TIIK ALTJANCK 1IKHALD, TITKSDAY, .11 INK 20, 1930 A CHANGE OF LOCATION : On or about July 1 we will be moved to our new location at 124 East Third Street, where we will have ample room to handle any or all of your business you wish to give us. 4 ALLIANCE HIDE FUR COMPANY Dealers in Hides, Furs, Wool, Rags, Rubber and Metals of all Kinds. J. S & Ufa SHiimxtt Utrath BURR PRINTING CO.. Owwri Entered at the potofl)o at Allianca, Slab,, for tranamlaaion through tha rU m second claaa matter. Published fctoeadar and Friday. CKORQB U BURR. JR. ..Editor EDWIN U. BURR. Business Mgr. s Official newspaper of the City of Alliance; official newspaper , of Box butts County. , Owned and published by The Burr Printing Company, Qeorg-e K Burr, Jr., President; Edwin M. Burr, Vice Pres ident. flakaerlptlaa, St.80 per ye (Hitalda el 1M radios, S3.00 per yeas , Scottsbluff merchant have offered A prize for the best song and the best yell submitted for use on their boost' er excursions. The Idea Is a fine one, but the prises offered are so small that no union poetic muse will con descend to work for that kind of a ; reward. .' With the retirement of Lee. Rich mond as editor of the Mlnden Cour . ier, there disappears the last editor who regularly printed the news bul letlns from the state university In their entirety. How -will Kearney county manage to struggle along without them? . An Ord church held a special "au tomobile day" last Sunday and It was demonstrated conclusively that the reason church attendance la lessened is not particularly due to the motor car. It appears that the automobile i Just as willing to travel toward gSiareh as It Is to travel In any other attraction, provided the owner or atrlver la willing. Borne of these days, t aatead of condemning the movies, . automobiles and the fishing ends, someone will begin aa inquiry ta determine what's wrong with Che service or the preaching, and rfen an Investigation, along these 9ea ta taken , with the lnteatle make seeded changes, something csay be accomplished. 'What's that verse that tells critics to "first east the beam from thine own eye" ? It's remarkable how easy the Job t editing a newspaper could be gaade. If the editor were Inclined to accept aid from all the publicity snoochers who send la suggestions sul nicely typewritten, even If some mi them are "single spaced to save tlte paper.'' TLs receipt! since the republican national convention have Averaged at least a. waste-basketful day, and after the democratic con clave, well have to buy another. AXGOKA ' 1 B. M. Kelly and George Venel! went to Alliance Thursday night. Among those who were In Alliance last week were' the W. R. McCrosky family, the C. A. GUI family and L. D. Carnlne and wife. Mrs. Elmer Morehead and three children, Dorothy, Edna and Roy left Thursday for Grand Island for an ex tended visit with relatives. Leo Lewellen, wife and baby were Bridgeport visitors Thursday of last week. . Albert and Harry Barber each suf fered severe injuries Saturday morn ing when they fell from the top of the stock yard fence. The little boys had been running and playing on the fence and each made a misstep and fell. Albert has a badly sprained wrist as a result and Harry was In ured about the stomach. -Monday night of last week Mrs. B. M. Kelly and Mrs. W. R. Mc Crosky entertained In honor of Mrs. Marjorle Fletcher and Misses Helen and Florence McCrosky , at the Kelly home. There , were fifteen young people present. Games were played and a general good time Is re ported. Dainty refreshments were served at a late nour. The placet cards were hand-made and the lnltl alB of each boy and girl used to form the names such as Weary Goose, Funny Mary and others Just as Inter esting, Mrs. H. J. Ellis of Alliance, was a guest last week of Mrs. Vlnnle John son. Mrs. Floyd Friend will be hostess to the Community club Wednesday the gSrd. T. C. MeCamey and Mr. Brown of Bridgeport, were In Angora Satur day on business. II. A. Glan went to Scottsbluff Tuesday of last week and to Bridge port Saturday on business trip. Miss Franels Wlsek la at Bridge port today (Friday) taking teachers examinations. Mrs. George Vlnell visited friends at BcotUblun Wednesday and Thurs day. , . Dave AtweiL P. B. McCauley and family, George VeneU. .and,, family motored to Bridgeport Sunday. ; A. B Marsh, Stanley Gustak and Lee Lewellen were elected on toe school board In the Daxon district. Luclle and 'Buster Venell.were guests at the Tom King home Mon day..- The school board, P. B. McCauley, W. R. McCrosky and R. K. MaybeU made a business trip to Bridgeport Tuesday. - Mrs. Lee Lewellen gave a sand wlch party to a few friends at her home six miles east of town Satur lay night of last week. Sirs. Brt Carnirio olHLost Springs." Wyo.. visited her daughter Mrs. Lyle Glan two weeks ago. The Car- nines expect to sell their farm lif Wyoming and move to Denver this winter. Five of Omer Klngerys' children have been 111 for several weeks with whooping cough. Mrs. O. T. Temple is working ex tra again In third trick at the depot. Miss Leota Henderson Is on first trick at Bayard. John 'Sherlock went to Wyomtng the first of the week to visit the oil fields. Mrs. Joseph Worrell of Bridgeport, visited home folks Sunday. .''