THE ALLIANCE UKTlALf), TltHsDVY, .TUNE 2f, 1020 r I. o 12 r V ) PERSONALS Mrs. John Rowley, who has been -visiting her Bon, returned to her Jhome at Aurora Saturday. Miss Louquessa Nye left Saturday 'for a visit with friends at Moberly, IMo. Mrs. Raymond Phelps, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ernest Hadenbaugh,' returned to her home t Hastings Saturday. Mrs. Raden baugh accompanied her sister on the return trip. , Girl or woman wanted to work In tailor shop. Apply at once, 164 Cleaners. Mr. and Mrs. Berry, who have jbeen visiting children here, left Sat urday for Anselmo and from there to Denver. They were accompanied by the children on their return. Leo Treanor, who has been here Jn connection with the Grlffiths liostan boxing bout, held Thursday evening, left Saturday for Greybull, Wye, where he win promote another boxing show. Mitchell Larell left Saturday for Omaha after attending the races. Miss Inei Duncan left Saturday for visit to her grandmother at Broken Bow. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Diamond of St. Paul, Minn., who have been the guests, of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Ilaga man, left Saturday for their home. S. L. O'Brien of Antioch, was in Alliance Saturday on business be tween traius. Dr. F. J. Teterson and wife re turned to Alliance Friday from their honeymoon. , Miss Lonle Carson of North Flatte who has been visiting Mrs. Detsmore, returned home Saturday.- Mrs. Deta more and daughter accompanied Miss Carson on her return home. Mrs. Chas. Mumkres of Chadron, who has been visiting friends here, returned to her home Saturday. Mrs. May Gier, who has been em ployed by the Keep-U-Neat, was call d to Chadron on urgent business Saturday. Mrs. J. J. McCall, who has been visiting Mrs. Draper, left Saturday for Guernsey. , I. E. 'Muzzey, who was one of the many guests in Alliance during the races, left Saturday for his home at Angora. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Welton, who were In Alliance for the races, left Saturday for their home In Guern sey. Mrs. M. Swenson and Miss Ellen Fuller,-who were In Alliance for the races, returned to their homes In Crawford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morrill of Bridgeport, were in Alliance Satur day on business between trains. Mrs. D. C Wilson of Sutherland, topped over tn Alliance Saturday -en route from Hot Springs, S. D., to Sutherland.; ' ' r' Mrs. Gregis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Townley and Mrs. ' Wade Currey, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Townley and Mrs. Frank Har vey, lert Saturday for their homes at Marsland. v Mrs. Margaret Cunningham, - who lias been visiting her brother at Antioch, stopped over in Alliance Saturday on her way to her home at Van Tassel, Wyo. Wm. Cunningham of Antioch, was tn Alliance Saturday on business. Mrs. C. B. Yanders, who has been ' visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schwafiger, returned to her home at Crawford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Orr left Satur . day for a trip to Hot Springs and Silver . Lake on their vacation. Mrs. J. B. Kelly of Angora, who was in Alliance for the races, left Saturday for her home. Mrs. A, T. Feeney left Saturday for a business trip to Billings. J.' N. Piier of Grand Island. "who ' was . In Alliance on business, left Saturday rr' r ,. v. Mrs. J., Ferguson and sister, Mrs. S. Elliott,, who ..have been attending the races, left Saturday for their homes at Antioch. . Mrs. Ray Brown and children, who have been visiting Mrs. Arthur Don ovan for the past week, left Satur . day for their home at Hemingford. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION will meet one more day only, July 0th, 1920. 62 1 J. Ronln, who is official starter for the race circuit, left Sunday for Mitchell, where there will be a fair next week. Miss Irene Brelsford. who has been visiting Mrs. Mary Wilson, left Saturday for her home at Crawford. ' - Miss Alice Boon, who has been visiting N. J. Peterson and family, returned to her home at Bonner, Neb:, Saturday. . - A. Gregory left Saturday for a business trip to Scottsbluff. - Miss Mabel Gibson, who was here on business, left Saturday for her home at Hemingford. Miss Mary Blair, who' has been vis iting her sister, Mrs. O. Mlntzer, left Saturday for her home at Douglas, Wyo. - H. C. Golden of Broadwater, Neb., auctioneer, who was in Alliance for the races, left Saturday for his home. Miss Ella Hollinracke, who has been visiting here, returned to her home at Hemingford Saturday. Mrs. Helen Noggle, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. D. Mc- Cormick, for the paBt two weeks, left for her home at Denver Saturday. Misses Elisabeth Wilson and Helen West left Saturday for a visit -with relatives at Bayard, Neb. A Wiksr. t Alttaae. ONE MINUTE STORE TALK "You're always differ ent, always smashing precedent, always setting a scorching pace. I've watched your perform ance for years and the way you're making value records day in and day out, year aftor year Is a revelation to every man who watches you. and compares contempoorary effort," remarked a prominent Alliance busi ness man buying two suits in STORE CLOSES ' - BL " OTHER DAYS i i ! C t - ? ff ' .y.VnWfflk ' ..... :munmh . , wmL.wjmm - i Harper's Greatest GlotMing Sale attd t Never in all our value-giving experience (and HARPER'S is privileged' to peak of " value-giving exper- ience) have we been enabled to offer the men and youn g men of this community such truly amazing values, i such superbly styled clothes, such a diversified range of styles and models at such money-saving prices. Before the War Values at the Very Peak of the Era of High Prices! The Response to litis Sale Will he Tremendous No Wonder 3? - i ' Regularly Retailed at $50 and $55 . In these suits for men and young men you'll find the most distinctively styled and newest models developed by expert design era and needle workers; selected pattern lngs, colorings and elegant fabrics. BESIDES WE HAVE ADDED SEVERAL HUNDRED EDERHEIMER-STEIN AND BRANDEQEE-KINOAID SUITS FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK ALL FABRICS ALL PATTERNS ALL COLORS ALL STYLES IN ALL POPULAR MODELS FOR MEN AND YOUN Q MEN. ' ; ' ; ' . ' ' - -. , : . : ' - " . . 5 ' , . r i . s . s SAVE ON PRESENT NEEDS AND BUY FOR THE FUTURE, BECAUSE THIS SALE DOES NOT INDICATE LOWER COSTS OF . PRODUCTION, BUT A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS FOR MANUFACTURERS THAT FORCED A RADICAL REDUCTION. ;. s All Suits in This Sale Assembled in the Main Clothing Salesroom North Section ' SEE OUR WONDERFUL WINDOW DISPLAYS OF THESE GREAT VALUES Our 'Most Wonderful Purchase "of Distinguished. Styles . of oese 'of .;, NO APPROVALS NO 0. O. D.'S DIG STORE Style HARPER'S. SteiLBloIi 45 0 Regularly Retailed at $60, $65, $70 The Brandegee-Klncaid and Stein-Bloch Co. could not have sold these suits to us -their largest .. western distributors if woolens, many imported, had arrived in time for seasonable manufacture. NO REFUNDS A SMALL CHARGE FOR V WEDNESDAY The Masterpieces of America's Finest Hand Tailoring Offered in Suits r 1 Regularly Retailed at $75, $80, $85 We accepted vast quantities of these suits at tremendous . price concessions fortunately this store was big enough to handle such a proposition and we now of fer you the benefit of the great savings. ALTERATIONS DONT MIS3 INSPECTION TODAY OT OUR NORTH WINDOW DISPLAY ' neauaaaU fr taa ralSM-flaaaara I . aramlto Co. tm htm tar V; '-TV '