TOR ALLIANCE TtKHALP. TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1920 4- A CHANGE OF LOG AT C X On or about July 1 we will be moved to our new location at 124 East Third Strj 'It, where we will have ample room to handle any or all of your business you wish to g .)e us. ALIANCE HIDE & FUR COM' Dealers in Hides, Furs, Wool, Rags, Rubber and Metals of all Kim v T1,,- y mm . mm Comment - -and Djscomment ' Our estimate of the Cubans, It swems, has been all wrong. Again It bas been Impressed upon us that we should not Judge hastily and rashly, . And above all that appearances are . deceitful. A couple of weeks ago we Attended a movie show perhaps we Should say "the" movie show and -while there one of those news reels 'ras put on. Ordinarily they are iairly dull and uninteresting, but not ,ao this time. For upon the silver ereen, before our very eyes, was flashed the picture of several Amer ' lean gentlemen, seated at little . tables under the shade of huge - palm trees those trees . with the 1-funny leaves and drinking drinks ., ut of little glasses that had crack ( ,sd Ice In them. We didn't hear the see clink, but we could have sworn ' n was there. V . The men who were seated at these ' -tables looked happy we can't say ; -why. Several of them were smiling, nd one fleshy youth laughed right ' nt loud. Immediately after he had ' 4ralned one of those glasses. We . : watched carefully and he made but one swallow of U Then he smacked i Ala lips. Nowvwe are reasonably .young, and kuowi little of the ways !f the world, but we have ln'our day 'frequented soda fountains, and we .can honestly say that we never saw . A man smack his lips over a coca-cola k 1 . or a lemon pnospnaie. we were therefore forced to conclude that these men were drinking other kinds of liquor possibly intoxicating liquors and worse than that, drink ing them .as a beverage. Now we learn that the Cubans are not neally now addicted to strong drink. They have It on sale, of course, ror tne oenem oi oui-oi-iown customers and tourists, but the Cubans are past masters at the art of mixing summer drinks the non-alcoholic sort. , They are soft drink fiends. The only reason that they stand for the Inebriating stuff is because It pays. And the most decent of them are beginning to get sick of the sort of Americans they have to put up with. Some sad day, the story goes, they'll adopt a pro hibition law of their own, In .order to have a little peace. Then the near est drink will be twelve dayVaway, and the bootleggers will prosper and flourish and lucrease their bank ac counts. . But this sort of a tale makes us worry: John c. Havemeyer or Hew York or was it YonkersT has re signed from the chamber of com merce of his burg because his fel low-members persist In smoking. Actually, they smoke right during the meetings, and his feeble coughs don't have the least deterring effect. Those men would rather see him choke than lay down their weeds. So John resigned and probably the Yonkers chamber of commerce will go smash on account of It. Me warn ed them in advance, and they didn't pay any attention to him, so he sent in his resignation (by mall) and pro ceeded to tell the newspapers all about it. There are signs that the crusade against the liquor is not the last. By this, do not for one minute under stand that we are referring to the efforts of Lucy Gaston Page, who Is going to kill the Demon Tobacco If God spares her and the campaign contributions continue. The fact Is that good old chattering Lucy is making tobacco converts every day. What the users of tobacco have 10 fear is traitors from their own ranks and the profiteering tobacco trust These high prices for cigars have done' more to stop smoking than Lucy Page Gaston ever did or ever will do, and don't you forget It. ' MAKE ' - - v.' , -.. ' .' '.. oiottoeots EARLY In view, of the great number of visitors who will bo in Alliance and will undoubtedly take advantage of our facil ities for "expert Manicuring, Facial Treatments, as well as Shampoos, thereby keeping us very busy during the entire week of June 21-26, we urge local patrons to arrange their appointments as soon as they possibly can. , ' AVe ask this in order that wc may take care of our regu lar patrons as well as the visitors coaling to our city. If those, who are regularly using the Beauty Parlor now will help us to this extent wc will deem it,an especial favor to us,.t& well as a courtesy to our out-of-town customers. For the benefit of Race Meet and Elks' Convention vis .itors; who will welcome the opportunity to spend a few hourr in beauty culture at our parlor, we should explain that we carry a complete line of MARINELLO v Powders and Creams '.'' .: i Our up-to-the-minute .Beauty Parlor will be pleased to aid you with anything in the line of Shampoos, Manicuring for, both ladies and gentlemen, Facial Treatment, Etc. - w . . NEOS HENNA RESTORES NATURE'S COLOR McVicker's Beauty Parlor 216 Box Butte Avenue hi'- "I attended the meeting," John's message to tne newspapers reaa, 'and was mortified to find nearly every one of the seventeen persons present was smoking a cigar and the chamber of commerce offered a cigar to every member who was not al ready smoking. I have on two occas ions, I think, accepted an invitation to dinner at which everyone smoked freely while conferring on business of the . Yonkers chamber of com merce. This I do not approve of or think proper, and on stating my views. they were not accepted, and In fact, a spirit of antagonism was shown. Certainly the institution has not even been well managed." 