- I Miss Gladys Fletcher of Bancroft, N'eb., Is here visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Kelly. She expects to leave for her home the last part of this week accompanied by Miss Marjorle Fletcher, who will spend the sum mer In Bancroft. Miss Gladys will go to Minnesota for the summer. Bridgeport business visitors Tues day of last week were James Boodry and wife, R. K. Maybell, wife and daughter, W. N. Thompson, William Daxon, George Venell, P. B. Mc Canley and John Sherlock. . . Those who went to Bayard Sun day to see the baseball game between Potter and Bayard were CM. Dave and family, J. W. Perkins and fam ily, Harry Fetters and family, R. K. Maybell and family, B. M. Kelly and wife, B. E. Maybell and wife, L. p. Carnlne and wife, Miss -Marjorle Fletcher, Miss Gladys Fletcher, Miss Francis Glau, Miss Eunice Boodry, Pearl Lawrence, Frank Glau, Omer KIngery and A. D. Hull. Another enjoyable social . event took place Thursday of last week when Mrs. Cash M. Dove entertain ed the members of the TrI C club. Many Interesting subjects were dis cussed such as vacations, entertain ments and outings. Mrs. Dove served a dainty two course lunch at five o'clock consisting of two kinds of sandwiches, pickles, tomatoes and ueumber salad, coffee, ice cream and two kinds of cake. Those pres ent were Meadamee MoCauley, Per kins, Kelly, Thompson, Venell, Me- Crarky, Lewellen, Jefferson, May WIi; Dove, end Miss Gladys Fletcher, F. .Bancroft aa guest of honor. PlCinO ON JULY 8 AT WARD MILES' RANCH LEN MILliM Undertaking PARLORS 128 West Third Street Telephone Day 311 Night 522 Red 529 It Pays to Advertise in The -Herald About the best place for Alliance clttaens to spend the Fourth of July will be at the Ward Miles' ranch, six miles east of Angora, where there will be a regular celebration Satur day, July 3, minus nothing but a few of the unimportant frills. There will be material at hand for ninety-seven varieties of a good time, as well as a place to have it. Those who own Or can borrow automobiles, should take a good hint ",.. : i Mr. Miles has Just completed a new house, and a new barn, 40x5$, and this picnic is In the nature of a house-warming. He has Invited all his neighbors and friends, as well as the public In generalto attend. .A slx-plece orchestra from Alliance will furnish music for dancing, and the new barn gives plenty of floor space. The place Is lighted by electricity, and there Is an abundance of rood water. It's an ideal place for a pic nic. Bring basket dinners If you wish, or if you don't want to go to the trouble, refreshments of various kinds will be on sale at the ranch, this, the sole concession having been turued over to parties who will take proper caje of the guests. S 1 In addition to the dancing and picnic, there will be a sports pro gram, including a baseball game or two and a rough riding exhibition. It will be an old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration, and will be worth Coming a good many miles to attend. Alliance Houses and Lots 7e an offering for qulcic tale a number of Alliaaoe residences at bargain prioes and on easy tanas, If you are a renter We would octxt that yon inTestigate at once. We have bargains In cheap but desirable lots ta caojoe- residence districts. Aliunde lots are a mighty good inTestmeot today. XXdases for rent 7e look after properties for non-recktents. The Thomas Company UoydC. Thomaa Harold S. Thomas c Unusual Tirec TIRES that are different in their distinctive fjood looks and in their construction. An extra ply of fabric, cn extra heavy tread and generous oversize make a tiro of remarkable endurance. Next time BUY FISK from your dealer ,111111 See What count Can Do For You This is just one of the world of possibility open to depositors in this bank. Any one can do wonders with even a small account A trip to the seashore, a trip to the mountains, an electric sweeper for the wife, new furniture for the house an investment that will pay yon money, any of the number of things yon wish to buy but fed the expose is too great. The secret is this: Save now, a small amount at a time, while you hare mo special urge to spend the money. Then later, when yon really want or need some thing, you will be in a position to hare it Sickness or unexpected finnancial diO eulties will have no terrors for you. You Can Do It If You Start Just Don't Stop v We will be glad to explain to you at any time how the plan works out what in terest you receire, in fact all about it T i ! . S r I- an.Tirco, wi i I i