
"Mamma!" " -"Yea.
my child."
"Will you tell me a fairy story?"
' "But It's very late, my son."
' "I know, but papa Isn't home yet."
"Well, wait until he comes home,
dear; he'll tell us both one."
. Restaurants shouldn't serve raisin
bread In fly-time.
Twas the night before pay-day, and
all through me Jean
I hunted In vain tor . the price of
some beans;
Not a quarter was stirring, not even
a Jtt; , r
The kale was off duty, milled edges
had quit.
Forward, turn forward, O Time, in
thy night!
Make It tomorrow just for tonight!
' -Morley.
After the smoke " of Thursday
night's battle had died away, one
backer of the dusky flivver said:
-Tod should have seen him in . the
gym shadow boxing. That's what de
feated him." "
Another fight fan called attention
to the fact that the Texas Bearcat
had four seconds.
And every one of those seconds
brought Along half a dozen lemons.
The' Texan evidently believed In pre
paredness. " r ' "-.. ,:'' , , ''. ;
They should have lugged In a
feather bed.
Judge I)r.tri?k of 'Omaha, F. L.
Rain of Fairbury and, O. 1. Minor
of Omaha, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Qans during the con
vention and races.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Sanford of
Mitchell, who were In Alliance for
.he races, left Friday.'
Mrs. Jra Griffith of Torrington,
Hopped over In Alliance on her way
to Buffalo for a visit with friends.
J. T. Metheny of HeminRford, who
as In Alliance for the races, return
ed to his home Friday.
George FUsgerald, the Bulck
salesman, accompanied by his wife,
Mrs. Craig and son, Harvey, who are
their guests from Iowa, returned to
their home at Bridgeport Friday.
Dave Kelly, El Morrison of The
Daylight Clo. Co., Thornton-Man
ning hardware man and Charles
Gadd, travelling salesman of Bridge
port, were In Alliance for the races.
John Griffiths left Friday for
Akron, Ohio.
George Brcen of Fairbury, return
ed to his home Friday after having
r.tter.ded the races hero.
Miss Ada Hayward and Miss Ger
trude Bolinger, of Fromberg, Mont.,
were In tin city laat werk, guests of
Dr. r.nd Mrs. J. M. Simpson. They
left Friday morning for Hyannla
where they will visit friends and rel
atives. '
"Glii or woman wanted lo work in
tailor 'shop. Arply at once, 164
Cleaners. r '
Sfigtant Thornburg has relieved
Sergeant Fryo uiid . Sergeant Frye
left Saturday for Omaha and from
there he will go to Scottsbluffs for
Sunday with friends.
Esther Kramp, who was formerly
connected with tho Van Graven
S'.udlo left Saturday for Denver to
go Into civil service work In the
public health department.
Walter Heuson of Hoffland, who
was In Alliance on business, return
ed to his home Saturday.
Miss Dorothy Stapleton, who has
been visiting Mrs. S. Lamberson, left
for her home at Antioch Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Lawler, who
were In Alliance for the races, re
turned to Ellsworth Saturday.
bierieiiceU uund iroiier wanted.
Alliunte tem Laundry. 6V-64MS)
James Oliver of Mullen, returned
to his home Saturday after having
been In Alliance for the races.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Reeves and
daughter, who have been visiting
Miss Essie Reeves, returned to their
home at Burlington, la., Saturday.
F. G. Myers of North Platte, whe
was in Alliance for the races, return
ed to his home Saturday. .
1. L. Stansble, who was In (Al
liance for the races, returned to his
home at Ashby Saturday.
Tom Jefferson of Lakeside, who
was in Alliance for the races, return
ed to his home Saturday.
,' D. Cable of Lakeside,' who was In
Alliance for the races, returned home
Saturday, ( - .
J. Rom, who lost his tar Wednes
day night, returned to his. home at
Antioch Saturday. ; y . .
Misses Olga Gerslck and Lola
Huston spent the week end In An
tioch. i ,. '
Miss Mary Herman of Lakeside,
who has been visiting Misses Mar
garet Brennarf1 and Lillian Berzina
returned td her homa at Lakeside
Watch It Grow
Every dollar you add means
another step nearer the goal
toward which we are all striv
ingfinancial independence
; when our days of production
r are over. ;
And we assist you by allowing interest at 5 per cent
on all deposits.
Today is a good time to start your savings account
come in and get your book by making a first deposit
of 1, or more.
N ational IJapk
Miss Fan Telia Shelledy, who has
been visiting Mrs. Clyde Fosdlck re
turned to her home at Bingham Sat
urday. i
meet one more day only, July K.h,
1920. 62 I
Al Ireland, William Hollsteln, Jeff
McWllllams, and Otto Smith of Hay
Springs were in Alliance during th4
race meet.
Mrs. J. P. Larlmore, owner of
Harry R, the horse that won the
derby Friday, left Saturday for
Mitchell to attend the races at that
place next week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Colson, who were
in Alliance on business returned to
their home at Bingham Saturday.