'So there. They refuse to be con verted to John's views, and he gets even by telling them they are not managing the chamber of commerce well. You can see the pained expres sion on John's face when he held open the cigar box in front of him. JoJhn didn't know when he was well off. We have attended meetings of the Alliance chamber of commerce where some of the directors were actually so forgetful of the import ance of their position and the strenu ous work ahead of them that they smoked and one or two of them smoked, not cigars, but pipes, we wish that John could have got within range of one of those pipes we think it was Guthrie's but It might have been Rheln's and then he would have returned to Yonkers and blissfully faced a battery of llavanas Our pipe is bad enough, but it seems a weak and pitiful affair alongside of that of the Alliance secretary's. Elinor Glyn Is beginning to get our goat. You will recall that Elinor Is the lady author who conceived that literary masterpiece "Three Weeks," afterward followed by 'Seven Days," and both of them as rotten as they could possibly be, con sldering the morality of that earlier day. Elinor did well, considering the more or less puritanical stand ards of the days when she was doing her best (or worst) writing, and thousands of high school girls shud dered blissfully when they read of that "beautiful, savage Paul", the hero. ' Elinor's fount ran dry after she had achieved those . two immortal volumes, but because of the notority gained, she is still hanging on. Her latest efforts are a series of syndi cated articles, "My Secrets of Love," and once in a while the illustration' is good enough to encourage one to read the article. A recent one is en titled "What Hands Can Tell Us", and it develops that she doesn't refer to palmiBtry at all simply to tho shapes of hands. She tells an 'un known correspondent" about what is revealed by . the pronunced back turned thumb of one of her literary heroines. , It seems this Is a sign of unbridled extravagance, though Just why heaven and Elinor alone know. Elinor says she has Btudled thous ands of hands, and we're too weak to dispute her. " a MMance'Houses and Lots V-r We on easy bargalii are offering for Quick sale a number of Alli&nca residence at banmin rHr- nri terms. If you are a renter We would merest that von invest! rata &t onr. Wa Vulva rn ihMn hut riAffirtnlA lnu n Klinfiu msMmm AiJUm A mighty wwi mmhtm vmbw vuvw a vsuuuvq uwUaVM AiUouCQ XUM ftrff 9k JXl good inrestaeut today. Hotwes tor rent We loefc after properties for non-residents. TMe Thomas Company . ' J ' Lloyd C. Thomas Harold S. Thomas r - THE UN1V ,i.t 'CX- V, The Ford Touring Car is literally 1 Roads problem, because three million' cx millions o America the necessity of g : expense was to be enjoyed. The siit construction, the famous heat-treated and flexibility, the low cost of operatii all have made the Ford car the great the one car that always satisfies and can afford. . We sell them and will be because the demand is heavy all the tit car accessories, carry the genuinoFor4 repair work. COURSES pioneer In the solution cf the Good '. more in operation brought up to tha. roads if quick transportation at bxr 'city of the Ford car, ita stability ia Sdium steel with its mrvtSous strength . ad maintenance, its esse in cper&ticcv jrste fci every ksd in the world. It's . ,29. A fcty beyced qzrrtfca th;t t3 I fzsd to hrrs ycer cciar. ' Don't dilry y We hewe tscct evtxyCzz in rioter jts, sd tzC ttxt ia rrrrtirrlrrl , 66 count What J m A This is just one of the world of possibilities open to depositors in this bank. Any one can do wonders with even a small account A trip to the seashore, a trip to the mountains, an electric sweeper for the wife, new furniture for the house an investment that will pay you money, any of the number of things you wish to buy but feel the expense is too great. The secret ia this : Save now, a small amount at a time, while you have no special urge to spend the money. Then later, when you really Want or need some thing, you will be in a position to have it. Sickness or unexpected finnancial diffi culties will have no terrors for you. You Can Do It If You Start , Just Don't Stop - v . - - We will be glad to explain to you at any time how the plan works outwhat in terest you receive, in fact all about it , The First State Bait Alliance, Nebraska ' It; . mora so REDDISH BLOCK AIXIAHCH, VE33RA&BA