Mrs. J. T. Beck and Mrs. Hazel
Connor and twrns, returned to Lake
side Saturday after being In Alliance
during the races. Mrs. Connor and
children are guests of Mrs. Beck
froni Douglas, Wyo.
If. S. Hahn. who was in Alliance
for the races, returned to his home
at Bridgeport Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Collins of
Scottsbluffs, who were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Schaffer during the races,
returned to their home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kennedy of
Crawford, who was the guest c2 Mr.
and Mrs. Schaffer, returned to their
home Saturday.
FOR RENT 3 rooms for light
housekeeping, modern, 215 Yel
lowstone. Thone 529. 61
modern house. Inquire DR. B. G.
BAUMAN, Opera House Block. 61tf
Should Convince Every ..Alliance
The frank statement of a neigh
bor, telling the merits of a remedy,
Bids you pause and believe.
The same endorsement
By some stranger far away
Commands no belief at all.
Here's an Alliance case. "
An Alliance citizen testifies.
Read and be convinced. ,
T. J. Campbell, R. R. Conductor,
120 Piatt Ave., savs: "Doan'a Kid
ney Pills are a splendid remedy
wun me ana I am very glad to rec
ommend them. I have taken Doan's
off and on for several years when
ever my kidneys have been irregular
I had. backache and my muscles were
lame and bothered me a srood deal
When these attacks came on I took
a few Doan's Kidney Pills and was
all right again. I keep Doan's in the
house all the time. I certainly am
giaa to recommend them whenever I
can." .-.
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Campbell had.1 Foster-Mliburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. V
: v (Advertisement) ' "
June 29 ' '
, TOWN LOTS JULY 15, 1920
In the town of Thornton, Weston
County, Wyoming,' located on the
main line of the C. B. & Q. Railroad,
Township 48-66 in the Northeast
Quarter of Section 11. ; Thirty-five
miles northwest of Newcastle. , the
County Seat, and located In the busi
ness center of the croven Thornton
oil fields, where oil has been produc
ed tor several years. The Thornton
seetlbu is at present in tha spotlight
of the oil Industry activity Along oil
tinea increasing dally. ;.'
. Here Is An Opportunity
We have 500 business and resi
dence lots in the Townr of Thornton
which 'will be sold at. auction sale
for cash, or on time with a payment
of 25 per cent cash with sale, and 10
per cent monthly payments, deed to
oe aeitverea when payments are ful
ly made.
AH 'deferred payments to draw I
per cent Interest payable seml-an-
nuaijy. purchaser to receive- clear
title, including all Oil, Mineral nnd
uaa itignia. . . . - ,
Sale will begin' at one o'clock
M sharp and continue until bidding
Thornton can' be reached bv the
Chicago, Burlington, ft Qulncy and
arrangements will be made for all
passenger trains to stop during this
Here Is An Opportunity Worth While
xou can secure a lot at a nominal
figure in what is conceded the bost
townslte on the Q from Sheridan to
Alliance. It is located in the heart
of one of the best agricultural li
trlcta in the county. Thornton has
postoffice and a splendid school.
For further information address
all communications to NEFSY
NEFSY. Owners. Thornton. Weston
county. Wyoming.
or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP.
It's a sure rodent killer. Try a pkg.
and prove it. Rata killed with RAT-
SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs
won't touch it. Guaranteed.
Be slae (1 cake) enough for Pan
try, kitchen or cellar.
rarm ' and out-buildings, storage
buildings, or factory buildings.
BOo stse (a cake) for chicken
House, coops or small buildings.
It's the Surest and Quickest
Here are two household maxims that will bear close study!
"No housewife can do her best baking with low-grade flour,"
;, and -y ' . -"Any
housewife can do better baking with high-grade flour."
"BEST" Flour
will appeal to any housewife. It is a strictly high-grade flour that will improve, the
quality of the home baking.. It's made from the finest selected wheat, thus insuring
even texture and dependable proportions. We have a very good supply on hand.
You Can .Depend Upon Curtis Flour
Goal SiiooIy
if you take advantage of our complete stock now. Remember the shortage we had this
last winter. How often did you wish that you had heeded the call of the coal dealers'
advertisements t .
You'll not be able to buy it cheaper later. Notices of advances have already been
given. This is your one best chance. We can sell you your choice'of the following
kinds:- ' .
Nut or Lump
t Nut or Lump
Nut or Lump
& Stephehspii
Wholesale and Retail Hay, Grain and Peed
' ;- ' v 1 ... ..... . '
y. urea
; 1 j
ORE tlnm two million '.' A fff mI
Diamond Tires are JMB.jH ji f L
0: in use now, almost one s f ,e ji$ f J y
for every third car In the. ; l & i j
.' !. United States.. . LtsWwfk tiiM V v
The reason that hundreds
of thousands of motorists
are buying Diamond Tires
is because Diamonds are
delivering the service.
Small wonder that motor
ists buy more Diamonds
than any other tire not
sold to car manufacturers
for original equipment.
The Epic
f 1.00 else (0 ca&ts) enough for all
Bold and gusjantr-1 fcy r. ZLHol
tea. V 1 - " - -